serama rainbow of color.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Well for Seramas its only 18 days! So Im thinking , if Chickopea is on her schedule, she started setting 2 or 3 days ago for certain, that leaves about 15 days!!! Im sooo excited! Plus the babies in the incu......but Im just not sure about this batch! Im having a lot of electrical fluctuations and brown out s for some reason and the temp in the the incu keeps bouncing. If they survive I should have at least 8 from it, about 3 days before Chickopeas brood.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2011 12:50 PM

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Don't jynx them Eufaula!!

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

No jinxs here! I have crossed fingers, toes, legs and eyes!!!! LOL!!

Ferndale, WA

Eufaula, don't forget I'm rooting for your hatch also...What fun it is...Hay

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Just "funnin" ya.. I'm such a stickler about not counting.. or countin ON anything.. You know Murphy's law!!

I'm rootin for your hatch too.. and staying very positive about it!! Murphy can go dig a hole for all I care! :)

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

I know Guys!!!! Thanks a bunch!! It means a lot just knowing you all are there for each of us! We are our own "breed" of people! Trying to learn the right thing to do and getting used to good days and bad, goof ups and miraculous hatches, we stick together!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

No babiez here yet.. but I think there are like 15 eggs now! I also think Tina's sister traded places with her.. Tina was out struttin around and the sister is in there on the eggs! I hope so, cause maby she will stop laying now and hatch something!

Ferndale, WA

I think that is so cool when they co-hatch the babies. I remember Murph, and cinnamon doing that...

I'm tellin Murph what you said ZZ's about go diggin a hole.....Bad girl.....

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Gawd... Not that Murphy!! The idiot that made Murphy's law!

(Zone 5b)

Only 18 days? I guess that can seem like and eternity too LOL

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Yeah, those Serama chicks can pop out early.. wish they would here.. LOL I am getting impatient.. :)

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Yep, only 18 days !! Its about the only span of time that seems to have slowed down for me. You know how it is, the older you get the faster time goes......EXCEPT for waiting on new babies to hatch!!!!

Gridley, IL

omg! Im so excited for all of you! My girls quit laying for me wouldent you know i sold most of the eggs on ebay lol! I do have a few in the bator tho.I have one m sure was out of the brown hen Mocha. it is due on the 18th as well as a few of my new black langshans!I wish my girls would have gone broody as i have 10 + frizzle seram eggs at the post office now. I will be waiting on pins and needles to see those adorible chicks as you guys hatch them! Im rooting for you all.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

here are a couple of books you might like, they have a lot of info on raising pheasants and ducks and they are also funny
by Iain Grahame
"Ruffled feathers"
""Flying Feathers"
Also this one that I have not read yet "Blood pheasant: A Himalayan adventure""

Richmond, TX

Hi Wren! Are you a pheasant person?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I love birds of any form but as I live in a city that does not allow "farm" animals in it I gave to enjoy y'all and the wild ones.

Gridley, IL

Hello everyone!
Im shakin my tailfeathers and doin the happy dance. I had a serama hatch today out of my Mocha. I cought the egg right from the factory and labled it so i knew for sure was her chick! I have a few more Seramas in the bator with my langshan's and cream Brabanters. This could be an exciting week!

Ferndale, WA

Hi Wren: Where the dickens have you been? We sure have missed you. How is that Devil dog puppy of your's...LOL. My goodnes we really have missed you as well as some of the others. Where have you been, we need a full report...LOL...I have one book of pheasant and recently subscribed to a pheasant magazine...Hay.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have been around. Spending a lot of time reading books on my Kindle.
The demon child is still being a brat
Spring is here and we have been sitting out side on the carport.
I am having a lot of problems with my knees and ankles, so have hired the teen who lives next door to do my gardening.
Have been spending part of my time on the other site.
I have read some of y'all posting but had nothing to add.
I think you would like the 2 books that I posted about. The Author raised ducks, pheasant, and pot bellied pigs and it is also very funny.

Ferndale, WA

Thanks for the heads up, I'll look into those books...P.S. Have you been in contact with Roseane (miss Jester)? We have not heard from her for so long, we have all wondered how she and little Billy are doing...Hay

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes I talk to her on Face book

they are fine I will let them know that y'all asked about them

Richmond, TX

Tell her we miss her here.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Talked to Miss J, her work blocked DG on her computer. She says as soon as she cracks the code she will be back

Gridley, IL

Hi everyone,
I have 3 new serama babies today.2 black with white wundersides. One of those is out of my chocolate hen.I als have the most beautiful chocolate!!! im so happy i have been wanting more chocoate but this is the 1st i have hatched.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

ZZ im dieing to see your newest lil baby too. Here is another pic of mine.The black with the light color legs is out of my brown hen.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

This is the lil chocolate chick its darker than this picture looks.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

This is another shot of the chocolate.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

This pic i tossed in for pork pal. This is a lil hereford piglet im trying to hand raise.She was the runt out of a litter of 14. She will be 3 weeks on friday.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

another shot.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Ferndale, WA

SheWolfie, I have two questions for you, If this chocolate baby is your first one your hatched, where did you get one to start with? My second question is do you know who the father of the chocolate baby is and what colors is he.

Also were you aware the APA/ABA has certified the pure white Serama. I'm letting you know because you are doing the serama thing and you need to read my thread YEAH...Hay

Richmond, TX

Cute chicks and cute piglet! I hand raised one of my sows; she grew up to be a tyrant and would attack anyone except me - usually. She was very cute as a piglet and the world was her oyster!

Is the piglet a birthday present?

This message was edited Mar 15, 2011 9:53 PM

Gridley, IL

HAY ..The father is LEO pictured above. Im not sure what hen that egg was from tho.The lil black and white one with the light legs and comb is out of the brown hen Mocha and Leo. That egg i had marked. Mocha came with a bunch i bought from a breeder at a livestock sale in Kankakee iIllinois.I also had a solid chocolate hen in that group I bought but i lost her over the winter.Leo came from a mixed batch of eggs so Im not sure who his parents were but i had the jerry pair and the mixed group of hens and a rooster that looked like Leo. So it could be any combanation between those 2 roosters and i belive like 7 hens. This is the 1st Chocolate chick i have ever gotten from my flock.Right now the chocolate chick looks like it has the shortest back of all 3 but i know they change alot between now and adult.I just hope it stays a chocolate.
Here is a picture of Leo the father of all 3 of these chicks.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

another shot of LEO. He lost his comb tips to frostbite.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

This is Mocha. She and leo produced the black chick with the light legs. That was the only egg i was sure who laid it so it was marked.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

As soon as they are big enough i will band these chicks as Leo's chicks and also mark the band on the chick i know is mocha and leo's for future breeding.I will also mark all the adults that i bought from that breeder in Kankakee. I am going to look for her again when i go this year to that sale.Her line was also supposed to carry a frizzle gene but i havent gotten any frizzle yet. I do however have 22 frizzle serama eggs in the bator right now from 2 diffrent breeders. I bought them on ebay.I just hope i get some to hatch so i can get more frizzle into the line. I also have the 4 eggs from one breeder in a diffrent bater than the 18 from the other breeder so i can band them corectly as to the breeder they came from. I hope to have all of my seramas banded and a file with pictures of each bird done buy this summer. I am going to focus on wing set for roos this year and hopfully everything will continue to fall together.I waited so long to finally get enough birds to really breed what im looking for.I want so badly to start showing but really dont have any experience showing poultry or if the Serama can be shown at any poultry show or if it has to be a serama specialy show.Im still chcecking into things.

Gridley, IL

Pork the pig was just a baby i couldnet let die.I went to a farm to trade out a few chickens and they had had a litter of 14 piglets the night before.They said the 2 runts would probly die but if i wanted to try to save them i could take them.I did loose the male at 12 days old he got a bacterial infection and went down in a day by the time he went down i was at the vet within an hour and i still lost him.But we got the female on pro biotic and a better formula along with an antiboitic and she is gaining well now so i think she will make it. I hope anyway as i have named her Twinkie and made her rotten.She thinks i am her sow and wants only me but i have been making everyone hold her to try and get her to calm down when someone else has her. She is improving but definaly wants me most of the time. I hope she ends up easy to handle cause i want to make a pet out of her and breed her for future bacon.I know she might get as big as 800# so im trying my best to keep her easy to work with.

Gridley, IL

Hay can you send me a link to your thred so i can make sure to read it.I am trying to learn as much as i can to breed for what im looking for. I dont own any white yet but i sure do hope to.The frizzles i have in the bator are out of lots of colorful seramas. I am like ZZ as far as loving the speckled and oddly colored but i do love the solid chocolate also.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

SHE... I think that brown and black one is your future chocolate mix roo... My guess on the pure chocolate is pullet...

Oh man, no one even knows how much I love pigs.. LOL

Gridley, IL

Yes ZZ i will keep that chick eather way.I think it s a roo also.The other 2 both have tiny li combs compaird to the mocha/Leo chick. I was looking at the egg shell color and size i think the chocolate chick is out of them too. I have 4 new serama eggs out of a batch i won on e bay for 3 serama 3 frizzle cochin and 3 silkie. They are due to hatch on the 23 rd. so far all 4 of those serama eggs are looking good. Then the fizzle batch of serama's i got from a diffrent breeder are not due until april 1st. I need to candle that batch still to see whats looking good. A friend of mine hatched one of my serama eggs about a month ago. We think that might be a roo also.Im finally getting it down to hatch these tiny lil seramas as my hatches are much better. Tonight i have 4 ameracana hatching ad sat and sunday Langshans,black copper marans, and OMG i can hardly wait... The cream brabanters. I absolutly love the color and look of that rare breed.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

About the only way I can tell with Seramas is at hatch time.. if the lil comb is folded.. it's a roo. Your photo is perfect.. shows the lil folded tiny comb.. They are darling! I can't wait to see how they color out... Chocolate has such great possibilities for wild color!

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