Time to spill the beans

Richmond, TX

Oh what horrible news! If it weren't for bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all!

Bridgewater, ME

Oh Donna I am so sorry to hear that.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am so very sorry to hear this. He should never have told you that without being sure. But God is able to heal you no matter the prognosis. Hold on to your faith, my friend. I am still praying and asking God for a miracle for you.

Ferndale, WA

Job's wife told him, to just curse God and go die. Can you imagine what he must have felt like...he was at his lowest and most vunerable point. His friends grew tired of his afflictions and suggested a similiar outcome for him...Job refused to curse God, refused to take his own life, and said I will wait upon the Lord. He said "though worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh I shall see my redeemer. This is very hard Donna, but we will not desert you, nor will we cease in our prayers for you. God will in the end be glorified in you...Howie... Stay with us my dear, and we will stay with you...

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I will not curse God. I am ready to go and have been for a long time. I am just so so tired. Just to much going on for way to many years non stop. It just won't end. I need peace & rest

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

God gives peace that surpasses all understanding. Rest in His spirit.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Prayers being said for you today! Praying that God will give you comfort and peace and healing. Will they do the second surgery before your neck surgery? Sounds like it is going to be a busy and painful month, but hopefully then the healing and lack of pain can begin..........


Richmond, TX

When all of this is behind you there will be peace in your life and you can enjoy it again. Hang in there!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I am doing nothing other than see the Urologist Friday. I am having my neck surgery on the 28th unless something happens to prevent it. So no more cancer surgery or chemo. The bone grafts won't grow if I take chemo

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

My thoughts and prayers are with you Donna. Just want you to know I'm thinkin of you.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Donna, so sorry to hear about this latest news. Hang in there and keep the faith. Our prayers and thoughts are with you every step of this journey. The right path for you and your treatment will be revealed in time. Love you, girl!

(Zone 6b)

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/06/13/this-powerful-herb-changes-your-genes-to-combat-cancer.aspx Dr. Mercola has many good articles almost daily. The one today was about how the spice curcumin can kill cancer cells.

The next link is about Dr. Burzynski. It was really heartbreaking to see what the pharmaceutical companies were doing to this man who could take hopeless cancer patients and heal them. They tried to shut him down. There was a congressional hearing and one young mother testified about her son being diagnosed with brain cancer and sent home to die. Then to see the beautiful little four-year-old boy sitting there with her so healthy was a real tear jerker. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/06/11/burzynski-the-movie.aspx

Something is very wrong in this country. It has much to do with the Nazi doctors they brought over here after WWII. These men that should have been executed were brought here and put in positions of authority. :( Operation Paperclip

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LFJ I was just reading about curcumin!! It was very interesting! Actually found the article on FB talking about dog treats.. talk about getting side tracked! Along with the other health benefits, sounds like we should be eating more of it!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I just read that article and it's very encouraging!! :)

(Zone 6b)

I bought turmeric months ago but have been forgetting to take it. People in India rarely develope alzheimers. They claim the reason is their spice turmeric. That sure peaked my interest.

This article says it is anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Lupus causes inflammation, and is what is said to be most dangerous about it. Not that I understand the word inflammation.

Parkinson's disease is prevalent in my mother's family line, so I need all the help I can get with my brain. Lupus also causes memory loss by forming tiny bloodclots in the brain.

The battle for my own health raged most fiercely in 1983. At that time I finally realized the only one responsible for my health was me. It was amazing how simply eating some raw vegetables, garlic, fish oil and a few herbs improved my health. I also began refusing foods with artificial colors and preservatives. No more junk food and cokes for me. I am eternally grateful to the people at the healthfood stores that helped changed my thinking and gave me hope that I actually COULD get better. With their help, and my mother and God almighty, I did.

What I had been taught in school was that Americans are not vitamin deficient because we have an abundance of food, therefore it doesn't really matter what we eat. That was a LIE!

Not that my diet is perfect, but at least now I know the difference.

You all take care. God Bless.

(Zone 6b)


He Had 2 Months to LIVE over 3 Years ago, TERMINAL CANCER Cured with Baking Soda & Molasses

You should use the baking soda without aluminum though.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

saw Dr. he wants to do resection again taking more. He staged it at High Risk(meaning type it is it will most likely reoccure) and T1 for now. Said he tought is was on the surface only but did manage to get a thin piece of muscle and it showed cancer free. He will take much more muscle this time to be sure because if it is in the muscle T2 they will take my bladder and make me a new one with part of my intestines. For now his plan is the resection and 4 weeks later start BCG treatments 1 x a week for 3 to 4 months. Wow what fun!!! It is injected via catherter and is held in the bladder for a certain amount of time before being able to void it out. He said stopping smoking will only reduce chances of reoccurance by 1/3. So I will be battling this for the rest of my life most likely. He called my Neurologist at my request to see if both could be done at the same time> He said it would only take him 20 minutes for my procedure. I don't know the answer yet as the Dr didn't have my chart at the time to look over it and discuss it. Hopefully I will know something tomorrow. I am trying to avoid having to go on and off the coumadin 2 more times and have to take the painful shot for 10 days each plus my new Insurance deductable starts July 1

LFJ I asked him about the antineoplastins but he said he doesn't know much about it and it is still clinical trials only. He also said if mine is T2 I will be put in a clinical trail if that is my wish. Basically if T2 not much chance of full recovery

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Donna.... words escape me as the tears fall down my face... Billy wiped the tears and told me its ok to be sad but its a good day when you wake up and see the sun... although it is not much comfort, tomorrow when I wake up I will remember this... and I hope you do to... I wish I could take some of your load...

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

if it were not for all the other health issues and constant pain I deal with on a daily basis I would be ready to fight the big fight. I am just so tired and don't want to deal with any of it. The last 6 yrs of my life have been really bad and it hasn't slowed down yet.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Donna, I have watched this since the get go, and all I can offer are my most heartfelt thoughts and prayers to be there with you. I wish you peace Donna.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/ Please forgive my intrusion. I don't mean to butt in, but I want to say don't give up!

Please do some research about the real causes of cancer - you can overcome this. Stay positive! : ) Make your mind up that life is a beautiful journey (Your brain is the chemist and your body is the petri dish. )

Start taking liquid minerals (from plant sources) so your body has the right tools it needs for the immune system (eat raw, organic nuts, especially Brazil nuts). Adjust your body's pH with aluminum free Baking Soda because cancer and other diseases grow in acidic conditions. Drink the purest water you can. Go on a sugar free, carbohydrate free diet (and no artificial sweeteners!) If there is the slightest chance that you may have a yeast infection, go on a yeast cleanse to get rid of it and detox diet to get rid of the heavy metals and other pollutions in your cells/tissues. Do not take antibiotics, they kill the yeast fighting good bacteria in your intestines. Do research on how to reestablish the right intestinal flora in your guts. Juice organically grown vegetables and drink the juice while it is fresh.

Again, I beg your forgiveness for just jumping in like this, but want to offer some help.

Many blessings to all of you!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Donna, I understand how you are tired and ready for it to be over. I have suffered much longterm pain and it is very tiring. But as long as God has work for us to do here, we have to go on as best we can and make the most of every day. We are a light in a world of darkness and God needs us to shine His light in all we say and do. I know things seem bleak now and you are ready to move on to your reward, but know we are all here for you, praying for you and your DH. As Christians we have no need to claw and scratch to hold on to this life because a greater life awaits us. But I cannot help but want to stay and lead others to the saving knowledge of Jesus. My own children who were raised in a Christian home, are out of the safety of God's arms. I need to stay longer to influence them and others like them. I am sure there are people just like them in your realm of influence as well. You may be their only hope. I am praying for you and my church is praying for you also.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Thank you all for the Inspirational support and prayers. My mind has gone to a dark place and I just want to run away and hide from it all, not think about any of it

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Then that is what you should do Donna. Spend some time with your birds, get a chicken on your lap! Watch them play. Talk to them about whatever you want! Pick em some grass... fix em some rice.. whatever it takes, take a break. We love you.

Richmond, TX

Chicken therapy - the very best kind!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I have cried a few time over the thought of having to give up most or all of my Chickens. I am going to try to keep them for now but don't know how I am going to be able to manage it. I won't be able to do anything especially lifting or bending my head for I don't know how long after the neck surgery. My exotic ducks are going to Destin, Fla next Sunday to live for awhile with a Exotic Duck friend for safe keeping for now

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am glad to know they will be well taken care of until they can come home to you.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

still don't know how I am going to take care of 100+ chickens and 30 chicks in 7 coops/runs

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I did not realize you had that many. I have 40 in 7 coops and it is quite a bit of work. Trying to sell most of mine.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

For Donna B... I took this picture for you and I cant explain the ring....

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

wow kind of like a rainbow MissJ

I need to cull more Araucana. They are not a $10 chicken. I have lots of time and a good bit money invested in them and affordable tufted birds are hard to come by. a rumpless clean face & a rumpless double tufted is worth more than $50 I asked for a pair. I just gave away about 30 of the ones with tails , wrong leg color, and really big combs to a friend of my daughter. I have some with white ear lobes that need to go and a couple more with tails or big combs. So far of the 30 babies only 3 or 4 are growing tails. I will still keep a few tails because if you keep breeding rumpless to rumpless they eventuially end up with no spine and won't be able to support their bodies and stand up. I have so many because I just started my breeding over winter. Now new babies need to grow before I can cull hard. You keep your best and cull the rest to make improvements. Araucana have a lot of things that have to be right: ear color, eye color, leg color, stance, no tails, right type comb which is pea comb, comb color, over all size. I have a couple that are really tiny but she has black comb with huge tufts but is laying a white egg and he has white legs, clean faced and amazing colors so they will stay just because I love them. I was told if they had white legs they were not Araucana. Well he came out of Araucana. No chance of cross breeding because my Araucana don't get to go out of their lg pens. I have 2 Araucana Pens. I breed tufted to non tufted so I have better hatches since the double tufted gene is fatal. I have all tufted Roo's in 1 pen with non tufted hens and vice versa in the other pen

Richmond, TX

The ring does not show up on my screen but is probably a phenomenon called "sun dogs". I do not remember the physics involved. Great picture!

(Zone 5b)

Hi Donna, I didn't know how complicated it was to breed Araucanas! Good project to keep you busy. That's a lot of work and it's nice that you were able to find homes for some of them to lighten your load. Until your surgeries are over being busy, but having lots of time to relax and ENJOY, will help you through. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have read a bit about the breed but they do sound complicated. I don't have any of them. I have what was sold as EEs and suspaect they are ameracaunas (sp?). They have tails and green legs. They have that eagle looking head and barely any combs. Two have muffs.

I have a bantam roo with muffs and a pea comb. He was bred down from a Blue Spanish Muff fighting cock. He is a beautiful bird.

Pray you are feeling a bit better today.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

well neck surgery is off again. The Urologist pretty much has it canceled since he talked in depth with the Neurologist. Why if the 2nd surgery is just to make sure is it so important it has to be done immediately???? He just called me again. He was pretty insistant it be done Tuesday in place of my Neck Surgery. I am beginning to wonder if he hasn't told me everything. I am so very angry right now. My mind is going deeper into that black hole. Urologist said it was because it I got an infection from the neck surgery it would post pone the bladder surgery for to long.
Neurologist wouldn't allow Urologist to go in first and do the bladder resection which he says only take about 20 minutes

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Cajun, Ameraucanas come in 7 colors with very specific traits.. muffs & beards, pea comb, blue/green legs, etc. If they don't meet all those specifics including color, they are considered EEs. Which is NOT a downgrade! Just means you can't show them as Ameraucanas. They come in beautiful colors and are very good birds for several reasons.

Donna, I sure understand all you are going through to get a good flock.. I have lavender Ameraucanas that no one seems to know what they are, to sell them around here is not easy. I would never get the price I could online, but thankfully, I'm not in the biz.. Just trying to maintain what I have. I wish I could take some of the work off your hands.. I sure would do it!! Sometimes it's so hard to be so far away and helpless...

The good part of your surgery troubles is only 20 minutes? Cooool.. That means it's not so hard as your neck surgery would be... (including recovery) I know it's hard, but do what they say so you can get back to breeding some amazing Aracaunas!! You've been at it sooo long!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

You have been on my mind and i have been lifting up prayers on your behalf..... just wondering how the surgery went and how you are doing.... Praying that you are on the road to recovery. Please update us when you are able...

Hugs to you,

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Donna, thinking of you and praying for you.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

it was a horrible experience for me. I left in a rage 5 hrs after arrival for a 20 minute procedure. I don't know if I cursed them or not but I did tell them off. I can't help it when I am in sever pain I get mean and nasty.

I'm done with it. There will be no more treatments for me. My husband and I are not speaking. Nobody on this planet is gone to cause me to endure 5 hrs of agony and then ignore me after repeatedly telling them my back was killing and they were fully aware that I have 2 rods, 6 screws and bone grafts in my lower back. It was as bad as if I had just had the back surgery. I have not slept in a bed since 2003, I sleep in a recliner with a heating and vibrating pad and even then I don't sleep more than 2 or 3 hrs before waking up. Then I flip flop around for a few more hours trying to at least let my body rest before getting up for the day. I can't lay flat on my back for more than a few minutes without pain. They wouldn't let me get up, they wouldn't let me go to the bathroom which would have helped relieve the pressure a little since you use your muscles to hold it. They give you something to relax you in the holding area and I am usually gone and wake up when it is all over with. It didin't do anything this time because i was already in back pain. 1 hr later they gave me more and I slept maybe an hour. That tells you how bad of pain I was in. I kept complaining about my back and they just ignored me. The BCG treatment requires me to be cathaterized and my bladder fill with the stuff and have to lay there 2 hrs holding it. It ain't gonna happen. I am done. Dr did say everything looked good and was clear in there but I have a gross picture I can e-mail if you want to see what was going on 3 days before the surgery. If you want to see d-mail me as it is not appropriate to post here.

I appreciate all the thought and prayers but please just let this thread go. I don't even want to think about anymore. Just please pray for me to get over this rage I still feel so I don't take it out on my loved ones. I truly do not like the feeling of it. I have a lot of rage built up of things you just tuck away over the years and try to forget about that is all coming out now

Ferndale, WA

I have read this thread for the past fifteen minutes. So many prayers and well wishes have been offered. I have personally talked with Donna many times. I think it is time to do as Donna has requested...Let this thread go. Pray for her and give her a BREAK from all of us...I think she knows we care. Anger like this is from pure frustration and needs some silent reflection...Hay

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