CLOSED: Come join us! 3rd Annual Tomato & Pepper Seed Exchange

Madison, WI(Zone 5a)

I received my package today! When I was getting my mail out of the mailbox after work today, I was so excited when I saw my seed package, that I left the six boxes that UPS left by the front door, and ran inside. I stood at the kitchen table in my coat and scarf (I did take my gloves off) for 20 minutes just looking at the different seeds. I think that I will have to look up some of them online.

Thanks again Heather for all your hard work.

Brewster, NY(Zone 6a)

@Evelyn---hahaha! On 364 other days I've have to go with seeds (seeds dont ask where dinner is; seeds dont leave the seat up; nor do seeds leave muddy workboots in the house) husband just happened to be closing on a new house for us yesterday, one that has 3 beautiful acres for my horses and gardens, so I will have to go with husband on this one. But I do love me seeds!


Thumbnail by BossMareNY6a
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today, I mailed seeds to:

* kurantkat
* nisinj
* patti1957

That's it for envelopes from this forum. Thanks to everyone for your participation and sending in a great selection of seeds.

Please continue to let me know when you receive your seeds so I can update my records.

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone !!!!


mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

What a beautiful horse! Oh boy I am so jealous, my DH and I have been talking about getting a bigger plot 10 acres at least but we still have to wait until we stop moving so much.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Heather-Thank you so much for doing this, I'm glad to hear that you are done with this forum at least. Will those of you that have received yours post what you got?
I'm so interested to see the different varieties.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I got my seeds, and I'm overwhelmed. What a great assortment, more of everything than I dreamed. I especially appreciate the cherry tomatoes, like Tommy Toe and Black Cherry. I never heard of "Snow White"!

Plant Files will get a workout.

(Busy_gardener: thanks for the Fish Peppers. Interesting! )


Long Beach, CA

YAY! I am so very excited :D Thank you so much, Heather--I bet this will be as terrific as, if not better, than last year!

I am surprised there aren't that many participants from this sounded like dozens upon dozens of people rushed to join the swap!

Wooohoo--looking forward to what I am sure will be one of my favorite Xmas bounties!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

P.S. I'll start a thread with a list of what I received after I make labels and re-package some into smaller Zip-locks.


Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Great Thank you!

Brewster, NY(Zone 6a)

@ Carminator--what a coincidence, I jsut saw you're in Mobile, AL--I was born and lived in Fairhope for first 18 yrs of my life. NY has been home since 1994. The horse pictured is a 3yo rescued literally hours from going thru the "meat auction" in PA. The picture is of him at a quarantine barn. I named him "Tofurky" b/c when I got him him had "no meat"! :)


mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Oh yes we've been here for a year now and our orders are for 3 more years so after that we might have to move somewhere else. Fairhope is not too far at all. Glad to hear that you rescued that poor horse, he is truly a beauty. Still dreaming of living in the country, :)

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Is that a saddlebred? I have a percheron / TWH cross that I bought off a meat truck. She is a swwetheart. Just wish she was easy gaited.

Brewster, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes! He's a Saddlebred! his forelock and mane were shaved off like a driving horse's would be so we r guessing he mustve been an Amish reject. I grabbed him bc this horse moves like a grand drix dressage horse--I cannot wait to climb on him! My other horse is a rescued Premarin broodmare who's shaped like a bulldog (QH/draft) all downhill while this ASB is the polar opposite--he's so uphill he looks like a giraffe most of the time!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Good for you ~ Kerry! Congrats on the new digs. I am sure you will be posting pictures of that soon, huh? (I am with you, especially leaving the seat up! Yikes!! It happens to others, too??)

Corey ~ Good for you. I am glad that you got a nice assortment of seeds. Yes, it would be good to see what you got...LOL!!

Heather ~ I will be posting as soon as I get my package that you sent, and share with y'all what I got. Thanks so much for all of your hard work to put all this together and getting the seeds out so quickly...We all do appreciate it.

I must have come upon this info late - what are fish peppers?

Lisa ~ What seeds did you get? Maybe you can "start the ball rolling..."

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I'll be glad to tell what I get.... when I ever get them. LOL

I used to work as an EMT at horse shows and I did a curcuit of saddlebred shows. There was one show day that had 2 shows going on at the same place. One was a "saddlebred" show and the other was a hunter jumper. The H/J horses were shying like crazy because they were afraid of the "shaky tails". In the natural horse world, if a horse travels and presents itself like a saddlebred does that's trained to show, it's usually a stallion. Kids were getting dumped left and right. How old is your horse. Looks like a youngster.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Fish peppers are the fruit of attractive ornamental plants with spotted white leaves. They are fairly small but also fairly "hot", but tasty. Look them up in PlantFiles under common name: Pepper, cultivar: Fish. I planted some this year and they did not do as well as the ones I have had in the past in another location (where I'll grow them next year!).

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Here is the blurb I got with my new Fish Peppers,
followed by Plant File comments from :

"Fish" Pepper Capsicum annuum
Hot: "4 on a scale of 5", or Plant Files says 5,000-30,000 Scoville Units)
pre-1870s African-American heirloom
beautiful green & white variegated foliage.
18-24" plants
Pendant fruits 2-3" long ripen from cream with green stripes to orange with brown stripes to all red.
Traditionally used in oyster and crab houses in the Chesapeake bay.
"Commercial - Seed savers Exchange busy_gardener 2010"

Plant Files says:
12-18" tall
tapered 4" to 6" fruit

Fruit Color:
Green changing to red
Green changing to gold
Green changing to orange

Fresh (salsa, salads)

Critterologist said:
"The flavor has a clean, bright heat like a cayenne, but with the bonus of a sweetness that reminded us of a red bell pepper."

Ripley7700 said:
"My experience has been that the immature peppers are quite spicy, but if you allow the peppers to mature all the way to red (bright red!), the spice mellows out. ... the plant can reach upwards of two to three feet "

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Evelyn-I haven't gotten my seeds : ( yet but when I do I will post them.

Speaking of horses-

Thumbnail by 1lisac
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow! He yours? He's a beauty. I have 2 paints. A red and white spotted and a blue roan spotted. Have 9 all together. Would sure love to sell 4 of them. All but 2 are rescues. We leased a farm with a friend before we moved. Now we don't have proper places for them all. We have them farmed out like kids during the depression.

This is Tug's Honor. He is a racking pony. He is 2 1/2 now and it's time to break him to ride. He is going to be my saddle horse. I am down sizing from my big 64" TWH gelding. I have MD and my legs are getting too weak to get on him anymore. He is "lot of horse" and doesn't like to stand still while I get on. He is also a big, fast mover and I don't trust myself on him anymore. It's a shame too. He is as fine a racking horse as anyone could ever hope to ride. He was rescued from a life of terrible abuse. It took me 2 years to make him safe to ride.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

FINALLY!!!! My seeds came today and I am so excited. Heather, you rock!! Can't wait to try all these. This is what I got:

I had only sent tomato seeds and that is all I had on my wish list. I needed some bush and determinate varieties as I am having to downsize to SFG and containers in the Spring. I am so happy with what I got.

Novosadski Jabucar I have not heard of this one.
Calypso I have not heard of this one.
Hybrid Patio I have not heard of this one.
Green Grape I am very excited about this one.
Principe Borghese I have not heard of this one.
Puck I have not heard of this one.
Czech Bush I have not heard of this one
Balcony Charm I have not heard of this one. Sounds like one for a
hanging basket.
Bush Beefsteak Wasn't sure this was possible.
Silvery Fir Tree This one sounds interesting. New to me.
Ultra Girl Wondering if this is related to Early Girl
Early Wonder The sooner the better. LOL
Golden Bison Love the yellows.
Manitoba Have not heard of this one.
Marz Round Green Going to have fun with this one.
Chinese Have not heard of this one.
Micro Tom Sounds like an itty bitty one.
Banana Legs Looking forward to finding out about this one.
New Big Dwarf A pink one.
Sophie's Choice Have not heard of this one.
Jaunne Flammee Been wanting to try this one. So happy to get it.
Udmalbet Eggplant
Thai Eggplant

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I love paints here is his mom. I don't ride anymore because I'm a single mom and if/when I get thrown there is nobody to take care of my kids. Besides I don't bounce like I use to.

Thumbnail by 1lisac
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Very nice. Are they saddlebreds? Where is her tail?

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Wow, you folks have some beautiful horses.

Thanks Corey and Don on the info about the fish pepper. I had a feelin' that it would be a hot one!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Thanks for your list!

I made another thread just for such lists, if anyone wants to use that:
- - - Seed Trading: Thanks for the Peppers & Tomatoes, Heather!
- - -


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Here is my other spotted horse. Her name is Gypsy and she is a percheron / TWH cross. A big sweetheart. This was last winter. We had 3 of them on a tie line all winter. A big hassle. We have since moved her and the strawberry roan TWH / RMH cross on the end to a friend's barn.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Corey, I didn't realize there was another thread started. I'll copy and paste my post over there. Thanks.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

(I was wondeirng why no one was using it ... then realized I hadn't said anything about it!)


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I hope my seeds come today, mail is a bit slow.
Beautiful horses.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Cajun- ROTFL Stop about her tail or lack there of. She has a tail but the goats keep it short, she just stands there while they chew. EVERYBODY says something about that tail, I thought I was safe online. LOL

Both of these horses are Reg. American Paints. That means both parents were American Paints or Thoroughbreds, or Quarter Horses. If one of the parents is a TB or QH the off spring must show color to be reg. as an APH. It is my understanding that they allow this so the genetic pool is larger (hybrid vigor). Both these horses have TB and QH in their linage. When I did ride I rode English, H/J and Dressage, so I have always had horses with some/all TB in them.

I know, off topic.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I used to work hunter Jumper shows as an EMT. Loved watching the jumpers. It wasn't often anybody got hurt so I was always looking for something to do. I ended up hand timing grand prix jumper classes. One show it a $25,000 class and I timed it with a stop watch! Is that wild?! I used to have a blast at those shows. Met a lot of nice folks and a lot of less than nice ones if you catch my drift. I guess folks are folks all over the world.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Has anyone heard of "Sanza Cherry" tomatoes before? I can't find them online. Someone must have sent a pkt labelled that way to Heather, and I'm wondeirng whether it was a typo for "Santa", i.e. "Santa Sweets".

There's a sanza district in Italy with a distinctive method of making tomatoe sauce, but I don't think it involves CHERRY tomatoes.


This message was edited Dec 17, 2010 2:11 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Corey,

It's another handwriting thing :) They are Santa Cherry.


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I've about given up, think my seeds were lost in the mail!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


I'm sure yours will arive. They were mailed Dec 1st. Please remember it takes a couple of weeks normally for mail beetween Canada and the US. I had some envelopes take 3 weeks to get here from the US. The Christmas mail volume will make a difference as well.


Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Mittsy-I know how you feel. I did forget about the Christmas Mail tho. We are going out of town and I want mine NOW!

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

I have not gotten mine either, I am sure it is just the fact that it is the holidays, or at least I hope that is what the problem is. Either way I know how you feel, patience is definitely not one of my virtues unfortunately.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Heather ~ Thanks so much for clearing up the mystery of the "Sanza Cherry" tomato!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> It's another handwriting thing :) They are Santa Cherry.

Awww! I was starting to hope something very obscure had surfaced. On the other hand, they sound very tasty! Used as bar snacks in Thailland? I forget where I read that.

Thanks Heather! By the way, I found a fan of the "Show White" cherry and plan to split with her.


mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Heather thank you so much! I just received my seeds today, it was definitely worth the wait. I am definitely going to have some fun growing these wonderful seeds. :)

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

No seeds yet and my drivers license expired December 6th. I mailed the renewal November 18th with my check that was cashed, but no license either. Mail is really slow.

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