Photo by Melody

merigold's Member Page


  merigold wants you to know:  
  • My favorite website is: Maridell's Yoga Blog
  • The current local time for me is 06:25 AM
  • I'm in zone 4b
  • I live in Sioux City, IA (Zone 4b)
  • My birthday is December 15

  A note from merigold:  
"2003 was our second summer in our home. Last fall I planted hostas, mini iris, Boston ivy and crocus. Enjoyed seeing them come up this early spring (new gardener here). This year I planted a few edibles, some coreopsis (spelled wrong), clematis and small bushes in the garden. The coreopsis did not look too good this fall, and the clematis had a very slow start, the pumpkin flowered nicely but fruit kept rotting and falling off at size of quarter. All else went fairly well, I was pretty excited with my 2 tomato plants and being able to freeze some for soup and sauces this winter. Hope to plant a few bulbs next year. We'll see, got the winter to think it over:)

Quick history of 2004 now that 2005 is here. Last year planted a few more perennials: 2 Red hardy mums, 2 Bonanza day lily, a few tulip bulbs just to see what would transpire.

April 2005 Tulips are lovely in the front yard...will definitely plant more this fall. day lilies in backyard garden about 6 inches tall. Mums are questionable with very little green peeking out at dirt level on one, the other only a pale tiny stem showing. Clematis looking fair, they got mowed down this winter by bunnies, I now have wire around their bottoms and have some good growth going on with flower buds. Started seedlings indoors this weekend for first time. I'm using the little 12 part tray from Wal Mart that has a clear dome to cover. I did four different perennials, crossing my fingers!
Yikes, it's 2006. Last years seedlings were a disaster. Not all of my Perenials made it. Something kinda of stange, seems there are spots here and there in my gardens where thing do not want to grow. Makes me wonder if the roots are being eaten. One Pin cushion came back, some bulbs, I will have to list what came back if I can find my notebook to identify stuff.
My clematis is fuller than it has ever been. I think we will get a good show. Daylilles nice and healthy.
I have plant a few perenials. I will list sometime, have to gather that up too! Geum Cooky, Pinchushion, Candy Lily planted 2005 and came back this spring. Planted 2006: 1 Dianthus allwodii, 1Dianthus gratianopolitanus (hope to get some hummer or butter fly action).

Well back to the books on this year!Geum Cooky has been a disapointment. the foliage is interesting but only two blooms. we'll see what happens next year. No pin cushion t6his year, The little small purple flowers I saw in the garden in early spring were NOT pincushion. The day lillies had to go. Silly me did not pay attention to the word Mamouth in the description and this year the plants were HUGE, no place for them here and they were very late bloomers (no blooms even showing at the time I pulled them). I do think I figured out my problem with perriendls dieing in the past, put down some cut worm ect. killer and plants are better this year.

  Photo from merigold  
"My two favorite people."

Picture of merigold

merigold signed up on Jun 28, 2003