Buttoneer's stroke.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

We're already blessed- we have Buttoneer!!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I was sitting backwards with the toilet paper in the back. See depends on whether you are coming or going. LOL.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Iol I knew it had something to do with the toilet paper!!

Glad your sense of humor/joie de vivre is up and running.

Never met you, but the word "intrepid" comes to mind.

Wishing you and yours the best and lots of restorative rest.

another Judy

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Intrepid is a good hearty word. I accept it as a compliment & I thank you.

Crozet, VA

Good to see that folks are letting you know they care Judy. Judy contacted me last winter and asked if there were any creeks near my home. She and Bob had just joined The Virginia Gold Prospectors Club and would be visiting our area in the spring. Arrangements were made for the Shower's to visit our home during their visit here in March. Upon speaking on the phone that morning I had to tell Judy that our area had been hit the day before my some very major down pours of rain which washed out several roads leading to my place. They decided to come visit despite this but panning in the creek was definitely out of the question because the day after such a torrential down pour, the creek was up by two or three feet and raging down the mountain.

We had a good visit walking around my yard and she brought me lots of examples of what she grows in PA and I was able to allow her to walk around the yard and choose some things to take home with her. It was lots of fun and very interesting to hear of her and Bob's tales of gem hunting. On her following trip to VA in June, John and rode to the Shower's camp site and visited with them a bit. One of the days they were here, they had mined for emeralds (? is that correct Judy?) and sent me home with a beautiful dark colored quartz crystal which is now at home in my garden window in my kitchen....plus more plants.

Judy had told me of her plans for the next trip down here and how a day or two before she was having a procedure regarding her heart. I told her she must have some mule blood in her in order to try and keep that sort of pace......I know that she was supposed to have contacted me the weekend after the procedure while they were here and I didn't hear from her and decided that they had canceled their trip. What a big surprise that the next I heard from Judy was while on Facebook and getting a message that she had suffered with a stroke. Amazing woman that she is....she continues on. It sounds as though she has slowed a bit, but still going strong and pushing forth.

Sharon, thank you so much for sharing your experience with this and to Jill for pointing out the F A S T tip. Very interesting. Anyways....Judy continued good health wishes to you. Enjoy the week coming up and listen to what your body is telling you and act accordingly. We need you here to liven up the crowd and bring a few laughs. Loved, loved the four wheeler pic.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Whew! Last week was extra busy ("camp" for my 7 adn 12 year old nieces; we had a blast!), so now I'm trying to catch up with everybody.

Judy, I hope you'll post when you get a chance please and let us know how you're doing. I guess it's a couple of weeks yet until you see the neurologist, but meanwhile I hope you're resting and healing and starting to feel more like yourself again. As I had to keep reminding myself last summer, resting up also counts as fighting! I know you'll work to overcome any lingering effects... yes, "intrepid" is a good word for you, my friend! I love all your positive energy, and I know it'll help you in your recovery.

I'm praying for healing, and I'm also praying for at least one really goofy thing to make you laugh each day. ;-)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I started cooking & baking again. Made a peach cobbler for dessert, Sweet & tangy chicken with Mac & cheese for supper, so you know I am on the mend. Stitches are now out & I'm waiting for the scab to fall off so I can put Mederma on the scar to minimize it. Had I not been on blood thinners, I would have gotten ivy tattooed over the scar on my leg, irregardless of what DH Bob says. I do rest a lot but have started making my button jewelry again because we have a really big show this Saturday in Lititz, Pa. 620 vendors (including us) from 20 state. My typing is getting faster, not necessarily better but faster at correcting mistakes & my speech is good but I forget things when I am talking but remember them later. Back helping in the kitchen at the Fire Co. on Tuesday nites during Bingo. I still rest a lot and take daily naps on the couch with Fritzie, who won Senior Dog Photo Contest of the month in July. He gets a $ 15 gift certificate for mail order homemade doggie treats. And don't you good people forget, I will never forget you, even though my vocabulary skips now & then. I even renewed my DG membership when we came back from Va. & that's important. Here's a pix of the peach cobbler. Thank you for all the kudo's, which are sincerely appreciated & make me feel really good. Buttoneer

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Just wait until we both finish healing up, Judy... maybe we'll both get tattoos... I'm determined to turn my radiation tattoo into something prettier than that dumb little dot, so once that area is all squared away I'm going to go see Ronnie's son (who is a tattoo artist!) and see what we come up with. Jim (my DH) isn't wild about the idea either, so he and Bob will just have to get together and shake their heads at us. LOL

I'm glad you're getting back into your usual activities without forgetting to take care of yourself and get enough rest!

Crozet, VA

Jill, I really like your comment about resting being "fighting" too. Yep, we so often forget that and being a member in a health support group that is usually the gist of my posts.....listen to your body and do whatever it is telling you to do....our bodies won't steer us wrong. If you are tired, rest....sleepy, sleep....hungry, eat....in pain, treat it and so on.

Judy......sounds as though you are doing well. So glad that you are beginning to get back in the groove and able to do things that are important to you.

Take good care everyone.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Judy, Thanks for sharing your story with us. I am so sorry that you went through this. Are you diabetic? My husband's neurologist informed us a few years ago that my husband had suffered a slight stroke that we knew nothing about. He told him he could tell by the way he held his head and the way he walked. Between his new internist and his diabetic Dr. they have been picking up some vibes and sending him to his cardiologist to perform certain test. I keep saying that I'm going to start a diary and date when I noticed little things that happen with him but the next day life goes on and I forget to do it. I noticed when he gets tired, when he's walking, the foot on the side of the stroke drops and slaps on the pavement. That could be related to neuropathy too. I find myself watching him more when I notice this. In the last 3 yrs. he's had knee replacement surgery on both knees, and eyelid surgery to correct his vision. Now they have discovered a spinal problem. It's hell getting old!

Keep calling that neurologist office for an earlier appt. There are cancellations every day I'm sure. I wouldn't play around with this situation. I know from Carlisle to Hershey is good distance and traffic wise, about 45 min.? We will be coming that way mid Sept. to Hershey area.. If you're not satisfied with that neurologist..you're about an hour from John Hopkins..it might take a while to get an appt. there but it doesn't hurt to get second opinions. The Drs. there saved my life in 2002.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for posting your picture, as I had only met you at the Feb. seed swap in Feb. and had you picked as somebody else. Now I know who you are.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

Crozet, VA

Here is wishing Judy and all her fans a great weekend coming up.


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