serama rainbow of color.

Gridley, IL

Another shot of Mocha

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

This is Buttercup.She is very small like Sweet pea.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

Another shot of Buttercup.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL


Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

This is Fleck. When she was little she had white flecks. Now she just has a few on the back of her head and neck.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL


Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

This is Leo.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

More Leo.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

King of his Kingdom. Leo lost alot of his comb to frostbite before i brought him in however he belives he is hansome as ever.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

This is my lil Sweet pea.She is my smallest so far and absolutly a show off.I think she is just beautiful!

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL


Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

Swwet pea

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Richmond, TX

Beautiful flock! They look like real characters. Thanks for the pictures.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

How adorable! They are darling!

(Zone 5b)

I love the proud stance of the Seramas. Your babies are just beautiful!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

All her birds have amazing chests and tail set! Really, that's hard to get if your stock doesn't have it to start with..
I have a roo with enough chest for like 20 seramas, but the babiez are never exact duplicates of the parents, it's such a crap shoot... Ya just never know what your gonna get! I'm working on chest and tail set in my lil group.

(Zone 5b)

How closely line bred or in bred is safe to do in chickens? In dogs we like to line breed, rarely a tight line breeding like grandfather to granddaughter. But, you REALLY have to know the pedigree and have seen ALL dogs in the pedigree (preferably had your hands on them too and see the "pet" quality spayed/neutered ones in the line as well) so faults aren't doubled up on. Getting a perfect top line isn't so wonderful if it comes with a wry mouth or they're cow hocked or.. or ... or.. Breeding dogs is so different from breeding livestock, we can't eat our mistakes.

Ferndale, WA

Some don't mind in breeding, personally I don't do it. However I must admit that that is how Royalty is established. I think their are ways that it can be done with great success but I think a chart should be established in order that it is not taken to far. Without a chart I don't think you can keep track of what your really doing and that means you can't really be successful...I know I had one girl I adored but everything from her line turned out horrible. She herself was beautiful and spunky, while her descendents were always sickly and would die before they reached four months old...Hay

(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Hay. I've been looking at breeding stock programs to keep track (I just like things written down) and already have leg bands. Since I don't even own a rooster yet, that I know of, the hens are safe for now LOL I have been reading about rotating roosters in breeding pens, it's interesting.

Ferndale, WA

Your so entirely welcome Annie.

SheWolfie, I hope you don't mind if I post a couple pic's of my pheasants? These are a golden red hen, and rooster. Of course we know he Rooster is the pretiest of the two. Doesn't that go without saying...LOL

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

He isn't mature enough to be full colored. He needs another six months to come into his full color but he is getting very pretty. Here is one more pic.

Thumbnail by Haystack
(Zone 5b)

It's hard to believe he'll be even more colorful than he is now. He's very hansome.

Ferndale, WA

Annie wait til he comes into full color. They are gorgeous, and I have another doz of them comming in May...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow.. Amazing color already! Good goin Hay!

Ferndale, WA

Hi Darling, sure have missed you...Stinker

(Zone 5b)

Hay, are the pheasants for yard decoration only or are they for the grill too? Do the girl's - are pheasant girls called hens? - lay eggs regulary like a chicken or seasonaly?

Ferndale, WA

Annie I got them for their color, They only lay April - July. But they are prolific layers...They however will not set their eggs unless well camoflauged. I will incubate their eggs unless I get a silkie in time to set them. I have been told they will generally lay about sixty eggs per hen during that four month laying season. That would be an egg every other day. The red golden, and yellow golden are very friendly compared to the other breeds and so I hope to hand raise and handle regularly a couple of them this time to see how tame they can be. I can go into the pen with no problem as long as I move slowly and they just watch me. I have two ladyamherst, and two silvers, plus six more yellow goldens I will be picking up the first of May. I have a few customers that are interested in possibly buying a few each if they see I'm successful with the. This spring I am building a twelve foot X thirty foot avairy for them. I'm having a small pond with continual fresh water comming in and recycling every twenty-four hours, and then a couple three ft high bushes every ten foot for seclusion. Attached to the flight pen will be a coop 12' wide X 8' deep X ten' high. Inside will be three roosts, two nesting boxes and four broken up bales of Hay. The hay will keep them warm and give them something to dig in. The nesting boxes will be on the floor, as they always lay eggs on the floor.

(Zone 5b)

Wow, sounds like a very well thought out pen and awesome set up, Hay! Can't wait to see pictures of it. They're so beautiful, it'll really be a sight to see them all together.

Ferndale, WA

can't help myself, I went out to feed the pheasant and decided to check in their pen as I put feed in the pen and in a container on the ground. Much to my surprise I found my first two pheasant eggs. They are about two thirds the size of the serama eggs. I am truly excited. I did not expect any eggs for about another month...I do not have a setting silkie yet so I will break out the incubator probably about Wednesday of next week...I sure hope they are fertil...Haystack

Thumbnail by Haystack
Richmond, TX

You display your eggs so elegantly!

Looking forward to the hatch...

Bridgewater, ME

Hay if you come to my house I will give you a broody silkie,I keep taking her eggs and she just keeps sitting there

Ferndale, WA

My Dear Green: I'm on my way...LOL...I have been looking for two weeks now for either one or two silkie hens, even on Craigslist, haven't been able to find anything or anybody who has any for sale. I even offered to give a pair of Seramas for one silkie chick...No offers back:o( I love your silkies, those are beautiful pets. I had one and am really sorry I didn't keep her. She wasn't pretty like your and LFJ's though. Are you going to be building soon, I so loved watching you and your hubby last time. I can't wait for spring...Hay This is my white serama (QTIP)She thinks she's the Queen...

Thumbnail by Haystack
Bridgewater, ME

What a cute name and she is cute.It will be a couple months before we can even think about building onto to coop,it snowing here right now and calling for 11 to 17 inches of snow before its done.Last winter was so nice and we had an early spring and the year before that two,I guess we were in for an old fashioned winter.I will be taking pictures and posting them when we do build I am so looking forward to that.
Hay try getting a cochin they go broody just like the silkies,maybe one of those would be easier to find.
This message was edited Mar 6, 2011 8:21 PM

This message was edited Mar 6, 2011 8:46 PM

Bridgewater, ME

Not as much snow as expected becasue there is a lot of rain and freezing rain mixed in with it.A lot of ice.

Ferndale, WA

You live in one of the most beautiful places of the entire United States, but I'm not sure I could cope with your weather enough so I could appreciate it as it deserves to be appreciated...Hay...Ice Rain...just sounds like to much right now...

Bridgewater, ME

17 below tonight,beautiful this morning with all the ice on the trees and the sun shine on them.Now its clean up time again!!!!!!!!!!!!!At least there is no wind.About 30 miles north of here they 19 inches of snow.I WANT TO SEE GREEN GRASS.

(Zone 5b)

Green, I so know the feeling! The only green we're going to see soon is green beer on St. Patricks Day. Your great attitude will carry you through till spring, at least you think the ice is pretty LOL

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Okay I have a bit of news for the Serama color ......Miss Chicopea is setting!!!! Yaaaay!! She not only surprised me with laying her own regular sized eggies instead of the little marbles , she had been laying, but shes allowing Mae West and Sweet Tater to add to the clutch!
I had waited for one of the girls to set ,when I discovered they were laying again , but for a month , no one took up the challenge, so I removed all but two eggs and put them in the incubator last weekend. Well wouldnt you know it , chicopea decided it was time!! I havent disturbed her to find out how many are under her so it will be a surprise in about two weeks!!!! We gonna get some Color!!!!!

(Zone 5b)

WhooHoo, Eufaula, how exciting!! When you think about it 21 days is not long at all - but waiting for a hatch it seems like 21 days is forever. Can't wait to see pics of the new babies and am counting the days with you!! I think we're both going to have a hatch close to the same day. The bator is full and lock down in on the 21st. More fuzzy butts....

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Cool... My Tina has been on eggs and it seems like she has just been on them forever! I think it's a trick... About the time I quit looking, there will be babiez.. so I quit.. Does that make it official? So today will be the day? I mean, come on!!!!!!!


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