Schreiner's Summer Sale

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

..but, I feel pretty good. Thanks Betty! &:-D

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I would love to have a back yard that didn't have grass! We also have a dog that 'owns' a portion of yard right behind the house. Of course nothing grows there! I want to mulch that area to keep it from being all mud....hasn't happened yet though. So I think the increasing the flower beds this weekend will be all the grass I can get rid of. I'm working on the front!

Did you take pictures by chance? Would love to see them if you did.....give me some ideas!

This message was edited Jul 12, 2010 12:09 PM

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I took a lot of pictures and have taken pictures for several years. Maybe I should post them all on another site and those that would like to view them can. Also I remember talking to someone who did not have a yard and she of course had not tried to change the dog, because that is NOT going to happen, but they were using some kind of cotton hulls, it was like walking on padding! She said her husband would put it down and then walk on it to get it all smooth, so the top ended up compacted not like my mulch paths, or pea gravel. It was interesting.

Where is a good place to post pics like that? I have used the yahoo pic thing but it is secured for our mg group and is kind of awkward to get around I think.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I like to post my picture on Facebook. I can set the privacy level to 'friends only' for personal photos, or 'Everyone' for my iris pictures. &:-)

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I use Snapfish for all my pics. I can upload to that website and even choose the pics I want copies of and order. They can be mailed to me or picked up at Walgreens, Walmart, Meijer or where ever.

Another site is Flicker....I haven't used that one but several of my friends do.

I use Face Book as well.

This message was edited Jul 12, 2010 12:57 PM

Bakersfield, CA

OK Naomi, you said you only spent $100 and only got the ones you needed -- but did you get Black is Black? I'm really considering ordering it next year based on that great picture of yours. But I've had a bad experience with Raven Girl so I'm sort of hesitant, plus when I saw Raven Girl at Schreiner's last year when the weather was really warm it didn't impress me at all and certainly did not look at all like the catalog picture. I had purchased it as a new introduction and it still hasn't bloomed for me for the last two years. So I'm probably done with Raven Girl and will give it to my neighbor who really loves the blacks... and now I'll be ready by next year for a new "black" iris. I got Here Comes The Night last year and think it's fantastic, and I really do love the blacks. So far my blackest iris is Black Suited, but my favorite is Crimson Lights, which is on the black cherry to burgundy side but is a really beautiful iris.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks guys, I will find one tonight and upload them and will let you know where they are. No one I know is in the pics so privacy isn't a problem and if you have opened your yard to anyone in the city that pays for a ticket, I am guessing that privacy isn't a great issue either...LOL There aren't any addr's or stuff like that I wouldn't do that to anyone.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

yes, I got Black is Black. And I asked for Raven Girl for my bonus... should I tell them to change it?? I also got Paul Black, ( hope it's not too late) Expose' and one more Starship Enterprise...

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Black Suited... it is a nice iris!

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

ok... thought I took a pic if Raven Girl, but.... oh well

Night Ruler:

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I got Obsidian last blooms yet..

Obsidian at Shrieners:

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I'd never paid any particular attention to Badlands... but it was just so loaded with ruffles, that I will probably buy it next year...

Thumbnail by naomimade
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

black suited is beautiful.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

These were really cool.... no name tho.. I wonder if it's going to be a new intro...

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

A close up:

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

lol! I love this picture.... all the irises saying "Pick me!! Pick ME!!!" ( Here Comes The Night in the center)

Thumbnail by naomimade
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Schreiner's is fabulous, I was there end of May, took tons of pics in 2 hours.

naomimade, do you have a photo editing program by any chance? You took some great shots but it looks like it was overcast (like the day I was there) and your pictures are very dark, at least they are on my monitor. I took the liberty of grabbing one of your images and brightening it in Picasa (which is a free download and editing program and very easy to use! Plus, they have a free online album feature)
Here is the lightened version below. I had to lighten almost every shot I took at the gardens.
And links to all three of the Schreiner's albums, such a drool worthy garden, a feast of color overload!

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Wow! I'm gonna have to download that program! What a big difference......beautiful iris!

Now to look at those albums!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

yes Sue it was pouring rain the first day... but it didn't stop me! LOL!


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Take a look at Chasing Rainbows

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Rain never stops a true garden lover!

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Bakersfield, CA

Naomi, here is what Raven Girl looked like last year at Schreiner's -- it was in the mid-90's that day, but Here Comes The Night still looked fabulous in comparison. I was NOT impressed with Raven Girl, unfortunately -- plus it still didn't bloom in the second year for me...

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

Here's the one I'm waiting for at Schreiner's -- Seedling SS149-A! This is a picture of it last year.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And here it was this year in the rain. Do you remember seeing it? I'm hoping they will introduce it soon!

Thumbnail by Betja
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

It looks a lot like the one labeled as 'Can't Touch This', but that's a 2004 intro of theirs.

This is the seedling I fell in love with:

Bakersfield, CA

Yeah, the reason I love that particular seedling so much is that the falls are wide and long and gracefully fall with oodles of ruffles, whereas 'Can't Touch This' has more flared or almost horizontal falls. I was hoping Schreiner's would introduce that seedling this year, but alas... maybe next year?

The seedling in your picture is a show stopper! I was at Schreiner's on May 22nd, and it kept raining on us in spurts and then the sun would come out, but I did manage to cover all the display gardens and I never even saw that one. WOW! Sure hope they introduce that one soon, too!

By the way, you take the most fantastic flower pictures! I'm always impressed by these fabulous pictures and then notice the "Calif Sue" somewhere on the picture. You've become famous in my mind! Love it!

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Ahhh, that is so nice of you to say! I enjoy photography, have for years, I love touring public gardens and nurseries, always with the camera in hand! This year, my husband bought, what should have been my new pro camera, but he took over it instead so now we both enjoy it together, although I am the plant person, he likes the night shots, buildings, rusty things, you know, guy stuff!
I have a ton of albums up on Picasa you can access from the album links.

Bakersfield, CA

Thank you! I'll have to check them out.

Lebanon, OR

You know you are making me think that I will not get Raven Girl from them after all and get the Black is Black instead.


Bakersfield, CA

That's what I would do. From Naomi's picture Black is Black has everything I like in a TB, and I simply couldn't believe the Raven Girl flowers I saw when compared to the catalog picture of Raven Girl. But maybe it had something to do with the heat that day... Here's a close-up of Raven Girl taken that day. Not my favorite!

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And the tag.

Thumbnail by Betja
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Bet, what was it about Raven Girl that you didn't like... other than to me.. it looks purple,,,,? &:-)

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

WOW! Those are great pics Sue! Thanks so much for sharing... I did the best I could with my little digital.. it has no image stabilization so alot of mine came out blurry... you were there a week after we were... can't wait to go back!! &:-)

Here is another seedling that caught my eye because it was so tall! I took this picture standing straight, and I'm 5 ft 5.... It is simple in color.. bit I couldn't believe that it was looking me square in the eye!

This message was edited Jul 12, 2010 9:15 PM

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

.. I love that pic of the seedling you like.... it is very different isn't it? Guess we'll have to wait till next year to see... &:-)

Here is another one that I liked...again, very big, and very lacy...PP798-1

This message was edited Jul 12, 2010 9:14 PM

Thumbnail by naomimade
Bakersfield, CA

Naomi, great pictures! About Raven Girl, it simply does not have the form I had thought I would get for $50 when I purchased it, and if you look at the catalog picture that I purchased it based on I think you can see why I was disappointed. I like longer falls that fall rather than flaring out horizontally, and I like beautiful ruffles and standards that do not splay open. Your last picture of the lavender seedling is more the type of form I would hope to pay more $$ for. But the crowning blow was that I babied that plant through two bloom seasons and it never bloomed for me! So we definitely were not meant for each other. Your picture of Black is Black shows perfectly the form I really like. I hate to be so critical, but I thought I was going to get that type of flower with Raven Girl and the only time I saw it I was very disappointed. I realize that others will think it is very pretty, but it was just not what I was hoping to get. Oh yes, and you're right -- it was a little too purple for me. Here is my picture of Here Comes The Night, taken the same afternoon, and it was blacker and much prettier to me. And I loved it!

Thumbnail by Betja
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Hmmm.. I may have the seedling number wrong on that lacy lavendar one.. I liked Here Comes The Night last year...and had it on my list... maybe next year. &:-)

South Hamilton, MA

I like the picture of Here Comes the Night. Raven girl had to be staked at convention. It is quite tall, but perhaps the stem isn't as strong as it should be.

Bakersfield, CA

Here was the clump shot of Here Comes The Night last year. Those beards are so unusual -- now if you could just get a brilliant tangerine beard on it, eh?

Thumbnail by Betja
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

ss-149a is amazing. That is probably the most beautiful one I have seen!

Didn't get pictures of the pond tour uploaded last night I was busy chasing a snake around the garden room. The snake won. He is still in control.

Boaz, KY

And the blue and white Iris to the left of Here Comes the Night -- is that Miles Ahead?

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