Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners #9

(Debra) Garland, TX

Vickie, are you sure? The address I have for them is in the southeast corner of the state. I think the damage is in the central and north parts.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Debra, You are so right. I feel very foolish. I thought they had said it was near Huntsville. I've mentioned it and they never corrected me. But i just looked it up on a map.
There is alot of difference.
Must be getting old and senile.

Midland City, AL

PJ or MK probably mentioned Huntsville in passing, Vickie. I think MK lived in Huntsville at one time and I know PJ spent time with his brother when he was stationed at Redstone Arsenal. PJ told me once his time at the space camp and museum there was why he chose the Air Force. Sorry for any confusion. We are way down in the SE corner of the state in what is called the “tri-states area.” SW Georgia, SE Alabama, NW Florida. We are just a hop, skip and a jump from both the Florida and the Georgia state line.
All the nasty stuff is north of us. Chances of tornadoes are still in the moderate range for us, 5. The North and Central parts of the state are still at 9. Melinda just called to check on her mother which is why I’m still awake. Her in-laws in Georgia were hit. The worst will pass over us between 3 and 6-o-clock. Right now, there are just heavy thunderstorm warnings. Don’t think I’ll be sleeping much tonight. I heard AR was hit hard by this same front. How are things in your part of the world? ~Nadine~

(Debra) Garland, TX

No, Vickie, you are just concerned about friends. :-)

Thank you, Nadine. [hug]

Midland City, AL

Travis, Jacob and Amymone (Kay's grandchildren) are in Tuscaloosa. We have decided to try and physically get to them. Ground lines and cell services are out. Take care, all. (Jim)

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

GC's are okay. Tornado passed about 7 miles from their house. We appreciate your concern, Vickie. It's been a long day. Night all. Kay*

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Am so glad everyone is ok.Hope all can rest up over the weekend.
I'm gonna have to conjure up a different picture of you guys now. Will have to see you squishing your toes in the sand.A truely fun thing.Do you have palm trees around close. I'm ashamed to say,I've never been along the coast that far south.Only MA,MASS,NJ,TX and Virginia and CAL.
Oh,just thought. You'll have some of those beautiful old plantations.

(Debra) Garland, TX

I think I have become officially addicted. :/

See this?

The first photo is on the DG member's profile on another site and I really liked it. Asked her the name, then looked it up. $100. ACK! Okay, ain't happenin'. So, last night while looking around for "specials" got a whim to check on it again. Found it on eBay for $25 (and half off, at that). Okay, not so bad, really like it, I'm really cheap on other purchases, so spend for this one. But, THEN...uh-oh, oh dear, oh my goodness--started looking at the seller's OTHER Daylilies...and bought these, too...sad, sad, sad. LOL

I don't have a practical place to put ANY of them. Going to have to speed up the plans on making the next bed, or get some larger containers. But, if the blooms are even close to the color displayed by the seller's photos, wellllll...[grin] There are worse things with which I could be obsessed (and have been in the past!).

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

There are times during high summer I wish I did still live in Huntsville where I could escape to the coolness of the nearby mountains. I have fond memories of hiking Monte Sano and hang gliding off Keel Mountain. Not that I would want to do the latter again, but I think it’s one of those experiences that is good to have when you are young and still able. Any hang gliding or para-sailing clubs in your part of the world, Vickie? I think the air is too turbulent for the sport in some mountainous regions. I would like Nadine to have the experience of hang gliding or para-sailing once. Nadi thinks I was insanely daring when I was young. While, to me, she seems rather timid for one so young. Her Dad was a little over-protective while mine always pushed me hard to get out and do the same things my brothers and sisters did. I guess that makes a difference.
We had a date palm that came from Israel in front of our church when I was little. It survived, but it tended to look sort of ratty because it wasn’t happy with our winters. The elders eventually decided to cut it down. Of course, the fact that we kids would throw the fruit at one another might have had something to do with their decision as well. :-)
The palms you see here are usually the cold-hardy kind like Pindo, Windmill, Washingtonia, and Canary Island Date, Needle, Cabbage, Mediterranean Fan, Sabal Minor, Texas Sabal and the like. Jim has two bottle palms (ponytail palms). One of them is just beginning to develop its “bottle,” but we bring those indoors during the winter.
Yes, we are in the “coastal sand hills,” but keeping our sand on our hill is a challenge sometimes. That is what I’ve been working on lately aside from the ramp. The recent rain would have been welcome if the amount had come down over several days instead of several hours. It was the type of rain my Mom always called a “gully washer.” Now I understand the reference. It is mostly the driveway that is giving me grief. Since the drive circles the property inside the boundaries, it’s a major challenge. I want to keep the drive the way it is for easy access to all the areas because Jim uses the riding mower to get around the property these days. I want to make sure he can continue to do that.
Definitely worse things you could be addicted to, Debra. The only danger daylilies pose is to your pocketbook and, perhaps, your back. Don’t work too hard this weekend Hugs to all. Kay*

(Debra) Garland, TX

oh dear, oh dear. 10 gazanias, six salvias, four petunias, nine clematis waiting to be planted. six each of two kinds of oregano, six gold lemon thyme, six coreopsis potted to grow more sturdy roots. two hellebores, three blue-eyed grass, and four groundcover thymes coming in may. AND four new peonies ordered today for fall shipping. then there are the five drift roses ordered in january that will ship in september. not that i mind getting rid of the grass, i want to RIP that stuff out (grrr). in theory, there will be the green amber planters, too. it's just all coming faster than i thought and no 'kid' help in sight for awhile. maybe i should lose my internet cable, instead of my debit card? those plant co-ops are a powerful, draw. LOL

kay, carrie, vickie? would you like a gold and a variegated oregano? maybe a lemon thyme, too, hmmmmm? it's not enabling, really it's not...

(Debra) Garland, TX

Nadine, found this paragraph on bees on paghat's. What do you think?

"'Sunrise' coreopsis is ideal for the bouquet garden because it has such long straight stems. It is also a favorite of bees & other pollinators. Bees by & large see only blue & yellow, so a mixed bed of, say, blue scabiosas & yellow coreopsis will be great bee-attractants (red flowers are trying to attract other pollinators, including hummingbirds). This is certainly not to say bees don't find red or purple flowers; I see them all over purple rhodies & bright red beebalms (though often the deepest reds actually have some blue in them which our eyes can't see, but are telegraphing to bees). Though bees will pollinate everything, for maximum attraction, blues & yellows excite them best. "

Midland City, AL

Yep, coreopsis are my friends! Easy to grow and the bees love them. There is a sunny corner in the Old Soldier’s Garden and I’ve been moving the red daylilies there. PJ's hummers seem very fond of red. My easily confused, novice gardener brain originally planned putting a single kind of plant in each planter in my planter maze. It seemed at first to be a fine idea. I quickly discovered that is a waste of space and it meant more weeding. Plus, it was visually boring. Think blue salvia could hold its own with coreopsis? We thought we had lost the blue salvia, but I saw some coming back. I like the blue/yellow combination myself.
I know MK thought it would be the lemon thyme that had the best chance of success in our humidity. You do see it more in local gardens than other thymes. To our surprise, it has been the orange balsam that took best to Amargia. I’m not even sure the lemon thyme cuttings survived this winter so that would be welcome here, I’m sure. The orange balsam thrived and multiplied like crazy. I think the initial cutting came from you. Has the orange balsam done as well there? I’ve discovered bees love thyme, but I’m not sure what the appeal is. It is not flowering yet, but they hang out in both the orange balsam and the English thyme. MK says most thymes are anti-bacterial, anti-viral and even get rid of parasites so I guess it’s like a bee bath house or a quick visit to the doctor’s office for a vaccination. One thing is for sure, I know I have the best smelling bees around.
I'm gonna go find out what gazanias are before I go to bed. :-) ~Nadine~

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

My colors seem to have got out of controll.Thats ok,Ilove wild colors anyway.I have reds,yellows,purples,pinks. One never knows where 2 colors are going to appear.
It's been raining here so have washed everything that will wash in machine.Set my Christmas cactus out to get a good washing. Will probably leave them out for the summer.Wish i could get my right ankle and left knee to cooperate with me.Am doing a double hobble all over the house.LOL Breathing has been good tho.
Debra,Do you ever take a Friday or Monday off?
I came across 2 bandanas i had got for my dogs. They are now sporting green and blue bandanas.
I am now the owner of another cat. DD,s big grey cat has fully moved in.It will be awhile before my crew will accept her. but she is here to stay.
I'll need to go get monthly grocerys tomorrow.Am thinking about going to Russellville.I injoy the stores there. Specially Lowes and Hobby Lobby.
I finally found a pizza i don't like. I bought some Tonys pizza on sale.To me it was tasteless. YUK!
Nadine, I stuff my containers as full as i dare.I like a riot of flowers.Of course i have to water and fertlize often.
Saw my first hummingbird today.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Nadine, save some room for a few more red Daylilies. May be September before they are really sturdy enough to ship again, but got 'em earmarked for Amargia. Blue Salvia will look outstanding with the Coreopsis. Next week, I will send two plugs each of Salvia Cislano (it's blue), Coreopsis Early Sunrise, and Gold Lemon Thyme. Did send an Orange Balsam cutting, happy that it is thriving. The parent plant is doing okay, as is the Spicy Orange. Nutmeg and Archer's Gold died, guess it was too hot/cold/dry/wet here for them. :-) Gazanias are annuals, but do well in heat and humidity. Attract butterflies and bees, too. They are mildly poisonous to pets, but the ASPCA says not too serious.

"Species of Gazania, also referred to as treasure flower, do have the potential to cause mild to moderate gastrointestinal irritation, depending on the quantity ingested. Because of this, pets should be discouraged from nibbling on this plant. But don’t worry too much, Shannon. We wouldn’t anticipate severe or life-threatening clinical problems should your cockapoo decide to sample your Gazania. "

The one I bought is Gazania Gazoo Clear Vanilla. Be happy to send a few of those, too. :-D This one is less fullly petaled than most, but the colors are pretty.

Vickie, usually work six days a week, unless I'm really ill. Cats know their own. If there is ever an antihistamine that WORKS on cat allergies, I'd like to introduce a kitten to the pooches. Watched "Too Cute" on Animal Planet and they were really too cute. LOL

Midland City, AL

We did our monthly shopping today. I'm sure glad I have help. I used my w/c and stillI came home exhausted, but not in pain. Yes!!!
Nadine sent me two funny videos showing encounters between cats and bears. In one the bear was eating the cat's food and the cat kept yawling and swiping at bear's nose. The other actually showed a house cat chasing a bear. I guess we can rest assured you are safe from bears.
Recently, I wouldn't have minded having a cat. The inside was open to the outside while I was working on the dishwasher and what the Terminex guy called a deer mouse got inside. He may still be in my woodworking shop, but at least we got him out of the house itself. Deer mice are apparently much smarter than the normal house mouse or field mouse and they are excellent climbers. They hoard food like squirrels. It stuffed the compresser overflow in the refrigerator full of Beneful stolen from Tater-dog's bowl. The dogs were doing their best to catch it which was a disaster in and of itself. It was like the movie, "Mousetrap." We finally had to call in the professionals.
Debra, you are charged wit contributing to the deflation of my bank account! You just had to go and tell the ladies about gazanias didn't you? To make it worse, Nadine likes the pink ones. lol. Those are cool. (Except for the pink ones, of course.) Jim.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Jim, that is FUNNY! (from here, anyway)

Oh, dear, sorry (head hung, shamefaced). But, Jim. I only introduced them to the nice soft non-pink vanilla ones. They're aren't THAT expensive. And they reseed themselves. And they are cheery. And they attract butterflies and bees. And they do come in hurt-your-eyes-bright oranges and yellows, too...[grin]

Midland City, AL

I was hoping this mouse would out-maneuver the exterminator. I kept jerbels and hamsters when I was a kid and he reminded me more of those than a normal house mouse. I kinda thought he was cute in a rascally way. I started calling him Speedy Gonzales. I think MK and PJ thought I was losing it when I first described the climbing mouse with huge anime eyes that dumped my popcorn bowl and got into MK's bag of jellybeans on top of the fridge late at night. No one but me saw him at first. He made quite an impression on MK when she finally encountered him. Who would have thought she was the sort of lady who would stand on a chair and screech at the top of her lungs for a man to save her. Didn't SHE call ME timid somewhere on this forum recently? ROFL.
PJ harvested over a gallon of English peas today and it looks like the vines will be producing for a few more weeks. I would never have expected a pea named 'Alaska' to stand up to the heat this long. I'm still harvesting lettuce from the partially shaded containers on the porch rail. What is in the sunny w/c garden is starting to taste bitter. I am sold on loose-leaf lettuces now. ~Nadine~
. .

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Now I know what happened to the Amargia computer to break it down. Mr Speedy got into it for revenge and ate all the
cheese flavored wires.
Jim has vowed to get back on line ASAP.
I've been in heaven working in my flowers.The house is getting harder to find a pathway thru. Thats ok, I just need a straight line to the frig and microwave.LOL
My cats called 911 yesterday.Apparently when they hopped they landed on the 911 button. I was so imbarressed when the deputy showed up at my house. He was nice about it tho.(He only drove 35 miles to get here.)Gonna have to take them a cake or cookies. The sherrif not the cats.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Oh, gosh, Vickie! I do love seeing a man in uniform, but agree those may not have been the most comfortable of circumstances. :-)

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

You're right Debra, But am glad in a way that they checked to see if all was well.I just hate that it happened. I've got the phone semi sorta protected from cats,with a box over it. I figure it will be safe for a week untill they discover how much fun it is to scoot the box off the table.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Sorry I haven't been around at all. Love the cats dialing 911. Nadine, I have lemon thyme (I think) overwintering in a container up here, so it's not COLD that's doing yours in.

I'm dancing as fast as I can to keep up with all the annuals I ordered. Never going to the NE Forum again (that's what started me on the idea).

(Debra) Garland, TX

Vickie, it is reassuring, isn't it. [hug]

Carrie, a little dancing is good for the soul. :-)

Overdid today. Four straight hours and it was WARM. One of the kids at the office came over Friday and dug up the Graham Thomas I've never really liked, he gave it to his mom for a Mother's Day present. Good boy. Replaced it this afternoon with one of the baby Warminster Brooms got couple of months back (gift certificates are soooo cool :-). The rose was in the gap between the two decorative fences in front. If the Broom doesn't do well or get big enough, there's always something else to fit. Like maybe a trellis with Clematis Roguchi or sumpin. Planted a Sundown Echinacea, June Hosta, couple of Gold Oreganos, a variegated Oregano, a Gold Lemon Thyme, a Carl Sedum, couple of Cosmic Eye Coreopsis and more stuffs ah cain't remember whats they may bees. Moved some things. Dug up a Hope Echinacea that slugs devoured, want to see if it recovers in a pot. Watered. Dug, pulled, and packed some plants to send out tomorrow to a DGer who lost most of hers over the winter. Giving her a bunnnnnch of Bearded Iris. Even San Antonio weather can't kill THEM! [grin] Fingers crossed I'm not all stove up tomorrow, but running out of cool-enough-to-get-outside weather and still have a lot to do. Although, I think I have--finally--finished buying until September. Maybe...if no other sales or co-ops come up...if I can restrain this addiction to getting moremoremoremore...if...ROFL

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Debra,I tell you it's a lost cause!!!!
I bought a blue hydrangia,a couple Butterfly bushes,Rosemoss,more cukes,tomatoes and several LARGE flower pots to plant them in and a couple styrfoam icechests to plant in too.
I found a rose blooming today,I thought had died several years ago. I don't remember the exact name Tropical Sunset i think. It's a peachy orange(unusual for a rose) Am gonna dig it up and pot the thing. I have some beautiful flowers just covered in poison ivy. My DD does'nt want my SIL to mess with it even tho he's immune to it. Next week I'm gonna dig in and rescue my plants and hope for the best. I'll cover up good and wrap myself in plastic. Maybe i ought to do it tomorrow since I'm going to the doctor Thursday anyway. LOL
Any way it is so good to work in my flowers and outside. I can only do a little than rest before i can do more. But hay! Whose on a time schedule?

(Debra) Garland, TX

Vickie you are probably right, but I will hold onto my delusions of control for a little longer. ROFL

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I bought some poison ivy poison today. Am going to use it in one spot and hot vinegar and water in another to see how each works. Vinegar is alot cheaper. If the chance of rain is great,I'll wait.
It is so great to be outside tho i had to go into town today. Bought another big pot and another hydrangia. House work is a must tomorrow too than back to doctors Thursday.
Have been going thru my old flowerbeds to decide about the poison .There are several thing i can rescue. I've got some stuff to kill the ivy but it kills everything else.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Where is Carrie, and Sheri? Are you guys having wild birthday partys?lol I REALLY MISS EVERYONE!!!!!!
Actually I know all are busy planting and soaking up this warmth. Oh and putting computers back to rights. Carrie are you still on an artists roll with your music?
The weather is going to turn coolish tomorrow.
I have a spotless and shined coffee table. The only clean thing in the living room.
My cats killed a snake today.Poor ole Dillen dog slipped out the door today and got caught in a heavy rain. Poor baby came in soaked and not a happy camper. I unfeelingly laughed my head off.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Vickie, two of my dogs hate being wet, too. I have a time of it getting them out to "do their business" when its raining. Isn't it glorious? I am soooo not ready for heat. Heard from Jim yesterday, they are still waiting for the service provider to get their area reconnected. Fingers crossed it will be soon.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I some how lost you all. There have been some shocking and significant events here that I have tried and tried to post, but they keep dissapearing somehow.

Elvis wrote to his doghouse friends and so I am just gonna copy his post here so you will know .
As you read it please over look the misspellings, etc. He is a dog and a blind one that can only hear hollering (soon be deaf)

Hugs all around & prayers too,
edited to add Elvis's letter about our recent events

post #8560479



Hi eberybodee,
Elvis here. Momze had what she called a "significant old birfsday" on Monday.
Sombodee broke in our basement door Saturday while Momxz & Granmonz was walkin in the water at the Y. They came straight upstairs and to her bedroom jewelry armoir. All of her gold and precious jewels, rings & earings, some antique pieces nearly a hunderd years old. Also,she only took a fanny pak to the Y and so $120 was taken from her big wallet. They got her Canon EOS camera and a ver spensive zoom lense. Momz is praying for these people . Pookie and I barked and we know who did it. It looked like the people Momz has been ministering to for about 1 1/2 years, helping and encouraging them.

I jes dont understand why somebody who has been here petted me n Pookie and sposed to be Momz's friend could do something like that.
She & ;the police hab been talking bout over $20,000 dollars. that mus be a lot cause she was jus in shock for a day or so. She an some men from the church who builded her a ramp to the driveway has prayed an prayed. They ordered a real gud door for the basement and in the meantime Momz has mthe riding mower tight up against that dool. Don't think anybody can push one of them backward when in forward gear and brakes on.

Those people took 3 crosses & don't realize that they stole from God! Momz always says eberthing we hab isn't really ours it is God's, and He jes lets us use it.

Pookie might hab to take ober my writin job here. I cant see an only hear loud hollars, I leaks an has to wear a "belly band" now. Sometimes I fall trying to go down the steps to the back yard an I gets confused really easy.

Pookie is having nightmares since the bad people came. He cries in his sleep and his whole body looks like he's running for his life. We don't know what kinda people had him for his first 4 (or 5) years...he had jes got comfortable here and not acting scared. Now that is back, Poor little cousin.
He asked me to tell you that he is takin obedence classes an loves em as much as I did when
I was younger like him.

We bof are goin out back to bark real loud to the 4 winds, so...listen for us.

Yer gud buddy Elvis an my nephew (or some kind of related youngin) Pookie sure hopes eberybodies and all the aunties & burdees are doing good

This message was edited May 13, 2011 2:06 PM

This message was edited May 13, 2011 4:58 PM

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

So sorry Sheri, I posted on your other thread.Hope they find your things.
I am really missing the Amargia folks.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, no! (((Sheri))) It's awful when you are robbed by a stranger but when it's someone you put your trust and faith in, it really hurts ten times as much. I've had it happen to me too, not the exact same scenario, not as shocking and not $20,000! Virtual love and hugs surround you and bless you for thinking of how awful the thief must feel.

(Debra) Garland, TX

filling up the tree base bed

Thumbnail by lovemyhouse
Midland City, AL

Ah-h-h, this is a cushy job! Sitting at Wendy’s where there is a Wi-fi connection, nursing a milkshake doing what others need done in cyberspace on my laptop. But, I hope I don’t have this job much longer. Our internet service provider is still down. They have a skeleton crew here since most of the technical staff is working in the Tuscaloosa area recently devastated by the storms. They are saying later this week MAYBE. (s-i-g-h.) It is amazing how integrated the web has become in EVERYONE’S life in such a short time. I think there is a misconception that rural people aren’t so integrated into the worldwide web so we are low priority. My experiences say the opposite is true.
For the time being, I have my list of what people need done in cyberspace and head to the nearest Wi-fi. Our town library uses a cable connection, but it is an after-school hangout because it is adjacent to the school. The kids are more tech savvy than most of the older volunteers. They know how to disable the security, firewalls and anti-virus programs and often do to gain access to off-limit websites. All that means the library computers are usually a mess.
Everything that’s happened lately has me considering changing employment directions. I think I would like being some sort of PCA or personal assistant to elderly and/or physically challenged people. I’ve been thinking how I would still get to cook and could do it in the low volume, personal way I prefer. I’ll look into the educational and legal requirements more closely when we have easy access to the net again.
Sheri, late b’day wishes on their way. Carrie, cannas coming your way. Debra, thank you. thank you, THANK YOU! When someone visits, no one will have to give up their computer now. Vickie, sorry I missed your call. PJ was groggy. He is having major problems sleeping lately. The doctor wants him to try simply being more active during the day so he is more physically tired at night. If that doesn’t work he will consider prescribing a sleep aid. Do doctors fully understand what they are suggesting? Uh-h-h, how do you get more active when moving hurts. At least, I don’t have to play Solitaire anymore when I can’t sleep myself. :-)
We may be a little out of sync for awhile since I am copying post on my laptop and bringing them home for MK and PJ to read,
but we’ll try to muddle along until the net is back. We are all suffering withdraw symptoms.
(I want my weird Japanese tokusatsu shows! Where am I supposed to see guys in spandex fighting costumed monsters now?)
Our pomegranates are blooming. MK is excited about that since she grew them all from seed. Jasmine is in full bloom. I think the jasmine and rose based scent-scapes are my personal favorites. After being in the 90’s, it is strangely cool today. MK is taking advantage of that. PJ is helping me with my Stormroom, as it has come to be called. The large underground room I’m trying to create. My Da told me stories of how we boggled the minds of the Romans when they came to conquer our villages. My ancestors simply took their livestock and disappeared into the natural, but enhanced, underground warrens beneath our Clans land until the puzzled Romans went away. lol. I’ve wanted a subterranean room since I was very little because of that story. ~Nadine~

Thumbnail by Sansai87
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Good to hear something from the Amargia folks! Glad you are all right and can't wait for everyone to be online again.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

for any of you interested, here is a thread just started for my dear Elvis.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Hooray for Wendy's wi-fi!! You keep that job until the 'net comes back and gives you your old one! LOL Love the blossom.

I get to meet Vickie in a couple of weeks, good Lord willin' and the cricks doan rise (as they say around here).

Hiya, Carrie! Baby those plants.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Sheri, we faced a similar situation with my sister's German Shepherd, Duke. Finally, it just came to be time for him to--what do they call it? --cross the Rainbow Bridge. You will make the wise and right decision when it becomes necessary. In the meantime, love and pet him for us, too.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

here's todays update, totally diffferent from last night

Thanks for hanging in and encouraging me. My emotions feel like they are on a yoyo!

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Hello, All. It has taken me awhile to install all the computer updates I missed, to adjust my adaptive software so it would function with those updates and then catch up with what has been going on with everyone here. I decided I need a breather before tackling the backlog of emails.
I’m sorry to hear about your troubles, Sheri. I know first-hand what a terrible feeling that is. I moved immediately after my apartment was broken into to regain a sense of security. I know that isn’t an option for you as a homeowner. How are you coping? Old Tater-dog is going on three legs most of the time now. The w/c ramp still isn't ready for wheelchairs, but she has started using it instead of the stairs. I know some tough decisions will need to be made in the not to distant future.
“Think Monet” was a thought provoking article, Carrie. Those monotonous, perfectly groomed lawns become a little spooky when you fully understand what must be done to maintain the look. We are shooting for one small lawn area in front composed of dwarf mondo grass. It only grows a few inches tall so no mowing is required. I wonder how lawns became the American norm anyway. I imagine it is an English tradition we’ve just clung to despite climates that in no way resemble the British Isles. Is it your DDs senior prom coming up?
I’ve been taking advantage of the unseasonably cool temps to do what will probably be the last transplanting before it gets too hot for that task. I managed to get the last of the dark foliage plants out of the CanDo Garden and replace them with various members of the mallow/hibiscus/hollyhock family.
I goofed up a few days ago when I hammered in a metal post that is part of a new retaining wall for the Fragrance Garden. I punctured a water pipe. It wasn’t terribly bad since it was the line to my old house. No one else was inconvenienced by my blunder and it took less than an hour to make repairs. I still had to call the city’s water department, however. I felt like a dunce since I was the one that had those lines laid. The house that line connected to isn’t there any longer. I just plain forgot the underpinnings for it were still in place. Well, I know exactly where it is now if I decide to do a water feature or a new faucet. Perhaps, I should adopt and adapt your goodwill strategy, Vickie, and HAVE NADINE bake a cake for the men at the water department. :-)
Jim is setting up the guest computer system. The monitor arrived this morning. Thanks for letting Amargia just keep that system, Debra. That was incredibly generous of you. The plants you sent are also appreciated. They were in especially good health. Whoever your source for those was, it appears to be a good one. The gazana are already putting on new growth. Nadi is excited about those and the new coreopsis, in particular. She went so far as to rescue some blue salvia from an ant mound to pair with the coreopsis. There is a pomegranate in the center of the new bed. It should make a photo worthy vignette in early autumn. Mostly, I’ve been doing hard-scape and moving plants around, but we did add a new dwarf fig and planted okra, squash and more tomatoes and peppers. We are still harvesting English peas and snow peas. That is a first for us this late in the year.
Glad to be back. Hugs to all. Kay*

(Debra) Garland, TX

Kay, we are happy you are back. :-) My company recycles electronics and the best way to recycle is to reuse, so computers and monitors we gots! If you have problems with the monitor, please let me know. I can easily send another. Have to keep you guys online. I've been buying through plant sale co-ops and off eBay and stuff. Lots of great prices and selection, so the sharing supply is plentiful. LOL Come Fall, will be sending some red Daylilies for Jim and dark purple for Nadine. Jim may kick about the color, but I'm sending a warm pink one for you because it is intensely and beautifully fragrant. Looking forward to Fall photos from Nadine's color mixing.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Forgot to say the Glads are up and have blooms forming. Will post photos when they open. Yea!!!

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