new thread #97

(Zone 1)

I had a couple of the Shrub Daisies, don't know if they were the same one as yours, but mine: died this past winter, I guess they just couldn't take the numerous freezes.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

The RED shrimp plant doesn't go dormant here, either - it blooms all year for me: - I also have 'tuttie fruitie', but it does go dormant.

Thumbnail by KayJones
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

No, Linda - no fragrance on any of my Cestrums - I have white, purple and I can't remember the color of the other one - maybe yellow - the other two are just emerging from their winter sleep.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

These yellow shrimp plants are NOT hardy for me, so I put them in the greenhouse:

Thumbnail by KayJones
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

How strange nature is, the red ruellia and the yellow shrimp are perfectly hardy here on the island.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I agree, Alice - and I even have them planted on the south side of the house, with the greenhouse on the other side of the flower bed - a micro climate if you will - hard to understand!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

*sigh* you all have very lovely gardens and blooms. Thank you. I have been dodging hail and rain ( finally) to get things outside. Got my manicure on Sunday, now it looks like it never happened, which is why I don't do manicures. Been re-potting and digging and stuff.. gloves last about two hours around here, These are still inside..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

someone sent me a sttring of bananas, I got bored last night, so I played with a mini chiminea I never use..I am not finisihed with it, but this is the start.. I have to secure the top on and will wrap some creeping jenny that is bright yellow around it at the join.

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I had told you my red Christmas cactus has been blooming since november.. here is a bloom from last night..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Gorgeous Cajun Hibs, Rita. I lost my gian pink triple one this winter, I am very sad about that. I also lost voodoo and red riding hood.. I have no clue how, I hate it when I lose a plant I adore..Your bignonia is to die for.
KayJones your gardens are beautiful. Some things are staying inside in a special tropical room I can at least keep control that way.

This message was edited Apr 8, 2011 11:00 PM

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

All the EEs will be going out, and everything I am sending away is in one room now, so that is a good thing..Joe will be glad to have lights off down here all over the place..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I moved the vines to outside, babywoodrose is HUGE, maybe this year we will see blooms..rescued this one from walmart, it was on sale for 2.00...

Thumbnail by joeswife
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Kay - ardesia, Those Shrimp plants are confusing. The Red in both the solid and variegated bloomed all winter here, and barely lost a few leaves. This year was the first year I've leaf the variegated out I had one little back up cutting rooted just in case. The yellow never did do well for me...don't know why, tried it in two different spots.
Fruit Cocktail is like an Ever Ready Battery, just keeps ticking along, goes dormant and is an early one to come back and the White well you never know what that one's going to do. Last year came back early, no signs of it yet.
But I have a back up just in case !

Here's my white one from last year

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Lin -
E.F.G Orchids is open to the public now. 10-5 I think Tues-Sat. He will sell out of the liners too, so if you see something pricey ( which there is a lot of) ask him if he's got it in a liner size. Course it would be easy to spend a fortune even buying out of the liners. One reason I just don't even go into town that direction, and it's only 2 miles from me. Some kind of magnetic field just makes my truck want turn down his driveway LOL..

Kay - I wish I had the wild, native pitcher plants here too ! Those are tooooo cool.

Debra - I lose gloves all the time too...or one glove...have a bunch of mis matched pairs and it never fails...their both for the same hand...LOL I've given up and just buy several pairs of cheapo ones

Huntersville, NC(Zone 7b)

Nice Monstera Debra!

(Zone 1)

These Amaryllis blooms opened today. I can't remember which one this is ... lost all my files and lists when my laptop crashed last year.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

I sure agree about the shrimp plants, having lost the yellow ones time and again. It's not a hardiness issue, as there is a big one at Selby Gardens that goes on and on. I think they like a lot more shade than the other colors. I keep buying them because they're so pretty, but have yet to find the right spot for them. This year they're going on the south side of the house under the oak branches, so they'll be in shade in the summer, but get some sun in winter. How can they not like that??

Mj, I sure like that white one, have not seen that color before.

Here's my hibiscus acetocella coming back from the (almost) dead, what with winter and the sri lanka weevils love to munch it!

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

My Alocasia 'Hilo Beauty' babies seem to have survived. Here they are popping up in their hiding place under the mango tree.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

First daylilies of the season opened today! Some of my daylilies really struggle, but these red ones just bloom and bloom and increase nicely. They all do best on the north side of the house where they're in the shade in winter. Keeps them a bit cooler, then when the sun makes it over the house, they spring up like crazy.

Sorry for the romantically misty photos, there was this big thumb print on my camera lens. Who could have done that??

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

African iris - dietes vegeta? - fighting its way through all the firecrackers that overwhelm it every year.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Pale yellow 'Milkmaid' nasturtiums have wound their way through the Sunny Knockout rose bushes. Loved all that rain we got while I was away! They're the same color when the roses first open, but the roses fade to white and the nasties don't.

Great big 'Stuttgart' Canna popping up there between the two rose bushes. Humph, thought I had rousted all those bad boys outa there! Never had a single swipe of the gorgeous white variegation they were supposed to have.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Huntersville, NC(Zone 7b)

Again; I must say, You guys have some unbelieveable flowering plants!

Here's to the weekend....Saluuute!

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Just planted this passionvine 'Purple Possum' last May, and it has galloped along the top of the 6ft. fence for 25 ft in either direction. I grow it for the fruit, but the flowers are such a great bonus!

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Huntersville, NC(Zone 7b)


I don't know if I am going to put it in the ground (I'm Skeeerd). This is my first Rodeo with the AeAe. It was a 2' tall pup the first of December and is now well over 4'. I would hate for it to croak at this point. All the trouble (time) I've put into it. But at the same time, I would like to know how it will grow in this Georgia clay(actually I love the stuff) of ours.

Nothing ventured,......!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Beautiful blooms dxxy, and everyone. I spent the ay at a very old arboreatum, and it was wonderful, it was good to see dogwood trees in bloom. there were pink ones and white ones. The music was awesome, too, and we had a good time. I took a lot of pictures, but too tired to upload them.
Homer, that Monstera is a joint adventure . Birthdays are a wonderful thing..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Kay Happy Belated Birthday! All your plants look amazing. Luv your Brunfelsia!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Thank you! I'm busier at this age, and being retired, then I ever was when I was younger, had a family and a job!!! I thank GOD every day that I'm able to operate full steam ahead!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

How funny, Kay. I told a friend the exact same thing just yesterday. Not enough hours in the day.

Happy Birthday.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi my friend Christi Lou! miss you..xoxo

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Christie, how are you doing? I often think of you and what a strong, Christian woman you are - I was able to learn from your strength - you are loved, my Friend!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Here are a few plants showing off in my yard today - I have no idea of it's name, but the blooms are almost dinner plate-size:

Thumbnail by KayJones
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

The dwarf Brunfelsia just keeps blooming and blooming:

Thumbnail by KayJones
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

The lemon yellow reed Orchid is beginning to throw some blooms:

Thumbnail by KayJones
Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Time for a new thread!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Kay, So sorry I missed your BD. Boy I sure agree with you I have been pretty busy since I retired a few years ago. People who ask what will you do when you retire have no idea. LOL

Wanted to wish Joeswife a Happy Birthday also.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, Holly - thanks for the good wishes!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh WOW. I came home today to this box on my porch marked live plants. What a wonderful surprise to get. Thank you Thank you so much Prita.
I haven't had much time to post but I have been following along. I picked up a seasonal PT job. Working right now in my busiest gardening time might not have been such a good idea. I do like the work and the $$ will come in handy come vacation time. I am really enjoying all the pictures. I agree with Lynn that Gators Pride is just beautiful.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I ALSO got a wonderful birthday surprise box today - THANK YOU, Deb!

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