"THINK SPRING!" Seed Swap Feb. 26 in Frederick MD

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I can't attend but I like checking in here to see what is going on. So nice to see that this swap has brought out our hibernating friends, Nice to see you all here.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hooray! I'll try to get a Dmail blast out this week, but I know I always end up missing some, so if there's anyone you know who might have missed this thread, give them a holler!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LadyG, I could be your Seed Fairy if you would like to make some trades. Just send me your seeds and I will see that your trades get made and send you back whatever seeds you traded for.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, thank you so much, but I think I'll pass as I have a lot of seeds that I want to start and need to streamline my efforts. I don't want to get way over my head this year like last year. I think I need to put all my efforts on getting my treatment over with.
I would really appricate a lot of pictures of the swap, that is always fun to view.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I didn't know how much you might want to start but wanted to give you the option. Sounds like you have a good plan going into the summer.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh, Critter!! You are doing the mid-winter swap again!! Thanks so much for making these happen--I've come to look forward to them every year, and I am going to try and make this one. So please put my name down. I'm not sure of what to bring yet. I may have something for the gift table, though.

Fnff (D'Anne)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yippee! Foxy's coming. :-)

Yep, doing it again, sure enough! This is our 4th year, so I think it's taken on the force of a tradition. LOL It's just a nice way to touch base with everybody outside of our "usual" gardening season, too. :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I kinda think the get in touch has superseded the seeds...ROFL! And why the heck not??!!!
No seriously, I think I'll get my Haves posted this week.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone-just coming out of hibernation too. I'll be there-can't wait to see everyone. I'll bring a gift for the table too.

Foxnfirefly, do you want to ride with me again this year?

Falls Church, VA

Unfortunately I won't be able to come this time, have a commitment already. Maybe next year, and hopefully Froggy3125 would be kind enough to give me a ride. I also live in Falls Church. Sorry to have to miss this, sounds like a lot of fun, although I do not have any seeds to swap.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd be glad to give you a ride francine38-just let me know next time there's a DG event you want to go to

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well, how can I not come? Since I am not working and have no need to drive to Frederick every day, I have no excuse not to take a nice leisurely drive on a Saturday!
I'll be there, don't have much in the way of seed to swap, does that matter? I do have some gourds that have gone to seed and can bring a few of those wacky ones?

PS - I'll be bringing a new gardening friend Mary if that is okey dokey?
And, if that is ok, then Kate would love to join us as well. They may not have seeds but they have garden spirits!

This message was edited Feb 5, 2011 5:04 PM

This message was edited Feb 5, 2011 6:27 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Garden spirits are always welcome! Wacky gourd seeds would be fun. You'll find that some people bring loads of extra seeds to swap, other people mostly come to socialize. It's all good!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Jill, we made a trial run today since it was so beautiful to find the restaurant. Easy to find but trying to get to Wolf's furniture was a different store. We saw parts of Frederick, we'd never seen before! God forbid we use On-Star for navigational help. Lol! We forgot we have it.

Does the $12 for lunch include gratuity? I know you said it was a buffet so that would mean you help yourself, but don't we tip the waitress?
Is there a charge for use of their party room?

I am bringing a book about Mid-Atlantic gardening as my donation that is a duplicate for me. Is that okay? Do we wrap the gifts and put a donor's name on it? Does anybody swap anything besides seeds? I know you said that any plants should be swapped out in the parking lot. I hope it is a nice weekend on 2/26.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

$12 covers everything, including the gratuity. Should be enough to cover basic beverages (soft drink or tea) also. No charge for using the room.

That book sounds like a good one for the gift table, thanks! Please don't wrap it -- we want people to see what they're picking. If you want to swap cuttings, rocks, etc, go for it... as you noted, we can't really bring plants into the restaurant, although they look the other way if somebody brings in a special one for the gift table. :-)

If anybody needs black plastic nursery pots or sheet pots (those 6-pack inserts for 1020 flats; I think I have extras of both 48 cell and deep 36 cell), please let me know. The nursery pots are extras, but the sheet pots are new & thus are available at cost (6 for $5 sounds about right). If there's a lot of demand I'll have to be sure I have enough extras to go around.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

And I'll be the money collector again so I'll be taking cash in an envelope-( and guarding it with my life til we pay LOL) I'll try to start with all ones for myself so we have some change.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thank you, Sally! It's really nice to have somebody else dealing with that. :-) I just pay them with my credit card at at the end, and then I put the cash into my "garden kitty" LOL.

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

As much as I was looking forward to joining everyone at the seed swap I have to back out and will not be there. What is that saying "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We'll miss you! Thanks for letting us know... you know we worry if people just don't show. :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

So sorry Catbird I was looking forward to seeing you again. I know how things change but you will be missed.

Manchester, PA

Larry & I are coming to the plant swap on Sat with Ric & Holly. See you guys there! Vicki

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


I'm going to try to get over to DPF tomorrow and see if I can finagle a discount again... so watch for a Dmail blast from me!

My friend Theresa will be there, as will her parents (Al & Irene) -- some of you may remember them from last year, when they came after lunch. This year, they're coming for lunch too, 'cause they don't want to miss out on any of the chat & fun!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Ah, the day is fast approaching!! I meant to get back in sooner but just have been a bit busy. I am definitely coming and yes, I will ride along with you, Froggy!! Thanks so much for the offer!! I didn't collect any seeds from my garden last summer and don't have any new seeds this year yet but I will find some extras that I can bring with me. Sweet peas, sunflowers, maybe cosmos.

See you all Saturday!!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Better get my collection ready - today!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Mary, Kate and I are all newbies to this. I do have some seeds and am really looking forward to Saturday.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

(so you must be 'ashley' Sorry, seen too many Olsen twins references LOL)

Crozet, VA

I just wanted to drop by and tell all of you who will be attending the seed swap that I hope another wonderful time is had by all. Dang, I didn't think until just this moment that I could have arranged to have shared some seeds with some of you, by mailing what I had to someone to take to the meeting for me. Oops, maybe next year if I am not pre-occupied as I have been this year, I can devote some time to doing just that.

I do want everyone to know that if a plant swap is planned and we can find dog sitters, both John and I will once again do our best to be involved in that. It has truly been something that we have enjoyed participating in over the years and our gardens thanks so many of you for all the wonderful plants that now call our place home.

Have fun and enjoy the food and fellowship. I will be thinking of you all.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Wanted to post my 'regrets' as I will be unable to attend the seed swap tomorrow. Was looking forward to meeting you all and putting some faces with some names. Hope some one or more of you will post some pictures so I can enjoy them while I shake this flu or whatever. Thot that wouldn't be good to share! And I'm with Ruby for the plant swap.

Have a great time you all.


Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Can I be added back in (if Sally still has room in her car)? I really would rather come to the Seed Swap than go to a baby shower. You guys are more fun!

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Wahoo!! Sally has room for me!! Yay for the Seed Swap!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Boo hoo for coleup, Yay for Robin!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ROFL! Catbird, let me know if you'd like some baby hand-me-downs to make up for your absence (seriously, especially for a girl, I have lots of things, from clothing to car seat!)

Coleup, sorry you've caught the crud and won't be able to make it tomorrow. Joyanna was down this week with a fever, and Jim caught a version of it, but they're both doing better, and I'm doing my best not to catch it!

15% discount at Dutch Plant Farms!!!

I just talked to the manager, and he was happy to offer us the same discount as last year, 15% off all non-sale items. In addition, there are a number of sales going on right now... he said about 1/4 of their houseplants/tropicals are included in the polka-dot sale (anything wearing a polka-dot ribbon is 50% off its regular price), and he thought the African violet sale was starting tomorrow as well.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Off topic -- some-- I got a little polka dot sale unusual thing that has since grown into a Ctenanthe Brazilian Snow, and turns out to be a much more resilient tropical than the comments led me to think. I have divided it and left a huge mother pot out till it froze--now it is resprouting!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Pray tell--WHAT is the common name of this magnificent plant????
I never know what you Guys are talking about....:o(

Please have some mercy for us "commoners".....

Will you want to go to the Dutch Plant Farm after the Swap?
It is close--we could take a peek.....HUH?
You may just find another "jenndyygemmacillis addinationitis rubra" to rave about.....

See you manana---! Catbird--I am SOOO glad you are coming!
Judy--I am SOOO sad you cannot come! One of these years......
Load up on vitamins and keep a sanitizer bottle in your purse next year so you can come.

Don't forget all the crummy people that use shopping carts everywhere....
The drooling babies and kids that ride in them...
Your hands lay on it for quite a while--as you shop. They all have those wipes nowadays..
.Use them!
I need to remember that too....Have had a bit of a cold now for a couple of weeks
but it is mostly gone.....

I seldom get sick! Live alone. No kids. Eat right. Sleep long. Wash my hands a lot.
This past year has been a "whammy"......With all that Bronchitis last December!

Half the people at my HD have been sick the last year and this year.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I knew any common name I'd give it. Unusual way the white splashes go on the leaves. I never saw anything like those leaves before. But a cousin to Maranta/ Prayer Plant. It's in Plantfiles.
there was a place to cram one more plant in your house I'd give you one; with my momma sprouting I am set.

; ^)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

*raises hand* for a piece, Sally, if you're digging up & splitting the sprouting momma pot of it...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

You got it!!!! The only thing that fazes it, is drying breezy days. Then it curls its leaves to conserve water. And you may have to play with light situation, your sunporch should give you a good spot; my outside maple shade seemed TOO shady and it reverted to green.

Sally (who is now getting ''anal'' with some printed packets labels LOL)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have seen that plant at HD before...Not often--but I have seen it....
I always thought it was either a Calthea--or a form of Ginger....

It sure is as finicky as a Ginger...or a Maranta....Something wrong--at it just curls up it's leaves...
Also, prone to drying up lower leaves and dropping them....

Anyway--No thanks! I like easy care plants.....

See you tomorrow.....Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Sally! Hopefully I'll be able to keep it as happy as it's been at your house.

I've sent out my Dmail "blast," and now I'm going to bed!

I can't wait to see everybody tomorrow.


Crozet, VA

Gita - Where did the picture of the kitty and the mice come from? Too funny.......the cat doesn't look very pleased with the photo op at all. He is thinking.....get me outta here. Too, too cute.

Cole, didn't know you were ailing.....hope you feel better soon. Glad you are going to get to go Catbird and I agree 110% about this being a fun group. I can't wait to see everyone, hopefully before too very long.

Yep, please share pics.


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