Daily butterflies page 78

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Painted Lady. Numbers are on the rise of these too.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Red Admiral. Funny how the stripe matches the watermelon here!

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

My gosh...Look at all the great shots here!!

Nice mating shot Viceroy!!

Going to start a new thread I will be right back!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

New thread here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1118978/

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Great shots Ms. Ed!! I love those buckeyes, haven't seen one this year ....yet.

mjs...I have been told that the red PV isn't used by the Gulf Frits...please let us know if you get action on them for caterpillars.

Now on to the new thread....sorry.

This message was edited Jul 27, 2010 1:15 PM

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I get ton's on the Lady Margaret, which is a Raspberry Red....I don't get much on the Vitafolia or "Grape Leaf" Passion.
Lady Margaret is Pictured above.

This is the Vitafolia or Grape Leafed.
I grow Incarnata, careula, Lavender Lady ( The Frit's have decimated both the Lavender Lady and the careula ) Lady Margaret (Frit's like her alot too) and about 6 other's Pink - Red's, various colors. .....they will use any of them, but they have their favorites. I find it's the plants with leaf structure closest to Incarnata and careula that they use the most.

Thumbnail by mjsponies
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Sounds great, may have to get one for a front trellis.

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