
South Hamilton, MA

I'm glad that you pile the leaves. If just in a pot the roots can freeze. That is why we start the seedlings in a trench in their pots.

Winnsboro, TX

WE hijacked Dee's thread but I'm so glad everyone is reading and posting because I've grown irises for more years than I want to mention but I'm always learning something new nearly everyday.

Sending Prayers your direction Dee. I'm sure you'll be up and about full force very soon. Take your time and don't rush into doing anything you don't need to be doing when you get home. Love Ya, Girlfriend!

IrisMA, I do have some higher ground but not near the house. I got to looking around yesterday and all the irises I planted on the rock hill (iron ore) out back are doing great. As a matter of fact they've only been watered twice this year and they look better than any of my beds that I work in all the time. Not alot of weeds or anything else to contend with in that area as there are so many rocks. I'll try to take some photos of that bed and post them on the internet next spring. Oc course that area gets full sun all day long too.

Happy Gardening everyone,

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