2011 Spring Plant Swap in Lucketts, VA - May 21

Waynesboro, PA(Zone 6a)

Sorry I didn't make it to the this past Saturdays swap I was sick as a dog, but for those of you who were looking forward to the mushroom soil I will have it with me this weekend at Terri's. Oh by the way Terri I will be coming. LOL

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

I second Gita's question -- are we going to have a gift table?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Steve you were missed. I was going to send you a D-mail to see if you were going to Terri's glad you will be able to make this swap. I won't be able to take any of your great soil but I do have plenty of plants for you.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

mushroom soil? that's great stuff! are you able to get it bagged where you are? I can get it when I visit my folks in Pittsburgh, but nobody even knows what it is around here, LOL!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Mushroom soil? If there's extra would you please dmail me - size and price please and thank you?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I sent directions and phone numbers in dmail. Please let me know if I've missed anyone. A couple people have asked about a gift table - I hadn't thought of that. If there is enough interest, we could definitely have one, but will it be too much with loading up with plants and food to think of also doing gifts?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It sounds like there are a LOT of plants coming to this swap, so I'm not sure we'd miss the "gift table" a lot if we didn't do one... if you think the logistics are easier without, that's fine! We'll do one in fall, anyway, because it's pretty easy to set one up near the front door as we've done at my place in the past (yes, I want dibs on hosting the fall swap!). :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Matters not to me...whatever is easiest for the hostess gracious enough to do this for all of us.

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

At the Mt. Bethel swap last weekend they just asked whoever had brought gift table items to put their names in the container for a drawing. First name drawn gets first choice, etc. That way those who wanted to participate could, and those who didn't...didn't have to.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thats easy.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Nisi, that sounds like a great idea. So those who want to do a gift table, bring an item and we'll go with Nisi's suggestion.

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Quote from aspenhill :
Nisi, that sounds like a great idea. So those who want to do a gift table, bring an item and we'll go with Nisi's suggestion.

Oh, please--it wasn't my idea; I was just reporting on it. I have to give credit to DJ member Gardadore, who organized and executed the process. She even carried around the container to inform a person that his/her name was drawn, and then had THAT person draw the next name. (Everyone was in little groups talking.)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Aspenhill--I am thinking I may not be able to make it. I have not secured a ride and I also will need to be home with my son due to my DH going somewhere this weekend.

Some folks have requested plants from me. If anyone of you are coming close on the way to the swap and can stop through Falls Church to pick them up and take them to the swap for me, that would be great.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Foxy, please let us know if you'd be able to come if you had a ride... surely somebody must be coming past your way.

Waynesboro, PA(Zone 6a)

I am going to try and bring 2 scoops of the mushroom soil and a shovel so bring your 5 gallon buckets.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool! PLMK what you'd like for it (Dmail is probably best if we're talking $, so we stay on the right side of the AUP), or maybe I can swap you for some coir. :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I thought somewhere I saw you talking about Coir.....
I have begun to be interested in it....Have played around with looking into buying it.....
I do not know a lot about it--but seems it is great for many things gardening....

Did you do a "mass" purchase of it and have been posting about sharing it? +
Are you looking for people interested in sharing your purchase of it? For $$$, of course....

Perhaps--at some point of the Swap--you could step up and educate the rest of us about all the
wonders of Coir???? I sure would like to learn more about it....


I would love to have some Mushroom Soil--but I don't think we will have room i the car for any....
There are 3 of us car-pooling in Sally's SUV--with all our plants and tables ans chairs....

I believe I could find, somewhere, around here to buy it by the bag....
Do you mind telling us WHAT exactly IS Mushroom soil????
What is it made of? Another opportunity to hold a quick PK on an important garden item.

See you all soon! Gita

Waynesboro, PA(Zone 6a)

Gitagal, I live about an hour from Baltimore so if you want some we can talk at the swap and I can bring you a truck load. Talk to you on Saturday.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

So that Jill doesn't have to do an impromptu seminar during the swap...

Mushroom soil - http://www.veggiegardeningtips.com/mushroom-soil/

Coir - http://yourorganicgardeningblog.com/organic-garden-unlock-the-secret-of-coir-best-alternative-to-any-growing-media/

Google is your friend when you have questions ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

No seminar needed, I wrote an article on coir a while back when I was learning about it: http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/2464/

I bought a number of blocks from onewish. :-)

I'm all excited because astilbes have arrived and I just got email today from Sunshine saying we will have our lily bulbs by Friday. I'll get them sorted out and let people know what they owe me (I think we only had 4 or 5 people in on the purchase, so it should be pretty easy to figure out LOL).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hoping to get out between the rains and start pulling up and assembling. I won't bring everything on my HAVE list unless its requested or special. Of course happy bring anything that is requested.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I "get it! I get it!" Gonna try my darnest to follow suit...
That will be most difficult....but simple and effective if I can do it.....

Have some errands to run--and then I will start tagging plants and seeing
what "might" fall into the "special" category....

LAST CHANCE here for anyone to go to someone's "Haves" list and ask for something!!!!

I am listening to the radio as I sit here.....Do you know the World is going to end Saturday?
That will surely mess up Terri's Plant Swap! Bummer!!!!


Mu new Clematis I got last year....have to dig and find out the name---Lady...something....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Word of the Plant Swap has apparently gotten out to the authorities and they have put up electronic signs on Rt. 15 approaching Lucketts. ;-)

Thumbnail by greenthumb99
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thats a hoot, greenthumb!!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Ohhh----! Does that mean Terri is putting us all up until Sunday?
So we can SWAP till we DROP??????

Good one.....G.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

It is getting close, and maybe the rains have finally stopped!!! I have been frantically pulling weeds, and trying to get the beds in shape before Saturday but I'm not nearly done - oh well, just as long as the bathrooms are clean LOL. I wanted to set up everything to the back and side of the house, so we'd overlook the pond and my hillside shade garden, but we'll also be treated to a fine view of a dirt pile. After all this time, my conservatory project is finally underway and the foundation and basement walls were poured this week. It won't be ready to backfill until next week, so the excavated dirt will be part of the party.... I'm hoping we'll have great weather. See you all soon!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


CHILLL! No one will care what there is to see or not to see.
NO ONE will judge you what is just so--or not perfect......

I have hosted many a HUGE party and I understand your stressing out.....
I always stressed out as well. Everything HAD TO BE PERFECT!
Seeking everything to be just so----It is just something good hostesses do!
In the end---it does not matter....It is being with friends that matter.....

The reward is--that, when everything is under way---everyone is happy!
And--No one cares about all the small imperfections.....I, personally, prefer the
"Lived in" look at homes I go to. Makes ME more relaxed.....
And--hopefully, YOU, will be able to relax and enjoy the company as well....
NOT easy--I know---Just try to do it.....

Relax! Take a deep breath! Everything will be OK! We are all common folks....
We are ALL gardeners and dig in the dirt every day. Cleanliness is NOT
next to Godliness in a gardeners world! Perfection comes from a great garden
full of flowers and veggies etc....Weeds????? Well--They are also green ....:o)

Bless you for taking this on.......Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Greenthumb.
Apsenhill, Can't wait to see your dirt pile. WOW an actual foundation. We haven't gotten that far with our GH yet. I just wish it would stop raining long enough for me to dig the rest of my plants out. I do have some but really all I need is one day with little to no rain so I can get plants out of the ground without being up to my elbows in mud.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

No joke, greenthumb?? If the world comes to an end on Saturday, I'd prefer to be caught at a plant swap! Shucks, I will not be coming this time. Froggy is out of circulation at the moment and I have decided to stick close this weekend. I'll save the plants for the next swap. Ya'll have a great time and I hope everyone gets something "special." It's always cool to get a new plant, even if it's something you had before.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita, I'm not stressing too much. I've been part of the "dirty little housekeeping secrets" threads that Sallyg started, so I know I am in good company :-)

Holly, I've been outside working in the rain, along with my husband and brother-in-law on one of the wettest days this week. I wish someone was here to take a picture of the three of us - grinning, soaking wet, and covered pretty much head to toe in mud - we were a site to behold.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm just excited to hear you've finally got that project underway... I know how you've looked forward to it and how much effort you've put into planning it! If there's one thing gardeners don't mind, it's "a fine view of a dirt pile," LOL.

How did it get to be Thursday night and just one more day before the swap? All the rain has limited Joyanna & me to mere "puttering" in the garden this week. I'll pull some chocolate peppermint tomorrow afternoon and bag it. Joyanna helped me pot a couple of 'Rose Petal' thyme and 'Hot & Spicy' greek oregano starts this afternoon, and I'll try to get soem more of those to share.

Bluespiral is stopping by tomorrow morning, and she says she is bringing over several bags of Sarcococca hookerii (Sweet Box, an evergreen shrubby groundcover for light shade). I'll bring some along on Saturday!

Terri, please call or Dmail me tomorrow and let me know what time you'd like me to come Saturday morning and what I can do to help you set up... it sounds like you've got things well in hand! I'll try to get my folding table into the car, maybe a card table also... let me know if you need me to bring a cooler, or a warming tray, or anything else!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh, I figured it always good for us to bring our own chairs along and planned to do so. THe weather looks to be great!!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I've got plenty of chairs if you want to save room in the car.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks good to know!

Crozet, VA

Hello folks - I missed reading the threads for a few days and have missed out on the last minute excitement. Terri, everything will go fine. Is there a way for me to heat the baked beans at your place before putting them on food table? Just a warning, they will be Bush's Original Baked Beans, from a can, not a home made dish by any means. The potato chips are in a bag too, so hope this will be acceptable to all eaters.

Looking forward to seeing all you great folks tomorrow.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You mean you're not making your famous double-fried fresh potato chips??? Well, I'm not eating any chip from a bag! Harumph! ;-)

Wow, you should see the pile of goodies Bluespiral unloaded from her car this morning. Looks like more than enough Sweet Box to go around... I'll try to untangle it and pack it in grocery bags for those who requested it. Wouldn't you know, this is also the day that a couple of big boxes of plants have arrived, so I'll be potting and sorting and digging the rest of the afternoon, I think!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I posted on the pot luck thread but will "here" too...anyone with an extra cooler or two that has room - please bring with...will be helpful in splitting up the sodas - thank you

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby, there are outlets for heating up your beans by the food table - so good to go. Can't wait to see everyone!

Waynesboro, PA(Zone 6a)

I have a pick-up truck and can fit an extra cooler in there.

This message was edited May 21, 2011 7:12 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I am bringing a cooler with some ice.

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