Thanksgiving is almost here!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Time for a new thread!
We came from here:

We have had a lot of sad news lately so let's try to perk things up a bit.
What is everybody planning for Thanksgiving? Are you getting together with family and what does your family traditionally have to eat for your Thanksgiving dinner? Anything different rather than turkey, etc?

I'll probably drive up to Harrison to spend a few days with my daughter and her family. They usually have Thanksgiving dinner on Friday night because all the kids, which are grown, go to the other side of their family on Thanksgiving Day. This year Cabot is having a run-off election in the mayor's race as well as some aldermen's races so I will be working at the polls all day on Tues. Nov. 23rd. That means I won't be going to my daughter's until Wed. or maybe even Thursday. She and I haven't talked about what we will be preparing for our Thanksgiving meal yet, but I know that it most likely won't be turkey because all the kids will have had turkey at their in-laws houses.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I'll be leaving before the sun's up this coming Fri. for San Antonio to spend the week w/ DD and grandkids for Turkey-Day. Hub's doesn't want to go so he's wrangled a T-day meal from a friend. I just fear for my house w/ just him and 4 boston terrors left on their own. The chu-who-a-who-s will go with me as my much as a 3 lb. dog can protect...LOL

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Enjoy your visit, Peggy, and safe travels to you! :o))

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks. Will take loads of pictures to bore ya'll with.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

We'll enjoy them!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

you may rue the day....LOL

Ripley, MS

Thanksgiving starts the cooking "season" I will have to try to do a little better this year, I now have my sugar back in control and really need to try and keep it that way. I love my eyes and my toes--lol-and would really enjoy being able to keep them.
We will use the fellowship hall for the Mills side of the family and Amanda is having the dinner for our side, but of course she wants me to make the dressing. She makes good dressing too, I think she just assigns that to me so she can have her oven for other things.
We have so much to be thankful for this year. Thinking about it, I guess we do every year. God is good.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Peggy enjoy your trip. I have a 4 lb watch dog and he can make enough racket to scare anything away!

Thanksgiving will be quiet around here. I'll fix the usual turkey and dressing.

On a happy note, I found some of my long lost cousins this weekend. Actually my two first cousins I was looking for had died, but I found their children. My uncle and his wife lived in Michigan and we seldom saw them. After they died we lost track of our first cousins. But with today's technology I was able to find them. They are actually on facebook.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I've found long lost friends on FB. I can't seem to loose any relatives and some of them "need' to be/get lost...LOL

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Hey here's where everybody went.

I'm looking for some new ideas this year, I'm cooking dinner for us this year . I would imagine alot of traditional things but want to try out one or two new things. although thanksgiving isn't the best time to do this lol

peg I didn't know you were on fb, we're all on fb too. You need to join up with us lol Have a save trip .

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sandra, we definitely want you to keep your toes and all your other body parts, too, so do be a good girl and keep that sugar under control!

Speaking of dressing: my ex's mother made the best dressing I have ever eaten anywhere, anytime. I never even tried to make dressing because there was no way I could top hers. I should have asked her what her secret was but back in those days I was too young to care about recipes like that, plus I was busy with 4 children sooooo I just never asked her. I did hear her say one time that she used lots of chicken broth in her dressing and she also used crackers along with cornbread. By the way, does anybody know why they call it "dressing"?

Peggy, no "rue-ing the day" for me as far as pictures are concerned. I'm actually one of those weird people who really like to look at other folks' photos. LOL

Charlotte, how nice that you found your long-lost cousins---I hope! As Peggy said, some of those long-lost relatives should stay that way! LOL

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Okay, new ideas for different things to cook. hmmmm--I'll have to put on my thinking cap. I've been watching the Martha Stewart Show on the Hallmark Channel the last couple of weeks and she always has different recipes that she is trying out. I'll have to pay more attention this next week and let you know what they are! LOL
Have you tried that "cheesy tomato casserole" that Terry (Admin) has posted in the past. Before Buddy died, I used to make it a lot because he loved it. I have the recipe if you want it. It makes a nice side dish.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much for starting us out on a new, fresh start, Marilyn. And thanks too to Jeri for wrapping up the old thread ao nicely and to all those who sent up good wishes to all of us who suffered pain and loss these past few weeks. You know our sisterhood here means so much to us all and your presence in this place of love and communication was a great comfort, knowing we could come here, no matter what time it was.

Hooray for Thanksgiving! We will be having the big dinner at our house but on Friday because 2 of our nurses have to work on Thursday. I have saved a couple of new potato recipes but have not tried them out yet. I have made a tomato pie and believe the recipe Terry shared is similar, and it is quite good but rich tasting as well. We talk about doing some different stuff but usually end up with everybody's favorites anyway....deviled eggs, squash casserole, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, green beans, etc.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Marilyn it was good to find these cousins! We have felt bad about losing track of them.
Sorry but I don't have any suggestions about new dishes. I haven't really tried anything new lately. DH is such a picky eater I have to be careful. I'm trying to get him to eat more as he has last 20 lbs since April and that's not good. So it doesn't matter what he eats they just want him to stop losing weight. He also has COPD which has caused a lot of his weight loss.

Ripley, MS

Judy makes her hubby drink ensure at least once a day as his appetite is bad too. Does he drink that already Charlotte?

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I can not believe it is so close to Thanksgiving!!! I don't have a new idea for a dish, just a new way of doing one. We got a greaseless turkey fryer. Can you imagine how healthy it is to cook with it. Jimmy has cooked 3 turkeys already and they were the best!!!!! Here is a link for it:

It comes with the Cajun Injection stuff and the turkeys are very tasty and moist. Jim had bought it next door at Priceco but used it 1 time in Bossier City and our friend, Jerry Askins bought it off him. Jimmy picked this one up at Academy even cheaper and now I find them online even cheaper but then there is postage. Jerry has done ribs, roast and all kinds of things in his. And I for one love this thing until it comes time to clean that wire basket.

Have fun Peggie and a safe trip!!!

Sandra PLease!!! Behave yourself!!! Stick to the vanilla, I don't think there is much sugar in there!!! JK!!! My mother was and my sister is blind and that is nothing I want you to have to go through!!!

Charlotte isn't the technology wonderful for locating lost family and friends. I'm looking for 2 men that Jim was in service with and have not had any luck. But every now and then I'll google them in hopes they are there. Congrats on re-locating your cousins!!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

No Sandra he doesn't drink ensure and want drink it. He is also a stubborn old man that will not do anything he doesn't want to even if it could help him. I just have to live with that. The dr told him nuts would be a good snack for him and he has gone through several cans of those recently. The dr doesn't really care if it is good or bad for him to eat so long as he is getting some more calories. I sure don't have that problem!

Jeri technology is great for locating people! Mine was made easier in that in 1978 my aunt had each family write out all the information for each family. Who they married, when, children, when born, who children married, etc. So I had all the birthdates and could eliminate or match up based on birth date. I tried to get one person from each family to update their family information a couple of years ago with no luck. I need to try it again as everyone is getting really old. My dad was the youngest of 8 and he was 4 and 1/2 years younger than the next to the youngest. So most of my cousins are really getting old.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Jeri, that oil-less turkey fryer certainly looks interesting and from what you say, it does a really good job. I have heard that the regular turkey fryers can be dangerous because people have dropped frozen turkeys in the hot grease and the whole thing exploded, causing serious injury and have even caused house fires. Makes you want to run right out and buy one, doesn't it? LOL but the one you have shouldn't cause problems like that.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm so glad that Jimmy is enjoying it b/c I sure am!!! LOL!!!!!

Booneville, MS

Elaine, we have the same problem here. By the time everyone asks for their favorite dish for Thanksgiving there's no room for any new dishes or inclination to cook them! lol

Charlotte, protein powder put in regular dishes you cook works well for anyone who needs to gain weight. It can be added to most anything. Also dried milk, but the protein powder has a higher percentage of protein.

We're staying home and having family dinner for Thanksgiving. Then the mad rush for Christmas starts!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Terrye thanks for the tip about protein powder. I need to try that.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri I just want to let you know that my mom was 3 months premature and she weighed 1 pound, because she had a twin, and she made it, the only problem she had was her left eye was lazy but they had that fixed when she was 3. Of course she's never had the best eyesight in that eye but glasses have always corrected, she was 2010 in her right eye and 2040 in her left. Many many prayers are going out.

Hooray Charlotte in finding cousins on FB! That's neat!

What a cool turkey fryer!!!

Terrye has a great idea, wonder if you could sneak it into his food???

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Thank you Crissy!!! I will pass that along to my great nephew.

Yes and that turkey fryer pays for itself in saving you the price of peanut oil too. That stuff is not cheap here.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Just wanted to let you all know that I may be offline again for a while--depends on when I get my laptop back. My DD will be picking up her laptop this afternoon when they come through Cabot to pick up their dog. She uses her iphone for Facebook and twitter but she needs her laptop to write the articles for their ministry, etc.
So don't worry about me if you don't see me posting. I'll be back eventually. I need to go call the computer nerd's office and see what is going on with my laptop. Hopefully, I'll BBL. :o))

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Charlotte, you might also try Boost..... not sure if he will drink it or not, but that is what they put Alex on when he got burned. He drank a couple of the chocolate versions because he said they tasted like chocolate milkshakes........ if he likes milkshakes, you could even make one with the ensure or boost instead of millk. the ice cream would just add calories.....

Good luck with getting him to put on weight....... I also wish I had that problem but I am terrified of what might have to be wrong with me medically for me to get there!! I have been walking much more faithfully this month. Usually 3 - 4 miles per night on the treadmill. Don't think I have lost any weight, but I can tell that I have a FEW inches missing ....just have a LONG, LONG way to go! I didn't do well this weekend - missed thurs - sun.... HAVE to get back on it tonight for sure! I had been doing so well and walking every night......

By the way everyone, we won our game last Friday night. Now, this Friday we will travel to Wilson AR and take on Rivercrest.....the #1 ranked team in the state for our classification! They say it is a 5 hr drive!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Good Jeri, let him know that my mom was born in 1948.

YAY Genna! I'll look at the map and post a link for you...

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna, there are two Wilson, Arkansas's! One is in Pope County and the other is in Mississippi county.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i've been working on a list before and after work of what I'd like to bake /make this year during the holidays, christmas goodies, christmas eve, new years eve, and dinners. long list, I will probably not have time to make all of it lol

I'm also looking into making a few gifts in jars, not your basic cookie mixes but bread mixes, soups, spice mixes or tea mix. etc... would love some ideas if anybody has any.

I found this neat recipe for a chocolate dipped fruit wreath looks fabulous. with rosemary around it for the greenery.

We're staying home this year for both holidays, so I'll be doing all the cooking and baking.

I got a new stove yesterday, not hooked up yet, but it's here none the less. my christmas wish list is nothing but kitchen stuff this year.

and I have two girls here that are needing to furnish their own houses sometime in the future, so they will be getting things that they can use in their kitchens as well. except for laura, she really needs some maternity clothes and regular clothes also. So I've been busy making lists.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Kathy-Ann you make me dizzy and tired just reading your to do list. Be sure to take care of Kathy-Ann too. Hope everyone's week is good. Remember Ruth on the 17th she is having the first surgery on her foot. They will be cleaning up the bad area that would never heal. On the 23rd she will be having a skin graft. Hoping this will get the Queen feeling better so she can attend a RU in the spring. We Miss You Ruth(her Majesty) and Lamar(his Majesty). Can't wait to see you both again. Don't hesitate to call us if you need something.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kathy Ann you can cram more stuff into a day than just about anybody I know!! Take it easy girl - don't overdo!! I did make a really good cheese dip last night I am taking some of it to my MG meeting today. We are having a reception for new MG's and there will be tons of food! Good food! Gardeners I've learned are also good cooks! Here is the recipe. You'll see why I say I'm taking some of it. It make a lot!
Spicy Chili Con Quesco
1 (10 oz)Rotel
1 (14 oz )crushed and peeled tomatoes
2 - 3 tablespoons water
3 - 31/2 tablespoons chili powder
1 - 112 tablespoons ground cumin
2 cloves of garlic minced
2 pounds Velveeta cheese
8 oz grated Cheddar cheese

Combine Rotel, tomatoes and water in food processor (I used my blender) and blend until smooth. Pour into a small dutch oven and add chili powder, cumin and garlic. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes. Add cheeses. Stir over low heat until melted. Note: May refrigerate for later use or freeze.
This recipe came from the Second Presbyterian Church cookbook.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cindy we cross posted! Our minds were running together however!
I do hope the surgery will help Ruth and get her back to feeling good! We miss seeing the queen!! We're thinking about you Ruth and praying for you.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Ruth told me the other day that she has not renewed her membership to DG. I plan on talking to her later today and will tell her. I know it will mean the world to her. She said she can't garden and it is still upsetting to her. Maybe in the spring we could do a get together at her house and work on her flower beds? I know she would love to see us.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That sounds like a good idea Cindy!!! I know she misses her gardening. I know how much it would bother me if I couldn't get out and piddle around in my yard!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hey Charlotte!!! I butted into Yall's conversation!!!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri that's an excellent idea!!!!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Charlotte that cheese dip sounds delicious!! Think I'll 'steal' the recipe lol

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Anytime Jeri! LOL

Ripley, MS

Copied from the silly thread, as I have a whole list of things to do today--LOL

Good morning silly friends, we got a lot of things done yesterday, but the more we do, the more it seems we need to do.
We went through all of the personal things of Mammas , jewelry, perfume and make up, divided up what Pat and I wanted to keep, then we had boxes for the girls--we just went through and dropped things in each one, a necklace for you, a bracelet for you.
Pat is over there cleaning today, I will go back tomorrow and do some more.
Today I am going to be doing business by phone.

Pat's doc visit went well, but he had not gotten all the test results from the hospital stay. He told her if there was anything suspicious he would call her to come back in.
The doc at the hospital that released her said he felt she should come off her blood thinner, Her doc had told her it would be for life because she had the blood clots in her lungs after her last heart surgery. Her doc told her yesterday to be sure and get enough potassium she should go and buy Morton's NO Salt, so we did and it does have lots of it in it.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)


I was so sorry to find out about your Momma. I know how close you were to her, and I can't imagine how hard this is on you. I know she must have been a very special person to raise a wonderful woman like yourself. You were a wonderful daughter to her, too

Max and I are thinking of you and praying for you at this time. We love you !!


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sandra, I eat a banana every day for potassium--yes, every day--and have ever since I had my heart valve repaired in 2003. My cardiologist has me on a diuretic and the banana has enough potassium in it so that I am not deficient in it. I would rather eat the banana, which I actually like, than to have to take another pill. I take a blood thinner, too, and two different kinds of BP meds so I don't want to take any more pills. I didn't know about the NO Salt having potassium in it.
Sounds like you and Pat are making some progress in separating your Mamma's things. I know it is hard for both of you but it is necessary and your girls will appreciate having something from Mamma Lou.

Kathy Ann: you should ask Santa if he can send some of his elves to help you with everything you want to do for the holidays! Like the others have said--it makes me tired just reading about everything you want to do!

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