Time to spill the beans

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. It was cancer. Husband told me Dr said it looked like a head of Broccoli with a stem. He said he got it all. I don't know how he can say that until the margins have been tested but for now I will take his word for it. Have been vomiting most of the day or sleeping. On a very powerful Antibiotic I have never heard of and something else for the nausea it causes. I couldn't even see very well. Finally starting to feel better and was able to hold down some soft scrambled eggs hubbie made for me. My Mother will stay with me tomorrow as hubbie must be at work. They are filming a documentary about the history of the ship yard and he got elected to be a part of it as he has been there 35 yrs
Hugs to you all

Richmond, TX

I certainly hope they are right about the success of the surgery! It's good to hear that you are feeling better. Take it easy!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

What wonderful news and answer to prayer. Rest and take it easy!

Bridgewater, ME

Glad your feeling a little better.

(Zone 5b)

Doctors don't say things like "I got it all" unless they are sure. They don't want some family member to come back and kick them in the chops. It's wonderful news, Donna, it's out of there! Onward and upward! So glad you have help and company for a while until you feel better. The weekend is coming up fast and your hubby will be cooking something yummy on the grill for you. Rest, relax, heal, and know you're in our thoughts and prayers!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Just catching this thread..... but thankful to hear the surgery was successful! Hope you are healing and feeling better every day!.

(Zone 6b)

It's bad news and good news. So sorry you are feeling sick. At least you are alive and still with us. :) Stay strong.

I would sure be on some probiotic and garlic if I were you. What would be wrong with taking some non aluminum baking soda too? They are saying it kills cancer cells.

I feel so bad for you Donna. Sorry, can't help it.

Thanks for letting us know what is going on, and please get well soon. We and the ducks need you.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Great to hear.. I agree with Annie.. they won't say "I got it all" unless they are darn sure they did. With that out of your system, my thoughts are you will recover to better than pre surgery condition.. with the exception of all the meds you have to take. My heart is with you all the way. Get well!!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)


Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Glad to hear your surgery went well ... the getting sick part is not so fun but in time that will pass and you will be feeling better in good time and then forget all about it.

Take it easy and let everyone wait on you hand and foot.

I hope you are up and around soon!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

still feeling yuckie. I think it is from the antibiotics. Thankfully just 2 more days of them and I will be back to feeling better

LFJ I eat garlic everyday in my food but not the others. I have to be careful when mixing OTC things with my script drugs. They can affect them especially the Coumadin by thickening or thinning the blood more. Like Greens are loaded with Vit K which thickens the blood so I eat them very little anymore and they were one of my favorite foods

My Ins has approved the neck surgery so as soon as Dr decides how soon is to soon from this procedure I will get my neck fixed hopefully. Then I'll have to battle Workers Comp for the money back. I got tired of waiting for them especially since they decided they wanted to look at the original MRI from 20 yrs ago and have to find it. I told them good luck since New Orleans Hospitals went under water too in Katrina!!!

Bridgewater, ME

Nothing worse then feeling yucky.Went to chyropractor today for first adjutment,not to bad,he said the cervical traction done what he wanted it to do.He also worked on my leg and foot,I hve plantars facitus(not sure of the spelling on this)its very painfull to walk as it affects the heel.Its so hot and humid here ,we had terrible thunder storms here last night, and again tonight they say.Chickens are so hot they are panting and holding the wings out.It was 83 here yesteday,I know thats not hot for some of you but I think it is and so does my girls.Tommorow back down in the low 70`s.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

yep I broke out the fans 2 weeks ago and putting ice cubes in their water trays in the afternoons. We have hit the 99 mark already with extreme humidity making it feel like 106+ it is killing me to since I have become so heat sensative due to some of my meds and I can't get in direct sunlight or I will pass out and be sick in bed for the entire day and very weak the entire next day.

(Zone 5b)

Oh you're so right, Donna! Antibiotics can really make you feel yucky while they're helping to make you feel better. You're very smart to watch what you mix over the counter with prescription meds, they can clash. Counting the two days of antibiotics with you and hoping you'll feel sooo much better when you're done taking them! After all of this you'll breeze through the neck surgery and feel back to normal soon! Thoughts and prayers are with you..

(Zone 6b)

It was 103 here a few days ago. So, I got online and found a mister for them that hooks to the water hose. It said it would lower the temp by 30 degrees. Will let you know how it works for them.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh gosh Donna, that weather just sounds unbearable! I'd just melt.. I can't take humidity... it's so dry here and our hot days are pretty intense when they stay in the triple digits for days in a row. I'm not able to tolerate the heat anything like I did when I was younger.. worked outside all my life.. maybe that's why? Probably thryroid.. I know it's whacko..

Well, Donna you are on my mind all day.. I just keep seeing you able to do your chores with no pain. I'm glad you check in often. :)

Richmond, TX

Sounds "cool" ! I hope it works.

I meant the mister, but I also hope ZZ's vision works too.

This message was edited Jun 9, 2011 3:07 PM

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I so look forward to the day that my pain is at a minamum

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I had one of those spiral tube misters for my chickens a couple years ago.. it's gonna be a hard summer this year cause I have no water up there.. just what I carry in.. :(

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

LfJ, I look forward to hearing how the mister works for you. I was considering one, and then was told they don't work very well in high humidity. Now, after 30 years in S Florida, I don't think SC is that humid, but I'm told it is, and that I won't have much benefit from evaporative coolers or misters. I sure hope you tell me differently!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Donnie glad you are doing better, Prayers that the neck surgery goes well

Catmad, misters will work in Florida, used one in my Epi shied last year.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I was wondering that too Catmad... Our summers are so dry, a water cooler in the house works well as long as it's not over 100 outside.. it keeps it livable, not comfortable above 100. Outside, with a breeze (we live in an area where we get the delta breeze) a mister is awesome! Makes the whole area somewhat cooler. :) My plants loved it. :)
I hope my girls are okay this year.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

breezes has been our saving grace so far this year. Not to terriblely in the shade None today though

(Zone 6b)

Zz are you going to put frozen water bottles in there for them? I froze some a few days ago trying to get prepared.

We had a little cold front come in today, and it's been really nice. A few days ago it was 102.

(Zone 6b)

Swamp coolers work great here, because it's dry. It doesn't run my electric bill up too high either.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

They used those misters in front of big fans at the horse shows I worked and the horses loved them.

90's here but we had a couple little showers. Rained harder over the mountain AGAIN. Grrr I need it on my raspberries.

Donna, when I have to take antibiotic I always eake an OYC prilosec with each dose. I have stomach ulcers and the antibiotic nearly kills me. Doc told me to take the prilosec. It really helps. Be sure you eat something before taking each dose. Glad you are going to get the neck surgery. Looking forward to painfree life for you.

(Zone 5b)

Hi Donna, CajuinKy is right, taking meds with food will make it easier on your tummy. Hope you feel better soon, you've been in my thoughts and prayers.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi wren107, that's good to hear, I'll look into it a bit mire. Not to seem totally stupid, but what's an Epi shied?

(Zone 6b)

Have been watching this video this morning. It's really heartbreaking what is going on in this country concerning illnesses. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/06/11/burzynski-the-movie.aspx

(Zone 6b)

Donna how are you doing?

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

feeling pretty good today. Finished Antibiotics Friday. Have the grandsons for the weekend so I don't get on the puter much with them wanting to play games on it and caring for all my critters

Hubbie is headed to Michigan early Wednesday morning until the 23rd. Yeah 8 days of no cooking lol. I have been bagging up and freezing single servings of left overs just for that reason

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Donna, it's so good to hear you are feeling good. Glad this surgery is behind you and the results were good. Sorry I didn't post earlier, but we've been on vacation and just got home yesterday. Prayers were with you tho and I've been watching the thread off and on the past couple of weeks. All the best, and you continue to get the rest you need!!

Richmond, TX

Good news! Keep up the good work, and you'll be better than new.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

So gald you doing so well.

Los Gatos, CA

Good to hear you are doing better. Been keeping you in my prayers. I have not posted, but check in everyday. To check on you and renew my faith in humanity. You all are all so kind.

I could use other words, but in todays world, I feel that just being kind to others is something of the past. I always feel it here on DG!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That is sweet Images... I agree. I hope all is well for you too.!!

Ferndale, WA

Donna you have been through so much, it's a real blessing just to hear they were able to get rid of all the cancer. We all look forward to your neck surgery and hopefully pain free at last. I must say it is impossible for most of us to identify with what you have been through, but the loving prayers and concerns of the good people of this forum have to mean a lot to you. I believe these good people really care and are going to do their best to walk hand in hand with you through this journey. We truly love you and continue to lift you up before the Lord...Keep the faith and fight the good fight. We are with you...Hay

Images of Art: Your comment as usual was POWERFUL...

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

My Neck Surgery is set for the 28th. Happy to finally be getting it done but not looking forward to the pain or recovery time or the Court battle that is going to happen with Workers Comp since Our Insurance and us are paying for it. Workers Comp has decided they want the original MRI from 20 yrs ago. I told them good luck finding it and called my Insurance to get this done.

I also still have the Law Suit against us about my wild rabid Geese

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I give up!!!!!! If it were not for spending all eternity in Hell I would just blow my brains out and be done with it all
I knew there was no way that Dr could say he got it all without the pathology being done. He just called and gave me the news. He wants to operate again and take more since it was in all he took out of me. It is the worst bladder cancer and reoccurance is highly probable in the bladder as well as the Kidneys since it is all the same kind of transitional cell tissues. I will see him on Friday

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh no.. no no no!! Dang it! I'm sorry Donna.. seems like when it rains it pours. :(

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