(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thanks alana & Happy Gardening

Athens, PA

I am so over this cold weather too! Why do I think it is just beginning? I know we don't have the snow that others have been posting and I really hope we don't get it. I have told DH, that I need to have a heated greenhouse to get me through the winter when I retire - then I won't care.......

Here's to warmer weather!

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Caroyln, those are beautiful Calla Lilies! I have tried to grow Callas for a long time. I want yours! LoL I made the Beef Burgundy. It's very tasty!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh yeah, the birdie will need de-icer, Alana. Woke up to 2" of snow, no biggie. Then it sleeted an 1" and now it's freezing rain. Yucky mess out there. Guess I'll hibernate a couple of days and watch for the landing.

Lovely combo pot, Carolyn. They're fun to create, endless combinations it seems of plants to choose.

Maxine, my Mom's Better Crocker cookbook is dated 1944. Looks like yours must with the splatters and yellowed dogeared pages here and there.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

hey all well super over & I have to go sit with a friend tonight so will be back in the morninf for coffee .
My Yule Logs are Made & Also the Chexs Mix Tomorrow MUDDY PUDDIES , & Fudges. & I Said I was Not going to bake this year Good thing I won't be Keeping all this I Wouldn't be able to been over in my garden come spring :)

Good Nite all

Thumbnail by deejay9

oh, those look so good !!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have a Betty Crocker book, although not as old as yours. It is probably 35 years old. It was a paperback because I couldn't afford a hardback. I was an 18 year old bride and wanted one soooo bad. It is now held together with a rubber band. I need to have it re-bound. Lots and lots of great recipe's in there!

Athens, PA


I grow the callas every year. I have been collecting different colors for a number of years now. Each spring they are planted out and each fall they are lifted and put away for the winter.

Susie - your chex mix and yule logs look great. What is inside the yule logs?

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

iom going to try some this year. I had shyed away from them because I thought they required too much care.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

My mouth's watering for Chex mix, Susie. I haven't made mine yet but will have a big container for hubby and I to munch on and the rest will be shared with neighbors, my hairdresser, and how could I forget my ever so zany mail lady.

Me too, Anita. From your advice, Carolyn, they sound as easy to grow as Caldiums, which I dearly love.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Sherman, recd. the packs of seed yesterday from you. Many many thanks!
So glad to see that they were Heirloom.

That chex mix looks good this early. You know, one could say it is healthy as its mostly cereal??
I know, I am reaching!! LOL


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Make My chex mix with the 3 chex's , Mixed Nuts , pretzles,& those little gold fish by petridge farms ???
so all very healthy for you if you can stop eatting them :) & I just do the original spice very easy to make .
do not very the recipe or DBL the batch trust me

18 Marshmellows
1/4 c peanut butter
2 TBS Butter

Heat oven 250*
Pour on cookie sheet 3 cups of "PUFF WHEAT" Not The SUGAR PUFF WHEAT .
heat for 15 mins

have ready lg buttered bowl , butter for your hands so you can roll the logs.
wax paper on a cookie sheet for the logs to cool .

remove puff wheats from oven pour in buttered bowl pour P B & MM Over Puffed wheat MIX WELL WITH WOODEN SPOON .
Roll into logs lay on cookie sheet cool .

in DBL Broiler Melt 2 cups Of SEMI SWEET Chocolate Chips Dip Ends of Logs let set.

there you have yule logs

Thumbnail by deejay9
Athens, PA

Susie - sounds great! One of those yule logs would be great with my coffee!

Callas aren't bad at all. Actually they are very similar to the same type of growing scenarios one would have with gladiolas.

I have wondered about the caladiums myself - Am I correct in assuming they would be the same as growing out my callas or dahilas? I have looked at caladiums for awhile.....

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Sounds like a healthy snack to me!

Those log rolls are calling my name.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I love chex mix. I like to add a little melba toast to mine. A friend gave me some that had some hot sauce or something added to it. Wasn't too hot, just a little spicy. Very good. Haven't made any this year though

Concord, NH

fruit do you have the robin ??? im so excieted im after you, what a great time to get it i just had a small stroke last week and am now recovering,thank god the doctors said i have no permanant damage pretty scarry im only 47.blessings to all

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Prayers are with you dear

Athens, PA

Praying for you garden.....

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Gardenseeder, I'm so glad everything worked out okay for you! I'll keep you in my prayers for continued improved health. My mother (Bless her heart) is always bringing me fattening foods and drink. She has a heart of gold but I am always telling her not to bring me stuff like that. I really want to stay around to enjoy my grandkids and my retirement. I can't do that if I am sedentary or don't change my daily eating habits. My mother thinks I need help because of my plants and flowers but loves to bring me bacon, pepsi and candy bars! Gotta love her!!!

This message was edited Dec 17, 2010 3:29 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That is seriously scary, so glad you're OK. The Robin should land tomorrow, Monday at the latest and will keep everyone posted. There's a little meltdown going on so he may not need de-icer after all.

I add garlic bagel chips, PEcans, and Worchestershistershire sauce to our Chex Mix. Interesting how we can vary the original recipe and tweak it to our liking.

Carolyn, Caladiums are so easy to grow, and you've probably discovered the colors and various sizes of leaves is amazing. Blooms are spaths similar to your Callas or a Peace Lily. I plant Caladium bulbs in pots in late Spring [when nights are consistently above 45 or 50 degrees] and planting time coincides nicely since that's about the same time my Tulips and Daffs in other pots are kaput. Caladiums are like Dahlias and need to be lifted before frost. Try them, you won't be disappointed.

garden-hope you are feeling better !!! strokes are a very scary thing take care

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Garden Prayers in the air & You maybe enjoying all the fun right after the christmas rush :) I know the scar you went through I just went through it not long ago .

well i have my FABULOUS FUDGE MADE daddy had to scrape the pan :) hehe that was his Favorite that mom always made for him .
also got the MUDDY PUDDIES Made also & Cornbeef on the stove have to go into town for some cabbage for daddy.

the chex is so good just so so hard to stay out of :) Tomorrow will get my cookies baked up &
you all have a great day .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Garden, congratulations on dodging the bullet! After an experience like that, do you feel "lucky you recovered", or dismayed by "how could that HAPPEN to me?!?"

Here's to abundant health, happiness and seeds!


Concord, NH

thank you all very much for all your prayers and yes i feel very lucky! just very very tierd,but am very blessed to have a wonderful husband whos taking very good care of me.blessings to all

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all I Just want to say thank you all for BEING So TRUSTING & SHARING I Just was over on group trading & Saw a Neebie RR That started some time in 2006 & was still trying to get the robin around in 2007
with Only maybe 10 players or less , WOW Unreal .

Sorry but I think that is a real night mare having to wait for a year to share our seeds , after reading that
I'm Not at all sorry about Putting Guidelines & Time Limits On Our robin I'm very proud of all of you keeping in touch & wanting to share with others . For the next 2wks or so the mail is going to be slower but after the 1st of the year it will travel faster .

we are at the 1/2 way point & it went out NOV 3rd So we have done very well so far :)
Susqan Let me Know if you think we might need a New Box or if its going to hold up :)
well Its time to settle back you all have a great evening .
more goodies for in the morning :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Will do, Susie. By the way, your goodies look delicious, you've been very busy in the kitchen. Save me a piece of fudge :)

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I say Susie should start a goodie snack RR. Since I'm the closest it should start at my house! LoL

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

garden - I'm so glad you're okay! Just rest and take care of you and let your DH spoil you like crazy.

My DH had the same thing happen this summer - the day before he turned 50. It was terribly scary. He had the 'how could this happen to me?' thought that Rick Corey was talking about. No one in his family has ever had a stroke or anything remotely close. He's always been in decent shape and gets plenty of exercise but his eating habits were not quite as healthy as they could've been; he loved going out to fast food places at lunch each day and breakfast o the run was just about as bad. I think it scared him so bad that he's just about dropped all the fast food and doesn't drink pop anymore either - he's lost almost 20 pounds since June.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I am so pleased that the people who suffered strokes have come thru them with very little after affects. My DH has a first cousin who had a severe stroke 3 yrs. ago and is still having problems after coming so far. He would have been dead if he hadn't have been in the hospital at the time. Surgery in the morning, stroke at night and another stroke the next morning.

Anita, you are one sneaky lady!
Now here I thought Susie was just trying to tempt us to trying all of her goodies.

Have a great day. I plan on making some Xmas cookies which I am so far behind on, clean house [uggghhhh] and some of those other innumerable things that once done, never stay DONE!!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm My friends well I would love to start a goodie box but not sure How they would ship with all those packages being tossed as they are this time a year .

I've made carolyn my Neighbor some Pumpkin cookies :) yesterday she calls me every day & this is a sad time for her she is handycapped & cannot get out very often I take her to Bingo with me when the weather is nice :)
her daddy has to travel to Kalmazoo each morning for kemo on his prostate cancer so it is rough on them
right now . so most the baking is for them doing a few dishes that bob can put in the oven to warm up.
so forgive me if I do not get in as often as I have been .

if you all have any easy dishes to share with me please do so I need IDeas just dmail them to me .

well i have got to go water my critters out side so you all have a great day chat soon .

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

God Bless You, Susie.

Athens, PA

Susie -

You are angel in disguise! I'll see what recipes I can find - are you looking for main courses, something that can be frozen? Give me some ideas.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Hey folks hope all are safe and warm.
I am computer dumb when it comes to posting links, could not get the cake link to work . Just google Coconut Orange Cake and the recipes should come up. I think 5 of them had sour cream added .
We had ice here Thursday and wrecks everywhere. Going to a small get to gether tonight and its raining and supposed to turn to snow flurrys.The wind off the ocean usually keeps snow and cold weather away so we get very little cold weather below 32 but this year so far 8 days in a row have been below 32.
Hope my elephant ears are mulched enough.
((((((Hugs)))))) and and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.
Stay Warm


Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

For anyone missing being out in the garden... try:


I have the recipe for anyone interested...just d-mail me.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I have done THE DIRT CAKE & also one Called The Kitty litter Cake Oh so Gross :) But was Fun to do :)
Tootsie roll TURDS & All :)) well another batch of chex's only I Did A Honey crunch one made up of my own
with Honey , Karo syrup, Butter , Br Sugar , Melted & Poured over the Mix Baked for 1 hr Stir up every 15 mins
MMMMMMMMMMMMMM to hot yet to eat much :) hehe

carolyn just called I have not told her about the goodies yet & she said her daddy was laying down so i'm going to go make some lunch for her so you all have as great afternoon .
back later

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Flashing News Brief --- > Big Bird Has Landed!

It's the biggest birdie yet, downright overwhelming, and weighs a whopping 8-1/2 pounds. Thank you, Susie, for making this possible again and to all who shared seeds. Well, guess what I'll be doing for quite a while? Christmas came a week early!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Terrific news! I found the seeds I stashed away for the present Robin today. Seems I placed them in an old record cabinet .... For those who requested seeds from me that already received the Robin ... or will have the Robin before me, I will get those seeds sent out to each of you in Monday's mail.

I am planning on purchasing the following seeds .... they are earmarked for two different schools ... so they will not be placed in a Robin unless you request them before I order ... so if you want some .... PLEASE D-MAIL me. I plan to place the order this Wed.

Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)

Teddy Bear (Helianthus annuus)

Sonatina Velvet Red (Solenostemon scutellariodes)

Sonatina Scarlet Yellow (Solenostemon scutellarioides)

I will list the seeds I presently have for the present Robin, INCLUDING NEW ADDITIONS, on Monday.

I would like to see my name added to the list for the 2nd Robin's flight.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

deejay .... I make Kitty Litter cake every Halloween for work. Some look at it and won't even TRY it. LOL Others that braved trying it really like it. I just love it.

I'd like to be in the next Robin's flight also.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


I HAVE ADDED Jen in this robin only because the robin is already on the east coast so I Hope some of you will not be up-set that you might have to wait another week :)
welcome jen You will be after Gardenseeder .

Erin/ Momoftwo are you still with us Please let us know ok .
well cornbeef hash for sup later all

Oakland, MD

Thank you for adding me and I hope it did not make anybody upset.


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