September Chat, Picutres, and Whatnot...

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We came from here

From Kathy_Ann's Yard

Thumbnail by duckmother
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Love the lilies and hydrangeas!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the new thread!!

Ripley, MS

Thanks Kim, I do have one clump of sedum that looks pretty-will try to get a picture of it tomorrow.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Through all the long months of high heat and humidity we've had here it's hard to remember that this was just 7 months ago -- last February -- in my back yard!

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Hmmmm...I think I will stick with the heat ;o))

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful Cville!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Kim and Kathy Ann: love that photo in the beginning post!
Cville: that photo makes me feel cooler just looking at it! LOL

Guess what?--My moon vine was blooming this morning when I went out to take Friday outside for his morning "constitutional". I was thrilled--about the moon vine blossoms, not about taking Friday outside! LOL

Here's a link to the photos I took:

edited to say that Charlotte gave me the moon vine plant last March.

This message was edited Sep 5, 2010 9:54 AM

Thumbnail by marsue
Booneville, MS

It's hard to believe September is here already. But I am loving these bright cool day. Fall is in the air!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Glad your moonvine finally bloomed for you! It was worth the wait!
I still have my sinus crud. I had a really hard time sleeping last night. My face across my nose and behind my eyes hurts from the sinus pressure. I kept putting hot wash cloths on it last night and it helped. I was around a whole lot of dust Mon. and think that is what set this off. I'm hoping it starts getting better today.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

The last place we lived in Northern California routinely reached 110 during the summers (or higher) and we always said, "It ain't the heat, it's the humidity". There's something to that. ;-)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Nice, Marsue.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

and Kathy, lovely. :-)

Ripley, MS

I heard the weather man say we needed some rain to get the air cleared of pollen, that the pollen count was very high.
I have heard a lot of folks having sinus problems

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Charlotte, So sorry that you are still struggling with that sinus problem. So far I have been fortunate enough to escape it.
C'ville: thanks!
Sandra, We could sure use a good rain around here, too!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i'm loving this cooler weather also, it's not so hard on the plants cause the lack of rain their getting is hard enough on them. lol

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I just talked to Ruth a few minutes ago. She said she is doing better but they had something sad to happen this afternoon. Their dog, Angel, died. Lamar told Ruth that it looked like the dog had just laid down and gone to sleep. Angel was 10 years old. and speaking of lack of rain, Kathy Ann, Lamar told Ruth that the ground was so hard from lack of rain that he didn't even know if he could dig a hole to bury Angel in. Y'all be sure to remember them in your prayers--both for Ruth's foot and the loss of Angel.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Poor Ruth she's having a tough time.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That is so sad about Ruth's dog, and even worse about the ground, when we put in the new faucet, we had to soak the ground and use a pitch axe or something like that to dig down deep enough, it was a week long ordeal.

I'm so sorry she lost her dog,

Glad to hear Ruth is doing somewhat better.

We want to put my blueberry plants into the ground but it's too hard to dig, so we're going to have to wait till spring time.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My compost pile area doesn't get any water and it's also where I dig dirt to use when I'm potting things up. Since it is a compost pile the dirt is not hard but it is dry as a bone. I have to soak and soak it after I dig some to get it to hold water. There is a big old crape myrtle tree right next to it and somehow it is managing to hang on. Guess I should give it some water.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i've been getting my dirt from my compost pile also, and it's also dry as a bone, although I don't wet it till I have things already planted, there are huge chunks that are hard to break apart, I need to drag out the water hose and wet the pile down some.

I've really had to work on my mushroom logs twice a week or so, I fill up a big muck bucket and soak the logs down with the water after it's set for 24 hrs. I need to go do that now, but i'm pooped, been outside all day today.

I volunteered to work tomorrow, but found out Danny made plans for me so I"m only working half a day instead.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Same here. I don't think we've had substantial rain in a month. I noticed one of the azaleas starting to droop so had to break out the hose and water some of them in the front yard and everything in the back and on the side. I am really getting tired of watering all the things in pots. I keep thinking I'll just pull the rest of them but I've watered this long so I figure surely in a week or so it will start raining again. Maybe??? Ugh!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Poor Ruth and Lamar. I am so sorry they are having such a rough time!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I did notice in the paper today that we have rain in the forecast for a couple of days this week. Can't remember when. Think maybe it was Tues and Wed.

Ripley, MS

Oh goodness, Yes, Ruth has had Angel for quite a while. We just get so attached to our pets. I am glad you talked to her, I know she needed a shoulder after that.

We all seem to need rain so badly, so many things here are looking like they will never recover even if we do get rain, even the zoysia grass here is starting to die, and that is very unusual.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

well, if it's 20 and 30% you can bet we won't be getting any lol

I labored today from the time I got out of early church service at 9:30 till just now, was in and out a few times, but I got alot done.

now we need to go armodillo hunting tonight cause I watered real good today and they will be out scouting around for grubs. their not affraid of moth balls either. I've not seen but a couple snakes this year though, one of them was under neath one of my strawberry pots and it was a poisonous one too.

I have a few plants that really look fabulous, cause their getting lots of water, my moonvine and hyacinth vine are blooming like crazy, and that hyacinth vine smells fabulous. I have a big container with 4 or 5 begonias in it and the frosty begonia is absolutely HUGE!! I'll have to take a pic of it sometime soon

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I've got a raccoon raider like that ... sometimes I throw out an ear of dried corn and the whole thing is always gone the next morning. If I don't throw out an occasional 'peace offering', he unhooks and drops the birdfeeders to the ground and empties them out or rips them apart where they hang so he can get the seed on the ground. He has broken several. Spoiled sport. ;-)

Is that a Hyacinth Bean Vine you have, Kathy Ann? I love them. If I sent you a SASE would you send me some dried seeds for next year? Anyone? I just moved here last half of last year and have been working to get things going and growing in my yard.

40% chance of rain here Wednesday but when it says there is a 20-30% chance, everyone has gotten rain except for us, it seems. Keeping my fingers crossed xxxxxxx.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

As a (fairly) newbie to DG, I really like this idea of a "thread of the month". Kudos, duckmother.

The loss of a beloved pet is so difficult. :-(...

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, Cville, I would love to take credit for the "thread of the month" but I am afraid it was not my idea ;o) Glad you are enjoying it here...

Ripley, MS

I will take credit--I always get blamed when things go wrong--so I will take credit--LOL---we just go from one thing to the next here Cville-you never know what will spring up here on Mid South. One thing is for sure though, we all love our flowers and animals and waterfowl and the fishes in the ponds too !!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Way to go, slcdms. Great idea and good to have a fresh start from month to month. Yes, we all do love those things a lot.

I'm Carole. That's Miss Boo in the photo above. She's cat #2. We discovered that she was living in the brush pile behind the back fence for a little while. She then "chose" us as her new home. She's a sweetie but doesn't tolerate other cats well which makes it a bit tricky for cat #1, Mr. Buster. What would we do without our animals? They bring such enjoyment to our lives.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I Carole I'm Charlotte. Glad to have you here. Love my animals too. I have 2 maltese and also one of those with fishes in the pond.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Charlotte --
What kind of fish do you have, koi or ? Little Rock is a nice area. Are you originally from there? I am caregiver to hubby with PD and am no longer working and am at home more now. So I have more time to be on DG and am really enjoying it.

Nice to meet you ... all.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Hi Carole, I am Kim (1) there is also Kim2 (lily love) We are one big happy family here, so welcome to the family ;o) You need to join us for a plant swap/round up (RU). We eat, laugh, eat, trade plants, eat, get a door prize, eat and then grab a bite for the road!

I love Arkansas! The only other place that I have ever dreamed about living is Perth, Australia!

I just got a tweet from the AFLAC duck about people feeding bread. I hated to scold him on Twitter about eating bread...but I did ;o) He will probably never speak (or quack) to me again. Y'all know how I feel about bread snacks!

Spending the rest of the day with family at the lake...

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much! I would love to come to a RU but don't know how it would work out with hubby ill. It is just one of those things that we have to wait and see at the last minute as with everything else. Is it a one day RU or ??? I am so happy to have this online gardening "family" in my general neck of the woods as my family is now a wee clan. Since my mother died, there is just my brother (a bachelor) and myself. Hubby has family but they are sort of distant and don't live here. That "distance" may be because of his PD. I guess they would come in an emergency but it just isn't a close-knit family. We are sort of here on our own since hubby goes to Vanderbilt for medical treatment. So I do value and appreciate my online friends very much. Thanks for welcoming me so warmly. It means a lot.


Ripley, MS

Carole, just to be sure I understand, are you using PD for Parkinson Disease ?
I am Sandra-I am home a lot as I have been disabled since 2001-arthritis mostly and back problems. I sure don't miss working out in the public.

We have all kids of RU's-the next one will be at Terrye's (tryliv) she lives near Booneville MS she and I are about 40 minutes apart. It is the last Sat in Oct. She has a thread started about it.
Some last only a day, some last all week end.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Ruth I'm so sorry for the loss of Angel!!! That is a tuff thing to have to go through!!! Is Sam OK? I bet he misses Angel!!!!
We have been blessed this year with way more rain than normal!!!!

Hi Carol!! So very nice to meet you and terribly sorry to hear about your DH!!! I was convinced a few years ago that I had PD and after 5 minutes in the Neurologist office he diagnosed me with Famile Tremors which causes my hands to shake bad after I do physical labor. Of course, that doesn't stop me but is very inconvenient at times. I live just out of Baton Rouge, La. and can't wait to meet you in person!!! I'm around the house a lot also so I'm sure we will be talking again!!!!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi, Carole! I'm Marilyn. So glad to have you here with us on the Mid-South forum! Not only do we love all those things that are mentioned in the posts above but we love each other, too! We are like family here and hope you will feel that way about us, too. I don't have a hyacinth bean vine but if you want some moon vine seeds, I can send you some when I harvest them.

Cheer up, all you central Arkansas folks--according to the weather people, we are supposed to have between a 50% and 60% chance of rain on Wednesday! Hooray! I've been watering the flowers but my lawn is so dry that it crunches when you walk across it. :o((

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

HI Carol, it's nice to have you here with us.

Booneville, MS

Hi, Carole. I'm Terrye. The RU this fall is at my house on October 23rd. Some will some for the day and some will come and stay over a night or two. We would love to have you come visit if you can.


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