rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

hello all.!heavy workload,stiff neck and very tired.,.,just purchased more seeds;';'''gotta be crazy'''-anthony

Brisbane, Australia

Hello all. I spent last night scrubbing etc..and vacuuming and washing but I think the chomping of those enormously succulent sprouting tubers was what really got me! A whole carton! For a heliconia/ palm/ginger nut (lol!) that just seemed unfair! For some reason the turkeys seem to have become more intrusive and even aggressive than they have in the past. I guess they only started appearing in inner city areas about 15 years ago. Don't you have them there, Karen? Just send me your address! Lol! But you will have to fight Jean for them as she is always asking me to send some to tend her epies and other yummy seedlings and bulbs...and irises!!! hahaha I think the turkey got in through the back door as middle son was home so he wouldn't have closed the screen. One came in at 5:30 this morning while I was in the kitchen and it pushed its way out through a fly screen..wrecking it in the process. But,in the great scheme of things, these are just annoyances.
Beautiful day today, then around 2:30. wild raging maelstrom out one side of the school library (where I am based) and fine,sunny, blue skies out the other door! Then we got a 20 minute or so whopping.
Karen, my Letty May seems to be slow developing as well. I have had DK, two Jean unks, an unk from the markets that was marked as pink but is an enormous red, a tomato soup coloured one and Bambi..a medium pink. I can't get into EpiForums..seem to be locked out and my passwords aren't working so don't know if it's the settings on this computer or the fact that I tried to get in on another computer while we were away.
Whippersnippering next door again. The storm must have blown (very wet) leaves down. Perhaps he is drying the lawn? Lol! We don't even own any electric garden appliances. Good exercise using a rake, broom, secateurs and clippers. My geraniums are flowering. I bought a batch of freshly- delivered- to- Bunnings a few weeks and poked open some tight buds on one to find speckles so am rapt! Have you seen what people charge on ebay for a tiny cutting? Another has the dark pink centre with lighter outside. I think I have more plants than room to stick them. I may have to build garden towers! News is on. Take care all. Sorry about turkey dripe and whinge yesterday. Thanks for kind comments :)

Brisbane, Australia

Hi everybody, and a jolly good morning to wake up to .

Kat, the mess and plant loss from the turkeys would bring me down some, and I do love your attitude in just dealing with it and getting on with life. You do need to vent though or it will build up. Actually, I was locked out of Epiforums too when I changed my email addy. I was however able to contact Cheryl (tubbspond, I think). I had tried Admin, and Eddie, but it was Cheryl who came to my rescue and got me back in. Its just a setting that is wrong their end, and your account needs to be reactivated. If you can't contact Cheryl, let me know, and I'll email her on your behalf.

Colleen, thank you. Had some nice quality time with my daughter. She is so much like me in so many ways, it is a worry!

Anthony, don't overdo it, hey?

Elaine, I have serious leaf problems here. The mess is continuous.


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
I should say good windy morning. The wind came up in the night and I hope it blows away the forecast rain for Sunday. I don't want to be standing around at the Show in the rain. People won't come and I'll sell nothing.
Kat, you poor thing. You need a very large dog I think. Train it to eat turkeys. It would be a great disappointment to lose all those lovely gingers etc. Feel free to send a few turkeys to Karen, I will happily forgo my share of them for her.
Karen,glad you enjoyed the day with your daughter. I have leaves here if you want some. Always ready to share. Gum trees shed leaves and twigs here all year round.
Anthony , take it easy and have a good rest over the weekend. Sit and think of all the lovely lilium flowers you will soon have.
Elaine, I went to Bunnings yesterday in Mt Gambier and found 2 orphan lavenders which are very pretty . I also popped in K mart and found 4 small polyanthus and two cordylines for just a few dollars.
Lots of other plants but not many orphans.
Teresa, lovely peony. I gave up on them. They just wont grow here. May be the soil or the awful water. I enjoy them in other gardens now , like yours.
Hello Colleen. I see a few of the opium poppies coming up here . Looks like a poor year for them this year.
I will have to wait and see as more could come up as the ground dries out and the weather warms.
I only ever get the pink and the purple with a mix of singles and big fluffy ones. I have thrown seed around from other colors but they have never appeared. Mine originally just appeared in the garden about 7 years ago. I had never planted any at all. Same with the californian poppies. I have millions of the lovely orange but never a sign of the other colors. I have thrown seeds around from heaps of plants but never see them . Anything that self seeds here grows well but appaerntly new seeds give up and disappear. I have tried growing them as seedlings then planting out but they still disappear.
Would you believe I threw about 5 packets of zinnias around and have never even seen one grow.
I love them with their vibrant colors.
Someone sent me some hollyhock seeds which did grow. Well 6 of them did anyway. They flowered last year and have grown even bigger this year.
I just have to be satisfied with what does grow.
Louise, hope those girls are enjoying life back in Florida. Enjoy your trip.
Hello to anyone else out there. I am off out to see what the wind has done to the iris. Nothing, I hope, as they are sheltered from the worst of our north winds.
Have a great weekend and enjoy your gardens. I hope the sun shines for you all.
Have some yummy Chocolate Cupcakes.
Happy gardening . Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Colleen, see the buds coming on the cacti at Mt Gambier. I will miss the flowers again this year.
These were the ones I was going to show Brian, but I guess he's looking at them anyway and will love the flowers.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia


Thumbnail by 77sunset

It's Friday and it's still cold and wet but here comes the poppies ...so far many whites which I pull out straight away.
Leaving pinks, purples and reds ...all with dark purple splotches on the base or back.
I love them so pretty.
I hope it does not rain on your parade Jean and good luck with the sales.
Just look at those cactus!
The Zinnias need sun to germinate they (the seeds) may have fallen into shady areas. If you clear a space and lightly cover the seed with a little sand/sandy mix they will come up very quickly and whats more they transplant very easily so you can move them around.
Kat have fun with the Poetry and I hope the turkeys stay away from the house ...though probably not the garden :(

Still clearing up stuff after the storms here too Elaine ...they reckon it will be warmer today but still more storms yet to come.

Seedaholich here too Anthony

Glad you had a nice lunch with your daughter Karen.

Yes the Poppies are just so pretty Colleen ...fragile little things ...so delicate.

Teresa such pretty pics!
Enjoy your day everyone.

Pic is poppies hiding amongst Angels Trumpets.

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barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Another lovely morning. Will go and get another couple of boxes of cactus this morning. When I have them all here I will ring the people interested and they can see what they want. They are all starting to flower now and there will be some that I haven't seen before. Get ready for a bombardment of pics of cactus. lol. Jean do you know if the second pic has red flowers? It looks like echinopsis huascha but I'm not sure. It will be hard for me now as my Mentor has gone. On the bright side he has left me with a huge amount of memories. Must go, boys to get ready. Be back later. Hope everyone is well and have a lovely day. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Christchurch, New Zealand

when we were on holiday we saw lots of turkeys at Currumbin & again at Australia Zoo, hubby was quite interested in them at first but I told him all about how evil they truly are...
by the end of the trip he was saying 'not another bloody turkey' when ever we spotted them :)
having seen the huge mounds they build I have to say I am so glad we don't get them here!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

early finish this arvo. mmmmmmmm,beer!-anthony

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Its raining. So far we have had 34 points of nice light rain. No storms or lightning , thank goodness.
I just hope it clears away for tomorrow.
I found an orphan yesterday. We went out for the day over to Hamilton to pick up a few things forgotten the day before. i just had to look in Mitre10 and found a nice little viburnum the same as the one I found there 2 weeks ago. Only $4 which is good.
This bit of rain is lovely for the garden but not so good when one wants to be at the Show selling plants.
Its not cold though which makes it more comfortable.
Chrissy, I would not be pulling out the white poppies here. I pull out some of the purples. Isn't it funny that we have the opposite ones do better. I love the big pinks though. They are always big fluffies while the purples have both types.
Teresa, didn't you want to take a little turkey home ? After all you have the Aussie possums.
I'm just glad I don't live near Kat's place.
Kat , try relocating them over the fence next door.
Hello Colleen. I can't tell you what the name of the cacti are as I saw no signs there.
Its a pity I won't see the flowers out. The buds on the tall one were pinkinsh in color.
Anthony, I hope you don't have a headache from your relaxing beer.
Louise, we'll see you when you return home after thr trip. Have a great time and hug those darling girls for me.
Hello to everyone else. I am off out to get the rest of the plants into the trailer for tomorrow.
Have a great weekend.
Try some of this lovely warm Banana Walnut Bread.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Have had a bit of sprinkling rain here, nothing much though. Quite a bit cooler . Hope it clears for you markets tomorrow. The boy's school have a trash and treasure tomorrow as well. Don't know if anyone will be selling plants but we'll go and have a look as the boys like to see what toys they can pick up. Did I tell you that John was going to make me a portable potting bench, that I can move around where-ever I want to. It's lovely and tall so that i don't have to bend my back while I'm potting. It's great and my poor old back doesn't ache. Yesterday I got a bloke to come in and clear the front garden up a bit. He cleared all the daisies and just pruned back some shrubs. Well you should have heard the boys. They reckon he wrecked it. They loved the daisies,but they were getting out of hand. They love the garden and you should hear them naming the cactus. Euphorbias and echinopsis and cleistocactus. I just hope that they have an interest in them when they get older. They love the brug flowers too and when they're out they sneak into the SH to have a smell and look. They call them brugmansias too. Jean I think I'll have a piece of that loaf for my brekkie with real butter thanks. Must go I'm still in my pj's. be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris

Loving the white poppies too Jean but I pull them out so they won't cross with the coloured and shaggy ones.

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We are finishing off the new shower area for my brother today ...he can't go upstairs and we have to have a shower without stairs.
He comes home for good here Monday/Tuesday so it will not leave much time after that for the puter.
Thank goodness for the garden ...it helps keep you happy and grateful.

I hope everyone has fun at the fairs/sales etc looks like a beaut day in my part of the World ...finally some sun.
Jean they reckon that the floods are coming down your way ...I hope they miss you and your sales.

Elaine enjoy your sun.

I hope everyone has a great weekend ...many having an extra long weekend because of the M.Cup.
here is a happy hippie waving to you all ^_^

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Brisbane, Australia

Good morning to you all. Lovely morning here. I hope no one has bad weather, but I hear it will be bad for the races today?

Barry put up this work shelf for me from an old bed part we found at the dump with just the right wire base on it. Some chains onto the fence, and presto, the shelf can be left down, or put up flush with the fence if not being used. Trouble is, it is always being used. Saves my back, I can tell you.

Well, have a lovely day everyone especially those with sales going on this weekend.


Thumbnail by DawnSong
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

no headaches and im firing like a 'rolls royce',been grocery shopping,.,.i might pull the truck out of cobwebs today and fit the canopy,ready for'''LILY SEASON""",..,although,it looks a 'bit' gloomy outside

barmera, Australia

Karen that's an excellent idea. The old bed looks brand new. You wonder why some people throw things away. I have one son who hoards like me, John and the other, Micheal, who throws everything that's not being used out. He reckons if you haven't found a use for it in a certain amount of time then it's rubbish. I say if I can't use it then find someone who can. ps. I do hoard though o boy do I hoard. Colleen

Brisbane, Australia

Colleen, it is why I love the trash'n'treasure markets. Just amazing what you can find. Our dump has one of those dump shops and is making a packet off people's rubbish. Great to recycle though, and as you say, if one doesn't want it, another just might find a use for it.


Christchurch, New Zealand

had a cool start to the day but nice for a brisk half hour walk with the Copper dog.
I love admiring other people's gardens so we often do a 180 so I can walk back for another look...
helps remind Copper not to pull on the lead as well, he is a tall dog & i am a shorty so he has to concentrate or he ends up out in front & my shoulder can't take 30kg of strong dog pulling.
It warmed up later & he watched me mow the back lawn, he loves eating grass clippings & rubs himself along the freshly cut grass until i have a green dal with liver spots.
I had to tie the clematis up on the fence, it has really come away so i am thrilled with it.
must get some pics of the white now that the flowers are all open.
after all the hard work in the garden Copper flaked out on the deck...
tough life when you have a human to supervise, yard to patrol & cats to see off the property.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

he resembles my black cat'sooty' after his day out today with me.

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. Not really a good morning here though. It rained all yesterday and is still sprinkling.
Hubby laughed at me as I was out in my plastic raincoat digging plants and packing the trailer for today. I do hope it eases off or noone will come out to the Show. The horsey people will be there as it is one of the regular days on their calender of events.
I am wearing my boots today as it will be wet and slippery on the grass. I am hoping I can attach a tarp to the trees so I have a bit of shelter. Its not freezing cold but will get chilly if one gets too wet.
Better go and help hubby with the trailer and see what I have forgotten. Have a happy day everyone and keep dry. I'll leave something for a nibble.
Chocolate Sponge.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. We had a nice lot of rain yesterday. I hope it stays away today though for you Jean. Good luck with your plant sale. I'll take the boys to the school T&T at 10 o'clock. I planted out a few Geranium plants yesterday. That bit of rain would have done them good. Still a lot of weeds out the front. Hopefully I can get out there again after. The roses are starting to flower beautifully now. Will take some pics after to show you. I have one Pelagonium near my letterbox that is just covered with flowers. It looks lovely with the roses. I did enjoy my walk through Jean's garden yesterday. The Irises are wonderful aren't they? I think that I commented on the field of Irises last year when Jean was planting them out. Leisa did a video the same of her garden and put it onto facebook. We even got a talking commentary as she moved along. It was great. I hope all are feeling well today. Be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Hello to all. Overcast here, but no rain. Am going to raid a friend's garden later, and may stop off at the Beenleigh markets to see what's new. I'm feeling dangerous today. Watch out any orphan broms lying about!

Hope the rains stay away for you, Jean. Sounds serious, by the news of flooding etc. Hope everyone else has a lovely Sunday.


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

good rain here!very gloomy day,.,.i must get away from this computer and do a bit-anthony

Christchurch, New Zealand

took Copper out for his walk this morning only to find some nasty vandals had snapped a branch off my rhodie & pulled flowers off it & tossed them all over the path & out on the road.
I had to clean that up before we could go on.
I noticed that they did a bit of the same to my neighbours white rhodie as well.
I am really annoyed as both were looking so lovely.
Neither was blocking the footpath in anyway so it's not like they pulled the branch off after getting swiped in the face - just out right vandalism.
photo is the footpath after I cleaned up as much as I could

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

torn off branch

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

am really pleased with the progress of the asiatic lilies so far.
they were tiny when I left for Aussie.
I planted a couple further up the garden & they hadn't grown much so I moved them down to be with their siblings since those obviously like the spot they are in.
Be interesting to see if the little ones catch up later.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Brisbane, Australia

Oh boy, did I do some damage at the markets. My friend has more of a rainforest garden and her plants don't do any good at my place, though I did get a tiny piece of red Holiday cactus. But the markets were flooded with broms today, some real good bargains, I thought. But another development at home. This zygocactus bloomed in Autumn, as it should, but tiny as it is, it is budding up again, out of season. I'm not sure that the flower is going to be the right colour either. The original one is a very pretty red, but this is obviously pink.


This message was edited Oct 30, 2010 8:07 PM

Thumbnail by DawnSong
barmera, Australia

Dalfyre that's terrible. Don't you wish you could catch them doing it and swish it around their backside all the way home? This epi flower greeted me in the SH this morning. My first ever pink one. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

So pretty, that pink one, Colleen. I was just reading back and Dalfyre, I am so sad you had that problem. It makes me so mad. The council tried to plant trees along the footpaths here, and kids went along destroying whatever they could, and thought it was fun. Makes me so angry.

We were visiting some one else's garden yesterday and saw this. No one seemed to know what it is. Probably common as, but I'm afraid I'm very ignorant.


Thumbnail by DawnSong
barmera, Australia

Karen it's called a Buddah's Hand Lemon. I can't tell you anything about it though. Colleen

Brisbane, Australia

Thanks Colleen. I looked it up, and Buddha's Hand, Buddha's Fingers, and some others too. Mostly candied, it seems. What an extraordinary looking fruit. I had Barry photograph it for me, as the grounds were rather boggy and I had an angina attack on the way so had to sit it out. But I love trudging though other people's gardens and seeing all the different plants and garden layouts.


Christchurch, New Zealand

Colleen - I am sure the culprits are not children - and most average 12 year olds are bigger than me so catching them at it wouldn't help....
no my odds are on it being 18-25 year olds boozed up & stupid.
There was a party on & I could hear burnouts going on up the road, I was surprised there wasn't more damage.
Don't know if anyone remembers last time there were two huge boozy parties in my street & my front wall was kicked down?
that is right where this rhodie is planted, odd that they are picking on that corner.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

DALF, the last time i retaliated against 'misguided youth'i found myself in police trouble,.''last warning''-i was only trying to protect what was mine,.,.after this, i realised nothing is yours,you are only looking after it until MR r- sole wants to damage or steal it,..,''modern day life,eh?''

Brisbane, Australia

It worries me. How can we respect the law when there is none? How can police have self respect when their work to catch criminals results in the criminals walking free? Is "justice" still a used word these days?


Brisbane, Australia

Spotted this just driving past. Now that's what I call a cactus. The colour is bougainvillea growing through and about it.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
barmera, Australia

Wow Karen was there any flowers or buds? If so can you take pics when you see the flowers and put it over in the C&S site. They will love it. Colleen

Brisbane, Australia

Colleen, I did look, but no buds. I wonder if it flowers? Most of them do, don't they? Wouldn't it be spectacular.


barmera, Australia

It certainly would be. It should have buds very soon in the next month I would say. The flowers only last a day but one so large should have many buds. Is it far from you? Colleen

barmera, Australia

Karen the flowers will be like this. About 5" across. They're really beautiful. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris

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