(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Corey Sorry we made you Up-load all those pic Next time maybe you can post them in a Photo album Like PHOTOBUCKET then you can share the link it would be much easier on you & Your computor :)
but Nice pic's However there won't be allot of room in the Robin for to many of these Squares but if you was to cut them into 6 x6 in they might lay on the bottom of the Robin for those who would like to try .

I'm using a new box going to take it in & Have Sherly wt it for me & Let me know the cost of it so i can give you an idea as what it will cost. will let you all know .

Ok I Just noticed this was the wish list forum & Not the chat so please will you bring the chat over the the other thread .

so if your still looking for certain seeds you can post here or the other thread. but lets just use this one as a
referance to our wants & Haves.
see you over there :)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I tried to sign up for photobucket from work, but they lock that site out. I ought to do that from home - do they have a sign-up fee?

Actually, I cut them into 4" squares and the wires stick out the edges, and might puncture baggies if the box is stuffed tight. If anyone is interested, I could send them around in 44-cent envelopes.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Photo Bucket is free back later got to go put super in the oven :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Corey, when you get a chance, check out That's the service I've used for nearly a decade. You can load up to 52,500 photos for FREE in albums you create and can either designate them public or private. That's probably the feature I use most since nobody but us cares about old photos. Noodle around while you're there and look at more album features like on-line edits, rearrange, slideshow, email album and more. Webshots is by far my fav, including some I've paid for, and you might be able to access it from work.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I guess I will need to register from home, then see if I can access it from work.

I tried registering from work, and got a cryptic error msg. I'll try agin, form work and home, then ask IT if they are forbidding access to webshots.

Usually they put up a message that basically says "do your work, don't surf the web" or "forbidden content".

I'll try again.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Corey have you dial up at home ?? if so it will take awhile no matter what site you go with . when i had dial up
i would upload 19 pictures at a time by using the bulk loader . it is easier.

& Photo bucket is free also in case i forgot to tell ya .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm still hoping to get access at work, as long as I can reguister at home. It's easier to copy a file to a USB stick and walk it to my desk at work!

BTW, I just got put on a project at work that is already late, so I won't be able to post as often.

But I check my mailbox every day and WILL put the Robin back into flight ASAP.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

kobwebz and merrymath,

Could you put some of the following in an envelope for me? I'm after both of you in the flight path.

kobwebz - polemonium 'Bressingham Purple', green apple columbine, pink hawksbeard

merrymath - clematis 'Prince Charles'


if anyone has any of these for the 2nd go-round i would greatly appreciate them:

obedient plant
mile a minute vine-Ipomoea cairica
basket flower
lemon mint (Monarda citriodora)
nicotiana-any except yellow

i have:
sticky baccharis
yellow tobacco
bush mallow
lilac cosmos

This message was edited Dec 6, 2010 11:08 AM

This message was edited Dec 6, 2010 11:30 AM

This message was edited Dec 8, 2010 8:52 AM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Sherman .... best think again that MILE A MINUTE


Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Thistles and Goldenrod? We spend $$$ and lots of time trying to rid ourselves of these thugs here. The only Goldenrod that I might consider would be one of the newer dwarf varieties. I had a volunteer Goldenrod come up last year and it was small and cute. Probably the seed came from a bird visiting my coneflowers before I dead-headed them. This year, the cute little plant was 5 feet tall and had a friend that it brought along. These two plants were HUGE and we removed them this fall before the flowers turned to seeds. Can you say "invasive"? You should have seen the size of the roots we removed.

As to the thistle, we had volunteers in a bed where we used a compost and top soil mix that we purchased by the truck load from a local garden center. My daughter has them too, and got them when she hired the same garden center to do some landscaping for her. It took us a couple years of constant digging and some carefully applied Round-Up to get control of these. From what I've heard on some radio gardening shows that I listen to, others have the same problems. These thugs can have root systems 8 feet long attached to each thistle plant top you see above ground. And when you dig them, if you don't get EVERY single tiny piece of root-which is virtually impossible, they just come back and grow new tops from a teeny, tiny piece. UGH! And they hurt you when you try to dig or pull them out.

Sherman, are you really sure you want these? Have you checked to see if they might be considered an invasive species in your part of the country? I know that states or even areas in a state have laws against introducing and growing certain plants that are considered invasive.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Karen you are getting TRUE Feed BAck On these Plants & Also Just To Let you Know ALL MINTS Are also Very INVASSIVE So you Might want to Put them into containers Like a Raised Bed for them , If you really want to try them . But DO NOT add other Plants in with them for they will get Chocked out.

To tell you how invassive it is growing into my grass I do not have grass anymore it is mostly mint in my back yard
it killed out all my strawberry plants .
So that you do not have a few regrets in the future you might want to Put these types of plants in raised beds to see for yourself what they do . or just plant into planter boxes . Most of these Are ROOT RUNNERS & Much harder to get rid of .

as for the OBEDIENT Plant That also Grows very fast & can take over I Have many Plants of it & would be happy to share with you in the spring for postage if you would like I have the Lavender or pink one if you like .

I think it is good that we can give advise to others about what type of plants Can BE Very Invassive That are on our list . & This is not done to discouage you all about a plant it is to just let you have a better look out for these type of plants .
thank you for sharing your info . time to go lay back

ok, that is not the mile a minute vine i am looking for-should have put scientific name-Ipomoea cairica
I appreciate all the warnings but-
other than that, yes, those are the plants i am looking for. my property has 330 ft of fencing across the front, 660 ft from front to back. the fence is ugly naked bare wire. the surroundings are chapparal. the dirt is decomposed granite, clay or sand, depending on where you dig (or try to dig) I spent a lot of time reading the "what am i sorry i planted" threads, and picked these plants for the very reasons other people were sorry they planted them. I know people must think i am very weird, but i want things that spread, flower, attract birds/BFs/bees and reseed. I also look for vines that will survive here and flower.
gophers are a major issue and hopefully they wont eat some of these.
i have planted several mints around my house cause i love the smell and how they spread. there is so much space here i will never fill it all with plants (my dream). we have almost no BFs here, so i want things that will attract them. there is no rhyme or reason to how and where i plant things other than trying to fit the plant to the soil, and if i can dig in that area. there is no grass here, and i dont want grass. too much water and no flowers. It isnt just me, no one around here has grass. sadly, no one has many flowers either. mostly they clear the land down to bare earth or run livestock that does it for them.

I will check my list for invasives.

deejay-would love to have the obedient plant for postage. just let me know when.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well here is a list to get you started that you might like to try if you want lots of Butterflies . & that will grow in all types of soil. I think many were in the robin . if Not I will add some in the second time around Robin for you.
These will create a Beautiful Fragant
Morning Glories will reseed year after year . or most will anyway .
butterfly bush all colors
purple tansy
purple majestic
4 O'Clocks will reseed
Some sunflowers will reseed
one of my FAVS Is SHOO FLY & I Did have some in the robin.
datrura are good.

I'm sure we can offer more Ideas so that you can plant reseeders in that area that will work with each other
wishing you luck with the space to fill in & many of these are very very pretty.
my body is telling to lay down but i just hate to lay down during the day .
so here i sit.
Happy Gardening :)

thank you, i understand about the body and telling you to lay down. mine does that a lot. i forgot about sunflowers, planted some and next year want to plant lots more. the bees really like the lemon queen ones. i was told that to get the butterflies to come back i have to plant masses of the same thing so they send some kind of aroma into the air to draw them here. i'm working on that. i will take any advice anyone can give and greatly appreciate it.. After losing a lot to frost i have had to rethink a lot and am using the sunset site that was posted for temps. lost all my zinnias to gophers ! i really really hate gophers. going to go look up the ones you suggested that i am not familiar with.
how about tickseed? would that be good?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Karen not to worry about the frost getting your plants just let mother nature take its course your perennials will come back along with any reseeders :) it is winter here All is laying under snow right now but come April they will start to show their New growth :))) so now is the time really to scatter some seeds I you will also see growth.
many seeds need the cold to help them grow.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Is Tickseed the Coreopsis? There's a site that sells a beautiful Corepsis that spread fast for under $5.00. McGlauffins Perenniels. Coneflowers are another biggie for butterflies. Those apread and reseed pretty good. I had Monarch butterflies that hung around my Coneflowers all day everyday. Also, if you plant milkweed in close proximity to your Coneflowers you give Monarch caterpillars a host plant to eat. Certainherbs are also a host plant for the Monarch caterpillars. Fennel and Dill are two that come to mind right away. DJ, FOTV and others sent me a gazillion different types of seeds to attract butterflies and hummers. Watching them began to be my favorite past time. LoL

Susie, do you have pink lavendar?

Here's apicture of a butterfly on one of my coneflowers. They are beautiful creatures!

Thumbnail by diamond9192002

this is the link to the tickseed i bought:

it does not have any other name but there is a picture

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Karen, I'll have the purple/lavender Obedient Plant in the spring - just can't get rid of it and would be more than happy to send some your way. Also, I have a ton of purple coneflower that will need dividing -again! - this spring and I seem to have a lot of 'Nanho' butterfly bush babies. I have that same tickseed and it is very easy to grow, willingly spreads itself all over, and stays pretty most of the summer -loads of blooms. Also, you might want to try some of the pink evening primrose (oenethera) - my most hated plant of all time because it spread quicker than a wildfire and took over a ton of plants but it blooms like crazy with a pretty pink flower. The yellow Missouri primrose is tall and spreads easily as well - I'll have some of that to thin out in the spring also.


Athens, PA


I have the tall white obedient plant - Summer snow

Remind me around August/September and I'll get some of the seeds out to you.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Think I Put Lots of seeds for the tall yellow primrose in the robin & it dose spread fast But it is a very pretty wild flower I call it :) I love my Fennel Plant & it comes back year after year ,

Starting in APRIL We Start Our Plant Swaps & We Share Plants My Gardens are full of Plants from all 50 states I Thing well i don't have any from alaska or Hawaii yet .
But to tell you witch ones I don't think i can name them all :)

Maybe we should start a collectors thread :) for spring :))) well I have to go out & chat with daddy for a bit so you all have a safe & Happy day .
oH & Love the pic also .
here was my shoofly plant & it can be invassive in some areas but love it here.

Thumbnail by deejay9
Athens, PA

Karen - I just happened to think - do you have any of the butterfly bushes? Mine are always loaded with butterflies. Let me see if I have any of the Nanhoe Blue and Black Knight seeds left....

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Carolyn, I'm going to be adding Nanho seeds into the robin when it comes my way. I have a whole rootball I'm going to send to Lazlo when it warms back up again and I'll still have plenty! I would love some of those Summer Snow seeds next year if you have any extra. I've been wanting a white one for some time now..

primroses never even occured to me, not sure why, but would like to try them because of what you said. butterfly bush also sounds good. i had one pkt of seeds this year but could not get them to germinate.
cant find shoo fly in the plant files but if you think it will grow here i will try it.

thank you everyone for your kindness and your suggestions. i am going to take some before pictures of the bare dirt and then, hopefully, pictures of flowers everywhere.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Karen, here are the links for the two types of primroses I was referring to: - the pink evening primrose which is a crazy spreader and loves sun and heat, not tall at all, just rambles all over the place and good for ground covering - the yellow Missouri primrose - not as fast as the evening one but loves the sun and heat as well. This one is taller and upright.

This message was edited Dec 7, 2010 1:36 PM

Athens, PA


try Nicandra -

Jana - remind me about the obedient plant in late summer.....

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Janae, could you, pretty please, add some Nahno blue and black knight butterfly bush seeds in the RR for me. I sprinkle of each would be more than enough.

the garden file says nicandra has to be kept constantly moist. is that true? because that will not work out here in the summer. sigh.......i really like the way it looks.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

sherman, I have the white blooming version of Nicandra physaloides and it grows and blooms with incredible vigor in spite of drought with no watering. A word of caution though-it trys to push
plants out of my garden and I use it in places where other plants don't grow very well to try to restrain it.

cool, i was worried cause it gets so hot here but that sounds good. thanks

boy am i slow. i just realized the nicandra is the shoo fly that deejay was talking about.

Athens, PA

Karen - I have a lot of those 'moments' myself....

I think we need to pursue this dahlia tuber trade in the spring..... any other thoughts on that?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Lunch Break

Well We Just might have to do this over on the bulb forum but if I do Put one together it is only going to be for maybe 10 -12 PLAYERs , & for both no ID & Named if Known .

Sweetpea Has Been Helpping stir up my soil she thinks it is her sandbox . ,she loves to lay in dirt & With so much snow on the ground she wants my soil box :(

today i have planted a few bird of barado's, Black Gamecock Iris, japanese Red Maple, thanks to merrymath :)
lenga tree , & Northern spice Bush :) With the Unwanted help of sweetpea so i just let her play in the box while I Play :)))

Been waiting for the mail then I Need to go into town for a bit so guess i better get my mess cleaned up :)
Hope everyone is haven a great day also :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
Athens, PA

Susie - Sweetpea is great! I just love her!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

she is very spolid :)

i would be interested in a dahlia tuber trade (as long as someone else is in charge LOL)

question-i saw on the summer hill site that they sell dahlia seeds. are these the same type of flower?

Athens, PA


I have eyed those myself..... these are little annuals that will eventually go to seed.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Hey Anita, I'm not the one with the Black Knight; Carolyn was going to check if she had some left. I do have the Nanho and can stick some in an envie for you.

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