"THINK SPRING!" Seed Swap Feb. 26 in Frederick MD

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Heya everyone! Jill's internet service is down, so if there are any last minute questions call her on her cell or her DH Jim at the house. Phone numbers were on the Dmail blast. See you soon. Terri

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

''Jill's internet service is down,''

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just kidding ! - I am all set, with Gita and Robin

Hey what better day for Jill to lose internet, than when she'll have actual DG chat in person? LOL

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I would just like to say what a wonderful time I had today! I met some wonderful friends that I had known through DG for a long time but never saw face to face, and met a lot of new faces.
I must say to Bob that my DH is ready to go Gold Digging! Thanks for all the info and thanks for a great day everyone! I look forward to many more!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


It was probably from a "forward" of some goofy pictures.....
I save the better ones--and then--as needed--post them.

Seemed to fit the discussion on being "under the weather".

YES! The Swap today was wonderful--The food was Yummy!--and
Jill looked wonderful! Such a great hostess for this event!

Kudos for you--Jill.....

I took pictures--will post them in a day or so.
Right now I have to hit the sack--as we have a Store meeting tomorrow
at 6AM--which means I have to get up at something like 4AM....AAAGGHHH!


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Both Bob & I had a great time today. So sorry some couldn't make it. Tomorrow, I will post the pix I took, too, and also the plants I got at the Dutch Plant Farm. Jill, thanks so much for hosting this. This is my 3rd year & not my last. I have an entire year to talk Bob into driving me down again. LOL.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks again for hosting us, I know 'you've done it all before'' but still with a toddler you are busy!

Here's what I bought at Dutch Plant Farm
Sounds like a winner from the comments in PlantFiles, and I picked one that looks like good potential to divide and share.

Now I am still awake, thinking of making a huge spreadsheet for all my seeds--and realizing I have to get in the garden pretty soon if I'll plant things starting in March

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Lucky you sallyg ready to plant in March. Our ground is so soggy here we can't even walk on it and with frost always around the bend we don't dare do anything until May.
Interesting rattlesnake plant, never heard of such a thing.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

It was great to be able to put faces to usernames from DG yesterday. It was a pleasure to meet all of you and look forward to the next event. Because of space restraints, I didn't get to meet some of you and I apologize. I know now what to expect next year and I'll be better prepared. Because of space restraints, I found an entire Seed Pkt. of Larkspur in my bag when I got home, and it reads on the back "Sell before 11/2009." I guess I should see if they are still viable before I waste my potting mix. I was reading in my AHS propagation book the other night that one can put the seeds in a cup of warm water and the ones that float are good, gather them using a spoon and lay out on paper towel and sow those right away. Sounds easier than putting in a wet papertowel and baggie and finding a warm place for them to germinate. Has anybody heard or tried the method that the AHS book mentioned? I want to thank Jill and any others who may have helped her organize this event.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Ric and I had the best time as always such a great day and so nice to see everyone again and meet face to face with a few I haven't met before. Thanks Jill for the wonderful time.
Sally I looked at that plant also it is a very handsome plant only reason it didn't come home with me is I have no more room for house plants right now. LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally that plant is awsome! Looks like a leaf stamped on the leaf.
Can't wait to see pictures of the swap. I was thinking of you all yesterday.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, do you want us to post pictures we took yesterday on this site or do you want to create a place for pictures? I'll wait to hear from you. Thanks, Judy

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Judy--whether you or I post first--I think a separate Thread
would be easier to finf down the road.

I started a new Thread last year....like--"Frederick Seed Swap pictures"
or something like that.

I'll see if I can uplad them tonight...I took a lot...


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

What a wonderful afternoon Jill planned for us yesterday. We sure did enjoy getting to see so many people we remembered from last year and put faces to names we've seen on-line as well. Can't wait for the plant swap.

Sally, you sure did find an unusual plant yesterday. Too cool!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm kind of sorry I didn't grab one of the ferns too- but I think Jill did. It was tempting but I was having these weird thoughts that I already have enough plants. How bizarre.
I will be taking good care of this baby and hope to offer them in a future Swap! we noted some very promising looking shoots emerging in the pot.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Aw, Sally---
I would wait for all those new shoots to grow and make your plant fuller and healthier
before you start digging away any of them. Just skip a year! Think positive--you'll have more!

My 2cents worth. Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I did say 'future'==don't go buying a new pot for it just yet, [snicker]

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks to all of you for a wonderful party yesterday! I enjoyed catching up with folks, and as always there wasn't enough time to visit with everybody as I'd have liked.

If I get back out that way, Sally, do you want me to snag the button fern that was denser & had smaller leaves? I was amused at the way we all looked at a lot of the same plants on the sale tables.. I think all of us picked up that plant Sally got and looked at it, so I knew it was going to follow somebody home! Gita tells me that the cute little strawberry begonia I got will grow like a weed & shoot out "babies," so I should be able to share that one around LOL.

Sally, thank you for the Brazilian whatsis plant -- it's so pretty!

Here's a new thread for photos and post-party chit chat: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1161028/

Manchester, PA

Thanks to all. Larry & I had a great time at the seed swap. If I didn't kill all my houseplants Sally, that fern would have been gome by the time all of you got there!! (I really love ferns) But, alas, there is no sense getting another plant to kill. Ask Ric! I did come home & checked the black pussy willow. The new growth doesn't seem to have any of the black things - catskills (?) - on it. But there's quite a bit of old growth I can cut & root for the plant swap. This bush seems to be a good Mommy plant! Again, great job Jill & Sally. Thank you. Vicki

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Vicki, it was great to see you again and to meet Larry (who is just as charming as I figured he'd be). I appreciate your getting some black pussywillow cuttings going for the spring swap... for all that they should be so easy to root & establish, I've lost mine twice, boo hoo. Third time will be a charm, I'm sure!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

If we go, wherever it is, I can bring Curly Japanese Willow cuttings. Now THAT's a tree for ya.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll see if I can stick cuttings from my crooked willow again, too... not sure if that's the same as Buttoneer's tree or not. My mom says it's best to take cuttings when the leaves are just coming out, no bigger than mouse ears. :-)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Who was the clever person who bought the plants inside the child's rain boots that I got for my prize? I have it sitting on the window ledge over my sink..What a neat idea! I've seen succulents planted in old work boots,etc. and today on one blog..somebody had planted succulents in Lady's high heel shoes..

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

I believe that came from Froggy. She told me she did the children's boot planting.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Foxy& Froggy, We were talking about a Topiary Garden in Md. Were you talking about LaDew Gardens? Here is a link to a Topiary Thread the first couple of pics are the fox hunting scene at LaDew.

Forgot the link http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/997862/

This message was edited Mar 1, 2011 9:58 AM

Crozet, VA

Sounds as though fun was had by all. I knew it would be another great get together because of the wonderful participants. Heck, I think the MAG members are the best, the very best. Will check out the pics.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I planted some of that corkscrew willow that I got cuttings from at the local garden show and those trees are at least 40' now and Steve uses the thick limbs to carve into walking sticks. They are beautiful. I use the cuttings in arrangements.

Thumbnail by haighr
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Now that is cool, and original!
Kudos to Steve.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Candee, Beautiful indeed! What a treasure.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Pippi21 I also plant in children's shoes and high heels- just for fun.Makes great gifts and interesting decor on the deck or windowsills.

Thumbnail by Froggy3125
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks, he has made a lot of those walking sticks and they are quite unique.

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