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Propagation: Plant propagation part XXI based on my own experience, 1 by Pughbear7

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Photo of Plant propagation part XXI based on my own experience
Pughbear7 wrote:
jb just having fun I am sure you know that....

its a beautiful afternoon actually got outside and planted some blue mavus. I bought a qt of it in the spring and forgot all about it. I was pulling some weeds and there it was. lots of runners with roots on them. I managed to pot starts in 72 3.5" pots. I am sure they will fill in. they fit into my "undergrowth department" theme for the nursery. I think as long as I stick to the little stuff I should be ok as far as my being able to handle.

I am working on some plans to rplace my greenhouse. Kim suggested we build a garden shed that has a door opening into the greenhouse. I think I can manage to sneak out a larger greenhouse with little effort. the only issue will be the west side will be against thebrick wall and the shed will be on the north side to block the wind. I think it will help with heat loss. Plus I will have to remove several of the volunteer trees in the back yard...ok all of them need to go, but thats ok as they are common rose of sharon as well as one crepe myrtle that can be moved. its still an idea and I will have to get the funds to buy the better tripple wall poly sheets (8x4) 3/4" thick sheets. they are like $100.00 each. needing 20 sheets or more I need to really rob the piggy bank. still an idea.

here is a pic of the 6" pot of sweet potatoe vine. as you can see it has taken over. it has covered the floow in the greenhouse as well. this weekend is cleaning the back yard and nursery.

well thats about all for tonight. Have a great day