Summer clematis chatter...

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

John - love the story of how buying bird food ended up with owning Daisy! Sounds like one lucky dog!
The property turned into concrete reminds me of that old song - "They paved paradise to put up a parking lot", sad.

Great clem's, Carolyn.

Marilyn - so glad Suey came along to rescue you. I feel the same way about Harry.

Carolyn - try a piece of bird netting on the tree unless the clem absolutely refused to grow on it. I'd put it on very loosely.

Let's hope you get the property you want before you're 70 like John and I are! Tempis fugits faster as the years go by.

Athens, PA


I had not thought about bird netting - that is a great idea. I will try that.

John-- I see I did not answer your question regarding the heat. I know that Jeanne in Texas grows gorgeous clems and she has heat in TX far more than the rest of us. Just make sure you keep your clems cool and on the damp side.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Louise (venu209) also has grown clematises and suffered droughts. They survive for her. So much depends on how they were planted and the mulch we give them. They are tougher than we think.

Thomaston, CT

My new Ibi is budded again....I'm loving that clem!

Louisville, KY

First bloom . This is its first year in the garden NOID. It is at the top of an 8 ft trellis.

Thumbnail by timeinabottle
Thomaston, CT

Very nice!

(Zone 7a)

It's gorgeous!

Athens, PA


I am wondering if it is a Nelly Moser....

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful, John.

Louisville, KY

Carolyn not Nelly Moser...This is the new one next to a Nelly moser bloom ( the only one on the vine)

Thumbnail by timeinabottle
Athens, PA


what is it? I love the pink tips on the tepals.

Louisville, KY

Carolyn i don't know...I will try to track down my ordeer from this spring and see if I can make it out. It is beautiful isn't it. It looks to be blooming on new growth.

Thomaston, CT

I thought Ibi was's the first flower for Omoshiro!

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I finally got a bloom. I think it's the Dr. Ruppel

Thumbnail by diamond9192002
(Zone 7a)

Yup, that's the Dr.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Beautiful blooms everyone. ROBINDOG, I have Omoshiro evny, LOL. My plant is still only about 6in tall, but seems to be putting out new leaves. I think I'm going to have to move it because it may be too shaded. I'll do that when it gets a little cooler here.

BTW, is it time for a new thread for our summer clematis chatter? This one's getting long, and takes a while to load. Annette

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Probly my last Gipsy Queen is saying goodby till Spring. The rest of them are stopped blooming, it is still in the 90 temp. in the day time. I think the Clems did good for the first year and all the heat we had this Summer.

Thumbnail by kiseta
(Zone 7a)

I couldn't stand it anymore. You all put too much pressure on a poor soul. I broke down and ordered 2 Clems, Belle of Woking and Avante-Garde. Pity me...I'm weak...

Thomaston, CT

Oh, aren't we all!

(Zone 7a)


Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am very impressed with my first blooms of Duchess of Albany.

Thumbnail by marie_kap
(Zone 7a)

So am I!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

New bloom on Ville de Lyon after her move. I hope this is a good sign that she will like it there.

Thumbnail by marie_kap
Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Duchess is loaded with blooms. She is the only one from all the ones I ordered that is doing real well. The others are still looking kinda small with not much new growth. I had ordered all fall blooming Clems this summer.

Thomaston, CT

Love the Duchess....the bells are a great form to add to a garden.....

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Kwanjin, Let us know how your Avante does. I have one that I got last year that is really struggling. It might be 6 inches tall now and is very fragile.

(Zone 7a)

Will do, Marie.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Time for a continuation thread...

Thanks for the heads up, Annette!

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