How much rainfall have you had?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 220 votes:

Too much! We're almost floating!
(34 votes, 15%)
Red dot

Not enough. We're crispy.
(128 votes, 58%)
Red dot

I live where rain seldom falls.
(21 votes, 9%)
Red dot

Wet is normal for me.
(6 votes, 2%)
Red dot

I'm like Goldilocks. Everything is just right!
(31 votes, 14%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

(Zone 7a)

Everyone voted but no one commented?

We're hot, hot, hot! We need some rain soon. My water bill is skyrocketing.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

W8ilmington, 15 miles to our North has gotten plenty of rain, but we've missed out for about 3-4 weeks now. Not that unusual, but still! Even my big rain barrel is completely dry. ;(

Minden, LA

Finally! We got a shower last night but we're still 'way below our average. Our trees are stressed from the high temps and drought conditions. My plants don't respond to the water hose nearly as well as the rain. Come on, Fall.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Day 17 of ≥100°F high temperatures and no rain here – and no end in sight. Everything not irrigated is wilted, stressed, or dead (except for the truly xeric plants). Can't wait for October!

edit: (one day later...) So, just because I wrote that, we got about .075 to .1 inch of rain out of a brief shower this evening.

This message was edited Aug 17, 2010 8:40 PM

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

It's very interesting that just about everyone is hoping fall will come soon.

Here we've had heat-indexed temps in the 105 to 120F range for a month or more. Virtually every day for a month or more we've had an excess/dangerous heat warning from the Nat Weather Service. We have severe T-storms with torrential rain daily, sometimes 3 or more storms per day. The storms don't cool us down, just make us steamy, humid. Saturday night I went to sleep to the rumble of thunder. The next morning, I awoke to the same thing. It's like it never stops storming. This must be the monsoon season. I'm praying for winter.

Except for the constant fear of flooding, I would rather have too much rain vs drought, however. We had a severe drought a few years back. When the trees in the forest start to shrivel, that's bad. I hope those of you who are experiencing drought will get some rain very soon.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Not enough, even as I sit here and watch it rain. Perhaps if we had not had the hottest weather on record in many, many years, the bit of rain we've had now and then wouldn't seem so pitiful.

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

It has been a summer with lots of storms and rain. We have not had flooding here but are surrounded by areas that have. This past winter was much the same - too much precipitation. I hope it has gotten it out of it's system and we have a milder winter!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

We have had below average rainfall this summer. With temperatures in the 90+F mark, it's been a challenge to keep my gardens hydrated.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We're actually a bit low on rain at the moment but since it's August that's normal. We had rain the other day so for the most part we're good to go for now.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Rain keeps missing us. Storm passed to the north of us again today. Even the drought tolerant flowers are drooping.

Bark River, MI

Great gardening summer here -- way hotter than usual, and enough rain to keep the lawns green (usually brown by now). Thankfully no severe storms here. My garden is a jungle!

Kirksville, MO

We've had a break in the excessive heat here last couple of days, and its been nice not to have to pull out the hose much this summer or water the potted plants as often. However not so far away, the crops are awful because of the rainfall, few crick (that's how I say it) bottoms have anything but gumbo and rivercrest numbers are as much a part of the weather report as the temperatures.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

What a weird summer all around the country!

We are hot and dry and did I say hot?

From a neighboring online source...

August Temperatures Continue to be Sizzling - August 15, 2010
Submitted by Jim & Ann Forbes, U.S. Weather Service

Shelby County and the surrounding area are in a heat advisory. The heat advisory will likely be extended into the first two days of the work week. Anticipated high temperatures will continue to be in the 100's which combined with the humidity will result in heat index that will feel like 105 - 110 degrees. Forecasted showers could lower temperatures to the higher 90's for the rest of the week.

The official daily high temperatures for this area as reported by Jim Forbes have been as follows:

1st 103 degrees
2nd 104 degrees
3rd 103 degrees
4th 103 degrees
5th 102 degrees
6th 100 degrees
7th 100 degrees
8th 101 degrees
9th 103 degrees
10th 100 degrees
11th 103 degrees
12th 105 degrees
13th 105 degrees
14th 103 degrees
15th 105 degrees

And then there are the heat indices which are far worse. Once more, thanks for a/c.

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Interesting, but it is almost 100% that if we in southern California get a hot summer, everyone else has a nice one... this has been the nicest, coolest summer I can ever remember in southern California (yesterday was only our third day over 100F while 4 years ago we had over 45 days over 100F by this time, and one day up to 120F). But as far as rain goes, it's the same as ever- none. We don't even get a rain cloud normally from end of May until sometime in October. Not a drop. But that's normal. Be nice to have rain, though.

Marshfield, MA

Rain?? Have forgotten what a good rain is like. I don't water much except for new stuff and young trees so a lot of material is paying the price. Water ban is in affect but I'm NOT gonna let a $100.00 little tree die!

The daylilys look very rough but at least I know they won't disapoint next summer anyway.. Last year all it did was rain so I am not sure whats worse.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

We were floating in July, but not so much for August so far. This is the first August we've been here (6years) that we have had GREEN for a lawn. Usually by this time it is brown dry and prickly to the bare feet.

Claxton, GA(Zone 8b)

We've been blessed these past few days - 2 inches in 3 days. Doesn't sound like much but after a couple of months of above average temperatures with heat warnings and no rain, it's a lot to me! My plants are saying THANK YOU and so am I!!


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

I did not know what to vote.. This winter and spring were really, really wet, making up for a several year drought. And then July arrived! Record heat and no rain! However, the last three days it has rained every evening and this morning it rained again. There is a 50% chance of rain tonight.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

It has been a hot summer.

Gotta one-up you podster. (Perhaps it will make you feel cooler). A number of years ago we moved to New Mexico. Drove through Phoenix when they were having a record heat stretch. They had an overnight low of 101 (high 120something) while we were there that August, and had a string of over 100 days in a row with temperatures over 100 degrees. I'm quite content to let them have those records.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

We've had a "normal" amount of rain this summer, which means there has been none. There probably won't be any until November and no really serious rain until January or maybe the last week of December if Santa thinks we've been nice.

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

It's been the hottest and driest summer I can remember since I don't know when. There's been more 90* + days this summer then maybe the last 5-10 yrs combined. My poor plants... and waterbill. If I'm lucky to get a barrelful of rain, it's used up in a day or two... and that's happened only twice in the past 2 months. Am preparing to set up multiple rainbarrels and various systems to capture rain when it's plentiful and then utilizing it more efficiently. I don't want to go through another summer like this again.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

What is rain?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL ~ what IS rain???

Hi Dparsons ~ we lived in the valley ( AZ ) before east TX. I never had a/c in my car and it never kept me home but what I really missed there was rain. When it rarely rained, it monsooned.
For this summer here, we are bone dry but suffer an occasional popup evening shower that drizzles a tenth of an inch or two, then quickly evaporates to add killer humidity to those high temps... weather only a tropical plant could love!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Quote from Syrumani :
What is rain?

Wet stuff, falling out of grey skies.

Plenty of it here over the last month!


Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Wet stuff, falling out of grey skies.

LOL - here, that sort of nonsense would have people looking at you funny . . . although, I do remember reading of such things in ancient texts . . .

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Summer has been HOT and WET!!! More rain this summer totally than the Floods of '93 and '08. Last week had total of 10" + in 3 days this after a horrible, snow-filled winter.

This message was edited Aug 17, 2010 9:56 PM

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

For a short time this morning, there was a big yellow thing up in the sky, very bright (hurt eyes to look at it). Anyone know what it might have been?

The sky was also a strange blue colour at the time.


Brunswick , GA(Zone 9a)

Lots of rain and hot hot hot!!!! Every afternoon the storms come rolling in. My yard is like a swamp....of course I think I live in a swamp down here in southeast Georgia anyway!!! LOL Heat index is 105 to 110 everyday and very very humid. When I get up in the morning and go out to my screened in porch, all the tables are wet from all the humidity and lots of mildew. Take this over freezing cold winters anyday!! Hope those of you that haven't had rain will get some soon. I think it's worse with no rain!

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

Resin that was our summer last year ! this year we are so dry the jewel weed and mugwort are wilted , when the weeds wilt thats to dry . there is a water ban here as well but we can hand water , I guess they want people who have big irrigation systems to shut them off . I am making a list of plants that are doing ok , certain hostas look so much better than others , daylilies too

Coon Rapids, MN(Zone 4b)

We're well above normal for the summer, and a little above normal since March (no snow in March -- unheard of!). Since I have very sandy soil, there's no such thing as too much.

Newnan, GA(Zone 7b)

Fairly dry here but not as bad as two years ago. At least there's no watering ban. Just a restriction of no watering 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Not really bad. The only things that have really drooped bad are the hardy hibiscus, but they are water hogs anyway. I just give 'em another soaking and they perk up. What has been really bad is the heat. I've lived in the Atlanta area all my life and I can't remember a summer that got so hot so quick ... and the humidity has been horrible. Will be glad when it starts to cool off.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

since its winter here, its normal to be dry! but August is our cyclone month, so i am expecting some rain, with not-so-pleasant winds.
right now its so dry, everybody is complaining that their throats and sinuses are sore!

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

We've given up watering everything but the asparagus because our water bills have been so high. Thankfully, our freezer is full, so we'll have plenty of home-grown veggies this winter.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

We had a brief shower here day before yesterday but I think it evaporated before it hit the ground.

Pretty bad when you go outside at 9 in the morning and are thankful it's under 90°.

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

This year humanity had a chance at a dip in the current warming trend. We almost got a deadline extension on climate change, but as a species, we blew it:

A beautiful volcano in Iceland spewed far more ash than CO2 (volcanoes can do both/either). It promised a nice, cool summer with above average rainfall. Meanwhile, $omebody in the Gulf of Mexico felt it was too co$tly to follow $tandard indu$try $afety procedure$. Therefore, some good, honest, hardworking people died. An oil well spewed Methane (& later CO2 as they flared it off) for over 100 days counter-acting the kindness that Mother Nature provided in Iceland. Methane is a greenhouse gas 25x more powerful than CO2. It alone could've made things pretty toasty. Instead of our nice, cool summer, it's hot & dry.

Back to the drawing board. At least the scales remain fairly balanced:
Thanks to the volcano, we're not just suffering from the extra gas emissions.

BTW, Humans aren't the only cause of climate change. We aggravate natural processes. We don't control geology or astrophysics.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

June was VERY wet and cold but since then, just right. Low to mid 80s most of the summer. Some in the low 90s. Just right.

FSD, Pakistan(Zone 10b)

Here the the heavy raining almost floating.
There are many cities in Pakistan have heavy flood.More then 100000 people died and millions of people lost their Assets,like homes livestock even children wives mothers fathers.I want to request of Prayers for our people who suffered in floods.

Here is my terrace plants with heavy raining.


Thumbnail by cactus_lover
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yasir, that is terrible. We've seen the flooding there on the news. Just awful.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Yasir I am praying for your country I have been watching the news.


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