April's Spring Orchids

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Time for a new thread so we can post our April blooms. I was going to entitle it April Fool's Orchids and start with the blue one but decided against it. We came from http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1161465/.

My Cattleya Mini Purple opened during the torrential rain we had last Thursday. Brave little gal and a very reliable bloomer.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

The Dendrobium nobile hybrid is now in fool boom. What a show!


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

This is Pot. William Farrel X Schomb. gloriosa. I love the colors.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

The plant is mounted and hanging from my bottle palm.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I'll toss in this NOID Phal. just for grins.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Love the color on that pot, Jim! Can't wait to see it fully open!

I 've got your twin Phal, and it's half brother...

Thumbnail by OCCAROL
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

You know, Phals get no respect, me included, but they are really pretty. I guess it is because there are so many of them. It is about all the big stores sell down here. My first orchid was a phal and now I just kind of wade through them trying to get to the good stuff. It's a shame, really.


Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Jim, I know what you mean. My first orchids were passed to me many years ago... Cyms and Epi schomburgkii, but while I love the Phals, I don't grow them well, and they are real estate hogs. I've gotten to where I can walk right past them at HD or lowes, unless I spot a new color out of the corner of my eye. NOT blue! The standard ones seem to hold their flowers forever...I (had) one that literally bloomed itself to death. It had flowers for 10 months on it's second blooming, then died. The show was well worth the $17 or so I paid for it!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the new thread, Jim. I'm up to my ears in houseguests but am enjoying other's photos. I agree with you and Carol about the under-appreciated Phalaenopsis. They do great for me as long as I keep them inside but they don't tolerate extreme hot, cold, wet or dry weather as well as some others. In the more even indoor environment they are usually very reliable.

north coast nsw, Australia

Blc. Alma kee 'tipmalee'

Thumbnail by breeindy
north coast nsw, Australia

Lc. Mildred Rives x Blc. Burdekin Bells neally open.

Thumbnail by breeindy
north coast nsw, Australia

Hard to get a photo of the colour of Blc. San Yang Ruby 'Kwan Long'.

Thumbnail by breeindy
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Good show, Bree. All three from Floofyland. Tipmalee looks yellow and red now instead of the green and purple when first posted. Either way, it's a winner.


Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Love all three, Bree!

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

I've missed you guys! The Longwood Gardens show was super. I had never been there -- it is a beautiful place. If it hadn't been so cold (and the glass houses so full of orchids) I might have actually walked around and seen some more of it other than what could be seen on the way to the orchid show . . .

Hawkarica and Maypop -- I love your dendrobiums. I have never grown them, but have always loved the photos I've seen of chrysotoxum, farmeri, fimbriatum oculatum . . . all those lovely "cattleya shapes" but with such delicacy that has been bred out of the monstrous (but also incredible) Cattleya hybrids . . .

I had a wonderful conversation with Tony Silva of Silva Orchids the other day at our NYC farmer's market, reminiscing about the old Jones and Scully catalogue and all those "historic" hybrids. I remember when all those amazingly colored phalaenopsis that are $16 bucks or so at the Home Depot were $50, $75, $125. Some of the colors and patterns I've seen lately I don't think were even imagined in those days. Yes, let's appreciate them in spite of their ubiquitousness!

In my posting of phal photos in March, I forgot this. It is a clone of Brother Lawrence (possibly 'Brother') entering its third month of bloom (no kidding). (oops, I posted it sideways . . . )

This message was edited Apr 5, 2011 12:28 PM

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Here's another shot (rightside up, too).

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I love the Blc. Alma kee 'tipmalee'. Reminds me of a daffodill!!!

Fremont, CA

I am real amateur grower but getting better as i go one of my biggest problems is not keeping tags and records of my plants ids praying for forgiveness from you all would like to share this pic of my latest bloomer any ids would be appreciated the plants came From Frank Fordice in livermore ca. so of course they are catalaya this is my first post on this forum now i put it on the wrong thread

This message was edited Apr 5, 2011 8:04 AM

Thumbnail by DigBob
Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Jim, like Carol said...I can't wait to see that pot/shomb cross when it's more fully open. The colors look outstanding.

Bree, your catts always impress me. I've always joked about liking the more 'gaudy' ones. Alma kee is as brightly colored as my Toshie Aoki...which has YET to bloom for me. It's a huge specimen plant, though, so I'm hoping this next year's growth will bloom. Your coerulean catt is a beauty, too.

Thanks for the show, Everybody!

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

DigBob, it's really hard to say. There are dozens of hybrids that could look much alike. Your red-colored cattleya hybrid does look a lot like Lc Carolyn Reid 'Glowing Embers' to me...but you can never know for sure.

Either way, they're nicely grown and nicely mounted!

Your tillandsias are a great addition, too. Epiphytes look great en masse...

Fremont, CA

thank you Jim I remember Frank saying it was his best attempt at a pure red flower the end name was dedicated to his daughter "Sues Promise" the white one was a first bloom it teased on several new growth I used to sell Tillys mounted on grape wood economy turned me back into a hobbyist which is really more enjoyable, grow on

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

As requested, the Pot. William Farrel X Schomb. gloriosa has opened a bit and here is how she looks today.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

A closer look.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Update on Cattleya Mini Purple, now with both blooms open.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Update on Paph Satchel's Legend.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Update on Dendrobium Farmeri.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I leave you with Phal. Minho Princess 'S.J.'


Thumbnail by hawkarica
north coast nsw, Australia

Thanks guys! Digbob- love them orchids on the wood. Beautiful!
scbogoniaguy- Toshie Aoki is a real beauty, i have a few but aren't big enough to flower yet. Whats a Coerulean Catt.?
Owww jim love that Paph! as i do all of them. hehe!

Thumbnail by breeindy
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, really lovely. I've got some new bloomers including a Paph opening. Need to get the guy that takes decent photos on the job.

Through gifting and default I've ended up with at least ten or fifteen Cattleyas. Since they like lots of light and cooler weather than most tropical species orchids, they were at the top of the greenhut and, since they have thick, succulent leaves they got fried the worst. So what I learned from that experience is though most thin leaved orchids tolerate less sun than thick leaved ones they tolerate heat better. Perhaps the high water content of the thicker leaves makes them over-heat more readily?

Pinetop, are there photos forthcoming on Longwood? I still have old "Xeroxed" lists from those folks stuck in old orchid books. lol The price and availability of orchids then is not a good example of the good old days. lol Love that yellow Phal that needs no name.

DigBob, welcome and thanks for posting.

Fremont, CA

Thanx for the welcome here is a Dend Nobile blooming for me now also

Thumbnail by DigBob
Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Bree, I meant "coerulea," as in blue...the same way alba=white / aurea=yellow, etc. I could be wrong in using that word...or its spelling...? Others might know...

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I know a coerulea vanda is a blue vanda so you are probably correct.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Correct. Now off to fall over from sightseeing with guests. lol

north coast nsw, Australia

I haven't posted any pics of blue catt's though?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Restrepia striata has its first flower of the season. There will be lots to follow. It blooms over a long period. This is part of my flowers from outer space collection. It's mounted to a piece of hickory and sits on a moist gravel and moss tray. Restrepia striata likes a daily shower but can go a few days without as long as the tray is damp. The leaves are heart shaped and look lovely all year around.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Pleurothallis brighamii is cranking out the flowers now. It has the same culture requirements as the Restrepia above.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Paph. Hsingyinging Web 'Giant' x Paph. Pulsar 'Hsingying Flame' SM/TPS is also coming around. Phew, what a long name! This one is very warty.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

The lower canes on Dendrobium fimbriatum have lost there flowers. Now the upper canes are blooming. This has made for a much better display this year because there are flowers over a longer period.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Newbies have been advised to not cut old, shriveled canes off of their Dendrobiums and here is why. You can see these blooms are coming from a very old and yellowed cane.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

One of the Jairak Rainbow series without a tag. I think one with a tag that is the same is starting to open.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel

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