April's Spring Orchids

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I was recently given a baby Dendrobium Aussie's Chip. It only has one flower this year but these orchids are vigorous and extremely floriferous. They send flower spikes from the center two leaves, re-blooming on both new and old leads.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Well I meant to post the front of the orchid though the back has those cute freckles. Here you go.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

LOL, I did it again! Those thumbnails are tough on the eyes and I trashed the photos from the front. Need to remember to take another picture.

The Broughtonia cubensis flowers are lasting well. I like that it blooms on the heels of Broughtonia negrilensis so there are Broughtonias blooming for months here.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Good show, laurel! Is Aussi chips fussy? I'm working on my own "green hut", wish you were here. I've got a frame in place and all summer to figure out how to enclose it. From now on all my 'chids live outside all year, or die. Just waiting for this (last, I hope) winter storm to blow through to put them all out.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Carol. Aussie's Chip is ridiculously easy. A great windowsill grower and tolerant of a wide variety of conditions. It does well in a pot. The bloom show on a more mature plant goes on for months. It grows with the same culture as Nora Takunaga (I think that's a fav of Kathy's) and Andree Millar (which is a fav of mine). The flowers are smaller but more profuse than Nora or Andree. Marble Branch has the two later ones but don't have Aussie's Chip right now. Andree Millar has been blooming since mid-winter here. I keep forgetting to take a photo because it is being enjoyed in the house.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks! Sounds like one I need. I'm trying to avoid those monster Dens. I just don't have room for them. Spring Garden Show is comming up the last weekend in April, at South Coast Plaza, Costa mesa, with all the usual west coast vendors. I'll have to look for one.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Carol, all the ones I mentioned are manageable size-wise. However, Aussie's Chip takes after its Den. aberrans parent and stays really small with relatively large flowers. The individual flowers are not so spectacular but when it gets sizable the pendant flowers shower the plant.

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

MaypopLaurel - "my flowers from outer space collection . . . " LOL! I love it. And I love that fimbriatum dendrobium. What a great photo to show how such old looking canes can bring forth such wondrous flowers! I want one! But I bet they need tons of sunlight, yes?

I had an upsetting accident this morning . . . I was watering my Toulmnia with nine flowers on it, and dropped it . . . pot cracked, plant fell out and five flowers fell off. I hadn't even photographed it yet -- I was waiting for all the flowers to develop full color. SO . . . I called in late to work, arranged the fallen flowers on a background and photographed them. Will post the photo shortly. At least the spike didn't break. I'll hope for more flowers from sideshoots . . .

I wasn't sure about posting the Longwood Garden orchid shots here. I didn't know if maybe one had to actually grow and flower the orchid oneself to post a photo here, but if not, I'll post 'em!

Breeindy, you have the coolest Cattleyas!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Ooh, que lastima, Pinetop. I have done that (in fact most of us have done that) more times than I can count. Well, those Tols. are good about branching so there is hope. Make the Longwood photos a separate thread since it's a topic. If I photo an orchid or two that's not mine, but blooming during the month, I'd post it here but if I go to a show or garden I make a thread. It might take folks a few days to notice so be patient for responses. As for Dendrobium fimbriatum, it would probably be difficult up your way without a GH. They like high light and cool, dry winters with no fertilizer. It's like they are on an orchid diet. When they start to bud up they need progressively more water and fertilizer. Then they need regular water, fertilizer and more light in summer when they start making new canes. They bloom off of one year, or older, canes so the care they get in summer influences their production of flowers the following spring.

Jim, your orchids are looking great despite weather challenges. I'm lovin' that Paph.! How's the enclosure project going?

Bree, your Catts are amazing and so beautifully grown.

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the sympathy, Maypop. I said to myself, "with all the problems in the world, this is nothing," but it still bothered me. Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who has done this.

Here are my displaced dancing girls. At least the photo will last. They are Tol. Genting 'Pink Lady.' No two alike, just like people. Love that.

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

I've posted some of my photos from the Longwood Gardens SEPOS show: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1171277/


Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
north coast nsw, Australia

Lovely orchids everyone.
thanks! must be floofy catt. time here...

This message was edited Apr 10, 2011 6:09 PM

Thumbnail by breeindy
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Such a cute flower on that Tolumnia. I remember when I first came to this forum and touted Tolumnias. Very few people here were growing them. They are a fun and easy orchid.

Bree, for those of us who did not fry our Cattleyas there certainly are some nice ones being posted.

My hardrive has gone soft, if not rotten. Today things seem okay but yesterday it kept crashing every few minutes. If I go missing for a while that, and the learning curve with a new one, is the cause. Well, and also because we are starting major planting for our kitchen garden at Maypop.

north coast nsw, Australia

My Catt's are under 80% shadecloth but hanging from the roof and on the top shelves. Paphs underneath.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I was a few days late in putting up shade cloth when the sun shifted from the walls to the roof. I got hung up with a more than normal work schedule. Next year I'll make sure the shade cloth is up early; even if it means things are shady for a few weeks.

north coast nsw, Australia

Oh Laurel hope there ok. Mine stay under 80% all year..maybe they shouldn't but i can't be bothered taking off the shade cloth to put a lighter one on when winter doesn't really last that long here. My greenhouse is neally in full sun anyway and if anything i wish it'll get more morning sun(shed blocks it for a few hours) and less afternoon.
Closest i could get of the real colour of this lovely strong smelling catt. san yang ruby....

Thumbnail by breeindy
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Bree, I have lost a few and most likely will lose a few more. I had just started growing orchids again, less than four years ago, and was trying to grow up some specimen plants that are now toast. They might recover and flower, maybe even next year, but they'll look bad. In any case, I'm enjoying your flowers.

I have a new 'puter. Bear with me while I'm on that learning curve. You know how technically adept I am from my photos. :>) I already did a first pass on trying to upload photos. Forget it. The old method is apparently obsolete.

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Breeindy, I know I sound like a broken record, but gee, your Cattleyas are something else. Absolutely beautiful. I'm especially a fan of that semi-alba and the yellow with colored lip. Better photo than I've seen in catalogs. What is the name of that yellow one?

Maypop, good luck with the computer! I am in the process of switching from PC to MAC, but am still doing all my photo work on the PC just because I'm used to it . . . time for this old dog to learn some new tricks.

Thumbnail by PinetopPlanter
north coast nsw, Australia

Thanks! pinetopplanter- my yellow and red catt. is Blc. Alma Kee 'tipmalee' and the white with the purple lip is Blc. Mildred Rives x Blc Burdekin Bells.
My only other flowering orchid ATM is sharry baby 'sweet fragrance'...

Thumbnail by breeindy
Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks, breeindy! I will be on the lookout for them . . . Still trying to figure out if I can grow the big ones, but am going to try!

What do you think of Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'? I tried it; got a monster of a plant, tons of bloom, but the fragrance to me wasn't as strong or as pleasing (nor as showy) as a Miltonidium Bartley Schwartz 'Highlander' I have. How it it for you?

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

When my Sharry Baby bloomed, a couple weeks ago, the entire 2nd floor of my house smelled like "Chocolate Covered Cherries". And that was just 1 bloom stalk.

Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

Wow. Maybe I got a bum plant!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm loving the new computer but having some issues with Windows 7. Firstly it is not compatible with my email program. Also, the various operations and sequences related to photo compressing and uploading are different though I'm using the same program. I'm stumbling through the process. I get it right once but then can't remember what I did. To compound things ATT did not like that I had a phone plan from when dinosaurs roamed the earth (Bell South Mobility, 1986. My original cell phone stowed in something the size of a current laptop case. lol ATT refused to continue to grandfather my plan after a mere twenty five years and forced me to get a new plan that also required a new phone. I loved my old Nokia which was complicated enough for me. I now have to master 4G and be "smart". No way around it; can't even fake it: >) The upshot is as soon as I conquer a rotten Spring cold and current technology I'll post some photos.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Because of my lanai redo, all of my orchids are hanging from trees and bushes all over the yard. I strung a rope between two trees and this is the mess I have created.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I did spot a couple of bloomers. Here is oncidium psychopsis floating like a butterfly in the trees.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Then there is Epi radicans, now hanging from a palm tree.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the photos, Jim. I've not had luck with Onc. psychopsis. Your Epi radicans is looking great.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I haven't been posting much because of this construction. The workers are here most of the day and I am on the Master Gardener yard tour for May the 5th. So, I work in the yard all day and keep one eye on them. It's like I'm cleaning up one part of the garden while they are ripping up another. I'm still not sure they will be finished in time and if not, what am I to do? I mean, apart from breaking open the good stuff and floating off to a better place. :>)


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Pine straw hides a host of sins. We had a huge family event several years ago while the driveway and bridge were being reconstructed, retaining walls built and landscaping installed. They were a few weeks from finished but they covered the remaining concrete rubble with pine straw and hid the unplanted plants under the decks. The place looked great. Not to worry they are there to enjoy your efforts and I'm sure they will.

I think I just figured out the photo posting glitches. Yahoo!

This message was edited Apr 20, 2011 8:26 PM

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Ha Ha! At&T is taking over our lives! Let me know how W7 works out for you. I hate vista! I made the mistake of updating to IE9 a couple of weeks ago...now I'm using FireFox . So much for progress...they just won't let us get comfortable with a system.

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Jim, the rope between trees is a smart workaround. Having moved into this new house, I'm a little hesitant to start putting orchids in their "permanent" places...until I know how the sun crosses the property. But so far, it looks like this is ONE SHADY YARD, with huge trees all around. I'm afraid my catts are going to beg me to pay ONE MORE BILL by having some trees removed. Until then, I can only hope dappled light is enough to produce some blooms. Having mostly hybrids of brasso's, catt's, epi's, sophro's, and laelias, this should prove interesting. Here's their temporary home...suspended from the wrought iron on the front porch...

Thumbnail by SCBegoniaGuy
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

That looks nicely done, BegoniaGuy. Once my new lanai is finished, I will have to do some experimentation myself in order to adjust to the light that new luminescent roof provides.


Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

I got this by mail today...ordered from a grower in Hawaii. I don't think I realized it was in bloom, but I was impressed that the flowers shipped so well. Blc Ann Morning 'Paradise'...

Thumbnail by SCBegoniaGuy
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Makes me want to hula, SCBG. Your porch is looking great and I bet those orchids will be happy there for now. SO took some photos for me today and then we came to Maypop. We just got here an hour ago. It's ten degrees cooler than in Atlanta. We'll be working on the veggie garden for the next days but I'll try to post some photos in a day or two.

Jim, it's weird about that ambient light. It doesn't seem bright enough but even the high light orchids thrive. Though I have a clear roof, the walls are translucent.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm stuck on the hula visual. :>)


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay, true confession, I sent my coconut bra off to Goodwill just a few years ago. Call me sentimental. :>) BTW, now what do I do for a bra? lol If I had any sense at all I would have drilled some holes in those coconut halves and potted orchids in them. I've got some growing that way now.

In from a day planting more tomatoes (twenty in and sixteen to go), cauliflower, cabbage, collards, rapini, basil, Italian and Indian eggplants, Marconi Italian peppers, basil and fennel. We grow eight or ten varieties of lettuce including bibbs and loose leaf. Also endive. Last week I planted broccoli, arugula, other tomatoes, radishes (many kinds), beets (red, golden and banded), carrots (two kinds), kohlrabi (red and white). We are also harvesting mustard, collards, kale, chard, rutabagas and arugula from Fall planting. Cilantro is producing, fava beans are flowering and should be providing soon. Snow and snap peas are just around the corner. More to do tomorrow. This limits my posting time here but I do check in and miss you guys.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

This visual is getting more complex.

I want to wish all a wonderful Passover and Easter. Be true to your faith.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Double ditto from us at Maypop.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Let me know when all those veggies are ripe & I'll come visit!!!!
My MD house should be on the market 1 June so I planted a very small garden this year. Hopefully I'll be around long enough to enjoy a few tomatoes & zucchini but not here when it's time to till the garden under in the Fall!!!!

As soon as pollen season is over & I can get the porches power washed, the Orchids will be moving outside for the Summer. They are so much easier to water when outdoors & I can just make a "mess". I'm seeing a lot of new shoots so I'm guessing they are happy.

Hope the "Bunny" is hopping to all today.............................

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We are barely in from another day of planting. I've still not loaded and compressed.

Qwilter, we are hosting a RU June 25th. You could come then. Veggies are being harvested year around. I love orchids but draw the line when it comes time to tend the veggie garden. I don't post much on those threads but have good friends from there. We swap seed, advice and stories. I'd love to see your garden and your orchds.

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