
Winnsboro, TX

LOL I'm so glad you finally get it D. My heart goes out to you because I know your chomping at the bit to get out there and do 90% or more of everything yourself. It's difficult to change your ways when you've been doing this stuff for any lenght of time. I'm glad to know that even the Energized Bunny can't keep running full force forever. It makes some of us folks that move like turtles, slugs, and snails feel like we're not so bad after all. Take care dear friend and know that we're still pulling and praying for you and Cass.

Love Marian

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


Kansas City, MO

That is a hoot. I was talking to my husband last night about how fast our slugs move in the garden! For real. I mean there was a 6 incher last night that was getting from A to B alot faster than I expected. Looked more like a snake at first glance.

If Dee is moving like a slug then she is still getting somewhere with good speed. She can't help herself. That is who she is.


Cherryvale, KS

Blessings to all!! Please hurry and get back to 100%!! Oh! Happy Wed. BIF's!! Kisses from Kansas! Trying to finish up name tags for new iris. We had a major thunderstorm last week and my husband is trying to clean up after 2 trees that have major damage. Please take care and get well! pic Precious Joy

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Hi Nicky-good to hear from you here.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

OK, let me tell you what Dee did to me today. She called and we were talking when another call came through. She said she had to go because it was the hospital calling but she would call right back....Well 46 minutes went by and no call so I called her. It went to voice mail. Then another 20 minutes and my phone rings. It is darling Dee. I asked what did the hospital want. She said, oh it was not the hospital, it was someone not happy with the PNW co op. Well by the time she called me back I had her back in the hospital, having emergency surgery.

I guess the mother in me got out of sorts. A least it was not a call from the hospital. You owe me one Dee.
Oh, I want that Blue Japanese Iris. I am putting together for next year a blue garden. To this date I have ordered over 187 bulbs.

Lebanon, OR

Glad you are planting them...not me. This year my own gardens are not going to be put to bed...

OK everyone. I have to go see a Cardio doctor that specializes in the Cath lab. Now this can be nothing, or an angigram, a stint. Who knows you all know that doctors never tell you anything unless they want to.

I will be 100% back to roar and up and running like the pink bunny in no time at all.

Sorry Sharon, did not mean to scare you at all. Then got side tracked, so you will have to forgive this little old lady...yes sweetie, you were acting like a mom...yippers can't girl do anything.



Spicer, MN

That is so funny! You guys don't care about each other at all! I'm still praying that 'whatever' they do, it will get you back in top shape ASAP! You have too much fun life to experience!


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

That is great you 2. Aren't friends just the greatest thing since popcorn.

Lebanon, OR

I totally agree...I am truly blessed with friends, customers and so caring and loving


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Another beauty to brighten your day. Have a good one.

Japanese Iris Pink Frost

Thumbnail by mittsy
Lebanon, OR

So that is what my lovely iris looks like that you sent me...thank you


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

That is beautiful. Hope the day brings only good things D. Keep us posted.

Winnsboro, TX

Oh my goodness, I can't imagine anyone not being 100% satisified with the Co-Op thingy. My plants we very nice size, clean, and just all around wonderful no grips or complaints here whatsoever. Who ever it was complaining should see the irises I got from others and they would zip it. I'm talking about plants from hybridizers that I paid alot more than $3 a plant for. Gee's sometimes there's just no pleasing some people. If whoever it was complaining wants me to buy them tell them to send them to me and I'll pay the purchase price and the mailing fee. Then that will be a done deal and I'll be thrilled to get whatever they ordered. (grin)

HOpe you get/got good results from the test and the doctors. We're all still sending positive thoughts and prayers to you, Cass and your entire extended family.

Love Ya, Marian

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

De we have not heard from you since yesterday AM. Praying all is well. Has anyone heard from her??

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes, she's beeen over on the othersite. She's OK.

Lebanon, OR

Actually other than being stressed out yesterday about a goof at this end, which is now taken care of I am doing very well.

Today I went out and charted the last three rows planted, just sit out there on the lawnmower admiring the done part! and thinking this week it will be done for this year.

Now came in to enter into the computer what I wrote and do some house cleaning...light I promise. Must call the two doctors on Mon for some answers but honestly I think 95% of the health was stress related.

I feel very good today and mostly taking it easy this weekend.

See once in a while I do take off my pink bunny outfit and rest


Winnsboro, TX

LOL well it's good to hear that your feeling better. Dee there's enough stress in everyday life without any of the hidden problems. Just go with the flow and TRY not to stress over the small stuff.By the way it's all small stuff in reality!!! If I need to buy the irises from the person that was unhappy with their order tell them to dmail me and I'll buy them and grow them. LOL You knew I was greedy when it comes to irises and daylilies anyway. I didn't get in on the purchase until the 2nd day and alot were already gone.

It sounds as though you found where the box went by mistake too. Thank goodness for honest gardeners. I don't think you can find better people that fellow gardeners. Anyway dear friend, good to hear your feeling better, and things are starting to get finished up regarding the Iris Farm. Glad your posting again, cause I was worried when we didn't hear from you after your doctor visit. I was just like Sharon imagining all kinds of things. Yelp, I'm a big worry wart too.
Love Ya, Marian


Lebanon, OR

Remember all the Energizer Bunny just keep running and running...that is me..

Mom used to say I was to ornery and would be around along time. That being said I am doing pretty good just relaxing today, helping honey tear apart the bbq to clean for winter.

That is Easy off and some elbow grease and he is doing the elbow grease.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

So glad to hear this D. I was thinking about you all day yesterday and this AM. Just keep the stress down as it is worse than anything on us all.

Lebanon, OR

I know and Cass is really proud of me today as been really kicking back, charted three rows, washed two floors, dusted and that is all so far.

NO stress there Steph, not even thinking about the iris today


South Hamilton, MA

I bet that you think about the iris all the time! we do.

Lebanon, OR

YUP that is for sure. Think about what crosses, what I lost what new ones I got...


Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Hope everything goes well for you. Saying a prayer.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Just got off the phone with Dee. She is fine but her modem has quit working. Her son is coming over to look at it. She might have to buy a new one. So she will not be posting today unless her modem ism fixed or replaced.

She sounded great. The best she has sounded in a long time. She said to give you all a big hug.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the update, when we don't hear, we worry.

Winnsboro, TX

Amen, when we don't her from her we're all on pins and needles till she checks in.
Thanks for getting back with us Sharon!
I hope everyone has a Blessed Spirit Filled Sunday!
Love Marian

Lebanon, OR

I really am feeling better, I guess butting the pink bunny suit away for a weekend helped

Baked chocolate zucchini cake and two loaves of zucchini nut bread, and two apple dishes...

Plus took the tape off the onions bag on about 100 and now sitting, which I HATE DOING, but grand daughter came and vacuumed, SIL fixed computer BLESS HIM


Santa Ynez, CA

Glad to hear you are feeling better and I hope I was not the one you had to fuss over with my order that got delayed, sorry if it caused you any hardship, should have skipped it........Marie

Lebanon, OR

It was not you kiddo, no problem

All is shipped, all is AOK...

This was just not a good year for me with the co op because of my health.


Santa Ynez, CA

ok, well take care and pace yourself, we want you around for a long time:) Marie

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Longer than she has already been here? How old do you want her to get to be?????

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

HAHA LOL. That's just too much. De if this place doesn't stop the heart nothing will.

I went out today checking all the beds and found 2 iris sitting way to high out of the ground so will get that taken care of in the aam. It was starting to get dark. Also found another scape on DL Island Hopping and Katrina Hero's. We never did get down to freezing even though we had snow and it has been cold and wet for 3 weeks. Now it is to be in the 70-80 range for awhile. I LIKE IT.

Winnsboro, TX

snow, freezing, and so forth, then 70's and 80's. My goodness Rebloomnut, I don't know that I could survive that kind of sudden changes in temps. I wish it was between 75 80 degrees year round. I'd be thrilled and could garden outside each and everyday. I've always be able to take the heat better than the cold. However as I'm getting older that's not the case. I can't take the heat or the cold these days. I'm either burning up or freezing to death. LOL I don't know how you do it Steph.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well, we are 104 today and tomorrow. Then 100s+ the rest of the week until Saturday then we are going to move into the high 90s. this time of year we are usually in the beautiful mid 80s. So this year we will probably go from 90s to low 70s in a matter of days.

Los Angeles yesterday at 113 had to be absolutely miserable with their humidity and smog....

Just talked to Dee, all is well, she is just resting and watching the last of the irises getting finished. If she drank, I would send her a nice bottle of champagne. Later friends.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Good to hear she is resting after finishing up today with the iris.
Marian & Sharon we hit 82 today. Lots of wind but that was ok. Went out and hand watered this afternoon after I came ome from the shop just to enjoy the sunshine and warmth. Supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow. Lovin it. 113 Yuck. Read that in the paper this AM.

Spicer, MN

Things are going to get back to 'normal' soon! (Yeah right!) We really have had a 'summer' of atrocious weather! Not always favorable to our Iris.

I keep hearing about 'potting' the Iris. How would that work for me? If I ordered some now in MN, potted them to bring back home in NE, would I keep them in the garage or outside protected? I have a feeling that it's best not to try 'fooling Mother Nature'! :o) Am I addicted or what! :o)

Winnsboro, TX

Sharon we're all addicted to these beautiful plants called irises. Unfortunately I'm addicted to more than a handful of different plants. The last 3 or 4 years have really been a challenge to my gardening here in East Texas. Seems like it's either too wet, too dry, too hot or tooooooo something another each and every year. In the past 4 years I lost tons of irises to floods and the ground staying wet for over three months. Then when my irises were just about to bloom this year we had several different hail storms. Of course it beat the tar out of my irises and the bloom stalks and so forth were laying on the ground. Very sad bloom season this past year. This year I've lost a bunch of irises, daylilies, and other plants due to the heat and no rainfall here for months. As much as I love East Texas and the beautiful pine trees, dogwoods, and rolling hills, I'm sick of losing so many plants here. I guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it because I don't see us moving anywhere else. Besides that if we did move I'd have to dig up all my plants and take them with me. That would be way too much work for me. I wouldn't even know where to start and it would take an 18 wheeler just to hold part of my plants. LOL I've started over and built new gardens and flowerbeds at each place I've lived too many times to even consider that a possibility. I will have to take some photos of the beds that kept flooding last year and I kept replanting and replacing plants in those beds. I think they will be beautiful this coming spring. I"m crossing my fingers that they will be anyway.

Sharon I'm glad you got all that heat and not us. Stay inside and don't you dare go out and work in that heat.

Steph, I know your enjoying your weather and it feels so good to be able to get outside and work in the gardens in the temps are in the 70's and 80's. Maybe the high winds will die down some for you tomorrow.

Going to bed now dear friends. Good to touch base with all of you.

South Hamilton, MA

Could you replant LA irises in the worst constantly flooded beds? Keep your 'favorite' beardeds & a few new tries in beds on higher ground. do you have any higher ground?

Taylorsville, KY

Sharon, I plant all of my new purchases in pots for the first year, just to make sure they get the water, etc., they need to get started. Then I plant them in the spring. Most of them will even bloom for me, if I get them planted early enough. Don't put them in the garage -- they need the sun, etc., even in winter. I have them next to my garage, and I pile leaves around them, but that is all. Then, if it doesn't snow enough, I have them all in one place that I can water.

Sue - Kentucky.

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