Silver & Gold Fall Plant Swap at Critter's Sat. Sept. 10

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Pippi, I live near where 70 & 270 come together (also near 15/340). When we get closer to the date, I will Dmail everybody directions to my house. That's why it's good to be sure I have your name on the list at the top of this thread, because everybody on the list will be on the Dmail "blast" for directions. :-)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

I knew you had said you would send directions closer to those that were planning on coming. I wanted to make sure I had not overlooked it or if it was on a different forum. No problem. Now everybody needs to get ready for Hurricane Irene. Everybody be safe! I grew up in NC and went through many hurricanes. They can be very scary and dangerous and cause lots of damage.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

hope everyone is safe!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey onewish, back at ya.

Checkout our Hunkering down and keeping in touch thread here

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Praying for everyone's safety!! Sadly no matter how I try to do it, I simply won't be able to see all you sweet folks. My apologies. I will see what I have if anyone's interested and ask my buddy if she's willing to transport. Hugs to all.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, Chantell, you'll be much missed! I'm still going to cross my fingers that you'll suddenly find a way to free up your schedule that day... but if not, we'll just have to plan something else soon so we can get together. :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Always avail for you, Jill (ok except Sept LOL) - you just let us know when - I'm always up for sushi..YUMMEE

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK! I'm already thinking we need another get-together in late October or November so we can place a group order for bulbs... I checked, and nobody was shipping them in time for our Sept. 10 swap date... I didn't plant any bulbs last fall, so I might have to make up for it this year.

I'm finally harvesting a few tomatoes, so hopefully bruschetta will be on the party menu! I'm thinking Joyanna might help me stir up a batch of chocolate krispie treats, too.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sounds great...let me know...hug-a-roos

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Critterologist, this would be my first time planting bulbs and would love to get in on the group purchase!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ssgardener, we'll chat about it at the swap, and I'll post on the MAG forum also to see who is interested, what they'd like, and when a good pickup time might be (I don't want to do a shipping co-op this fall, but we can use it as another excuse to get together!). I'm thinking van Engelen and/or Blooming Bulb -- you can check them out in the Garden Watchdog and take a look at their websites if you'd like.

Sorry, didn't mean to get off track! Going to post on the plant chat thread now...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I posted on the other thread, but I should really have posted this here... Please help with clean-up by taking any leftovers from the goodie you brought home with you. When this group gets together, the food is always memorable & delicious, but try as we might we seldom manage to eat all of anything (except dumplings. and brownies. LOL).

If possible, please bring a "finger food" sort of item... it really does make the "graze all day" plan work better. If you need to put something in the oven or microwave or fridge, please make yourself at home in my kitchen... I don't want to be in charge of remembering what needs to go into the oven when or what will spoil if it sits out on the counter too long! We'll put the food out on the kitchen island, so anything you need should be easy to find, and if you can't find it, just holler at me. :-)

Thank you!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Weeeeeel, the good news is I get to go to NJ for a really cool event, the bad's next weekend! I'm really, really sorry I'll miss seeing y'all...

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hope it is drier for you Bec.. a big mess here.. where are you going?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm glad you at least have a fun reason to miss the party! Have a safe trip.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I an sure I am not the only i=one checking in every day to see if you have posted ant new pictures of Joyanna.
I even checked the "Prayer Request Forum--as you tend to post more pictures there..

SO! GIVE!!!! I know you said you had pictures of her B-Day party...
Would love to see some of them....


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm actually headed to the Jersey shore ^_^ Wildwood - it's a huge 3 day event, with 5 things going on, from bikers to tattoos and animal rescue (which is what I'll be part of)

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

sounds like fun Bec!!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm heading there with a very special dog, a Pit Bull on wheels & his sister, they are both special needs dogs, but live as normal lives as possible - we get to hang out with Shorty Rossi (the Pit Boss on Animal Planet) and a few other celebrities connected to rescue :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, Gita! You're right; it's been some days since I promised to start a new thread with some recent photos of our Sunshine Girl... my apologies; it's been a busy week! I'll take care of it now, then catch some zzzzz's. Thanks for the nudge, and for being part of Joyanna's DG family. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Joyanna's new thread:


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Jill, I think I settled on bringing deviled eggs..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yum! I love deviled eggs -- such a treat!

Jim is lobbying for MMMeatballs, so I'll probably add those to our menu, along with Krab spread & crackers. I found great French baguettes at Sam's the other day (new product for them; the ciabatta bread is also terrific), sliced them up and popped them into the freezer. My tomatoes are finally looking good, so we're good to go on the bruschetta also. Oh, and I'm pretty sure we'll only get through half of the mozzarella sticks & mini egg rolls at tomorrow's party, so those are on the menu also. :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Becky thats way cool!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


AHHH Wildwood! My old stomping grounds in the 50's Went there every summer.
It is the shallowest beach of all....
Stayed at the Atlantic Hotel---wonder if that still exists????

Beaches were so simple back then--NO condos--just old houses and cheap hotels...


I was so young then...See?....Chuckle..chuckle....
Wildwood beach in the back...

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - Gita, I'll take lots of pictures, with everything that's going on that weekend I'll have hundreds of photo ops! From biker babes to Pit Bulls, and some tattoos in between - I know we're staying in a motel right on the boardwalk, one that's apparently been there forever, but newly renovated :-)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita..maybe you and I were there the same summers. I was telling Bec_Mp_Va that I got my first job there when I was 14 yrs.old working at Baker Brothers Five and Dime and Hardware on Pine and Pacific Ave. for 75 cents an hour, could only work 4 hr. a day by law. Had to get a work permit to do that. Mama and I used to spend the summers there helping her sister run a rooming house on Cedar Lane/right off Pacific Ave. I was probably going into 9th. grade then(1955 or 1956?)..

The last time we were at Wildwood, it had changed so much that we swore we'd never go back again. But everything changes as time goes on..sometimes for the good and sometimes not so good. Depends on what you enjoy or are looking for. The ocean water there is so cold, probably doesn't even get to 68 by mid Sept.

What street was that Atlantic Hotel? Did you ever go to the roller skating rink there at end of one the arcades? Another Aunt owned a house down at Wildwood Crest.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have NO idea where the hotel was--and not even sure of the name of it....

Too long ago for my pea brain.....There is/was also an Atlantic Hotel at OC. Maybe I am thinking of that one...

I seldom go anywhere--so my memories of places are rather fragmented...Like, this would have been
almost 60 years ago.....GEEZ!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

well I am going to have to bow out of visiting with you guys.. sorry.. one of these RU's down there.. I hope to make it

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sorry it didn't work out, Allison! We'll cross our fingers and hope to see you at one of our "southern" MAG get-togethers. :-)

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

maybe next one

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Jill, did you post directions yet or did I miss them somewhere? DH is panicking scared he won't know where to go ahead of time. Men!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

We've never lost a swapper yet LOL- I bet Jill will dmail asap.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'd rather just do one blast Wed or Thurs, so I'm sure I've got everybody, but Pippi I'll try to Dmail you tonight so your DH can relax. :-) We've got company through tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be online more again in a day or two.

Getting closer!

Crozet, VA

Becky, please allow me to take this opportunity to thank you for the work you are doing on behalf of the furry creatures you care so much about. Aloing with gardening, being an animal lover ranks very high with me too. We have a goat who is doing very poorly this week. In the past few days he is having problems walking. For those of you who are the praying sorts, please say a prayer for Homer and Jethro. Jethro is the one ailing at the moment. John already has a best friend dieing and if we need to put this creature down who is definitely a very spoiled goat and a very much loved pet, it would make for very sad times around here.

See most of you on Saturday.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Perhaps an edit to one of Jills earlier posts is in order, to wit:
"I've got a new little gravel "patio" area that's in partial shade in the afternoon, and depending on the forecast we might ..." ALL BRING LIFE RAFTS AND FILL THEM WITH PLANTS
lol lol

Oh yeah plus since we are without Chantells soda extravaganza I can also bring good lemonade, or sweet tea besides Yankee tea. Any opinion one or t'other? Leaning to lemonade.

And I think a fruit item of some kind (fruit dessert?) would be a better option than my coleslaw.

This message was edited Sep 8, 2011 11:05 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, yah, real funny Sally! The new gravel pad is not (yet) flooded, so it actually seems to be helping with the standing water issue in that corner -- at least it didn't make the drainage worse!

I have chocolate & caramel dips... could you maybe bring some sliced fruit to go with that? I know I'm going to run out of time to prep fruits or veggies... Fruit with dip would be a "healthy" dessert, right? (Heck, I think the caramel might even be fat free.)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey Sally, we can all sit in the life rafts with our plants and Gita's naked chips and dip and did I hear somebody say they were bringing some wine? LOL! We had seen where York County, Pa is flooded so Holly and Ric in York county or down at the Outer Banks, NC? We were heading that way on Sunday to attend my husband's Family Reunion but I just got on internet and pulled up a TV station website that gave all the road closings in all of the counties near there, the ones we go through and just about everything is closed or flooded so I called and told his Aunt we were staying home this year. One cousin up in NJ had just bought her first home, moved in and somebody knocks on her door and tell her she has to evacuate. She said she wanted to get some things..She was told NOW. She grabbed her pocketbook and left with the clothes on her back in a pr. of flipflops. Somebody's oil drum broke lose and was floating into her house. She may have lost entire house. She did have flood insurance but you know these Ins. Co. will get around not paying somehow...calling it an Act of God.

Some lady saw her in flip flops and handed her $50 and told her to go buy herself a pr. of shoes! The relatives will be taking up a collection for her I'm sure. I'll send a check to her parent's house. She is probably back there.

Jill, is that Ballenger Creek near your house really a creek or just a street called that?

Everybody think sunshine for Saturday!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Dipping-fruit- no problem!

Yes pippi, Holly and Ric's house is in that area and many road closures around there- Their DIL is trying to watch the house as they are still in OB NC. Not fun. Neither is NJ and your cousin's situation. Let's hope she gets home and finds it was just a precaution.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ballenger Creek is really a creek, but so far so good.

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