Thanksgiving is almost here!

Ripley, MS

If anyone needs leaves for mulch--please feel free to come here and rake them !! I have enough to share with all. They are ankle deep all over the yard and I just hears another shower of them falling on top of the house.

I have not been on line much, the stress of the last days have given me an arthritis flare up, Thursday it hit my TMJ joint and that is very painful. I have had massage therapy twice, Thursday and yesterday and it has helped a lot, but if it does not feel a lot better tomorrow, I will go and try to get an anti inflammatory shot I guess, I sure would hate to feel this way for Thanksgiving. It affects the whole side of my head, ear neck and shoulder when it gets inflamed, this time it is on the right side.
So don't worry if I don't post much. It is physical pain, the emotional pain is horrible, but I know you all understand that.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra so sorry your having a flare up!! Don't let it go too long without going to the doctor. I think when one of your parents die just before the holidays, it makes the emotional pain even more difficult! I know your heart is breaking now especially since your momma was such a big part of your life! But your strong faith and time will help heal those wounds and make it easier for you! She will always be with you in your wonderful memories until you can be with her again one day.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra please take care of yourself!!! We don't want you to feel bad for Thanksgiving!!! That TMJ is very painful!!!! I wish I could just hug your pain away!!!! Just know that we love you and are with you in spirit.

Booneville, MS

Sandra, you are a bad influence! I have been on Ebay off and on all afternoon buying beads! lol
I got my bracelet made and I love it! And earrings.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Ya'll don't get me started, I'm not taking on another hobby , nope no more hobbies for me lol. although I have considered candle making. ha.

Hope everybody had a blessed day today.

I got ALL my sewing done this weekend, and it sure feels good to get caught up, and still have time to play around in the kitchen.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It does get additive!! I've been fusing glass for several days now! I found some earring bails, so I'm also making earring. Think they are going to be really neat! I also found the perfect thing to display my pendants in. I got some black flocked plastic trays that will hold 18 to a tray in little dividers. They were really inexpensive and look good. Better than anything I could have rigged up. I can put them in the trays and stack for transporting. I'm thinking about poking a couple of small holes in each divider and securing the pendant with a small piece of wire. I can only fuse 16 pendants at a time and I decided I needed a lot to create a big impact. Also will have my stock built up for a while. Two batches a day is the max I can do. I put one batch in early in the morning and after it fuses I have to let the temperature cool down slowly and I can't open and take out until it gets down to about 100 degrees. The late afternoon batch I just let sit until morning and then take out.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sandra, I am so sorry that you are experiencing this pain. I hope you feel better soon! I know how it is to lose someone on or near a holiday. My daddy died on Thanksgiving Day, my son died on Mother's Day, my Mother died on St. Patrick's Day, which is not a real big holiday in my book but it is still a holiday. Then, of course you all know that Buddy died two weeks before Thanksgiving. It sure doesn't make the holidays pleasant but you reach inside yourself and use the strength you have received from your faith in God and do what you have to do and get through them. The important thing when the holiday comes around each year is to focus on faith, family and the future and not be depressed about the past.

Charlotte, you have certainly been busy getting ready for the jewelry show. I hope you sell bunches of your beautiful jewelry!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My mother died 2 weeks before Christmas and I owned a retail store at that time. Of course that was one of our busiest times of the year. After taking off several days for the funeral, I had to work until midnight almost every night until Christmas. I was open 7 days a week during the Christmas season. She had been in the hospital in Little Rock for about a week before she died and I had been spending as much time as I could at the hospital and had really gotten behind with commitments. Then the week after Christmas was a nightmare with all the exchanges, etc. I've never been so mentally, emotionally or physically tired in my life!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sandra I feel the same as Jeri. I wish I could hug your pain away.
I hope you all have a healthy, happy Thanksgiving with loved ones.
Terrye I am so glad you felt up to shopping.

Jeri I will remember your sister. I hate to add a downer but please remember my BIL Hugh. He has cancer in both lungs and it is inoperable. He will receive a pik line I think this week for the chemo.

I also want all of you here to know how proud I am to be part of such a caring and generous family. Thank each one of you for taking time out of your busy lives to administer comfort or just to give an encouraging word. There are lurkers that read and are blessed by the examples each one of you set forth by your words and deeds.. We never know who or when someone is watching, reading and just need a little conformation that there is good in this world. For so many this site is their primary lifeline to the outside world. Nearly all of us have been there at one time. There is so much Love and Good in each of you that it fills my heart to bursting. Thank you all. Cindy

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Hope you feel better soon Sandra! don't like to see you in pain.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Cindy, well said! I feel the same way about all our wonderful Mid-South friends!
Hugs to all of you!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Cindy I didn't know about your BIL!!! My dad had lung cancer and it is not easy at all!!! I pray the chemo will knock the cancer out of the ball park!!!!

I too want to thank all of you for being there for me and lifting me up when I don't think I can go any more!!! Yall are the best and a blessing that I never expected!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!!!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I could never put it in words the way Cindy can but I totally echo what she said. What a wonderful group of caring folks!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri I'm hoping and praying that this works for Jan and she's able to see out of one eye, that would be so awesome for her!

Glad you're feeling better Terrye! How fun, I love Christmas shopping before Black Friday.

Sandra I have an acre of those leaves myself, and the trees are still 3/4 full. YIKES!!! ((((((((((((((((((SANDRA)))))))))))))))

Well, ((((((((((((((((((((((EVERYONE))))))))))))))))))))))))

Jeri I feel the same way and could not say it any better myself!

Ripley, MS

We just need to have a big HUG FEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you will all forgive me, but I forgot to say anything about the lovely picture. It came to the funeral home from all of you, it is so pretty and has a poem

A Mother's Memory

A Mother's treasured memory,
I will hold so dear.
Through laughter and tears.
The times we spent together
Are now Precious Memories.

It has a beautiful picture on one side and the poem on the other, I hung it by my chair so I can only look up and remember your kindness.

I have been grieving at holiday time before, Gunny passed on Dec. 10th. Then we still all gave each other gifts and everything that Mamma gave us all had from Gunny & Mamma on them.
I really don't think there would be an easy time to lose a loved one. This holiday is our Thanksgiving, and I have so much to be thankful for, I will try to focus on that. There are so many people who are hurting, sick, and even homeless. Our world is full of people in need. I miss Mamma so badly, but I know how wonderfully I have been blessed to have had her. I am very thankful for that, and very thankful for all of you.

Cindy I am so sorry about your BIL, but a little confused, is it Jimbo's brother? If so how is his Mom taking all this?

I am going to go the local Nurse practitioner this afternoon and see if they will give me a shot of Toradol--I tolerate it pretty well. I just don't feel up to waiting to see my doc, they are always covered up, you can usually walk in and out pretty fast at the nurse prac.

I need to decide where I want Jerry to dig a hole for my tree--it is going to be 29 here this coming Friday morning, if I saw that right !
Happy Thanksgiving Week everyone !!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sandra It is Jimbo's sister's husband. We have always been very close to them. They are the one's he went on to stay with when he dropped me off for the RU. Brandon lived with Hugh the summer after he graduated high school to work on a power plant. He traveled a lot as an electrician/ job supervisor. Josh and Ashley usually stay with them several weekends a year turkey hunting. It is a sad situation.

Ripley, MS

Oh I was thinking Jimbo had all sisters. I am so sorry to hear that. I know it makes all of you so sad.

Terrye, I meant to say, good job on the bracelet--I knew you could do it, those are easy!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Prayers going out for your BIL Cindy!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I need to add someone to the list also! My DH's brother was admitted to the hospital this weekend. They thought he had pneumonia but have discovered that is not the problem, it is something much more serious than than. But I can't tell you the name of it. He was doing better yesterday but today he has taken a turn for the worse. They have given him cortisone hoping that would help with his breathing but so far it hasn't. He had prostrate cancer a number of years ago and survived it.

Booneville, MS

I went for my CT scan yesterday and my pneumonia is just about cleared up. Enough that I don't have to go back to the pulmonologist. I He just wants me to call him if I get sick again, even a cold. Just to stay on top of it next time.
Now I can get back on my arthritis treatments! That's good news.

We are having our Thanksgiving dinner tonight with the dancers. Ray is cooking today since I am at work. Anxious to see how that turns out! lol

So many needs out there on this week of Thanksgiving. Prayers going out for everyone and thanks for all of yours.


Ripley, MS

Terrye, wonderful news about your lungs. I am sorry to hear about your BIL Charlotte, Jeri posted that Mary got a bad test back on another thread and Mary is very upset about it. She has been through so much.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We got more bad news about my BIL. He does not have any inflammation. They did a lung biopsy this morning. He has scarring in his lungs and he is on a ventilator. His middle brother (the one sick is the oldest, my husband is the youngest) is trying to get his wife to move him to UAMS in Little Rock. It is a teaching hospital. They are not really sure what caused the scarring but they do not expect him to get off the ventilator. They had not been letting anyone in to see him but his wife, but are now letting other family members in. They are limiting the times and the number that can go in.
We are going over to see him at 9:00 tonight. It does not look good.

Ripley, MS

Charlotte, so sorry--my Mammas friend that had lung cancer was buried today, so much trouble all around. I am so thankful my Mamma did not lay and suffer.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Charlotte, I'm so sorry about your brother-in-law and his lung cancer. It is a terrible disease. I hope he can get some relief from pain and find comfort. Our prayers are with you all.

Cindy, prayers for your brother-in-law also. My mother also had lung cancer. It is not good and very hard to fight.

Terrye, glad you got a good report. It's great to see some encouraging news here for a change.

Jeri, you know we will all be praying for a successful surgery for your sister, Jan. What wonderful things the surgeons hands can do these days, and being able to see again!!! How awesome will that be!!! I hate to hear about Mary and her bad report. Keep us posted.

Cindy, you are so right....there were many days when I was too tired to do anything but scan through the posts, but I knew you 'sisters' were out there praying for us as we went through our family illnesses recently, and it really helped to know we had your generous love and support.
I know we will all be busy with cooking and family the next few days, so stay in touch when you can and remember that we're all here and thinking of you.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We got back about 10:30 from visiting DH'a brother. He is very, very ill! He knew we were there and kept trying to respond which made him struggle even through they had him heavily sedated. It was really upsetting for my DH. They have not said it is cancer. They really don't know what has caused the scarring. They say the scarring is in a very unusual pattern. Not a normal pattern. I don't know the right terms, but a family member delivered some of the tissue to UAMS to try and get it analyzed further. He has arthritis and takes arthritis medication and went through chemo for prostrate cancer several years ago. They seem to think some of this could have added to the problem whatever it is.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Prayers going out for all in need!!! My gosh!!! There is indeed a lot to be thankful for Thur!!!! My prayer for all is peace and no pain for our loved ones!!!! It is hard enough to watch someone we love to die but for them to have to suffer makes it so much worst!!!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello all.... trying to catch up with everyone! Terrye, so glad to hear that your scans looked good and that you feel well enough to be Christmas shopping all day and making jewelry! How fun! You gave us all a scare, and I am thankful that you will be feeling better for the holidays!

Cindy, and Charlotte, so sorry to hear about your BILs. Sounds like they both are in a lot of pain and I will put them both on my prayer list. Charlotte, where is your BIL currently? since you said they were talking about moving him to UAMS? I agree wholeheartly with Cindy on my DG friends...... ya'll are absolutely the best!

Jeri - how awesome it would be if your sister is able to get that transplant!! IS there supposed to be less risk of rejection with the prostetic one? What a totally awesome Christmas gift!! I can not imagine not being able to see.......all our beautiful flowers, the colors of fall, the sunshine, MY CHILDREN!! I am so thankful for my sight!! and my hearing.........

Elaine and Sandra I will be praying for you both during this holiday season. The holidays are just tough without those we love! Yes, we have so much to be thankful for, but the hole is still in our hearts and it sure puts a damper on this time of year. Wish I could say that the years passing makes it better - and it is better than the first few years, but the hole is still there.

We lost our ballgame last Friday night. It was a heartbreaker......had them 27 - 0 at half, and our boys let them come back to win 28-27 in the last few seconds of the game! So, our season is officially over and dreams of state champs rings have evaporated....... :( It was a very very long ride home Friday night, and the fog was horrendous!! I was so glad to get home safe and sound!!

On a more positive note, Alex had his interview at UAMS on Saturday morning, and he said he thinks it went great! So, he will be graduating from college in just a few weeks...... and today is his 23rd bday! Hard to believe he is that old..........

Jessi and I plan to get up SUPER early friday morning (or my body will think it is Thursday night!) and brave the zoo to go shopping in LR. I am sure it will be a madhouse - but we have fun and makes for good memories.... :) We don't do this very often, but there are several of the early bird specials that I am really needing, so it will be worth my while if we can get some of them!

I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for my family, and for my DG family as well!! Love you all.........

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna my BIL is in Pine Bluff. That's were he lives. The middle brother wants to move him but not sure what will end up happening. His wife is only 5 minutes from the hospital, so staying in PB would be a lot easier for her.
Genna you are a brave woman to venture out Friday!!!!! You will not find me out shopping on Friday. As a matter of fact I try to stay out of the stores as much as possible from now until after Christmas. I love to shop but HATE dealing with crowds. I do 80% of my Christmas shopping on line and have it shipped. It is so much easier to find the things everyone wants and don't have to drive from store to store looking!

Ripley, MS

Charlotte, I am with you on the shopping. It was horrible in Tupelo yesterday when I went grocery shopping, I don't even want to be close to that town Friday. Pat was telling me about a toy Wal-Mart had on sale for black Friday she thought the girls might like, It was 89 instead of 150--some kind of video game, anyway I told her I would pay 150 rather than go into that mob.
Got to get up and shred the chicken for the dressing, it should be cool enough by now.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm getting ready to make cornbread so I'll have it to make my dressing tomorrow. I'm so used to doing gift shopping on line that last year DH's granddaughter wanted some little hamster thing that was THE really hot item last year. Well I don't keep up with that kind of thing and didn't have any idea it was a hot toy and that it was next to impossible to find! I just automatically went on line and found one. I also didn't have a clue as to what the retail costs was. So when I found it, I just bought it and then did some more internet surfing and found several accessories that went with it and bought those. Eventually I discovered I had paid about 5 times retail for the little hamster but it was worth every penny (I didn't overpay for the accessories. . Boy did we ever make a hit with that present!!!! Stepdaughter was was extremely impressed that I had found it and granddaughter couldn't wait to tell her friends she had one!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I'm with you all on the shopping....internet is the way to go. I've already seen two women fighting for a parking spot in the mall and that was over a week ago! Let the road rage begin! I'd rather keep my sanity in the comfort of my own home. There is a Target about a quarter mile from my office, so I occasionally run over there during my lunch break at work. I ran over there last week at 1030 (well before lunch) the other day to pick up a few things I needed (paper products, toothpaste, etc), and was going to get a couple of toy items I had seen in the Sunday paper and ran into someone I knew who had been there since 8:30 that morning shopping for Christmas gifts! I can't do it!!

Y'all have a good day today. I'd better get busy. Just taking a quick coffee break, and better get to work....

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Happy thanksgiving to everybody here!! Hope you all have a blessed holiday!

Booneville, MS

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!! Have a wonderful day today!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

What a wonderful vignette Carole.

Hope everyone has a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

It's cold and raining here in Harrison at my daughter's house but a pot of home-made chicken/vegetable soup is simmering on the stove and will warm the bones when it is ready to eat! Our "crew" is coming in tomorrow so we will have our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow afternoon.
So many needs to put on the prayer list, but God is able to handle them all!
Everyone have a good Thanksgiving!

Ripley, MS

I had a great Thanksgiving, our supper went well and had some delicious food.
I hope everyone else did too.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I am glad that things went so well!! You all were in my thoughts yesterday and one of the 1st blessings I remembered to thank God for!!! We had a very nice relaxed day!!! The kids came and spent the entire day. It was very nice also!!!! I was so tired, I just fell into bed!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Charlotte, that vignette is in my guest room.

We have snow on the ground this morning!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm so glad you had a good thanksgiving Sandra.

I had to pull a 100% complete attitude turn around in order to pull thanksgiving off this year with a smile on my face. And ya'll would be proud of me, cause I did just that. and my dinner was I think the best it's ever been, I really need an attitude check more often lol

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