The Merry, Merry Month of May

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Sweet picture of Sarah and charlie.

I can't believe all the flooding and it's no where near finished yet.

does anybody know if fothergilla blue shadows can be planted in the shade or part shade?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I don't even know what it is?? LOL

Don't you just love my nice clean yard! Hated to show the picture with all my junk and weeds everywhere!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Wow, Cindy...y'all have surely been busy and I hope the rivers stop rising!! And hope you got all the vehicles out. Things will be a mess for sure after the waters go down. We have had it rough in our part of the country with the clean-up from the tornados and y'all have the rains and water. Take care out there and be safe.

Thanks for posting the video, Charlotte. Hard to believe the mess that must have made for the Friday commute and folks traveling on I-40.

Have the cicada's / locusts invaded your part of the country yet? They are in their 7-year cycle and my goodness we sure heard them this morning!! I noticed a few of them buzzing around, but by 10 am this morning we could hear this noise in the distance. My husband thought it was one of the neighbors alarm systems going off and went to check. Then we figured it out. Another neighbor said the side of their barn was covered with them. Ewwwwww!!! I hope they go back to ground soon. Anyone know if we should be spraying foliage plants for the damage they could cause? I've seen a couple of them on my daylillies but haven't had time to go look at other things yet to see if they are being eaten.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes the I40 closure is causing major problems. It is a major east/west truck route with two other interstates feeding into it. Over 30 thousand trucks travel it each day. It is adding an additional 300 miles to the truck routes and over 2 lane roads instead of interstate.

Batesville, AR(Zone 7a)

After the storm this morning the sun came out and it turned out to be a nice day, was able to do some mowing. There has been lots of flooding close to where I live, east Independence and all of Jackson Co. I work for a poultry processing company and we have lots of farmers that grow chickens for us, one of the farms was completely surrounded and the chickens needed feed, the only way to get it to them was by helicopter. It was quite a sight, made the front page of the local paper.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Gosh Loretta, I didn't realize it was so bad over where you were. are all the roads ok? I thought about going to riverside and that other nursery maybe next weekend.

I was out in the tack room today and found a brand new box of hanging pots that I ordered back when i had the greenhouse and a huge box of brand new 4 inch square pots and these pot hangers.

i now have them all over the place on trees, and on the 4 in column posts on my front porch,

have already had a pot fall off of one, I guess the pots need a large lip in order to stay put . kind of like the clay pots do.

their really cool hangers

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Those are cool hangers Kathy Ann! Gosh you don't need ground space - just go up anywhere you can find something to hang on!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My best friend from Arkadelphia came up today and brought us a big plate of food. We sat out on the deck for several hours and visited. All I kept seeing was the sea of mess that I can't do anything about right now!! I don't know that my back yard has ever been in such a state of disarray!!! I do hope I can get it in some kind of order before the first of June! After all the rain we've had, my brugs were actually dry and wilting. I did water them.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I know, did you look at the photo gallery there on that site? it shows all th e ways they've used those hangers. i got them in a co-op back when I had the Greenhouse and i forgot about them, was going to use them in the greenhouse.

I got alot done today. made 8 double batches of soap, cleaned up my mess. worked outside all day today, planted a few veggies in the garden that I got on our trip. and dug a few more plants from out back. got Everything in the ground that was on those tables, except a sister theresa hydrangea i got in Bald knob and that fothergilla is not planted yet.

darren mowed the yard today. I picked a large bowl of strawberries and put them up too.

now I have to go cut the soap and sit my self down for the night!!

Hope you had a good day today Charlotte.

cindy Hope your feeling ok .

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sweet pictures of Sarah Charlotte. It is also a joy to see a smiling face. Things seem so grim lately. Children seem to put things in prospective. It's only the simple things that really matter. It is nice to have a clean yard but that almost never happens to true gardeners since we keep everything in constant construction stage. LOL I usually have to take my pictures from an angle that doesn't show the area with all the pots piled up that still need to go in the ground. I can never get all my beds cleaned and mulched before I need to start over again. My sister came over today and dug up a truck load of Liriope.

Elaine I know things are really bad there. Alabama will be reeling from that blow for a long time. Prayers are definitely being said everywhere for all the people involved or indirectly involved. I know the films they show on the news just don't do justice to the wide spread damage. There is just no way to portray it all. Praying for all of you in Ark and Memphis. Your waters are still rising with no where to go. I haven't seen much on the tv about flooding in Miss. I guess it will be more in the mid to lower delta going under. I know Vicksburg will be getting record high levels. I keep watching that because our camp is at Vicksburg but on the La. side. Jimbo says when all the is over and the camp is still standing he is going to lift it 2 more ft. He hasn't come home yet today so I don't know how bad things are now. I sure hope all the levees hold and keep the populated towns safe. It looks like the river here at the house rose about a foot last night. It is supposed to rise 15 ft by May 12.

Kathy Ann I am doing OK as long as I don't sit very long. That is when it is the worst on the nerve. Thanks for asking. Wow another whirl wind day for you. I wish I could work fast like I used to do. I don't get near enough done anymore. I got several of those hangers in a co-op a few years back. I never have hung them up. I gave a few of them away as door prizes at Jeri's RU.

I hope you all have a Wonderful Mother's Day

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cindy how do they lift the trailer?? I guess use cranes. The helicopter report on the link I sent just showed the area around Brinkley where the interstate is closed. But the flooded areas go way up into the state. Lots of flooding around Batesville where Loretta lives. Cotton Plant, Des Arc, Augusta and a number of other towns I can't remember are flooded and several have had mandatory evacation. All that water has to go somewhere. All the casinos in Tunica are closed and they even removed a lot of stuff from them. Mud Island at Memphis is flooded. A friend is in Memphis this weekend and she posted a picture of Beale street and one end of it is flooded. This has just been a year of natural disasters!
People just don't seem to understand what flood waters can do and how dangerous they are. I don't remember exactly where, but over in east AR a man was going to work and his road was under water and he went around the barricade in his truck. He called his wife and told her he was neck deep in water. They found him 2 days later - he had tried to walk out and of course the strenghth of the water took him under.

Ripley, MS

Cindy, didn't you go to the surgeon this week? I probably have the dates mixed up, but I thought you were going this week?

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

No Charlotte no crane. He will use railway timbers and jacks to get it to the height then weld it back to the I beams. This is how he got it where it is now so I assume that's what he will do again. What is ironic is when he lifted it 2 years ago he was fighting to get it in the air before highwater the next day. He had to stop at dark 6 inches shy of where he wanted to lift it. They had to stop and start welding the trailer to the I beams before the water got under it. If he had been able to get that last 6 inches we would not be worrying about water getting inside now. You are right about people underestimating the power of flooding water. The currents are really strong. We had 2 deaths here in that last bad storm and both were from people driving around barricades through flooded streets.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

No Sandra I go on the 10th , next Tues. I am really dreading it because I hear you have about a 3 hr sit in the waiting room. That is after I sit and drive 2 hrs to get there. It is sitting that hurts me the most.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I only have 2 days a week to get it all done till the next week, so i have to work hard on those two days, by the time monday rolls around, I'm quite ready to go back to the day job lol

Hammond, LA

Hi everyone! I wrote a little bit about myself on the Midsouth Members List forum and decided to 'jump in' as Cindy suggested there. :) I've been reading all of your comments about the flooding and it's terrible. Those of us not affected by it directly are sometimes like horses with blinders on, oblivious to what is going on with the weather and mother nature except for that which affects only our own back yards. Here I've been complaining about how dry it has been and hoping for rain but now I'm feeling grateful that I don't have the flooding problem. It is usually my area (southeast Louisiana - about 50 miles northwest of New Orleans) that gets crazy weather like hurricanes, excessive rain, and tornadoes. I don't watch much television any more and tend to get most of my major and local news by reading it online so sometimes I am completely out of the loop.

I was a very active gardener and DG member back in 2006 and 2007 until my husband was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma and I had to have a benign tumor removed from my skull. After those surgeries, neither of us were up to keeping up with the yard and gardening for quite some time. Now, after nearly 4 years of neglect, we are working on it like crazy people trying to reclaim our yard from the wilderness that has managed to creep in on us during our inactive years. :)

Just in the last two months my husband has built me a small kit greenhouse and a larger elevated cold frame. I've been digging up crowded plants, cleaning out brush and weeds, planting seeds, installing new flower beds and cleaning out and planting up old ones, and collecting seeds among other things. We also share a good sized vegetable garden with my in-laws and we are growing cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, watermelons, corn, squash, zucchini, and hot and sweet pepper varieties. My husband (Ted) is working hard to get our boat ready for fishing for when his sister and brother-in-law come home on leave from Korea. We have not used that boat for fishing since before Hurricane Katrina hit us so hard and I am glad to see it finally getting some much needed attention.

I have two sons, Evan who is 21 and getting married in August on the 12th, and Jacob who is 13 and will begin his first year of high school this fall. I work about 30 hours a week as a manager-on-duty at a large chain dollar store and my husband is a field engineer with an international medical equipment and software corporation.

Despite the lack of rain in our area this year we had a bumper crop of dewberries which made a nice supply of jelly. I have blackberries and strawberries in the freezer waiting to be canned as jellies and jams too. My favorite jam I've made this year so far is strawberry lemon marmalade. It is time to get to the blueberry farms to pick our own too. Last year we went to pick blueberries and the farm was closed due to an emergency so we missed out. Between gardening, canning and working, I'm exhausted but it is a good kind of exhaustion. :)

Happy Mother's Day to you all. I hope you have a day where you can put all your troubles to the side and enjoy your families and your gardens. I'm praying for all of you that are affected by the terrible tornadoes and floods that you will soon find some relief.


Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Hey DeAnne glad you jumped in and joined our chatter. Sometimes we may be hard to follow cause we will have several conversations going at once. I am happy that you an your DH health is better. Carving your way back the the jungle of neglect always seems daunting. If you have been reading then you know we have dubbed this the year of the elephant. We are all just taking a bite out of him at a time, meaning that we can only do so much in a day. Sometimes it feels like we are barely hanging by our fingertips. LOL -o00o---°(_)°--o00o

♥ ♥ ♥♥ Happy Mothers Day ♥♥ ♥♥ Cindy

Thumbnail by Riverland
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

DeAnne glad to have you here! Like Cindy said sometimes we can be hard to follow, but you'll get the hang of us. You know women - all trying to talk at the same time! LOL

Certainly glad to hear that your health is much better and that you are once again able to bet out and enjoy gardening. Sounds like your jumped back in with both feet and more!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

To all you lovely Moms, I hope you are enjoying your special day. We children could not do a thing without you!

Thumbnail by duckmother
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

DeAnne good to see you here!

I just got a call from laura, she said she had been at the hospital with contractions. Not the braxton hix kind either. They gave her meds to stop the contractions but to expect that baby earlier than June l2th. so. i guess we're on call. I told her she should have called me last night when she went down there.

it also seems she's not got near enough baby things , I thought her work had that covered for her, but I guess not. she works at a consignment shop and they were pulling everything for a infant boy but gave her the box and most was for girls. So I'll have to ;keep my eyes open at yard sales for her.

Looks like she'll be having that baby soon, and she's a little nervous as well.

Ripley, MS

You will join the rest of us Grannies--lol--it sure seems strange when you think about being a Granny for the first time. When do they think she might deliver, I hope the baby is ready and not a preemie.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sounds like everyone is a little nervous right now! Sounds like it's going to be soon!

For some reason I just couldn't go to sleep last night, so slept in this morning. All that stuff they put in my body hasn't worked it's way through my system yet and I don't feel real spiffy today. I'm taking it easy but trying to get some fresh air. So I decided to work on getting my deck straighten up. Maybe at the end of the day I can see something accomplished and will feel better! Lots of empty pots, etc that needs to be put away. Consolidating some small pots of things into one bigger pot, etc.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm not nervous ;0) i'm not having the baby. lol but The baby is going to be ok if it's born now, he's already 7. 6 or 7 oz. she'll have a rough time if she waits till 9 months to deliver.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Happy Mother's Day Ladies!!! Cindy I like that D/L and you know I really don't usually care for them but those ruffles are starting to get me!!! Thanks Kim for the cute little duck arrangement!!!

I have decided to clean out my pond and it has turned into A MAJOR JOB!!!! The top pond had a foot of sludge and leaves. We are down to 4-6" left and I quit. Maybe tomorrow!!!

Glad you have joined our group Deanne and that your health has improved!!! It sounds like we may be putting another group trip to Forest Hill with some of the local ladies soon if you would like to join us and put some faces to all these names.

LOL KA!! That is what Rebecca's mom said just before she past out in the delivery room!!!

Cindy that is awful!!!! I am so sorry!!! I know that Jimbo as well as your whole family is just sick!!!! ((((HUGS))))

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Charlotte how are you feeling tonight?

Sandra how is the shoulder? Did you get a shot?

This message was edited May 8, 2011 6:48 PM

Thumbnail by Riverland
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I've already been told I can't go into the delivery room lol. she's very modest, (who would have thought) wont' let anybody in there but jeremy. no chance of me passing out.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I feel better. I just pittled outside all afternoon. Never really got dressed today. I actually got some things accomplished. It took me about 5 times what it would have normally taken me! LOL But makes me feel better to have the deck area cleaned up. They say it takes 24 hours for the anesthesia to get out of your system. But I don't believe them. I also have not started taking my thyroid replacement yet and that probably is making me sluggish. I'll start taking it as soon as the pathology report comes back.
I should have taken a before picture of the deck, but I wouldn't want any one to see it!!! If you'll notice the top of the pergola is clear on one side and dark on the other. The first set of tornadoes that came through and actually touched down and did considerable damage just a little over a mile from my house, just peeled back one side of the pine needles. They are just about 12 inches deep on one side. When I finally get the power washer out I should be able to get them off.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

The other side.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Tried to organize the house plants.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Another brug opening.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

This poor little rose has dirt on it! I splattered it when I cleaned the deck. I got it last year at the Flower and Garden Show. They were little cuttings in foam. I bought 3 or 4 and they all lived. I have it in a pot and it made it through the winter and is blooming like crazy.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Gamecock iris.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Hardy amaryllis Marilyn gave me before she moved.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I resized those and obviously overdid it!

Thumbnail by cperdue
Ripley, MS

I am going to see Dr. Shirley Tues, I am thinking I will let him inject the shoulder, some days it is better, but some days it is just as bad.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

This is the only other one I'm resending.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've had injections in my thumb and it helped. Hope it helps your shoulder.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Hope it helps you Sandra.

gosh you did resize those pictures didnt' you lol I'm glad you posted a bigger picture of the gazebo area, that's lovely.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Good luck Sandra with your shoulder at the Dr.

Charlotte I thought I was going blind with those 1st pictures!!! Thanks for the bigger ones!!! You sure were busy when you were suppose to take it easy!!! It looks great though!!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Charlotte that really looks good. You are probably right about the thyroid meds. When you are not producing you do feel lethargic. Of course your slow is our fast.

Sandra I sure hope he can help with that shoulder.

My sister is going to go up to my brother's house in Burlison Tn to do some landscaping. That is near Covington. Can anyone tell me if there is any large nursery in that area? Bonnie? Kenny? I know Sharron lives up that way but she doesn't always check in.

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