Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Carolyn, I am not looking for a lot of any particular seed .... 12 would be fine .... if someone else express interest in a seed I have requested, I hope the person who has that particular seed would try to have each interested person to receive a few.

For example ... 2 people have expressed interest in my white silva .... I do not think I have too many .... but I intend to divy up what I have so each of them can have a few and I can also have a few.

At the present the harvested New Guinea Impatien are scant ... but I plan to share ...peeps may only get 3 seeds ... but they will at least have that. The good thing about New Guinea Impatien is that it is easy to get more plants from cuttings.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Take me off the list for white salvia this year: I have more than plenty of projects to keep me busy, and limited soil space. But I'll ask again next year!


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

My wishes from Robin members


red castor bean


Agastache rugosa
Turk's Cap


Celosia argentea var Cristata
Tiger Lily ??


Black-eyed Susan
Coneflower Magnus
foxglove pink


lauren's grape poppy



Carnation--Raspberry Ripple
yellow pear and black cherry tomatoes

in general:



red bird of paradise
rain lily
Bush Morning Glory
Baby Bells MG

pigeon berry

carolyn & Anita
lavender Lantana


Baby Bells MG

Thanks to All,


PS just updated my have list

This message was edited Oct 31, 2010 10:46 AM

Athens, PA

Mary -

I can do that - I just thought there had to be at least 1/4 tsp each packet. Splitting it out would probaby be a tad less than that for 2 pkts of Sensation Rose.

Dane - what color are your foxglove?

Athens, PA

TxAggie -

I am interested in your Salvia Lyrata and if there is any of the Texas Lantana left, I would like some of that as well please.

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I don't have any looking for some. Let me reword.


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)


I have lots of the lavender mix colored Latana. I asked Txaggie what color hers were. If they are diffrent color I can collect some.


Athens, PA


I would l love some. Please put me down for the lavender mix lantana!

Thank you.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I would like to try some too. Is it the trailing Lantana?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

These are the seeds I have labeled, to go into the RR box for individual people.
Please remind me if I forgot any!

Alana (poisondartfrog)
3 commercial Zinnia varieties
1 my very-mixed-pollen Zinnia seeds from 2009

Anita (diamond9192002)
Marigold French Mix
Penstemon eatonii "Firecracker" very small qty

Carolyn (Carolyn22)
Snapdragon "Tall Maximum Blend" 2' to 3' tall

Dane (dmtom)
2 Snapdragons
1 sweet Lavender (Gurney's Lavandula angustifolia)

Mary (merrymath)
sweet Lavender (Gurney's Lavandula angustifolia)
Marigold French Mix
Butterfly Flower (Asclepias tuberosa L.)
Delphinium "Blue Mirror" (Delphinium grandiflorum) Livingston
Cosmos "Bright Lights Blend" (Cosmos Sulphureus)
Forget-Me-Not Mix "Spring & Summer" - Botanical Interests #1219 - two families:
(Myosotis sylvatica, 6-8" biennial, blooms early spring.)
(Cynoglossum amibile, 12-14" annual, blooms into summer. "Chinese Forget-Me-Not")

Maxine (Maxine)
Marigold French Mix
my very-mixed-pollen Petunia seeds from 2009


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Is the Blue Moonflower on your wish list Ipomoea turbinata or something else? Just trying to get my seeds together.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

looks like a winner, Alana. thanks!

Thumbnail by LazLo
Athens, PA


I am definitely interested in the nicotiana seeds.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I would like some Blue Moonflower , & A Yellow Morning glory if any one have any seeds .
Carolyn there will be plenty for you & others just harvested more today & There is more yet to dry .

I may have to give you all 4 days to go through the robin for this robin is going to much much more fatter .
well off to get my critter bedded down for the night so back in the morning for coffee .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I have an annual flower that I harvested seeds from today. I forgot the name but its such a pretty flower if any one is interested. Here's a picture.

Thumbnail by diamond9192002
Athens, PA

Anita - is it Lavatera? I would love some please.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Anita, I would like some seeds of your latest acquisition (Lavatera).

Yesterday, I harvested seeds from Clemantis Prince Charles (picture)

I added it to my photo bucket

I have been spending considerable time in preparing extreme rear of property for grass seeding. Seeded about 1/6 yesterday. It rained last night ... still raining ...but suppose to terminate soon ... so I hope to do more today and hopefully complete the task by the end of tomorrow ...more rain forecasted for Thurs.

I need to go to post office to mail off some Lily of the Valley pips I am trading for hydrangea "Annnabelle".


Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ANITA looks almost Like a pink malvia or mini hollyhock or Morning Glory is it a vine or low to the ground ?
yes i would like a few seeds .

For any of you that need or want share plants malvia is great one i have my place up in the woods for piling
my tree limbs & i through some of my leftovers on top the limbs for the rabbits up in there & well
you should see the plants that are growing up in there also .the malvia are prettier up there then here in my yard .
they get maybe the morning sun if that.

not sure is i told you all here about my find last month at a garage sale with a carload of Flower Pots & tray's
yesterday while trying to stack them in the shed I found at the bottom of the big TUB of Trays about 20 or so 12x12 maybe seed trays with the price still on them 6.95 & They all look New. will show you all the picture of them later when i go out to go through the barrow some more . to fine more goodies.

i have to call my doc this morning & see if i can go get my shot in the arm this morning can't lift or use it this morning at all again & hurts bad. so i'm typing with one figure no fun. so after my shot i will be back with both hands ,

have a great day

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Mary, I would love some of your Prince charles as well. Just a couple of seeds will be more than enough for me.

This plant has grown 1 1/2 ft. It hasn't trailed. It has the growth habit of a Petunia. I will set some aside for Susie, Carolyn and Mary.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Anita, I have you down for some Prince Charles Clemantis seeds.

I harvested seed pods from the hosta in the picture. Can anyone ID its variety?


Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

you might do better on a ID Over on the Hosta site Not to many of us have Hosta's I Had them but I Do not have much shade to raise them in or the right soil .

been sorting seeds here WOW What a box this is going to be .
Would just like to ask that you all < When you find something you want to try & There is OVER A TBS Of seeds
In The PK Please Just take out a few & Let others also have a chance to get a few. I Will be Putting in a 1/4teas
into the Robin so you can use it to Meassure IF You Need.

More then Likely you will not need for there is way more then enough of many seeds to go around But Also I Have a robin the will be going out in FEB So if you want to donate to that feel free but you do not have to,
well back to the seeds :)))

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hello all!

Mary, is that the Hosta Empress Wu?

I'm making my list and check it twice. These are the people I have seeds set aside for:

Rick - Delphiniums

DMTOM - Blackeyed Susan, Magnus coneflower, Foxglove

Susie - yellow Marigold, Lavatera

Carolyn - Lavatera

Mary - Marigolds, Delphinium, Baby's Breath, Sundown Echie, Foxglove pink, Lambs Ear, Nicotiana, Cockscomb pink, Gaillardia Revielle, Lavatera

Maxine - Dakota Reveille, Autumn Colors, Cherokee Sunset

If there's a mistake, please, let me know.

This message was edited Oct 14, 2010 8:30 AM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

It is DEFINITELY NOT hosta Empress Wu.

But the picture is one I took yesterday.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Okay the characteristics of the leaves are the same but I wasn't sure of the age and size of your Hosta. Maybe Spritzer? What color are the blooms? Did you post the picture in the ID forum?

This message was edited Oct 13, 2010 3:41 PM

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Diamond, I have " Cherry Brandy" rudbeckia seeds fresh this yr.

I would also like some of your "Autumn" and "cherokee Sunset" and "Dakota Reveille" gaillardia.

Thanks, Maxine

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Maxine, I would love some Cherry Brandy. I will set aside some Autumn Colors, Cherokee Sunset and Dakota Reveille for you.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I forgot who posted the blue moon flowers.
May I have some of those seeds, if you have enough?


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

what is BLUEMOON PLANT & Who has it ???

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Lazlo, you requested Green Wizard coneflower. Are you interested in seeds from Green Envy Coneflower?

Mary, did you find out what kind of Hosta you have?

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I think I typed blue moonflower when I should have typed blue moonvine when I asked Lazlo to clarify.
The one I referenced is more lavender than blue-Ipomoea muricata syn Ipomoea turbinata.
I have a few set aside for Lazlo and will be glad to add some for Deejay and Maxine if you want them, and that will pretty much do it.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Anita, I posted an ID request in the hosta forum .... no response ... so I do not know its ID.

I am interested in Green Envy Coneflower seeds .... do you have some?


This message was edited Oct 14, 2010 4:20 PM

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Alana, yes I would like to try the seeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hey all Forgive me if i'm not on much for the weekend & Flight might get delayed a bit. Just found out today I Have a blood clot in my leg once again so I will be at home but i had to promise to lay in bed leg up
if I get worse will have to go to hospital but i plan on taken my Hep shots as directed & Lay back it is not easy to type on my ipod so for give mistakes.

have to go in on saturday for another blood test every 2 days till they say it is gone. so please
Don't push a panic button everything will be ok Just have to lay back a few days .
so i cannot get all my seeds sorted yet.

will try to keep you all informed when I can .

I will be watching you all on my Ipod & If i can learn how to reply on it you will know :)))
wish you all a great evening .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Good luck Susie! Can you use compressive stockings or Couymadin or the "pump"?

No need to reply until you are up and about again.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

who was asking for the blackeyed susan vine & color or name ???

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Got it, Maxine. I put some I. turbinata aside for you.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Susie, I hope you are able to read this even though you may not be able to respond. I am praying that you get better soon. Please, follow the doctors orders and prop those feet up, get the remote in hand and find something hilarious to watch! LoL Watching some good comedies always make me feel better! I am off this weekend, say the word and I will drive to Michigan to keep you company.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Anita that is very nice of you I'm following order's & laying up My brother got home this morning so he will be over to help me get a few things put up so i won't have to do any lifting .

I would not be a good hostess for you to come sit around while i have to lay around I would love for you to visit when I Can be up & around & Show you around :) I'm fine rigfht now .its not so bad laying around.
Please call me when you get off work i do miss our chats :)

well going to lay back again you all have a great day

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Will do Ms Susie! We have a big garden cleanup at the Ext. Office tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon I will have my laptop home!!!! Whoa!!! Trying to keep up with emails from my cell phone is getting to be a drag!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

On the top of my wish list is:

Susie up and about feeling great and pain .... a thing of the past.


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