Time to spill the beans

(Zone 6b)

Here's a sweet video for you. Cat hugs baby kitten.


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Donna, we had special prayer for you at our church. God knows where you are and exactly what you are in need of. Trust Him in all things. Praying for you.

Bridgewater, ME

Donna Annie and ZZ thinking ouf you and your on my prayer list(your listed at my chicken friends)Liight for Jesus what a cute video that would bring a smile to anyones face.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Just something for you quit smoking people. The date was August 13, 1982 7:30 PM. I had smoked heavy for 20+ years. Up to 3 packs a day. My kids were after me to quit. I was only 38 years old & couldn't run over 100ft without being short of breath. Cigarettes were going to go up to $7.00 a carton. So I smoked the last one of a pack. I was out. So rather than go to buy more, I decided to quit.
Mind over matter, I have not had cigarette since.
I am not a believer in the nicotine addiction thing!
I did not have any withdrawals. I did not go ape. I started feeling better in a few weeks. No more spitting up the green & yellow stuff!
By the time bowling league started in early September, I could not stand the smoke! I had to sit way in the back of the place to be in fresh air.
Now the best thing that every happened in Minnesota was the complete smoking ban. Did you ever dine out where there is no smoke smell ? It is wonderful.
I have witnessed many people dying of lung cancer in the 29 years I have not smoked.
It is so sad. Because it would not have to happen.

Richmond, TX

Inspiring story!

Bridgewater, ME

Maine is one of those states you have to smoke outside and its so nice to sit in a resturant without smoking I don`t know of anyplace here that you can smoke,You have to be outside and so many feet away from a building.I feel this way, that if someone can quite why should they have to breath someone elses smoke.I remember after I quite the first thing that tasted so good was ice cream.Now when someone walks by me and I can smell the smoke on them I think yuck I used to smell like that and didn`t even know it.Its also the freedom you feel because you tied to the habbit.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I should qualify the state law here. You can smoke outside, but lots of places have banned it on their own. Many hospitals & schools have no smoking on their property. Our farmers market is smoke free although it is in a big parking lot.

(Zone 6b)

Yesterday a car drove by me. It had a strong smell, and at first I thought it was drugs, but then I decided, no, it was just cigarettes.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

This message was edited May 28, 2011 12:28 PM

(Zone 6b)

They also put all these chemicals on the tobacco now to keep you addicted, or so I've read. Harmful harmful things.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

ZZ I am the same as you. It is mind over matter. Until I decide quitting is what I choose to do it won't happen. For me it is the inhaling part that gets me when I have tried to quit and that first cup of coffee in the morning. I don't believe it is the nicotine as I have done the patches too.

Bridgewater, ME

It is harder for some peaple to quit,my friend had all the symptons that zz had,and I had none of those,its all in our makeup.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

You're no desire to quit keeps you puffing away.
When you really want to quit you will with no ill effects.
The cigarettes are making you sick. Migraines & all the other crap they tell you will happen to you is a myth. Almost most of my friends have quit smoking sometime over the years. Never heard a one of them mention getting ill from lack of smoke.
As long as you fantasize that you will never quit.
Oh, I didn't gain tons of weight either, like another myth.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am so glad I never started to smoke. I tried a few cigarettes when I was a teen but it did nothing for me. I have never been much of a follower so I didn't want to do it just because my friends were. When I see somebody smoking I always wonder why they started. Anyone care to share your story about how and why you started smoking?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Sorry.. had to delete.. that is just not how I want people to see me.. and this is Donna's thread not about my smoking or not.

This message was edited May 28, 2011 12:28 PM

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am glad sweets do not cause cancer. I would be in a world of hurt. I truly believe I am addicted to sugar. I was able to cut way back once and it is not easy. I got headaches bad. But I fell off the wagon and now I am as bad as ever. I think people can get addicted to lots of things.

Bridgewater, ME

CauuninKy I am also addicted to sugar,I LOVE it! My idea of a good meal is a box ow my favorite sweets and milk,yum.I don`t do that often.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

No wonder thousands die of cancer & are far overweight with attitudes like that.
I will "unwatch" this thread now, so no need to reply.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

My sugar of choice is chocolate. Always have 2 candy bars a day. Plus chocolate syrup in my coffee and a glass of chocolate milk some days. I am hopeless. Good thing it is not illegal. And my poor DH is a diabetic. I keep it all out of sight.

Donna, how are the baby ducks that were being attacked by the drake? I have been wondering about them. Are you feeling well enough to spend time with your birds?

ZZ, did those kids quit harassing your chickens?

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I can't be expected to be perfect in EVERY area. LOL

(Zone 6b)

The doctor that wrote the book, "Sugar Blues" claims it does cause cancer and other illnesses. He said it is addictive and a drug, like any other drug. White sugar has no vitamins or minerals in it. He said that the sellers of white sugar know of the addiction and that is how they make billions and billions of dollars off of us each and every year.

After I read that book my children and I stopped eating white sugar for two months. No cokes or anything. Then one night I craved it so badly I went to the store and bought cokes and candy bars and some other sweet things and we ate and ate. Not an hour later we were all three SICK. That showed me so clearly that there really is something wrong with sugar.

(Zone 5b)

It's tough to quit smoking. In over a week I've falled quite a few times, even for as much as I want to quit. Some days are better than others, one step at a time I suppose. I think most people have an addiction of some kind, coffee, sugar, food, salt. Some are just more socially exceptable than others. Let's not put anyone down here. I think we all truly care about each other and want what's best, there's just no reason to use a hammer to get the point across.

(Zone 5b)

Country Garden, I'm a little taken aback by your comment. Yes, your method worked for you, that is why your were successful, and a big congratulations to you!! Others need to find (--if they wish--) what works for them. There is no "one" magic wand. I don't think anyone here has been excusing, encouraging, or enabling others to be unhealthy. I appreciate that people have felt comfortable enough to share their addictions and/or things they aren't proud of, HERE, on a chicken forum, full of people who really do care about each other. I see no reason to chastise or beat the hell out of people for being honest.

I dislike confrontaion and avoid it at all cost.... but felt I needed to say this.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am sorry if I gave anyone the impression I was taking it lightly. I know it must be very hard to quit smoking. I just try to inject humor in most situations. Makes it a bit easier to take sometimes. My prayers are with everyone no matter what is is we are all dealing with at any given time. I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings or made anyone uncomfortable.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow Annie, you hit that spot on!!

I have felt for years that the only people left still smoking are the ones that are either totally stupid, showing off, don't give a dang or addicted. There aren't many who have smoked over 40 years, so there aren't many people who really know what it's like.

I knew I was uncomfortable about exposing more of my personal life, I knew I'd be judged..even here on the poultry forum I love so much, so yeah, I took the comments off.

I also dislike confrontation and it is compounded even worse when it invades "my" DG.. I can't stand for there to be "waves" here, this is my sanctuary, it's where I go when I can't take it or I want to check on friends.. or just "get away a little" and be with like kind people. I will not partake in upsetting the peace here for anyone or anything.

I'm sorry this happened to your Thread Donna.

(Zone 5b)

CajuninKY, you are the sweetest person and I love your sense of humor!! I hope you don't think my comments were directed at you, mostly they were directed all over the place LOL.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Cajun, you could never hurt my feelings.. I trust in that.. You have always been kind and kept it cool.. :)

(Zone 5b)

YES, ZZ, I love DG and feel the same way! Also, I really want to know how Donna is doing this weekend. Thrilled that you're doing better!

How are you, Donna????? Come on, details, what are you doing to relax? Have you done anything to pamper yourself? I hope your weather has been nice enough so you can sit outside and enjoy the scenery. You're in my prayers and I'm sending you positive and happy thoughts a mile a minute!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I like things to stay nice also. Life is too short for ugliness. Especially here where we all come to unwind.

I was hurt very badly a few years ago in the Equine forum. I quit posting and almost left the site altogether. That person started trouble in other forums and left the site completely. I hope they never return. It was uncalled for and hurtful. That is never the way I want to treat people and I pray I never make someone feel the way that person made me feel. I am glad I had made friends with lots of nice people who kept me coming back. One bad apple was not worth throwing away all the friendships I had made here and I have learned so much from people who are so generous with their knowledge. That has always amazed me about this site.

(Zone 6b)

You wouldn't think that online disagreements would hurt, but sometimes they do. I try to take it with a grain of salt. In my real life I am very isolated.

Stress is the absolute number one worst thing for lupus. Some doctors even suspect that stress actually causes lupus. Stress is not just mental, but affects the adrenal glands at the very least and I suspect much much more. The thymus gland, adrenals and thyroid all work together, so when one gets off, I think they all do. Stress is very damaging, which is why most of us try to avoid it.

I read this article one day on how to nourish your adrenals. It said do things that bring you pleasure. This may be why we like chickens. They reduce the stress.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I like to sit in a chair and just watch my chickens and goats. It is very relaxing. Anyone who is not lucky enough to have chickens or goats will not understand that.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

same o same o everyday. Feed chickens and ducks. Hubby grilled some pork chops and corn on the grill today. Just dreading what the future has in store for me.
Have 12 new chicks I didn't want to have but found last year if i don't let them brood a chick they won't stop being broody. Poor Ginger has been broody since November. I put her and Scarlet in a pen with their chicks and everyday I keep adding more. 8 went broody in a matter of days. I let them all have a couple eggs but you know how that goes. when they get off to take a break others go in and lay in the box and Ginger is a eggs thief. She steal any eggs she can get to. One first time broody messed up. Someone was in her box so she got in another one now the 10 eggs she accumalated are history yeah!!! Hate it for the chicks forming though. Oh you should see the nb chicks running around squealling with a blueberry in the tip of their bill. hubby got a kick out of it. My chickens are all in blueberry heaven right now as I have 4 big bushes full of them. It even makes the broody come off the nest to come get some before they are gone

Bridgewater, ME

Theres nothing like sitting in my swing and watching my chickens!If your not a chicken person you can`t understand.When I mention how much i enjoy that to someone they look at me like I`m crazy.

(Zone 5b)

DonnaB, one for sure thing in your future is that we will all be sending you positive thoughts and prayers. You are loved and appreciated here and there are many who will hold your hand during this stressful time. Please try to wait until the Dr's have all the tests done, medicine & technology are rapidly evolving and until all results are in try not to stress about it. Yes, it could be something scary, and then again, it could be something that isn't such a big deal. That's what I'm praying for!!!

Wow, your hubby made chops and corn on the grill? I think once you start feeling better we should all come visit you for a cook out LOL.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

we grill year round every weekend unless weather is bad. I cook Mon - Thursday, used to go out to eat of Friday night but haven't in 2 yrs as I no longer up to it so he goes and gets a pizza, poor boys or something and he cooks the weekend unless he has to work full day instead of going in just for a couple of hours. He also makes a killer omlet

(Zone 5b)

A husband that cooks, how great is that! Sounds yummy!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

My DH is an awesome cook but he sucks at cleaning up behind himself.

When DH was going through the awful time he had not long ago, he was very stressed. Every test they did they found something new and horrible. They nearly killed him with all the meds they put him on. We trusted God and everytime they found something new, a second test showed it was either gone or was not the awful thing they thought it was. Only God has the last say. Trust Him and He will see you through. We are holding you up in prayer. We love and appreciate you. Never forget that. You are not alone.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Through all these years since my DH passed away, I still don't cook on Fridays Donna!! That is so cool. Blueberries are ultra good for you.. (and them) I'm a blackberry freak..
Hang in there Donna... Nowadays the big "c" word is not as bad as it was many years ago.. I know it's scary.. but we are all pullin for you and like Cajun says keep the faith.

By the way Cajun, that was a beautiful thing to say.. You are awesome. :)

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

it's just everything else I already have and now the Cancer. I am most worried about throwing another blood clot. I have to go off the coumadin for the turmor removal and the neck surgery. Blood Clots are a risk for any surgery for a normal person and it puts me at a super high risk for one. Besides the fact that the pain from throwing one is unreal but I am more afraid of not dying from another one but being severally damaged and a big burden on my family. I already told them they better let me die because I was not going to a nursing home. I have a notorized DNR in place since 2005 when hubbie said he would make them revive me. I took the matter out of his hands. I asked him if he wanted to work 7 days a week and have to come home and take care of me everyday. He said he didn't think about that plus the fact of the expense of paying someone to take care of me all day. I would much rather be in heaven watching over my loved ones and pain free than in a nursing home with a bunch of minimum wage workers that could care less about the patients needs or comfort

Thank you Cajun

Yep Hubbies make twice the mess in the kitchen than we do lol

My mom keeps telling me to quit being so negative but then turns around and tells me about a lady that just had the Tumor removal done that I am getting and bled out on the table at Tulane which is one of the best Hospitals here in the deep south. Wow that really helped me a lot!!!!!!!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Hugs and Love to all...
Yesterday we had a party to introduce the new place to friends and family that have had us over at their homes and also the ones that helped us move... Everyone had a blast... Today Billy is tired and just hanging out... It may have worn him out, his first party that he hosted. The horseshoe games brought out the bull snakes... all 4 of them. Friends family and laughter that was what it was all about.. I want you all to know that you all were here in spirit as you all were a part of helping us get there..

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