
Conway, SC

You can have the salt I am a big sweets person.
Of course it does not help that I make chocolate for a living.
It's a sweet job I must say.


South Hamilton, MA

The only thing which I add salt to is scambled eggs, which I don't very often. Otherwise there is a great deal of salt in processed foods. Another reaon to read labels, especially crackers. then Nabisco stopped making Crown Pilot crackers because they were poor sellers except in N.England. I had a dietician tell me to eat them & then after a few years they disappeared.

I have a sweet tooth, but 'sugar free' disappeared at my local store because they didn't sell. I go to store futher away because they have more stuff I can eat. When recipes say 'a pinch' of salt ignore it. You can get used to it without fairly quickly.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I use salt sparingly in cooking and rarely if ever add it to my food. We stay away from processed foods for the most part - try and make most stuff from scratch with fresh ingredients. Not too often we eat anything out of a box - mostly Mac & Cheese cuz my kids love that stuff. They like it better than the one I make from scratch!

Hope you have a great day today Dee and that you can relax and let the folks so the physical work. You just be the mastermind - the brains behind the brawn - lol...

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

We are all watching you Dee to make sure you are ok in the end. Prayers for good tests and good Dr's. Bless all your helpers and friends also as we need them so much and they are so giving to help you. Keep taking it as easy as you poss. can and keep us updated dear friend. Wish I could be there too.
Love and prayers

Kansas City, MO


I really feel for you. Earlier in the year when my blood pressure was swinging wildly up and down I was to watch my salt. Sounded easy. Quickly realized after checking labels on foods that I thought would be no problem that they were a problem.

I failed miserably in controlling my salt but something improved and I am back in the normal range again.

Wishing you better success at being able to follow the doctor's orders than I was.

God bless you and your husband----praying for you two.

Port Sanilac, MI

I haven't used salt in years. I use a product called "no salt" and have had very good luck with it. I don't feel any guilt that way.

Kansas City, MO

I will try it.

Thanks much!!



God Bless you Dee. Times such as this I wish I lived closer and could lend a practical 'hand'.
Listen to what those doctors tell you. Take good care and don't you dare try lifting anything just yet.
You make me proud to be an iris lover :)


Lebanon, OR

Thank you Terri, I was stupid and upset and did all the trash since I had asked my husband to do it since Wed and the house and outside trash all overflowing, so I loaded it on to the tractor and should not have so in a min. will be flat on the bed.


Spicer, MN

I am so relieved! Everyone that 'knows' you, loves you Dee & we couldn't imagine a 'world' without you in it. So 'behave yourself'!!! You have gathered dear friends along the way....but, one can never have too many friends.

God Bless you! Dee

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

OH, how could you do that you silly girl. What happened to "Sharon, I will be very good and do nothing". Well I knew you couldn't do it because I know I would not be able to do it.. But behave. PLEASE.......

Lebanon, OR

CTA test tomorrow test is less than 30 min. but the recovery is 3 hours maybe more


I paid for it all and now computer and laying down...

Can not eat after midnight


South Hamilton, MA

Who stays up that late (except us)? Go to bed!

Lebanon, OR

Lucy I am up that late almost every night of my life and up between 6-7AM my human alarm goes off and up I get...


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Yes, and when she gets up she calls you.

South Hamilton, MA

I was up watching the football game. got the int. median robin off in the mail this afternoon, so can work outside tomorrow. I know what 'paperwork' can do for causing stress. Felt great weight off when that went out. However you are in a spot where you have to slow down even temporarily. Do so!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Late getting on here and hearing this news, but not too late to add to the admonishments to do as you are told, young lady!! Hope this is but a momentary setback. Many good vibes coming your way...

Lebanon, OR

I am truly trying to slow down. My one worker is proving to be a super worker. Taken over digging 8-10 150' rows and bagging them so that if it rains this week we can still trim and when the rain stops for a few we can plant...or he can. Tomorrow his sister is coming to trim and get tape on the onion bags as we are down to nothing with tape on to write the names


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

So how did you do sitting and just watching? Could you hold your feet still?

Lebanon, OR

A friend tonight said well you know what they are going to find don't you and of course knowing him I said why yes, "Just a dizzy blond"

Tonight painting nails, cleaning my feet really good, laying or tonight not much at all and I wanted to make my apple recipe for the family tomorrow..


Winnsboro, TX

Dog-gone-it, I told you ladies we'd have to sit on D to keep her down. Haven't you seen hoarders D? The trash can wait a couple of weeks or in some of their cases forever. LOL Besides that, I bet the hired helps sister would haul the trash off for you. Stay off the tractor, don't lift anything at all other than your finger to point to the helpers to tell the what to do. Get out "OUR IRIS QUILT" and work some more on it. Ok, I'll be glad to hear what all is going on with you and your health just like everyone else here. So when you get home please post and let us know. If that's not possible get your daughter to log on and keep us up to date.

Sending lots of love and tons of blessings for a full healing and recovery your way dear friend.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, Dee, so sorry to hear you are laid up! Hope all the tests go well tomorrow. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to "supervise" while others do the work you are used to doing yourself. You are such a hard worker!

Keeping you wrapped in prayer, Dee! You've seen the saying, "Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth?" Well, I'm praying that He just sits on you and holds you down until you have recovered!

Take good care of yourself, Dee. No more trash bags, please!

Love you! Angie

Lebanon, OR

Well tonight I watched Dancing with the Stars and now CSI then will hit the as clean as I can get with all those horrible sticky spots from all the different EKG's...then meds and off to bed..tomorrow will be long day.

Take care all and I truly am trying to behave.



Don't envy you scrubbing at those 'sticky spots' Dee (what do they use as adhesives for those things?). I almost had to use a kitchen scourer to get rid of mine, LOL

Watching 'Dancing with the stars' could just send you back outside hauling trash...change the channel!! Hahaha

Keep up the relaxing and enjoy your soak.


Winnsboro, TX

For those of you who do not know, you can taking rubbing alcohol and the sticky stuff will come off easier. That's what most nurses will tell you to use. I'm praying for you D that the test results will be less severe than we've all been invisioning. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and the doctors for todays tests.

Rest, Rest, and more rest dear friend.
Love You,

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Take care of yourself, Dee!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Prayers for Dee.

She said the testing was at 9:30 this morning, so she should be going through it right now. Then three to four hours recovery, and we should hear.

Dee is hoping they find out what is wrong, and it's fixable with medication or at worst a stent.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Praying for you this morning, Dee. I hope the results are good news, and that any procedures or medications are relatively minor.

re: the sticky spots from adhesives, there are a couple of awesome products made with citrus oils (De-solv-it and De-goo-it, I think are two), and they take it right off. They are all natural, and won't sting if you get it in a cut or sore. You can also use them to get price tags off of things (don't you hate it when there is adhesive left on a picture frame or glass or something?) and they even get gum out of hair. (Don't ask me why I know that. . .I have two boys. LOL) Great products, and they really work. Sometimes I even put a little on a Q-tip and rub around the edges of a bandaid when we're having trouble getting one off, and it loosens right up and comes off without hurting. They were used to clean the animals after the Exxon-Mobile oil spill, so you know they are really safe and effective! You can get them anywhere, like Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, etc.

Looking forward to hearing a report when you get home. Take it easy, Dee!

Lebanon, OR

OK all my well wishers and angels...I am home!

Test had mostly good as coming home meant that I was not rushed to another part for surgery.

Will know the results come Fri sometime.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

That's good news Dee... Now you must rest and relax until Friday;o)

Lebanon, OR

doc said I can do plant stakes and trim and that is what I have been doing since 12:30

Spicer, MN

'WELCOME HOME, Dee! It sounds like such good news!

Winnsboro, TX

So far so good D. but please continue to take it easy and everyone continue to pray for her. I know that with some much needed R & R and alot of TLC you will be back up and running full force in no time. Just keep working on the plant stakes that's an important part of the iris program. Just not nearly as hard on your body as digging, planting, washing, and so forth. Hang in there girlfriend your angels are watching and working over time to make sure everything goes as smooth as possible.

God Bless You and Cass,
Love Marian

South Hamilton, MA

Glad that it wasn't an emergency after tests. Don't trim everything in one day!

Lebanon, OR

With help we are now trimming I in the TB, and have thru FL planted back. NO I did NOT do any planting, The stakes and the trimming..


Castlewood, SD

Good Girl !! So happy that you are, still praying for you though, sure hope the results will tell ya whats going on.
take care & God Bless !!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers De. Behave and take care.
Love and Hugs,

South Hamilton, MA

Glad that you have the help. Bless you.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Good news! Please TRY to be good!
Japanese Iris Gusto, at pond side. It really is this blue.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Lebanon, OR

For me I am now moving like a slug and not the bunny. I hate it but until they tell me what they found then I will be the slug...HATING IT ALL THE WAY but knowing if I want to be around for longer and longer then I must behave.


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