Plant propagation part XXI based on my own experience

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sharon, you tell DH that he ticked the medical God off 'cause he keeps calling her, he. LOL, couldn't resist.

Sharon's here but busy as ever. You know what that got JB. We harassed her until she had to come on.

Dawn, it sounds to me that the lady just thinks that your DH would not be able to deal with another dog. However, you would think she could have said something rather than just not return your call/email. That's rude.

LOL, you did the way I do sometimes. I wondered which dog you were going to stratify.

Well, gotta go take a shower, the power company sent out a robo-call saying they were turning the power off between midnight tonight and 7 in the a.m. for maintenance.

I had a cyst removed on my back and the dr. put a huge old pack on it and told me to let the water from the shower take it off. So, I'll probably have a big soggy wad to sleep on tonight. Yuck!! nite!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

What happens to your refrigerator and freezer when they turn the power off that long.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Possibly Jeanette, but one of the rescue ladies met us in the past and loved us, plus she helped us adopt Chloe from another rescue. Oh well, what will be will be. God knows the right situation and timing for us. He had a Dobie once and has his hopes up for one of them, but I have no desire for a large dog and one on the insurance banned list, is not great or I'd have a small Pit, since I think they are so adorable.

We may just foster dogs and own Chloe then she will have friends all the time. If one strikes us as a keeper then we can keep it. I wanted to help but if they no longer want it that is ok. I know they transport and show a lot of dogs on weekends and the lady is leaving on the 13th so she may have a lot of stuff going on and may have transported him somewhere else today and been busy.

I am liking the somewhat cooler weather and much nicer evening weather that we had the last few days as I am sure Sharon is too.

Any of you have suckers of Campsis Radicans?

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Where is Dave's new thread? Did I go there automatically or where the H am I now?
I hate loosing people.

Raining for the first time in so long I do not know when it was. Happy.Happy Joy Joy

Jen, do not worry, Aimee will loose the leaves. She needs some fertilizer and some misting and plenty of water. They drink like elephants. I am sure she will be o.k. Just tell her I said so. I have slept with a lot of things/people/animals in my years, but never a soggy wad. gross.

You got to wonder how crazy I am, I bought three more plant stands just so the gardenias I have in the kitchen would not look out of place sitting on the floor in the corner. It is a good thing I do not have a husband, the dog can not complain. LOL I am about to put another order in to Logees. The kids got me a gift certificate for my birthday but I just do not now where I am going to put the plants. What a wonderful problem to have. LOL

I must get busy, watering the house plants is now an hour long project. Take care and thank God for my rain. JB

Pawleys Island, SC

Hi Everyone,
I got to work outside again yesterday, although I didn't really accomplish a whole lot, it felt really good. I had dirty hands twice in a week! Yipee!.

Dawn, I will check, I have campsis radicans, but if I don't have a little vine, I know I have some seeds. They grow easily too.

JB, we had a little bit of rain last night, so I am hoping you will get it in the next day or so. I thought this was Dave's new thread. LOL Maybe I am lost too, but this is fun.

I have missed you all.

I love charlie brown Christmas trees! For years that was all we had, then when DS was born, my dog had a habit of stalking ( hunting in slow motion) under it and knocking it over so we gave in and bought an artificial tree.

I can feel the seasons changing, our nights are in the 70's now so it feels so much better. Our humidity has dropped a lot. So it is very nice. Usually September is still hot and very humid. I am thankful for the change though.
Gotta go, we are heading to Mom's for lunch today. talk to you all soon.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sharon, 7 hours will not hurt anything as long as you don't keep opening the doors. Of course on the refrigerator you shouldn't at all. All of these appliances are so well insulated that they won't thaw in that short time. And it was midnight to 7 a.m. when few people are getting into their refers anyway.

I am sure you are right Dawn. She has just been busy. The lady I wrote to that is fostering the little dog has not responded to me either. But, being the weekend, anything could be happening with her. Doesn't matter anyway, Bob came home yesterday. Said there was way too much noise over there to sleep. LOL

You're ok JB, not lost. Dave just bumped up an old thread to tell other people about a method of propagation. I think. I just glanced at it.

I gave Aimee fertilizer with systemic to get those darned spider mites before bringing them in the house with the other plants, and thought that was what was hurting her.

Well, the soggy wad kind of warmed up after I laid on it for an hour or so. LOLOL JB.

Yes, that is a nice problem to have. Logees has very nice plants. What are you ordering?

You don't need to thank God for your rain. It was my rain dance.

Dawn don't ask me about the campsis radicans. I have killed 4 of those here. I got one for my mother years ago and she spent the rest of her life trying to keep up with the suckers.

Linda, our day time temps aren't even 70. Suppose to get up there sometime around the end of the week. We are almost down to freezing at night.

With my electric blanket turned off by the power company last night I sure got cold about 4 o'clock this morning.

Glad to see you are all here this morning. Have a nice Sunday.

Pawleys Island, SC

J'nette, I think you need to come for a visit and warm up! LOL, we won't get to close to freezing at night until about 2 weeks in October and then not again until January. Our cool season is very short. October is wonderful though. The mornings are crisp and the salt air smells so fresh. It is one of the best times here. I am still taking cuttings to root when I can. What a wonderfully diverse climate we all have.
Yesterday and today I have been working on my plant list. I hope to have everything updated and on the computer soon. Mom's for lunch turned into Mom's for dinner and then I will have to work on my lesson plans for this week. So I had better get off here now and actually get something done.
Is it work when you'd rather do it than breathe?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

You are right Linda. It is amazing the difference even 100 miles makes in the weather. OR, one day it rained real hard on my living room deck and the kitchen deck stayed completely dry!! LOL, now that is the biggest difference I have seen. So close. Just one little cloud split my house.

Your weather right now sounds good. I prefer it warm, don't like real cold, but don't like real hot either. OH, is that what everyone wants?? : ) And NO hurricanes!!!!`

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Dawn, which Trumpet vine are you interested in? I have an deep orange Cape Honeysuckle that has suckers up and down my fence. When I planted it six yrs ago it did nothing for two yrs.
Then it was everywhere.
I also have access to some plain old wild trumpet that came from across a 4 lane road.
I don't know if the birds planted them or it creeped under the road. I have tried everything to kill it.

Here's my latest headache

As you may know, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will be working on Tallulah Avenue. Work on this project is currently scheduled to begin on Monday, September 20th, 2010, and be completed in the Spring of 2011.
The new construction will include work within the FDOT right of way along Tallulah Avenue. This will require you to remove any plants, irrigation, or other items currently located in the right of way by September 20, 2010. Items not removed by this date may be subject to removal and disposal by the FDOT contractor.
This memo is your two week notice to have any items removed prior to September 20, 2010.

I haven't really gardened this area for 'going on' the 3rd year. They told me about this and wanted input back in 2008.
I have 3 'Vintage' Live Oaks in that area. They are going to cut one of those down. Branches reach across four lanes of traffic.
Then they are going to meander a 6' wide sidewalk right thru my yard.
When I saw the survey stakes Thursday I broke down and cried.

Here are the plants in the right of way I need to move, or save;
3 small hydrangeas
1 4' Orangeola lace leafed Japanese Maple
Oxalis Triangulus (sp?) large 3 leafed deep purple clover
100sq ft. ornamental peanut plants. Some say birds roll in this to get rid of lice. I have not witnessed this in the 6 yrs it's been growing and spreading. It has pretty little yellow flowers is an amazing ground cover. It's a Florida native I think and evergreen to around 28º. It did freeze in the Arctic season of 2010. As soon as it warmed it came back beautiful.
Plenty to share. Zones 8b up.
My oldest NOID Brug
Lipstick Salvia.
Also 100ft of dense Mondo Grass.
Hope this doesn't bore y'all.

This message was edited Sep 12, 2010 6:25 PM

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

The rain stopped early today. We had less than 1/2 inch. I am going to scream!

I have all of your boxes ready to be filled with black Pussy Willows and they will be in the mail Tuesday. I see two of you have P.O. Boxes so I am hoping you pickup your mail daily
or they may not survive a few days in the Post Office.

Going to watch Tennis if it stopped raining in NYC.. If not, I will watch the Eagles play in Phila. in the rain. It is raining everyplace but here. JB

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

EEKS Sidney!!

You sure have a lot to do .... and it appears you have to do it quickly. If I was not having cataract surgery on my left eye this Thursday, I would consider flying down there to give you a hand.

Well JB, you certainly started celebrating a wee bit early over the rain. I received about 1/4 of an inch. Guess thats better than nothing. No additional rain since early morning here.

Now JB .... pretty, pretty, please .... give directions on what I need to do to have my Christmas cactus bloom this Christmas.

I am not even half way through that thread Dave BUMPED up.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Gosh, do you have a place to put all of that stuff Sidney? That is awful. 'course I am sure there is no stopping them. They seem to do what they want. Sure sorry about the Oaks. Those are gorgeous trees. I have seen them. Beautiful.

JB, just let me know when you send them and I will be sure to get them as soon as they get here. Tell me about Aimee. Which fertilizer does she take. I have all purpose MG, and Space City which was put together by the Hibiscus Society people in Texas somewhere. I use that on the brugs.

Would Aimee like either of these? I think I have a little tomato fertilizer left. Please, she shouldn't lose her leaves while blooming should she?

Where did Marydell go? She was right here.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Oh my goodness, I would go into a fetal position if that happened to me and not come out for a month Sugar. Let us know if you need someone to take some off your hands. lol not funny, I know. Maybe you can sell some. What a bunch of crap.

Jeanette they answered me today at the rescue to say one of them was gone all weekend and the other had placed a little puppy in a foster home and the second day it broke it's leg and she was in the hospital all day with the surgery and all, plus she is leaving tomorrow so I am sure she had to take Fuzzy to the kennel and all. She lives like 2 hours away in good traffic from me, by Disneyland so I could not go get him late when I heard all this. I hope you hear too.

I know other people find the trumpet vines invasive but it is so dry here, they just stay where you water them. The adventure outside of that is very hot and dry for them. I like the big Madame something or another one. I like the real orange one. they are all nice though. I have a lot of fence to cover. I could block out my neighbors houses and be happy as a clam. My yard looks pretty sad now. A lot of heat casualties. Not a lot blooming in my back but my neighbor toured it today and liked it, took some Celosia seeds and Camphor beans. I have about 1000 balls on the tree that grew this year. Goodness.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dawn, what are these balls on the tree? The trumpet vines would be very pretty on your fence.

How did it break its leg? A puppy?

Yes, I got an email from the lady today saying she had someone coming tomorrow to see the dog and if it didn't work she would email me. But Bob has come home and I would have to find someone else to handle it. He couldn't get his mom to relent tho. As much as she wants a dog she feels it wouldn't be right to the animal for her to take it because of her age. She is afraid if something happened to her, the dog wouldn't have a home. Even tho, several of us have assured her we would take the dog. Probably fight over it if it were one we liked. LOL

Yes, I have 2 dogs and a cat.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Gosh my mil was the same way, she was lonely and wanted a dog but did not think it fare to the dog to be with this sedentary old woman and leave the dog for someone else to burden or give away. My dad too, he said he wants a cat but won't because he refuses to clean up his house. urrrrr! My problem when he is gone I guess.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Did your mil ever get a dog? Probably not. Yes, sounds just like Bob's mom. She wouldn't be able to take it for walks, blah blah blah.

You're probably better if he doesn't get a cat. If he doesn't clean up after it that could really get pretty bad. Plus cats aren't very lovable. Very independent. Why does he want one? Does he have mice?

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Mary, when your cactus gets ready it will bloom. No guarantees it is a Christmas Cactus, some bloom on other Holidays. Do what I did, research your particular cactus. Look up the scientific name on and see what comes up. There is also a good site that have Questions on Christmas Cactus.
That is really a great site. All kinds of questions and answers. I hope this helps. I just keep mine watered only when they are dry. The get South exposure with some late afternoon sun. The older ones get almost no sun and they bloom for months when they start. they are all resting just now. They bloomed in the Spring this year so I am not sure what I will get at Christmas. I think that is why some people call them the Holiday Cactus because the bloom at different times in different areas. Sorry I can not be more specific.
Jen, I use MG regular house plant feed for Aimee. She also likes the stinky Fish Emulsion and lots of water. If you moved her and changed her potting soil, she will loose her leaves until she adjusts to the new location/soil. I transplanted my one big one and she lost all her buds and some leaves. Had to do it because she was so pot bound.
Headed for town, Chiropractor day. Talk later. JB
It is a beautiful sunny day with NO RAIN in sight until maybe Thursday.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

He had one before and it use to crack him up, but he was a bit cleaner then. Now he is depressed, hates California, we never talk much and don't much see each other so it makes it worse. He is just not motivated to clean since he is alone. He said the same though, cats may have accidents or spray if it's a male, which he had before so it would be a mess. He was a musician all his life and never had to be home long enough to get messy, now he has no skills and no desire.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes, I never could figure out why they call them Christmas Cactus. Some even bloom in the summer.

I've never seen MG house plant food. I'll have to look for some. I might have some of the stinky stuff. Will look.

Dawn, your father needs to get out around people. How old is he? Does he live near you? Can you get him to go places with you? Is there a senior center nearby?

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

been a wild weekend. finishing up inside and getting the outside done.
Christmas cactus and thanksgiving cactus are 2 different species. they flower acording to a drought followed by moisture and day length also plays a major part in the timing for flowering.

Yes i bumped up the 1st thread because some people were asking a bunch of questions and I figuired it was easier to see the steps on the tread and then field any questions. and yes this is the new thread. I like to start new ones around the 200 mark on responses.

well it seems my foot is the results of the side effect od a bp pill. quit taking the extra one and the foot got back to normal yesterday.

Sydney: you might check with the histerical (ooops historical) society. some live oaks are protected just from an age stand point. if you are getting rid of the thinning beds stock please let me kno as I am interested in a few of the items you are thinning. I am working on getting some wholesale cannas. its just a matter of economics.

Yesterday took a tour of the nursery with my mom and I looked at my carrots from last spring. it seems monarch butterflies love them. I have no less than 12 monarch caterpillars on the small batch. and here is the pic of the carrots. how many can you count???


Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I know I have one due out from a recent request. does anyone want the word doc of the 1st part of the inital 1st propagation based on how I do it? It might be nice to have to print for reference if you need it. I have not been able to work on it in quite some time. the short version is 19 pages that can most like ly be trimmed if you would like to for your own use.
I do want to retain any and all rights (mentioned here or not thought of) to this as its basics from my point of view and I am sure everyone does understand.
please dmail me an email unless I already have it

close up of the patterkiller

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dave, glad you discovered the problem with your foot. I am sure it feels better but you make sure you have the dr. give you a different BP med.

Dave, 1st of all, that looks more like parsley than carrots and secondly, I don't see one of those cats in the picture. I went back and looked 2 more times after you posted the picture of one.

Sure, if you have it set up I would like to take a look at it, but give me the short 19 page version. At least that is what I understood you to say. You have my d-mail and e-mail. Use whatever is easiest.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Jen, use what you have. No problem. They are not hard to grow. Be patient and give it lots of water.

Dave, there are so many species of Christmas Cactus I was amazed when I began to research them. Unless someone knows the species they have it is almost impossible to truly identify them. I have some Christmas Cactus that I send information with them so the people know what they are and how to grow them. When someone just sends me a slip, I call them by the name of the person and the color and do not begin to identify them. I never advertise them as anything but what I am offering. People still buy them. LOL Please send me some rain. Hope you are feeling well. Anything I can do for you. Your Black PW will be in the mail tomorrow. I think I have enough to send you all at least two plants. Plus some info I got from the place I got them I am enclosing for your information. Hugs. JB
Has anyone heard from Roger lately?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

JB, are you talking about Withad? If so, I have seen his name pop up in other threads so he must be around and well. If that isn't who, I don't know. In fact I sent him a dmail some time ago and got no response.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Dave ~ Are you ready for your thymes? I am... (..almost!!) Remember, these are small sample sizes, OK, as I do not have enough for a "real" trade. They are slow growing as well.

Linda ~ Send me your address for the sweet peas. Mary, I have your address, I just haven't sent them yet. Jeanette, did you want some too? (The annual kind?)

JB ~ I suppose it is time that I took the Golden Vicary Privet out of their little home. They seem to be doing just fine, but I have not yet shifted them, so there may be a lot of roots...are you ready for them...this week or next?

Anyone else want any seeds - please d-mail me, OK? Ask for what you want, and I will send it, if I have it, as this is the time of year I am cleaning and organizing my seed totes, but please do not ask me to make a list as that will take too much time. Annuals, perennials, veggies most of them are current, but not all. Some of my old tomato seeds from 1989 and 1991 have germinated this season and are growing well, much to my surprise. I don't want to throw out old seed so if you have some old seed (not corn) give some a try this coming season. I should get things out either this week or next, unless otherwise notified. Please send your address (by d-mail) if I do not have it, OK?

I won't be taking any cuttings until after we return from L.A. in October as they require monitoring as well as seed-starting. I may have to buy starts for my fall veggies, except for carrots, peas and parsley. Still, I probably could start some seeds and if I lose them OK, then I buy some...any thoughts?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Thank you Evelyn for the offer of the sweet peas but I have several packs just wishing I could grow them. I don't have enough sun here.

You are so well organized. Sure wish I was. I don't even know what plants I am going to winter over etc. and it could freeze anytime.

My daughter's family are going home Wednesday. Back to Seattle. They are out fishing now. They don't fish on the West side of the state. Just here. They like the lakes here
'cause there aren't many people on them. They almost have them to themselves.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a) organized? Not!! Just thinking about it makes me break out in a cold sweat! I wish I were more organized. I could be if I felt better, well maybe...LOL!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Withad, yes, that is Roger. He had said he wanted some Aimee and then I got Mealy Bug on them and would not ship them until I got them clean again. I now have some small ones and thought of him. I guess I should dmail him and see if he wants some.

Evelyn, sure, send the plant East. I have no idea what it is, or how to grow it but I am willing to learn. Just give me a few pointers. LOL Thanks for thinking of me.

O.K. I am going to finish my coffee and then start packing your stuff plus my other orders. I will hopefully be finished by the 1:30 Pick up. Have a great day. JB.


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Good afternoon everyone:
Its rainy and misserable so no work is happening on the house.

JB - it sounds as if you pack the plants in coffee ... I got a chuckle out of that one....

the pic today is an upclose pic of the caterpillar. I know the carrots look wierd but they are carrots. they went in when I 1st planted my lettuce and all. they never matured so i just let them go. good thing I did. I never spotted any monarch's in the garden so they either came through when I was not feeling well or the seeds had some eggs but I doubt the eggs would have survived all the handeling they recieved.

Not much else going on.

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

its me again:
anyone know how the carrots will do growing all year long? I was wondering if they would sour or just grow and become edible. I also left my scallions go and they are finally ready to pick and eat. I will let you know how they come out once it gets colder. I believe the cooler weather should help the flavor, but thats just a guess a wag ...wild __ guess.

another visitor

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

o.k. Dave, that did sound like I used coffee to pack, but if you could have seen me flying around here this morning trying to get those boxes ready for you guys and all my other orders. i made it and they got to the P.O. on time for the 1:30 Priority Mail Pick Up. They will leave NJ tonight hopefully. You should all have them in three days at the longest.
I packed everything in the back of the jeep and when I got a block from the P.O. there was a detour due to some idiot doing something with a pole in a manhole. I got past that and then there was no place to park because some overweight jerk pulled in front of me facing the wrong direction just to get closer to the front door and I had to go around to the parking lot and make three trips with boxes to the front and inside. I got inside and left it fly....I called him an inconsiderate A** and the girls in the office had to hide their faces so they would not be seen laughing. I bet he was sorry he held the door for me. LOL Oh well, what can I say. When I get annoyed due to someone else's actions I just have to speak up. He only picked up his mail but was too lazy to walk around from the parking lot.
I have no idea if the plants will make it the way I had to pack them. They were all too tall and I had to bend them when I wrapped them. The roots are in paper and "gel" and if they are not happy bent, just cut off the top of them and put them in pots. You may be able to start the tops in water if you cut them off. They got so straggly from the awful summer, I was lucky to have enough to send you all two. At least I tried and if they do not make it, tough. That is your Halloween gift from me. LOL The old witch. that reminds me I need a new broom.
Now I must clean up the mess. I hate this part. Hugs to you all. JB

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, JB, you're a doll. I'll bet the fat guy doesn't think so. Thank you for all of your trouble with them. 3 trips!! If you do that very often you better get some kind of light weight cart to take them in.

I don't mean if you send us all some often, I mean when you get all those orders off of ebay and Marketplace!!

And, if it helps, you can pack mine in coffee anytime. I would come help you clean up the mess if I could.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

jb just having fun I am sure you know that....

its a beautiful afternoon actually got outside and planted some blue mavus. I bought a qt of it in the spring and forgot all about it. I was pulling some weeds and there it was. lots of runners with roots on them. I managed to pot starts in 72 3.5" pots. I am sure they will fill in. they fit into my "undergrowth department" theme for the nursery. I think as long as I stick to the little stuff I should be ok as far as my being able to handle.

I am working on some plans to rplace my greenhouse. Kim suggested we build a garden shed that has a door opening into the greenhouse. I think I can manage to sneak out a larger greenhouse with little effort. the only issue will be the west side will be against thebrick wall and the shed will be on the north side to block the wind. I think it will help with heat loss. Plus I will have to remove several of the volunteer trees in the back yard...ok all of them need to go, but thats ok as they are common rose of sharon as well as one crepe myrtle that can be moved. its still an idea and I will have to get the funds to buy the better tripple wall poly sheets (8x4) 3/4" thick sheets. they are like $100.00 each. needing 20 sheets or more I need to really rob the piggy bank. still an idea.

here is a pic of the 6" pot of sweet potatoe vine. as you can see it has taken over. it has covered the floow in the greenhouse as well. this weekend is cleaning the back yard and nursery.

well thats about all for tonight. Have a great day

Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

What is blue mavus? I googled it and was not succssful in finding info or pictures.

I sure would like to see a picture of it.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

"The Forsythe Pot": easy ways of getting cuttings to root . . . also can be made to sprout some seeds



Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hey Dave, I know you were kidding. Also, someone may have gotten an ant in their plant. LOL I found two ants in the kitchen when I was cleaning up. The tiny picnic ants. Oh God, if I sent you ants I will just have a knip fit. But, at least they are clean ants. If I did I will apologize I promise, after I laugh. Love and Hugs , Bed Time. JB

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL JB, you know how to get rid of those little guys. Mix a little powdered sugar with some borax and put it in their trail. Will be gone overnight.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Also JB, don't you know some plants need those little guys to bloom? i.e. that beautiful vine that looks just like the Snail Vine, can't think of it's name right now, but you put that out on the porch, deck, etc., and then move it later, it will have a nest of those little ants whether you ever had them or not.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Never knew that Jeanette.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I read that Dawn. Oh Dawn, did you get the dog? I found a little dog in the animal shelter for my MIL, it was fostered out but couldn't get hold of the lady that had the dog while Bob was over in Seattle so he came home without getting his mom to look at the dog.

I do have to tell you that she wants a dog real bad but she feels if something happens to her that the little dog would be stuck there with nobody knowing. she isn't even thinking about herself being stuck there. Anyway, she refuses to get a dog because of it. If we were there it would be real different.

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