Daily Bird Pics #379

PERTH, Australia

Mrs Ed has ordered me to start a new thread. Get well soon, Pelle.

Here's the link to the previous thread, if you'd like to visit there and see some amazing birds. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1152429/

I have no new shots to show you, so have gone to the archives. First, a Rainbow Bee-eater.

This message was edited Feb 4, 2011 5:37 AM

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

A New Holland Honeyeater.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Another of a New Holland Honeyeater.

Tropical enough, Mrs Ed?

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Beautiful shots on the last thread everyone.

Margaret, I love these shots. They are beautiful and make me remember there is warmth somewhere.

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Mrs. Flicker paid a visit yesterday.

Thumbnail by GrannyGrunt
Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Again, just looking around.

Thumbnail by GrannyGrunt
Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Interesting group here. Mrs. Cardinal; Dee; two Finch.

Guess the weather was so miserable they did not give a hoot with whom they shared lunch.

Thumbnail by GrannyGrunt
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Glad she ORDERED you Margaret, otherwise we might not have seen these outstanding warm bird shots!!!

GG, nice glow on your Flicker, I usually see them in the wild and not in my yard ;( Neat community shot too.

Pelle sorry your not feeling well, take good care of yourself, and meet us here when things get better. {{Hugs}}

Snow is good for the Redpoll. ;)

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

One of the busy Black-capped Chickadee, in the yard.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Mrs-Ed, your sweet little wren shot was great, on the previous thread.
Red your birds do look cold poor things. Nice shots.
Elphaba, glad your sharing the gold/orangy variant of the House Finch, but my favorite is the Fork -tailed Flycatcher.
Teddy, nice Red-bellied WP, hoping the Pileated comes for you, they are amazing.
Nanny, sorry about all the ice, your Pileated doesn't seem to mind to much though .;)
P_Edens amazing shot of the Flycatcher, glad you found it, where Elphaba said.
Duc I haven't seen the Pine Sisken in a while, They usually hang out with the Redpolls here, I keep watching the crowd for some, hope they'll show up again soon. Love the Towhee.

Took this one of a Robin a few days ago .

Thumbnail by burn_2007
South Hamilton, MA

Ice is NOT nice! Mainly wb nuthatches & chickadees today. I am always on a lookout for the pair of cardinals which is around here.

Stafford County, VA

I agree with Burn,. Margaret. Those are special and a good way to start the new thread.

Our Bradford pear is nearly stripped clean, but on these super-cold mornings I see as many as 20 waxwings searching for anything that might be left.

This message was edited Feb 3, 2011 8:30 PM

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

I guess there are still a couple left

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

This one posed for me.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Just one more from the day before. The light was terrible that morning.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

Junco, I think.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Stafford County, VA

From last March 24. I guess we all are ready for the forsythia.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh yes, Ms. Margaret, that is a wonderfully tropical start to the new threads. Now I ORDER you to send me some heat!

GG, looks like you got the Jail feeder cleaned up. Cute community.

Thanks burn, and that's one fluffy Robin. "He's so FLUFFY I'm gonna die!" (best line in a movie from 2010)

Dave, those waxwings are great. love the catchlight in the one that posed.

Bella Vista, AR(Zone 6b)

Wow! Love all the pictures. LOVE the Cedar Waxwings! My Mockingbirds have been stripping my Bradford Pears....

We were having a sparrow party at my house today. The Cardinals crashed in later.

Thumbnail by JulieQ
Bella Vista, AR(Zone 6b)

You can see the Cardinals just waiting to crash on in... haha

Thumbnail by JulieQ
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Beautiful shots everyone! Thanks for the "warm" start Margaret! I always enjoy seeing your tropical birds!

Granny... Love that flicker! She looked a bit grumpy in the second photo!

Burn... That Robin looks none to happy with the weather! Great shots!

Dave... I just adore those Waxwings! That posing shot is fabulous! Have yet to see my first one!

JulieQ... nice one of your group!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I had a lifer last weekend, while visiting my Mom.

White-throated Sparrow... could never get an ideal photo because of all the brush. I ended up giving up some blood amongst those thorns!

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Here is another photo... worse quality, but better light and situation. He was eating berries!

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Cute little Nuthatch.

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

And then back to my balcony...

American Tree Sparrow

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Thattaway Rose… way to really put yourself in there to get a picture. Cute tree sparrow. I love those guys.

Julie, speaking of sparrows, that sparrow party is adorable. And not ONE house sparrow. Amazing.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

yes great start,I love Cedar Waxwings ,I dont see them,Flickers are beautiful ,I get a pair in the spring but they dont stay ,I need to work on that.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Black-capped Chickadee's are always entertaining.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

The Bushtit can be as challenging as the Kinglet to photograph. If they DO sit still for a second or two, they usually have their back to you, or have their head buried in the pine boughs.

They are interesting to observe though. The flock works one tree at a time, usually pine, (here anyway) and the tree will be alive with the movement of these tiny little birds (smallest by weight of our North American birds). Most of the time I can spot a Golden-crowned Kinglet or two with the flock, and they're fairly easy to ID, even from a distance. They move about in a different manner than the Bushtit, working the trunk area of the tree. The Bushtit prefers the outer branches.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Lakeview, OH

I thought I was going to have to stop feeding the woodpeckers, I looked out last night and the suet feeder was gone, I waited until this morning when I put feed out and went out and looked for it. Did not have to go too far it was on the side of the tree trunck facing the street. It still had the chunk of suet in it, so I put it back up. Too late for the Northern Flicker, they usually come a little after 8 in the morning. For all of you people in California, it is a chilly 13 degrees here in Ohio. So nothing is melting, when it is this cold salt don't do much and the ice under the snow is difficult to shovel or plow. Gonna bundle up and go out to the entryway and see if anything is eating, not going to stay out there too long, like I said before no heat. Everyone have a good day and stay warm or cool where ever you may be.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

That start was just what I needed Margaret...Beautiful!

Nice ones of your flicker GG! I ordered one of those feeders this morning. I like that all sizes of birds can perch on it. One of mine does not accommodate the cardinals very well.

I placed all the feeders back in their usual spots yesterday and the birds were were all very happy!

Enjoyed all the pics this morning. I wiil be trying to chip away more ice from the driveway today. Trying to get as much off as possible since we have more snow coming in the first of next week. Bah Humbug!

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

This a poor shot, but it is a Junco eating suet. I never saw that happen in the past.

Thumbnail by GrannyGrunt
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Wow Margaret...as Nanny said this new thread is just what we needed. Those birds are just gorgeous and a reminder that it is warm someplace. Thanks for the new thread.

GG..love your little Flicker and that adorable group feeding shot.
Burn...I am so very jealous of your Redpolls. I would love to see one again!
Dave...Your Waxwings are so pretty and that one really did pose for you.
JulieQ...Darling shot of the sparrow party..too cute!
Wild Rose...Nice shots and congrats on your lifer.
Tiger..Cute Bushtit...would love to see one someday.
Nanny...Yes...you are the Queen of the WP!!

I found the Rusty Blackbirds again and got this shot of the male and female.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

We cross-posted GG...I have never seen the Juncos eat suet either. I haven't even seen one on a feeder...just on the ground.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

One of the descriptions of the Rusty is that they have a staring look...gee do ya think?!!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Last one for now...from front to rear...male Rusty Blackbird, female Cowbird and female Red-winged Blackbird.

Thumbnail by dellrose
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

you know, that's a pretty good collection, since those three often travel together. Now you need to add a starling and grackle!!

Be careful Nanny!

GG, cute Junco. love their little pink beaks. I've had them eat from thistle feeders before, but never have seen suet eaters.

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Rose, the Rusty pair--wonder if he did something to annoy the Mrs. What a stare!

Great shots folks. Burn, you can send some Redpolls my way.

Marlton, NJ

Great shots everyone!

Margaret, Thanks for starting us off with the "warm weather" birds!

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