Buttoneer's stroke.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

The last 2 wks have been hellish for me, I got the heart procedure done on 7/12, and I ended up with a stroke, not a tia but a stroke. My words were slurring, I was disorganized, and other things. I was released the next day but I don't think they caught it. We drove to va on Friday & our gold prosp. Club had a childrens day. I was painting their faces and I had a horrible time doing that, figuring it was becaise the paints were like watercolor. Then last Tuesday, we went to the amethyst mine to dig. I fell down, gashed my leg (14 stitches) hit my head, scratch over my eye so Ambulance was called. Took me to local hosp where my leg was cleaned up & stitched. Then they did a cat scan on my head & kept asking me over & over if I had a stroke. I suspected strongly that I did. The next day, bob took me to lynchburg hosp and a neurologist looked at my cat scan and said I did have a stroke. I told them I wanted to go home to Hershey to have them check it so after taking all day to get home, & a flat tire on the camper, Bob took me to Hershey yesterday & I had an mri of my head. Yes, I did have a stroke. Next week, they will make an appt for me with a neurologist. I type much slower than I did, I'm exhausted but God is still with me. My greatest thanks to those good people in va who helped me out. Judy Shower. ps. Plse keep me in ur prayers & thanks. Buttoneer.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Judy, I am so sorry to hear this news. I will be sending you a Dmail.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

In my prayers, glad you are OK

Crozet, VA

Judy, hellish is the correct definition of what you have been through. Goodness sakes lady, so very sorry to hear about all of this. I asked a while back if you were part mule and for you to tell me this story now shows me that maybe you are indeed. To have had the stroke and then continued on the trip and full steam ahead with the planned activities.....woman!!! Right now, you begin slowing down some please.

Back some years ago when I first arrived at Dave's, I was going to through a lot of health issues and thought I was wonder woman too and kept going at a pace that was detrimental to my healing process. The good folks here would often remind me that I was taking on too many things to be just out of surgery and such. I only warn you because I care about you. Please follow doctors orders.

During a hospitalization I had some about six or so years ago and an MRI done showed that I too had a stroke at some point in my life. I was never aware of it but it showed on the test. I suffered with debilitating headaches for many years so I am sure that my stroke took place during a time when I thought I was just suffering with a headache. So......a word to both of us.....life is not a race.

I am thrilled that you seem to be doing as well as you are. This may just be the warning that will work to slow down things for you. I don't want to take away all your fun activities and travel, but do warn you to keep an eye on things that occur that are out of the ordinary and please have them checked out by a doctor...sooner rather than later.

Okay, enough preaching.....I truly care and want only the best for you. I have grown to think a lot of both you and Bob. Please keep us updated on what you hear.


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Just a short note to let u all know I am ok, been resting at home for 2 days. Bob is a wonderful nurse with fantastic (don't get the wrong idea) with bedside manner. He is going to water the greenhouse tomorrow *& my hanging baskets &* the plants outside. Will let u know how I am progressing as time goes on.

Crozet, VA

High five to Bob. I knew he would be taking good care of you. You are such a cute couple and it is fun to see how the two of you enjoy and are active in the same pursuits. I tell you, I keep thinking of you since hearing this stroke news. It is really sort of scary because it can happen to any of us at any time. Just more reason to keep involved with our doctors and to make sure that we consult them when something seems to be a bit off.

I just hope that no permanent damage is done and that you will recover fully and quickly. I would be interested in hearing what the medical community has to say about preventing future strokes.

Anyway.....allow yourself the time to recuperate and get stronger.....let Bob wait on you and get well soon!!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Judy!! Big Hugs to you and Bob. No more crises for a while, you hear? I can't imagine, stitches, flat tire, etc. all on top of a stroke that wasn't caught before you left the hospital! I hope your neuro consult goes well. You may have damaged some pathways in your brain, but the good news is that the brain can generally learn to use other pathways instead... as strong in body & spirit as you are, I'm confident you'll be able to get back what you've lost, and I hope you'll heal quickly from all this trauma!

Time to kick back, relax, let Bob take care of you, and let your body heal. I'm glad Bob is watering plants for you, but remember -- they are just plants, and much as you enjoy them, they're not anywhere near as important as you are. (My garden went to heck in a handbasket last year, so I had to keep telling myself this!)

I love you!

Crozet, VA

Hi Critter - You are a great encourager. You spoke many truths in your short message. I suppose it takes someone who has experienced things such as you and I have to know the way that someone who is ill needs to direct their energies. Oh yes, being the patient really teaches us patience and many life lessons that we would probably have never learned in any other way. The power of a positive attitude and trying to find good in the bad is a real skill and much needed when dealing with bodies that betray us.

Anyway.......good to see you Critter. Hope that everyone at your place are all doing well. Hope to see you soon. Still planning on hosting a fall plant swap? Sorry for the subject change Judy, but don't often see Critter these days.

Anyway Judy - listen to Critter....she knows of what she speaks. Both you ladies and others reading have a good day.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yep, I'll finalize the date (have to figure out one more family thing to know if it'll be Sept. 10 or Sept 17) and hopefully get a thread up this week.

I don't post as much, but I lurk! (Easier to read than to type with Joyanna on top of me LOL.)

Judy, hope you're having a restful afternoon. If you can't doze, I hope you can find something funny on TV or you tube to distract you and make you laugh.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Sorry to hear about your stroke....You are typing and communicating.
That is a good sign.

Please stay inside where it is cool! I cannot even breathe when I go outside to do some gardening...
Makes me gasp for air!

I wish you well---and I am sure you will get over this.

Keeping you in my thoughts! Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Young at Heart
My body grows old and weary
Yet my heart is young and gay.
Old age reaches out to claim me
But I'll fight him all of the way.
Nay, I'll not give in to pity,
My laughter will keep me free.
I'll not grow old just yet,
There's too much I want to see.
Pain and suffering I'll push to aft.
I'll keep smiles upon my face.
Old age and I run neck and neck
But I plan to win the race.
Whatever God has in store for me
And whatever old age imparts,
There's one more thing that I pray for
And that's to remain young at heart.

By: Shirley Hile Powell

Now who does that remind you of?

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

This is a picture taken of me & one of the member's granddaughter, Gracie on a hay ride at the gold club children's day. This adorable little 4-yr old fell asleep in my arms as the good friend driving the wagon took us back.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I was just thinking how much I missed that amazing smile of yours! It's been too long since we've seen each other -- totally my fault, I know, for missing the nursery trip and not getting up that way (yet) another time!

Thanks for posting those photos. :-)

Crozet, VA

I loved the poem and you could have truly written it Judy. The photos are fun and that little girl must have sensed that you were trustworthy. Keep on keeping on!!


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the kudos. Makes me feel all warm inside, in spite of the blood thinners and we will do that trip in May 2012.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You're one of the most joyous people I know, and I hate that anything could knock you down like this... but I know you won't be down for long. I'm glad to see your spirit is all feisty again even if your body hasn't quite managed to match it yet.

I hope you have a restful night! *Big Hugs* to Bob for holding down the fort and taking good care of you. Listen to him when he tells you to take it easy and not overdo, especially with this heat.


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Judy, Please accept my well wishes for your speedy recovery. I know that it's tough to keep a great gal like you down, but sometimes the body knows best. So please, listen to it my dear, so that we can all enjoy your wonderful joie de vivre for lots more time to come!!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

oh my.. hope you feel better soon.. sending you hugs & best wishes!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Judy- Sorry to hear about your stroke and other mishaps! But certainly happy that it was not more severe, and you've been going near full throttle in spite of them. You go girl!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Just dropping in with a *hug* and hoping for an excellent prognosis from the neurologist next week! Hope you're resting and being good to yourself.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Buttoneer, glad you are doing so well after your stroke. You were blessed and are in our prayers. All the best to you. Best wishes for continued positive attitude, relaxation and healing. Just take life one day at a time with those you love and continue to do things you enjoy, like gardening =)

hugs, Diana

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

also, if you need any dietary info with reference to stroke JLMK (dmail me). A stroke patient was my case study in my recent dietetic internship

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

THe weather has taken such a nice turn- whether your taking it easy or having extra fun , this helps. Your DG pals are thinking of you!

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Get well, Judy! We are all thinking of you.

Thumbnail by donnerville
Crozet, VA

Yes, best wishes to all for a good weekend. Lack of rain has come up in conversation several times today. The nation must be in a real crisis. What a horrific heat wave we have seen across the nation too. Almost unbearable.

Anyway.....Judy, write when you can. I want to hear the doctor reports too.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

TGIF! Hope you're all set for a relaxing weekend. *hugs*

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Judy, I do not know you but I am a prior stroke victim. You had plenty of warning signs, you were just not paying attention. Why do I say that. Because I did the same thing. My main warning sign was confusion. And then occasionally I would reverse my two oldest granddaughters first names. Instead of Hannah and Sarah I would stumble out with Sannah and Harah. The reversing of the names still shows up when I have pushed myself to far. My stroke was in 1994 and to this day I still get my warning signs. Usually when I get over tired.

So, first, you will be fine but just sit back and think back. Slowly, something will surface that you will remember was different. When I finally had my stroke, I had been warned for weeks. I was a Mortgage Banker and one of my jobs was taking loan applications on new home purchasers. When it began, I would ask them where they banked when I should have been asking them where they worked. I just thought I was distracted. Then sometime I would have to ask them the same question several times because my mind was not picking up the answer.

So at that time I decided I was to tired if I took any applications after 3pm. So I did not take any applications after 3pm because if I did, they took twice as long as they should have. But in my mind all this was normal. And my internist told me I was just suffering from low sugar and needed to drink some juice in the early afternoon.

Then one morning, at the very beginning of a mortgage application, I opened my mouth to ask a question, and nothing came out by garble. At the same time I felt a tingle go across my forehead and down the right side of my face. Probably lasted less than 30 seconds.

I stopped, called my secretary on the intercom, told her to please get my doctor on the phone as I needed to talk to her and also find me one of my loan officers because I needed someone to finish the loan application on the very young couple sitting in front of me that thought I was going to die.

The MRI showed I had a stroke but also showed I had had about 7 TIAs. AND, I also had a very bad sinus infection. Literally, I had run myself into the wall and this time I did not go through it.

Next week I will be 69 and this was more than 20 years ago. So just take care of your self and when you are not, your brain will let you know.

You probably had your stroke and then fell.

I do not mean to intefer, I just wanted you to hear from someone that has been there. We are both lucky because we did not have the Big one, just a small stroke as a warning. Best regards, Sharon

To this date, when I really push myself, I get these little warning signs and the majority of the time I am reversing words.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sharon, thanks for posting... it's always reassuring to know somebody else has been there done that, especially BTDT 20 years ago & fine now! I think it's very common for people to experience "warning symptoms" in the form of TIAs before an actual stroke attack, and doctors are getting more aggressive with treating people as soon as possible after a TIA in order to prevent a damaging stroke. (So if you have stroke-like symptoms but they go away, you still need to see a doctor ASAP!)

I hope your experience and Judy's will make all of us more aware of stroke symptoms, not only in ourselves but also in others -- since confusion is often one of the symptoms, it can be hard for a stroke (or TIA) victim to recognize what might be going on. Please take a few seconds to look at this page from the National Stroke Association: http://www.stroke.org/site/PageServer?pagename=symp and remember "FAST" (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) is important!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow Sharon, what a story. Thanks for sharing, and thanks to Judy for posting too. We all need to be aware, for ourselves or for family or friends.

Judy, hope your 'war wounds ' are healing up nicely and the docs are being kind to you.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm doing fine, resting a lot on the couch with Fritzie. I don't see the neurologist until Aug 25. I did see the Cardio guy who thought I was just groggy from the anesthesia. I told him, hooking ur pts up for eeg during the procedure was a suggestion for future reference. Anyway, if I feel myself tiring or too tired to do something, I just cancel out, & take a siesta on the couch. My daughter wanted us to go out for lunch with her & her grand kids but we had been allmorning at York participating at a gold panning demonstration for the public with our club & I told her we HAD to rest. I HAD to remind her her Dad will be 71 in two weeks & I was getting over a STROKE. She didn't like it but I am taking charge of our lives now and if we feel we can't do it, we wont. If she wants us to be around for more years, she will have to accept this. Sharon, thanks for the hints on the stroke. I knew something was wrong when I woke up from a cardio oblation procedure when I slurred my words. My typing is very slow now, so I can get all the letters correct. Hanging in there, Buttoneer.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Really glad to hear from you Judy. I was getting a bit worried. You know your body best, rest when you need it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Dropping by with *HUGS* for you & Bob, Judy... hope this will be a better week!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks so much for all the cheer, prayers, hugs, friendship, and everything else I forgot to mention. Neurology appt isn't until Aug 25. We were going to go to Roots farmers market tomorrow, but I postponed it until next week so I could rest up. I'm thankful for all the rain we have been getting. I have 6 oriental lilies to put in yet but too weak for that. 5 of them look like they bloomed then died. One is still green. If that one survives, I'll gladly plant it, myself, as a reminder of being a survivor. Will keep you all informed of what is going on as it happens. Again thanks so much & May the Good Lord Bless each of you. Judy Showers. (Buttoneeer)

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Judy, the hardest part of this is learning when to sit down. I know it is not easy.

Probably the easiest way to handle it is to talk to your self and maybe make a list. I find myself talking to myself when I have really pushed myself. I usually say, "OK, Sharon, you had better quit and sit down or you are going to fall down". Or when I am working in the landscape nd working on a certain project and then start on something I was just walking by. "Sharon, STOP, that can be done much later. Keep on track".

Your list, "What I am going to do when I feel better and stronger."

Make your list in time frames.

This month, this year and in the next 5 years. And leave room to move things forward. If they do not get done, move them to the next month.

I know you know all of the above. We all do, you just have to make it your daily work habit. Just takes time. And it is easy for me to say because it took me close to a year, after my stroke, to finally do what I am now telling you to do. Sharon

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks sharon, it was not a major stroke, I was not paralyzed. The only thing affected was my speech (which my husband loves cause he thinks I can't talk back), my typing, and my strength, all of which are slowly coming back. I make decisions on a daily basis on what i can & can't do. Rest in between.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


That is the smart thing to do!

Sounds like you have all your "shoulds" and "coulds" and "woulds" under control.

Wish I did...I want to do everything yesterday--then decide I'd rather sit and play on DG....:o)

Best to you!!!! Baby steps....baby steps.....

Hugs, Gita

..Brazilian Plume Flower------just for you!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

My stroke only affected my thinking and sometimes speech. Speech only when I was tired.

And if I am tired and I walk and talk at the same time and turn, I will always fall to the left. So I try not to walk, talk and turn at the same time. I just laugh about it now. When I start turning words round, it scares my DH to death. Actually, it scares me. Later, Sharon

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Just wanted you all to know that this was taken while we were in Va gold prospecting on 7/18, the day before I fell. Irrigardless of what happens to me, I live every day as if it were my last one. And I try to make at least one person smile & laugh every day. Nuff said, now just what is wrong with this picture?

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

no beer?


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Vehicle backwards?

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