(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Have not heard yet from maryann but it is still early yet you should have it by monday I'm sure . maybe even tomorrow
I'm sure maryann will let us know later today .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh no Dane! I'm sorry to hear that you are losing plants! What plants are you losing?

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I had a lot I was saving as a wild patch. Now it's being prepared for my SIL's trailer. They were suppose to clear just enough for the septic system and ended up clearing the whole lot. The only plant that isn't common here that I lost I got seeds from. It's just going to take time. At least I get to choose what goes where.



Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Maybe the new system will provide improved drainage, watering from below, AND organic feritlization.

(Trying to see a bright side.)


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Ok, I will gladly share seeds with you!

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I'm actually getting excited about all the new space I have. It's just that I have alot of planning to do and I'm already overwhelmed with the plants and seeds I have acquired, and the Robin will be here soon.



Athens, PA


I took pictures of all of my beds this past fall. I am slowly labelling each picture with what I have growing in each bed. I have also developed a spreadsheet of what seeds I have coming in and what time of year they flower, color, time of flowering etc. I am looking forward to spending the winter going over the pictures and figuring what I want where..... It is the only way I can get through winter..^_^

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

When I lived on the mountain winter was like that. Here last date for fall planting is the day before spring planting, Jan 1. I miss my winter breaks, but at least I don't get cabin fever.

Athens, PA

I get cabin fever, and spring fever and pond fever and, and, and......

I told DH when I retire, I want a decent sized heated greenhouse off the back of the house. Then winter will be bearable for me.....

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


evening all I Just got home & What a day it has been 1st off I Made up the lasanga for the hunting camp my friend judy ask me to come out to her neighbors ESTATE Sale OH MY Knew I Should have stayed home .
the guys at the camp ask me if i was moving In HEHE.
I Bought 4 totes ONE For EASTER, ONE FOR HOLLOWEEN & TWO with Christmas Here is
one of the Christmas Boxes I'm so excited with the shelfs I Bought a computor dest chair on wheels ,
all this stuff for $40.

Anita Sorry I Missed your call I will try to call you here in a few got to go put the critters in the pen & Find a place to store all my goodies .

are any of you into Glass, or porcelin, Dolphins , Light houses , DUCKS ,SWANS , DOGS, Cats, ANGEL,
Everything is from .50 to about $5. each I Can get some pictures of them tomorrow if you are .
Also 100's of NICKNACKS Of all type teddy bears , she has about 1000+ old records & they are going cheap .

going back tomorrow for more :) hehe well you all have a great evening check back later

Thumbnail by deejay9
Belton, TX

I was able to ship the box today...Dane and Susie both have the confirmation number for tracking.

Thanks, MaryAnn

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What a score, Susie, right down to your own Christmas Village.

Enjoy planning your blank canvas, Dane. It's hard work starting over with so many decisions to make and know it'll be well worth your extra effort when you and your wife are rewarded with blooms. What kinds of plants and seeds have you picked?

Your Clematis and Peonies made a beautiful Spring combo, Carolyn. We have friends in Binghamton who've told us about suffering through miserable Winters. Ours last year was the worst on record in 100 years and we live much further South. Never in my life have I seen so much snow and had such a bad case of cabin fever. Hubby just commented yesterday the houseplants are getting to be a bit much. Huh...say what? He's always been the first one to encourage me to have more plants, inside and out. Like the old bluegrass song says "Christmas Time's a Comin'". Wonder if the greenhouse I've wanted so long might be just around the corner?

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Now the initial shock is over it doesn't look so bad. My lot is like a narrow slice of pie with the far end being 40' across. This end I will use for Texas natives and probably a gazebo. The space between where I was standing and the large mesquite will be SIL's space.

My back yard is my veggie garden and fruit trees. Now I have bananas, 3 peaches and a blood orange. I've started Loquats, Mangos and Avacodos from seed this year and now that I know I don't have a leech field there I'll have room for other fruits and berries.

Ornimental trees and plants in front of the house and exotics between the house and garage. That is the basic plan anyway.


Thumbnail by dmtom
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

dane while you have it cleared maybe you can find a farmer to bring a couple loads of rotted mature to help rejuvinate the land :)))

well i just got the dmail from Maryann The Robin is headed to Dane Much Lighter then it was

I hope you all have A Great day planned I'm going to go Pick up the rest of my goodies I Could not fit into my car yesterday .

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I've had my eye out for manure for some time now. I met the son of the man that used to run all the dairy in the area and he was unclear as to where it was. He said they had a problem with too many people going to look for mushrooms. No feed lots around. I saw some at Wal-mart one year and it was all gone in a week. They do sell a compost/manure mix, that I don't think looks that good.

I was using old tree litter from that area for my beds. Guess I'll have to double up on my compost pile. The organic farmer near here told me he planted black-eyed peas and plows it under. I will keep looking with all the subsoil on the surface it will take a WHILE before it is useable.



just out of curiosity, how much weight did the robin lose? i thought you had to put in what you took out, so i would think it would not lose weight. sorry newbie questions but would like to know.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I think you should take out what you can use and put in what you can that others might be interested in.

Like Corey, I could never take the last of something. Maybe take just a few of them unless there was just a small amount left ... and even then ... post to find out if anyone else was looking or hoping for them.


I guess i am just confused about it moving on to the next person "much lighter than it was" seems like that is contrary to the spirit of the robin. i realize i am new and not sure of the specifics of things, but if everyperson took out some and put in some, seems like the weight should stay about the same. Maybe i did it wrong, but i only took a few of each of the seeds i was interested in, and never the last of any packet. i did put in extra of the native seeds i had cause i said i would add for myself and FOTV so the weight went up a bit and i felt a tad guility about that. maybe i am nitpicking but i just for the life of me cannot understand how it could be way lighter. seems like a lot of seeds would have to be removed and that does not seem fair to the ones that came after.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)


Do you have anyone in the area that has rabbits? Most people with them are happy to have someone to give the manure to and it doesn't have to age like horse/cow manure does. I put it on all my beds and I have people call me all the time to see if I have extra. LOL, I always have extra!!

It's worth a try.


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Lost another post in cyberspace.

I raised rabbits some years ago. People here seem really concerned about deseases spread by mosquitos and fleas. Many people get very nervous when strange 6' man of diffrent color comes to the door. Some have their place completely fenced off, can't get to the door. Otherwise they are quite freindly and willing to help even if it's a language you don't understand.


Will that ground cover grow in subsoil? Last time I had exposed subsoil it took a couple-three years for the weeds to start.

I went to USPS to see what it would cost to ship a 9lb box from Maryanns to me with a box no larger than 12" each side and it was $14.50 not counting conformation. I guess 360 miles verses about 1400 miles makes a little diffrence.

Looks like Monday will be my day.


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Well this thread is stressing me, again.

I think there are about 5 newbies here. When this Round Robin started it was like "well I got some seeds I'll see what I can get to trade." So we get our lists of 12-20. Then we see some of the want lists and worry about people wanting our seed. So we buy a few packs of what sound interesting to us and think might be good to trade.

Then the experienced people come in with their big have list. So much for the seeds I bought, at least I'll use them.

Then the trading begins. Some NBs go seed crazy others are overwelmed and thinking of quiting. We are encouraged to stay in, trust us it will be OK.

The Robin flies and it's fat, take a whole spoon ful of what you might like to try. NBs don't worry about taking out more than you put in, (it's understood not to go overboard). Now I have to worry it doesn't loose too much weight and try to get it in a smaller box. I'm guessing I might have a pound with the baggies making most of the weight.

My plan is take half of all the big bags, mix with a little dirt and compost, put it in the spreader and seed my bare spots and see what comes up. Postage goes down to a flat rate box, no stuffing the box and my bare spots are covered.;)

Just kidding, but I do think it will lose some weight here and I'm not going to worry about it because most of the people, if not all, here are caring, sharing people and I'm a Newbie with lots of space to fill.

This has taken me a long time to compose this so I don't step on any toes or hurt any feelings or be misunderstood. If I have, I apologize. It's just that some of us don't need the added stress.

Thank you


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

BTW the Seeds for Newbies have a Robin going. I hope it becomes a regular as it is smaller in scale and may be an easier place for us to learn the basics.

to dmtom-when i shipped the box it weighed 13 lbs 8 ozs so if the box (same shipping box) now weighs 9 lbs that means it has lost 4 1/2 lbs of seeds at one stop. tha is a whole heck of a lot of seeds. to me that is excessive IF that is indeed the shipping weight. I realize i am new, and no doubt will be trodding heavily on someone's toes, but- gee, someone complains about the weight of the box and the cost of the postage and then hey presto, it is now a lot lighter and a lot cheaper for them to send, i have to wonder what the heck is going on. not for me, i took out the seeds i wanted, but for the people on down the line who no doubt have missed out on 4 1/2 lbs of seeds. if i am wrong i apologize, but as the old saying goes =seems like something is rotten denmark. the math just does not make sense

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

So you added 6 lbs. About what we started with, in the same box that was stuffed before you. We still don't know how much it weighs now, or I don't anyway. We know it's in the same box that holds 6-13 lbs full.

That said, I'm outta here. Will let you know when it arrives.

Athens, PA

Sherman99 -

I understand your concerns, however, this is not entirely the way it is. I sent some seeds to Susie to put into the robin for people ahead of me, however, I did not send her all of my seeds. Not all of my seeds were ready so I am sending out a number of packages of seeds aside from the robin to individuals that are ahead of me. My seeds were not all ready, so in an effort to have my seeds dried and the fact that I did not want to risk them molding, I decided I would just send them separately. Take this into account that I will still be taking out a number of seeds that I requested, this will also impact the weight of the robin. Perhaps part of this is my fault.......

By the way - I love the original Sherman - he is a beauty!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Let me say I Do not want any more stress on any of you or myself this was a Very Fat Robin for as I Said there are many seeds for all of you from others & Some feel they should not have to pay the postage to send your seeds around . well true but if they had put up a list I feel many of us would have tried to filll as many as we could have for them also .

So Sorry We never concidered this factor when we started this Robin , For that I'm sorry ,But beside all
the private trades in the robin were 3 LG Ziplock One From me seeds from my gardens for all to share More then just TBLES Full , 1 very Lg Ziplock from lazlo for all to share , & One very lg Baggie from the spring robin
Then many seeds from corey & Sherman .

To Clear the air I Was told that there was MOLDY SEEDS & Squashed Seeds & UNVIABLE Seeds , & Older Seeds that were put into the Robin From 09 that was theirs SO THEY WERE REMOVED .
this is why the robin is lighter .

so please there still should be plenty to go through for all it is hard for many of the nb's to image the seeds that they will find in the robin , I do not need or want a 10 -15 Lb bird back I just ask that you only share new type with other so there is not like 50 pks of one kind , I'm sure you all know this , & just want you all to enjoy the fun of going through
it when it gets to you . & No 10 /$100 try to share from your garden even it it is just 5-10 pks No Matter .

& IF YOU HAVE NO SEEDS TO SHARE FINE Take out What you feel you can use .

I Myself went through every pk before i put them in the robin to be sure there was nothing moldy what happens in travel we cannot predict & moisture might get in if so they will be removed or should be removed .
if you find any that look moldy please throw them out.

If bags do not get closed tightly they might spill out so if that happens No biggie but clean up the Robin Dump out the seeds in your garden in you like :)

its been another long day & I have things to get put away before snata gets here :) HEHE

ok that is more than i can take. how did perfectly fine seeds get moldy from my house to the next stop? i went through every bag, looked at every bag like a kid at christmas. heck, i was a kid at christmas.
there were no moldy seeds. period. there were no squashed seeds. and seeds that were whose? i thought all the seeds belonged to the robin once they were put in there. once you give something to a swap it isnt yours, why should you remove it just cause it once belonged to you? it no longer does and maybe someone down the line would have liked those seeds. i am trying to be nice about this but think the robin is getting a raw deal.

i made a BIG mistake. the weight was 9 lbs 8 ozs not 13 when i mailed it. so sorry. still doesnt excuse what is being said though about moldy seeds and other things and even 1 lb of seeds is a lot for one person IMO

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I don't think anyone is blamming anyone for bad seeds. I thought that was the reason for our names on the lable. Washington is a wet state and sometimes it takes a while for the effects to show.

Maybe LazLo had duplicate seeds and pulled the old ones. He does too many trades not to know what he is doing. Texaggie is into Texas Natives and helps run a nursey for Tx natives. She should know her seeds.

At the first of the Robin we knew we would have to trust each other. Let's not doubt each other til the facts are in.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

DeeJay, FOTV and other participants in my first Robin contributed a great deal of seeds to my gardens. I don't believe I could have done it without their help. It would have been extremely expensive for me without the Robin. Most of us want to share the seeds we have. I love the idea of sharing seeds from my gardens to be planted in gardens across the US. LoL In Susie's Robin no one has ever been concerned about how many seeds you put in or take out. Unfortunately, someone removed a pound or two of seeds for whatever the reason. They may have taken the seeds but let's not allow them to take away our good time. I will gladly contribute whatever I can to get this back on track of being a fun experience for everyone.

Here's one of the gardens I started to make a Butterfly and Hummingbird garden from the seeds from the Robin. The garden was in the young stage so it had not filled in very much in this picture.

Is anyone planning a "theme" garden? I would love to have a blue and purple garden. I don't really have a huge selection of blue flowers to chose from but I'm going to try it anyways. I think the colors with be pretty.

Thumbnail by diamond9192002
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Does anyone try to plan gardens by color or blooming periods? Here's another garden I used the Robin seeds for. It's kind of thrown togehter. LoL

Thumbnail by diamond9192002
columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Nice neat gardens Diamond.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Anita My gardens are jumbo & Not as organized as yours But hope to fix that problem this year .
with the new seeds that I Have purchased & What others share .

I Have 2 types of forget-me - nots that I want to plant that are blue thought i would take this old tractor tire I Have 2 out back &want to try to Fill them with plants this yr.
can you Believe I 'm already getting my new 2011 seed catologs are you recieving them also ??

Guess they want us to order early .

not to get off the subject of seeds BUT
While out at the estate sale of my friends Neighbor I Found many Items That I Can make Planters out of a few old wooden grates , & so much more I Have to go out & Pick up the rest today after Lunch will try to get pictures of what I Can find :)

anyone here into dolfin's or light houses this lady has loads of them & they are going very cheap.
dmail me I will tell you the cost . plus my packing fee :) HEHE Just kidding . I told her i would ask
& try to help find homes for them .
this whole stand for one low price plus the shipping . have other pictures of more items if you want to what they are ..
this whole stand

Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Guess I'm not the only early bird this morning :)) GM all

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Good Morning, Susie. Have a great day!

I don't think you can satisfy all of the people all the time. There is always going to be some one that isn't and seems to delight in spoiling things for every one.
My self, we are retired and living on an limited income and if I can find the money to pay postage on receiving some new seeds that I don't have and really really wish to try, I WILL find it!!
If I have stepped on some ones toes, I will apologize, but you knew what to expect going into this. Its larger than any Susie has sponsored before, but I truly am looking forward to receiving it and seeing what new seeds I can start this spring in my greenhouse. I do not have heat in it, so rely on an old milkhouse heater left over from the farm and don't start seeds until the 1st of April in our area.
Well guess I have alienated some people with my frank talking, so will apologize ahead of time.
I come from a long line of people who didn't have much money, but made due with what they had and thanked GOD for what they had. Very plain spoken people! LOL


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I don't know why we keep talking about postage, I haven't seen a complaint yet.

Today I plan on gardening some. I have a few types of seeds that need to be planted. I also have a few plants that need trimming and cuttings started. Though I'd start setting the potted plants where their new home will be and let them get use to the area.

I have a pack of Lazlo's mystery seeds. I think they will go in the native area just to see what they are. My Corn plant has been blooming and I need to check how the seeds are comming along. This is the second year It's bloomed and they smell wonderful.

Hope to see the Robin tomorrow afternoon.



Thumbnail by dmtom
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Kobwebz, thanks. I wish I had more creativity for my gardens. I would like some garden art but I haven't seen anything I have to have yet. I would like a couple of angels or Cherubs. They are kind of expensive but I'm keeping an eye out.

Susie, that estate sale seems to have some really nice items at a reasonable price. I would love to check out some farm auctions around here to find old fashioned gardening tools.

Maxine, do you have pictures of your greenhouse?

Dane, that's a beautiful Corn Plant you have! How fast does it grow and is it hard to take care of?

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Maxine - thanks for the Cherry Brandy seeds. I received them the other day and just wanted to let you know. Can't wait to see these bloom next year.


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Anita, no I don't.
Its made out of scrap lumber from our shed went down in 96 when we had a tornado hit our place. My husband is german, need I say more? He was taught to keep everything, LOL, guess I better put my self in that category also.
Son used to work for the city of Red Wing, Mn. and ordered all of the stuff that he needed for the parks in the city. Red Wing, Mn. is noted for its hanging pots in the summer . People come from miles around to view them and of course it doesn't hurt that Red Wing pottery has a store there. Pottery has been closed for yrs. and all they have is repo's.
To get back to our greenhouse, he ordered my first window opener [automatic] and we took it from there. I need to replace the window opener some time in March before I start things. guys said that they were going to build me a garden shed to clear out all gardening stuff[ notice I said STUFF] from greenhouse and garage. Hasn't happened yet, and one is deer hunting and nothing can interfere with that.
Will look and see if I do have a picture of the greenhouse in some of my pics.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Would love to see it. How did your Cherry Brandy turn out this year. I fell in love with the pictures I saw of them. I heard that some people were disappointed in the coloring but I had to have them. LoL when mine finally flowered, I understood their disapointment. I'm curious how the amount of sun affects the coloring of the blooms. Mine were in full sun all day. What about yours?

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