White Velvet Zebrina

Iola, WI

My main job is as a childcare worker. We try to take a walk every day. Every day I'm tempted by a plant hanging outside the florists shop. How many times do I have to slap my hand away from snatching a piece of it?

I gave up. I finally stopped & talked to the florist, but she didn't know what it was! OK...how much are you asking for it? (I'm thinking $25 for a fully grown basket that's flowering) $12!!!! She must have liked me 'cause she threw in an Anthurium she hasn't had much luck with too! I hope I can get a bloom!

I'm already setting out pots so I have lots of trades!

Thanks for listening


smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

if you had wanted some.....lol...i woulda sent you some of mine....i got it this summer in a 4 in pot...now it is in an 8 or 9 in pot and hangs over bout 6 inches around...lol....i have traded lots of it...its a neat plant....im glad someone else likes it...very easy to propogate also...cindy

Petaluma, CA

OK, I give up. Tell me about this plant. My curiosity is piqued. (I love any plant that's new to me if it doesn't bite.)

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

i dont know the latin name for it...i have just known it to be a 'fuzzy wandering jew'...u want some?...i can send some cuttings...all my rooted ones are gone...but its very easy to root...it flowers just like the other jews but it has white fuzzy fur on it....cindy:)

Iola, WI

That's small town life for ya'! I've never seen one before.

I'm glad they propagate easily, when I watered last night a few pieces broke off. I decided to trim it a bit and planted 5 new pots of it with 4-5 cittings per pot. I could easily do that 5x more without hurting the plant!

Thanks brom!

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

lol...i know all about the small town life...lol...but there is a little greenhouse close by...i stop by and see him every now and then cuz he gets the unusual plants that i seem to like...lol..and that is where i got this one from...:)


High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i believe this is the plant that buffles everyone http://www.hear.org/pier/trzeb.htm pls. let me know if i am mistaken :).

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

mine is not striped at all...it is almost pink in color with white fuzz all over it....:)


Petaluma, CA

I have a very green fella here, labeled Cyanotis somaliensis. (I assume it is native to Somalia). I resembles a green, succulent wandering Jew with leaves 3/4 to 1" long, with lots of white hair over the leaf reverse and around the margins. The label also calls it "Pussy Ears." It's very dwarf, but very upright in growth habit (about 3" tall). Could this be the same?

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

if theres any to spare-please email me I could trade for a cutting of the beehive wandering jew.

Fall River, MA(Zone 6a)

sounds like a fun bunch of plants as long as you're not in tahiti or the galapagos! lol

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