Thanksgiving is almost here!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That's impressive Sandra. beautiful work!!

If I were there I'd go walking with you Clemen, doesn't matter how cold it is.

I am very fortunate to have some dedicated walkers here in the country, not only one or two but 3 of them that live close by me. and if I don't want to go they will let me know fast that NO your going lol unless I don't feel good. they are my inspiration .

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kim is NOT an early riser! LOL Our office party is the night before and I am not certain what time I will get home. If KA would drive here, I could be ready and not have to drive an hour to meet her...we could leave from here at 7, 8 or 9 but since I have to drrrrrive an hour. Feeling guilty yet, KA? ;o)) We could take the holds more...did that make you feel guilty. Oh I am soooo mean...just ask Jeff. hahaha

Yesterday, I put up our Christmas tree. I added 400 ornaments...yep, I counted. I still have 100 or so but I am giving those away! Of course, I will buy some more in Memphis! I must start attending the Ornaments Anonymous meetings again!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Not feeling guilty, you have to come here, we can meet at 9 you leave at 8 lol don't stay out late. Remember, your not as young as you use to be ROFL. Although I can get up at the crack of dawn . we'll have plenty of room in the car we're not going to buy that much stuff, and my car gets EXtremely good gas milage. 20.00 compared to your 60.00 to fill up. I'll clean the car too lol

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Rats! I hoped that would work ;o)) Okay, we will be there at 9 or close to it.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

This is not jewelry but here are some leaf castings I'm taking over to the show.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Another group!

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

A sampling of some dichroic pendants. The colors are so much more vibrant than it shows here. They just go flat in a photo. I'm going to display them in these trays. I don't have the bails glued on all of them in the photo. Also I'm now making dichroic earrings. I need to make a photo of them. Really like how they are turning out.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Would help if I included the photo! lOL

Thumbnail by cperdue
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Lovely stuff y'all are taking! Too bad I don't have any potheads could have taken a few of those...for you to get the money, not me. I would have donated to the cause. lol

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Kim I want to see your pot heads!!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Question?? I have some small hypertufa pots. The type you use for succulents. Do you think this would be good time of year to take those?

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Can't you buy succulents year round? Like at Lowes? If so, then yes, I think you should take them. Or do you already have plants in them? No matter, take least a few.

Here are some of my potheads, Jeri

Thumbnail by duckmother
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Here is another pothead...

Thumbnail by duckmother
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Love your pot heads - I need to learn how to do that!
Yes you can buy succulents year round. I have a few hardy ones I bought a month or so ago. I was thinking about putting them in pots for an example (or to sell if they want them) and then have the empty pots also.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Pretty jewelry, Charlotte and Sandra. I have told Kathy Ann that I will probably ride over to Memphis with them on Saturday. It all depends on how my step-granddaughter, Rachelle, is doing. She has been in the hospital in Springfield, MO for 3 weeks. She has fluid around her lungs and they have been trying to get it drained off--slowly but surely. On Friday they did a procedure on her whereby they put a sheet of talcum powder between the lung and the outer lining of the lung. It is supposed to keep the lining tight to the lung so no more fluid can get in there. The procedure went well but she had a bad day on Saturday--probably tired from it all--plus they removed the tube that had been in the lung and they also removed her catheter so she went through a lot the last few days. They will do the other lung sometime this next week if all goes well.
She is only 42 and has already battled breast cancer (6 years ago) and gone through chemo with that. She is a tiny thing--about 5 ft tall and a puff of wind would blow her away so she doesn't have a lot of physical reserve to draw on.
Anyway, prayers for her will be appreciated.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I love your leaves Charlotte. those are so neat. I am surprised you don't have 2 or 3 huge ones around your back yard. or do you ? Love those pendants too.

That's alot to go through before the age of 42, such a young age for breast cancer. she's already in my prayers marilyn.

I do hope you get to go next weekend with us. It will be a nice day trip.

I just hope I don't get double vision. I haven't gotten it since the new prisms in my glasses, but I will be ready with the meds just in case I feel a headache coming on.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That really is a lot for her to go through Marilyn. Praying for her quick recovery and a successful procedure next week.

Richard's brother still has not had any change. They sent the lung biopsy to UAMS for further study but have not gotten any results back. The doctors had said he could last several days to 18 months in the condition he is in. Pitiful! His 2 daughters had come in for Thanksgiving the day he went in the hospital. They were supposed to have gone back Fri. but are still here. Don't know for sure what their plans are. One lives in the Washington, DC area and the other in CA in LA. One has a daughter about 9 with her and don't know how long she will want to keep her out of school. His brother is 80 and has gone through chemo and lots arthritis treatment so he is not in good condition to begin with. They are thinking those drugs are probably what has caused this condition.

Ripley, MS

You know, sometimes there are things that really seem worse than death. I know it is so hard on his family to see him like that, especially is they do not think there is a chance of recovery.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear that your BIL has not had any improvement Charlotte. I was hoping by now they would at least have some test results!! Things just seem to move at a snail's pace while you are waiting........ And yes, there are several things worse than death. My dear father in law suffered for month's in the nursing home before passing away. He was just a vegetable - and it was such a pitiful site because he was such a kind and gentle man - always taking care of everyone else......he had suffered several strokes.

Ya'll were talking about the weather - and when we went to Warren on Thursday to see Leigh's Mom I was shocked to see several places in town that had azeleas blooming - and one yard had canna's, the small red blooms (on long green stems) sorry i have gone blank....turk's cap maybe??? and azeleas and roses galore. It was so bazarre because my yard is TOTALLY dead! Strange huh?? The yard with so many flowers blooming was surrounded by a concrete wall so maybe that helped to shield them? and possibly retained heat?? I thought it was so odd........... saw several places with roses in bloom in LR while I was there on Friday too.

Jessi and I survived our adventures with no mishaps...... got up at 1:00 a.m. and got back home about 6:30....a LONG, LONG day! Jessica was supposed to be staying awake to help me stay awake and she told her dad she would as we were looping onto 430 from Stagecoach Road she was SOUND asleep!! :) We stopped in Benton for Starbucks and cranked up the music....and made it home fine. But I brought takeout with me from Pei Wei and didn't even CONSIDER cooking!! :)

Headed to is back to work tomorrow....


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Got up at 1:00 am!!!!! I don't even go to bed until then sometime!!! I guess I'm showing my age but wouldn't gotten me in that mess for anything!!!

What is also strange about Richard's brother is that his wife who is about 12 years younger than him, had a very rare lung problem about 15 years ago. She was very, very sick and was on steroids for several years but is OK now. She has been trying to get in contact with her lung doctor she had at that time. He is in Colorado. BIL is still on the ventilator and they are keeping him heavily sedated.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My Christmas cactus is in full bloom now. I kept it outside all summer and as soon as I brought it in the buds started forming. I need to cut it back!

Thumbnail by cperdue
Ripley, MS

That is beautiful !! Maybe yours is a Thanksgiving cactus, my sister says there are some that bloom at Thanksgiving time and some at Christmas. I have never had too many house plants so I have no idea what the difference would be.

Booneville, MS

Cindy, I just saw the news on TV about the bad weather around Monroe. Hope everything is okay.


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Dont you dare cut that Chritsmas baby down, lol, you will regret it, I never do mine and they are gorgoeus now, full bloom...they love the cold then they burst..Even one of my Spring Epis is in bloom, the poor thing, she is so confused.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL Charlotte, well, I have felt my age ever since about mid day Friday - and I still haven't recovered and probably won't for several more days! I am the type who is usually in bed by 10:30 and I NEED my sleep. I went to bed early Thursday night but I couldn't sleep - guess because I knew I really NEEDED to! I crashed really bad about 11 a.m. and then got a second wind until about 3.....was really worried about the trip home but I made it pretty well. Then we actually stayed up and watched a movie with Alex and his girlfriend Natalie, Kyle and Leigh..... got to bed about 10 and I felt like I had been RAN OVER!! We don't normally go the day after Thanksgiving, but Jessi wanted to go really bad and we had a list of specials that made it worthwhile for us. Mainly I did it because she only has this year and one more at home and I am trying to squeeze in as many memories as possible!! We had a blast..... had breakfast at Cracker Barrel about 8 am (by then we were starving we thought!!)......

We even saw friends from Camden that had taken multiple vehicles to LR and a truck with a cargo trailer behind it to stash all their purchases in! We couldn't believe all the stuff they had in that trailer! I would hate to think I had to try to sort it all out when I got home!! I would have been scared to death that someone would have stolen the trailer because they just left it parked in one of the parking lots!!!!

That cactus is beautiful! Leigh's grandmother always had both Thanksgiving and Christmas cactus and I miss them. I always manage to kill any that I have had. I do have some type of epi something currently that Leigh's Mom gave me two years ago because she couldn't care for it - it is supposed to take several years to bloom so I have no clue if I will ever see it!!! LOL.... I am amazed but so far it is growing and looks good but no sign of any blooms!!! I told her I would probably just kill it but no one else would consider even taking the thing.

Haven't seen any news but i know there was some bad weather that came thru here but no tornados - just watches....... hope everyone is ok!


Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone! I'm trying to catch up!

Charlotte I'm so sorry about your BIL! I hope they find what in the world has caused that scaring so they can fix

I'm glad everyone had good Thanksgivings! I went to my mom's in OKC, boy she is a mess but we had a good time, wish we could have stayed longer but yard work needed to get done and Tiga took a downhill turn just a few days before, don't know what happened but I didn't want to be gone too long.

She was fine and walking all over me at 7am on Nov 19th, at 8am she was down and lethargic and could barely use her hind legs. She came somewhat out of it around 8pm the same day but I still took her to the vet on Tuesday the 23rd because she was still having problems and her vitals are better than a 1 year old kitten's vitals. I asked him what happened so suddenly, he had no idea, told me to up her steroids if I need to and keep her on the Glyco-Flex Joint Meds. She still has a hard time jumping up on things. I don't know what happened, but something did.

Getting up at 1am to go shopping.... I've never done it and just thinking of doing it makes me tired! LOL It's not age, I won't go out in those crowds either. I live for Cyber Monday!

Gorgeous Charlotte! Don't cut it back!

There were tornadoes in Central LA yesterday and Yazoo City in MS was hit again. The gal on The Weather Channel this morning said it was 100 miles wide! I'm thinking that if were 100 miles wide it would be a big deal and everyone would be talking about it. I haven't had time to look at the weather today, I'm trying to get my desk here at work cleared off and ready for year end but there were tornado watches in MS and AL as I was getting ready this morning.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

hey Crissy good to see you posting. Glad you got to go see your Mom....sorry she isn't doing better though! I bet the weather person meant it was a 100 miles LONG...although I have heard them intermix those terms they sure mean different things! I am sure if it was a 100 miles wide it would be plastered on every news page possible!

Hope that everyone is ok in those areas....I haven't heard the news and weather in days so I had no idea.

One of the guy's that my husband used to work with is in need of prayer - well actually his son. His son was involved in a really BAD 4wheeler wreck last Wednesday and landed on his head. He is somewhere around 18 - 20 and he is in very critical but stable condition. They had to remove part of the skull on both sides to allow for swelling and they placed him on a vent yesterday because his breathing was not as strong as they wanted - but they think part of that is from all the medication he is on to keep him sedated. I don't know his name- Leigh forgot to ask - but I know the Dad's name is Jeremy and I know they would appreciate prayer. They think he will survive but they are not sure about how much damage there will be!

I almost have all my shopping done - now if I could just get some decorations up, the tree up and the presents wrapped! Kyle will be 18 this Friday - not sure what he wants to do for his big day, so I am holding off putting up the tree in case he wants to have friends over. I don't have a clue where the years have gone!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the evening.........

Ripley, MS

So sorry to hear about your friend, Genna, our nephew that had the strokes and the staff infection and the brain aneurysm went back to the doc yesterday. They are going to try to schedule his surgery to replace his skull sometime next week, they told them if they could not work him in next week, they would have to wait until after Christmas. The place in his tummy where the skull is planted is bothering him. If they treat this boy like they have Justin, he is in for a long recovery. Justin is blessed to be alive with all he has been through.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Oh my Sandra Justin is blessed to be alive!!! Genna sorry to hear about your friend. I was just reading in the paper yesterday they are trying to adopt a helmet law for AR for motorcycles and ATV's. The number of deaths have been increasing every year. There have been 80 deaths so far this year from motorcycle and ATV accidents and they are usually from head injuries.

Got a busy day ahead! The temps got down enough last night that it wiped out all the impatiens!!!! I even decided to turn some heat on in the workshop for the brugs and I'm glad I did. The thermometer in the workshop said 57 at 10 last night with no heat but I decided to play it safe and turn on a little heat to just knock the chill out.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

They put the skull in his stomach???? ok, never heard of that one! I wondered the other day how justin was doing because I haven't seen you post anything about him in a while. Is he back to normal? other than not having his skull in place? Is he expected to make a full recovery I guess is what I am asking....... I know he sure went thru a lot and he is very blessed to be alive. Maybe they will be able to work him in and get everything back in place before Christmas. I am sure that would be a nice Christmas gift.........

Jeri - did your sister find out if she was going to be able to have her surgery prior to Christmas? If you have posted that, I missed it somewhere......

I forgot to tell ya'll the awesome story about Alex's interview at UAMS. He was to report there at 10:30 - had an hour long orientation with 49 other prospective students, then at the end of the orientation, each student was to report to a specific room where their interviewers were waiting for them. I had made the assumption he would be interviewed by a panel of several people. I was wrong, he only had two people in the room. But Alex had had two doctors write letters of recommendation for him - one is a long time family friend who Alex has spent lots of hours shadowing in surgery, Dr Bob Olive. The other is a young doctor, Dr. Justin Seale, who did his back surgery in Jan 09 that grew up in the small town where I graduated. Alex has also shadowed him in surgery and clinicals as time has allowed. One of his interviewers was a doctor who was an instructor at UAMS........ he had gone thru rotations with Dr Seale while they were in med school together !! The other interviewer was a 4th yr med student whose father had ROOMED with Dr. Bob while they were in med school. SO each one of his interviewers personally knew one of his references!! How awesome is that!?! I knew that many of you had been praying for his interview on that day, and I wanted you to know how well your prayers paid off....that HAD to be a God thing because the odds of that occuring on its own would have to be phenomenal! Alex said he thought the interview went great, and they basically told him that being from the 4th congressional district he really didn't need to worry about getting in!! He said that he only talked to one other person who thought their interview went well....... he said in fact most people thought it was the interview from H*** so THANK YOU for your prayers! I just wanted you to know how effective you were!! ^_^


Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL I don't think it was 100 miles long either, I think it was a mile wide, which is very big. The one in Yazoo City hit the same street that the one last spring hit, how weird is that??

The population has increased too, and unfortunately the more people there are the more deaths there are going to be. People don't think about population increases. I wish they would ban smoking in bars too.

Wow Sandra! Lots of prayers going out to that boy!

YYAAAAYYYYY GENNA!!!!! Excellent news!!

Ripley, MS

Yes, Genna, the skull is in his tummy to keep it alive until it can be re attached, when they leave it out in case of brain swelling after surgery, or in the case they might have to go back in as an emergency-they have to keep it somewhere where it will live, it is just under the skin in his abdomen, he has to wear a helmet when he leaves the house, which is only for Doc appts. His prognosis is that hopefully he will be able to walk again after prolonged therapy, one side is paralyzed I think the right, so he is not able to do much at all, he is in diapers too. He can set up in the wheel chair and he can take a few steps with the therapist help, He lost some weight when he was sick, but he is still over 200 pounds and very hard for them to handle. His Mom might weigh 90 pounds if you put rocks in her pockets.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Well, I am waaaaaaay behind here but I am sure you all know why. Just thought I would pop in and read up on what I have missed. Can't comment on everything but I just want to say HOORAY for Alex's good interview. Also, I am sorry about your BIL, Charlotte. Sandra, I have been wondering about Justin, too, because I have not seen you post anything about him. I've never heard of putting a skull in the tummy but modern medicine can do wonderful things nowadays--at least in some ways. In other ways, they don't have a clue and we just have to turn things over to God work His wonders.
Since Thanksgiving has come and gone, I think it is time for a new thread. LOL How about it--somebody? Anybody? :o))

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes Marilyn I agree it's time for a new thread!!
Genna forgot to congratulate Alex on his great interview!!! When your kids start having kids you will wonder where the years went!!!!LOL

I've been running like a mad woman all day ---- we've off to dinner --- more to do tonight!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

I'll start a new thread.....

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