White-Veined Arrowhead Vine

(Tracey) Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

White-Veined Arrowhead Vine, Nephthytis
Syngonium podophyllum 'Imperial White'

I am bringing some of my houseplants in because our temps are starting to dip at night and I will be too busy to do it the next two weekends. I don't want to take a chance on any of them suffering bc I'm too lazy to do everything necessary to bring them (and not critters) in the house during the work week.

My White-Veined Arrowhead Vine is very large and moving it I noticed that some of the roots are peeking out of the holes of the pot. I need to know....... since we are going into a season of slower/little growth, will it be ok if I wait and pot up in the spring?

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

When I have a plant like this, I pot it up a size no matter the season.

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