Schreiner's Summer Sale

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I received a flyer in the mail yesterday from Schreiner's about a summer sale. A lot of the iris were 1/2 price....mostly the oldies but goodies. $6.25 each and up. I dont have it with me but I think I read that you would receive a bonus iris for any order.

This message was edited Jul 8, 2010 8:26 AM

Newfield, NY

i didnt get it.ggrrrr

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

They have them on the website. Check it out!

Newfield, NY

thank s

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)


Newfield, NY

are you buy alot?

Thumbnail by doridunn
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I will order a small amount. I've already ordered quite a bit from other sources.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

This is the same price that you get with their regular offer.

Bakersfield, CA

If you click the box on their website to receive their newsletter, they will email you the sale announcement each year.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

But you don't have to buy so much before you get them 1/2 price with this sale.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

True, but if you are like me, you usually do anyway!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

You got that right! already had to cut my 'wants' down! Need to take out more grass in our small city lot! Only takes my hubby about 15-20 minutes to cut the grass now. HE wants to put in a small 4' diameter pond.....means we need to move plants for the location of the pond.....means we need to take out more grass to relocate those plants moving to make room for the pond.

Never ending!

Boaz, KY

Here's what I can't figure out about Schreiner's Summer Sale -- they are offering a free bonus Iris with your order -- a $50.00 Iris called Burst of Joy. And I can't find any qualifier that says that you must order so much in order to get that $50.00 Iris. So -- are they saying that you can place one $6.25 order for one Iris -- and get a $50.00 bonus Iris? This does not compute.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I have the same flyer... that's what it looks like to me! &:-)

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

What I don't see, tho, is a description of how tall, branching etc... it may not actually be that great of an iris... just an incentive to sell more. &:-) I love Shreiners, and I love their irises. I did see all their intro's in person a few months ago. Some were HUGE and some were small flowers, still lovely tho.. Twilight Rapture, the one on their big catalog is very pretty, but the flower was so small. It depends on what you like, of course..

Dodger Blue was huge and I loved it.

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

darn it... can't find my pic of Twilight Rapture... but it was only maybe 4-5 inches tall.. where Black is Black, and Dodger Blue were nice and big, which is what I like in a tall bearded....

Black is Black:

Thumbnail by naomimade
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I stumbled across this - 30th anniversary sale at Comanche Acres Iris. All are listed at $3.95.

Bakersfield, CA

Boy Naomi, that Black is Black is one huge BLACK iris. I love it! I didn't see it when we were running around in the garden, but then I never went into the area where they have the cut flowers. My bad!

Boaz, KY

Speaking of size of blossoms -- is it possible that the small blossoms that you saw were from young rhizomes that were blooming for the first time?

The reason that I ask this is that I bought an Iris from Schreiner's last year called Crystal Gazer. It bloomed for me this Spring. Stunningly beautiful blossom -- but VERY small. I assumed that that was because of the relative immaturity of the plant, and that next year the blooms would be normal size -- maybe not huge, but *normal*. Wrong?

Newfield, NY

love the size of black is black so BIG

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

It was on my list Betja, but I ran out of iris $$ for this year... I think.. Hmmm.. The description is amazing.. all the branches, and triple sockets!

Muddymitts, I don't know ...... they were all cut for show in buckets on the table.. some of the new intro's were big and some were average... I think that it must be the actual size of the blooms... If this is their most expensive intro for 2010, why would they put it on display if it were not an acurate representation, you know? It was pretty, and very lacy... but after seeing all the other huge iris in the gardens it seemed small.. LOL!!

Thumbnail by naomimade
Raleigh, NC

If you look at the fine print on their regular orders, there is a minimum order size. With Schreiner's prices, it's very easy to hit that minimum, though.

As much as I absolutely adore the huge blooming irises, they do have fewer blooms per stalk typically, so fewer days of blooming per plant. Getting so love the many more buds/smaller blooms better. Those don't seem to bring down their stalks as often, either.

Boaz, KY

Oooooooohhhhhhhh -- what is that gorgeous blue and white one on the left side of your photo, Naomi?

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Muddymitts that one is called Miles Ahead.

Thumbnail by naomimade
Bakersfield, CA

Naomi, if you have other pictures of their new introductions please, please post them, OK? I didn't get to see most of them when I was there, and I'd really love to. Thanks!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

No Prob!
Annabelle Rose

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I found my pic of Twilight Rapture..

Thumbnail by naomimade
Boaz, KY

Omigosh Naomi -- that Miles Ahead is just beautiful!! Is it as blue as it looks? I'll have to wait until the price comes down, that's for sure.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

oops.. better picture of Annabelle Rose

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Crimson Cloud

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

MM, yes it is just as blue... so is Blueberry Parfait from last year...which is availabe for the 50% discount if you order a certain amount from their big catalog... &;-D

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

This is just a cropped pic of the table with Petticoat Shuffle. I didn't take enough pics I guess! I don't have a picture of all of them...

Thumbnail by naomimade
Lebanon, OR

I knew you would find the pictures. I still love Raven and Black is Black but somewhere one has got to stop!


Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

yes Dee... I know that very well this year... I think I'm getting a total of 42 new ones..?????

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

uhm.... but I forgot to add ones that I'm swapping for... so.. I dunno... I'm getting alot of new ones.....I think I've gone a little crazy this year..

Bakersfield, CA

That's OK -- I'm getting almost 200 this year! It's better for the rhizomes if I pot them up until Sept-Oct yard planting, and I've already potted up over 70! Oh boy, one of these years I need to stop this, and maybe this year will be my lesson learning year! I'm just getting too old for this! If only we didn't have that dreary old winter where there's nothing to do but look at iris pictures... then I wouldn't get myself into trouble!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

LOL!!! that's cool! I'm starting to consider pots... I've over-wintered my irises in pots before when I didn't know where I would plant them...::sigh::: it's still not too late to get Black Is Black... I'm really struggling with this one!

Bakersfield, CA

Well, the bottom line is, will you really regret it next spring if you do not purchase it now? Or will you be OK waiting a year or two? And of course that's why I'm having to pot up so many iris this summer -- LOL... My sweet little grandmother used to say "Don't put off until tomorrow what you could do today". And besides, if you order it as one of their new introductions I'm sure they'll send you another introduction as a gift plant. At least that's what they've always done with me in the past... (Boy, aren't I awful?)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

irisluvr0252, I went on a watergarden tour last Saturday and made it to 20 different homes and I would say 1/2 of those homes did not have any grass in the back all flowers, ponds, you name it, and they were beautiful and a 1/4 of those homes had no grass in the front yard, same thing beautiful landscape flowers and shrubs. I am on several acres so I will always have grass, the flower beds are already reaching the point of me not having enough time to tend to them all........

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

..::::sigh::::: yes Betty, you ARE bad!!!!!!

I only spent $100... and got only the ones I needed.... LOL!!!!

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