
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Is in the hospital. She was admitted and they are keeping her for some testing.

She wants everyone to know, she's (as she put it), not on death's door, but they are trying to determine the cause of a medical issue she is having.

So let's give her some prayers and well wishes.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Just talked to Dee. She expects to be home tomorrow. But on restrictions for awhile. But she's going to have to take it easy.

Anyone who knows Dee, knows that's going to be tough, LOL.

And typical to Dee, she is more concerned about her husband than herself.

She is such a sweetie, and a valued friend.

Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

Hope the best for her, she has been very sweet to me.
Get well soon Dee!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Praying for a speedy recovery Dee!


South Hamilton, MA

Behave yourself Dee. Get some help in the garden--read a good book.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

My goodness, please take care and get well SOON, Dee!

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I just spoke with Dee. They are doing an anagram at 9am and then putting in a stint. Dee is very down and worried about her business and her DH. He is staying with the kids tonight. I spoke with our neighbor who is a cardiologist and she will need to rest for many days. Who is going to sit on her?

This is the time of year everything gets done but now being a grower I do not know what that entails.

The President and another member of PNW are coming Saturday to pack up the irises.

I will keep you posted. Her daughter is going to call me after the procedure is finished. Thanks, Sharon.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Oh Dee, You are certainly in my thoughts and prayers. I pray the Lord our God (the Greatest Physician) will make sure you get the best of care along with a speedy recovery. He'll make sure your husband and your business will be well cared for too. Don't doubt it for a minute. It is only when we are 'resting' that we can see Him step in and do the work for us. ^_^

Blessings, ~ Margie Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

All the best to you Dee, and praying for a speedy recovery.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

adding my prayers and hope for a speedy recovery. Try not to worry.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you for the update, Sharon.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Oh geez...Dee! I am so sorry and worried for you. However, knowing as many people as I do, including my the 80 yo father, have had stints and have done wonderfully! Hope you get well soon!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Dee I am saying my prayers for you especially and your family. You are such a great person and God will help you get through this as we all will. We care about you a lot and you always help us when we need you so Back Atcha Kiddo. Be positive about things and do rest as they said to allow your body to heal. Prayers will be answered and someone will come forward and help with the business so don't worry.
Thoughts and prayers.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Offering my prayers for you also... Hoping the stints will allow the blood to flow and give your body the oxygen it was lacking and make you feel as good as new.. People often recover quickly from this and Im in prayer that you do also.. I sure wish I lived closer I would come and help with your business so you didnt have that worry..Keep the faith, Im sure all will be ok.. Trish

South Hamilton, MA

Blessings for you, Dee.

Santa Ynez, CA

Sending good thoughts are prayers your way Dee.........thinking of you Marie

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Just heard from Dee daughter. Dee flunked the stress test. Probably the first test she has ever flunked. she is going home today. Total rest. Tuesday she is have the "atomic bomb" heart scan. They are looking for a blockage. If there is one, bypass is probably the course of action. Her daughter did not tell me this our cardiologist that lives next door did. Please keep her in your prayers. Pray that she has enough sense to stay down. You do know majority of us do not.

I will keep you posted.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the update Sharon! Will keep Dee in my prayers.

Port Sanilac, MI

Thanks for the information. Dee, we are all praying for you. Please don't be too scared; they can do so much today. The last case I heard of was up and very active within a month and feeling so very much better than he had been. And he was very old(the same age as me) And no, don't ask!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the update, Sharon.

Well, shoot. I was hoping they would put a stent in and that would be it. Darn it all.

God bless, Dee.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

It could still be a stint, but failing the stress test is not a good sign. If I have to, I will fly up there and learn how to plant seedlings. Anything to keep the stress down. I am retired so no big deal.

Castlewood, SD

oh man... so sorry to hear this. my mom (in the last couple years) having many health issues of her own with many heart attacks n such, kidney failure & liver issues too, also failed her stress tests, & a few stints were put in... WE ARE ALL PRAYING FOR YOU MY DEAR... PLEASE REST & DO AS YOU NEED ~TO STAY SAFE!!

Spicer, MN

I wouldn't doubt for a minute that you would be there, Sharon #1! God Bless Dee! Perhaps he already has for He knows how many of her friends are praying for her to get well & healthy again.

Winnsboro, TX

Oh my goodness what are we going to do with D? You all know besides praying for her someone or several of us will have to hog tie her to keep her out of the iris fields. Dog-gone-it

Here's another thought regarding D, the Iris sale that's going on and so forth. If Dee's is doing the work for this sale, just keep my money and forget my order. Concentrate on getting well and taking care of yourself instead of your customers. There comes a time in everyones life that they can not do the things they once could. I uderstand that this is a business and is an important part to D's life. But that's just it D, if you don't take care of yourself first their will be no business.

If I can be of any help someone please let me know what I can do.

I pray that our heavenly father wrap his loving arms around both yourself D, and Cass. May he bring a complete healing to you and see you through these trying times. We know Lord that If we will believe in you, that you will supply our every need. Your love and grace is sufficent. Lord please remove all the stress from D's life and bring her some much needed rest, and down time. Provide her with help from both family and friends to accomplish any remaining issues regarding her wonderful iris fields and business. Give her comfort in knowing that there are angels among us, sent down from heaven to watch over her and her needs. Hopefully these ANGELS can comfort D & keep her at complete bedrest. Amen!

Dee if you need anything, you let us know. Now forget about the irises, the iris sales, and so forth. Anyone who's a true gardener would rather you take care of yourself and get well than to have their plants dug and mailed to them. Your help should be able to line out the other irises you have left to do. If not, we can find someone to step up to the plate and bark out orders to them. Shoot, maybe a few of us old grey haired ladies could show up, rent a room together and work out there for 3 or 4 days. I'm old, fat, and slow but I work steady and just like the turtle I get it done eventually. LOL

Gee's I don't know what else to say except I love you and pray that you have the wisdom to do as your doctor has ordered/suggested. You have been pushing yourself way too long. REST REST REST, your body is telling you it's time to take a break and take care of yourself dear friend. STOP telling yourself you have to keep going or else.

Love ya, and I'm just a phone call away. Or a flight away.

South Hamilton, MA

Please Dee, follow Dr. orders & don't worry! We do love you. Lucy

Lebanon, OR

Rest assured for ONCE in my life I am listening to the doctors as there are too many to fight this time.

Tomorrow the President of the OTIS and a new member is coming over to pack all the orders up from the co op, all I can do is read! That is per both of them, if I do more I will be kicked out of the barn.

Monday my worker is going to continue like I am there, but all I can do is sit in the tractor and so yes or no to any iris that I was pitched, if I do more, he is driving me into the house and telling Cass on me. Must call on this day and get an appointment for a myoview CT with isitaupes in it. Wed should have that one, then make appt for angrim and then they will decide where to go from there. I have never had heart problems but my family has a big history of it.

If a shunt is put in then I must stay down for 5 days to make sure it stays in place.

Any of you who has met me, knows I am a fighter and do not give up easily. Must be here for my honey as he is first in my books, I know ladies that if I do not care for me, they how can I care for him. Why do you think I am being good

All I have tonight is the co op paper work.

Hugs to each and every one of you for your prayers (much appreciated) and your thoughts


Winnsboro, TX

I"m so glad that you are going to listen to your doctor FINALLY. Please don't stress out over anything, it's just not worth it in the long run. Also, it would be very nice if you could tell us anything that we can do to make life easier for you and Cass. You are loved by many. I know that Cass needs you but we all need you too.

Seems to me like it might be a real good time to pull the Iris Quilt back out and work on it. (grin) It's time for us to cheer you on and our Angels to watch over you. Dee please don't worry about the unknown either, that's another form of stress. Just take it one day at a time, and make darn sure those are BABY STEPS. Trust me dear friend, anyone that knows you, knows that you will be up and running full force real soon. That is if you follow your doctors orders!

God Bless You and Cass, and may he bring you comfort and rest at this time.
Love You dear friend,

Elba, NY(Zone 6a)

So glad to hear that you have such a positive attitude! That's half of the battle right there!

Wishing you a positive outcome on your angiogram. Here's hoping they can get you fixed right up then and there! Been working in Radiology for 26 years and I've been just amazed at the progress that they've made over the time I've been in the field. Wonderful things.... They'll have you up and running in no time.

Please take care of yourself and know that everyone is sending you lots of healing thoughts.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Your attitude is inspiring Dee! Please do let all those the Lord sends your way help you out. It sounds like you have many nearby that hold you dear and will be there to assist with your Iris. Those of us afar can pray for you and cheer you on and scold you if you don't take it easy;o)

South Hamilton, MA

Sounds like there are plenty of scolders in place, so please don't fret. glad that you are getting help both medical & iriswise.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

The Tennessee contingent is echoing everyone's best wishes here and hopes for a speedy recovery period.

Lebanon, OR

Thank you all, You know the prayer of well wishes and prayers is a mighty tool.

I have my friends that are will not let me do anything almost, like today after they packed I let them go thru the bags of iris that will hit the compost pile soon and take whatever and how many they wanted, could I lift a bag with 2 in it...NO! Then Jim wanted me to have the spuria and I could not drive over so Robin drove me.

I am blessed

Thank you all for your kind thougths and prayers, I know in my heart that HE is not done with me yet.!


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

You are blessed because you are such a good friend to so many. I have been the recipient of your kindness many times. No wonder people want to help now.

So let them!

Lebanon, OR

It is hard Polly as I have always been the worker being on the side lines is very hard, but I did fairly well today.

The big test is tomorrow with the plant back going on

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

This crazy woman called me at 7:30 am this morning. I did not get much sleep trying to figure out what I needed to get done here and still fly to Oregon. Probably got a couple hours sleep and I am finally sleeping away and the phone rings.

This very cheerful voice on the other end said "Good Morning". She was up doing invoices for the co op. She sounded really good, upbeat but cautious. She said she will take whatever is handed to her as long as she is well enough to take care of Cass.

She is going to sit on the tractor as the two helpers plant with her supervision. I would love to be a fly on the wall and watch her feet.

Love you Dee and I know you are needed here on earth by a whole lot of people so do what you are told or I will be there in a moment and you do not what to meet the Barracuda. You only know "Mother Winter". Let us keep it that way.

Lebanon, OR

You and I both know I will never met the Baracuda...not me, the perfect little angel, who minds everyone and listens to all


South Hamilton, MA

Right, Dee. glad that you are listening now. good night.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Oh you are so full of spice. Must be the drugs. Have you looked up the new heart diet they want you to start. Hey friends, I told Dee we would help her make it healthy but tasty. I just need to look up what she cannot have. I do know her sausage, gravy and biscuits will no way be on the list.

Edited due to missing adverbs.

This message was edited Sep 19, 2010 8:40 PM

Lebanon, OR

mostly sodium, and salt and if you gave me a pick between sweets or salty things I will take the salty things...

All day only salt in food...nothing added.


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I am the same way. I do not like sweets. But salt can be substituted with other flavors and really, you will not miss it, after a while. DH's cardiologist told him to increase his salt intake because of his dehydration problem and kidney problems. It will be fun to find out a way to make you happy with your food without salt. But that sure puts a crimp in dining out.

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