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Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That gives me a warm and shivery feeling! Your mama is definitely with you in spirit as you relax on your porch, but I know you must wish she could sit next to you on the swing, enjoying a lovely summer evening. It's wonderful to have pieces around that bring back memories of special times and people.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ditto on what Critter said. It must truly be nice to have those things to sit and remember the good times.

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

It's funny, but Mama & I did not have much of a warm, fuzzy relationship, but we do now. Go figure. I feel like I finally have her approval. Or maybe her spirit was always loving, but the outer world trappings hid it. And yes, knowing what I know now, I do wish she was here. I have much to be grateful for.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ninny, that is a fascinating experience. I really can understand what you mean about your mom being loving yet unable to be warm and fuzyy in life. We all cannot help how we were raised, or experiences we had, or even our brain chemostry which makes us fuzzy or not. But its the same with me and mom. I will always feel close to her with her special things or garden memories.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ninny, did you include a pix of the piece without the afterlife logo?

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

Buttoneer, yes, the first pic I posted was without the logo. See august 23rd.

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi, just wanted to drop by to update you on the bowl and pitcher pic from August 23rd. Something ate the little ones!

Thumbnail by Linny1
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Well, shoot! Looks like there's a scrap left here & there.. hopefully they'll regrow and hopefully whatever munched them has moved on!


Out of the closet comes our bowl and pitcher. That's great. Never in all time would I have thought of this application to indoor growing. Initially I see room for some vertical growth maybe in the form of small cactus. This is going to be fun. I absolutely promise I will drill no holes in that bowl. LOL

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

Mine was drilled already when it served as a lamp. But I don't water them, just spray.

Show pics when you get done.

I hope the nursery still has the same little succulents I planted before.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just FYI-----

The September issue of the "Martha Stewart Magazine" has a beautiful 5 page spread on all kinds of succulents...

IF you know anyone that subscribes to it--ask them for their Copy...OR..Maybe go online?
OR--You can buy it on the "stands" for $4.95"....

Great magazine! I subscribe to it......LOVE---LOVE all the pictures of food and all the recipes....


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Gita, I just love succulents and have slowly been collecting more of them.


Ok here we go. I waited and I waited. Now you can see my patio pots and what nots......some thrillers, some fillers, some spillers, some crawlers and something a bit different. I shall play hog for my annual show......just banging in a nice sampling without further comment.

Thumbnail by docgipe

OK where is send?

Thumbnail by docgipe

That's all folks. In case you do not know this is a p_____er. LOL

Thumbnail by docgipe

They are making me say something............something.

Thumbnail by docgipe

Last something. Hope you enjoyed.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

WOW Doc, Your patio looks wonderful, Beautiful pots.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It's like getting a grand finale with a fireworks show -- one gorgeous photo after another! Those pots sure filled in beautifully, and I love all the foliage combos. Stunning geraniums!


Thanks for the kudos................................................ Those geraniums are three and two years held over, in the same pots, in our sun room. That puts them in three growing and four growing seasons. My only feed is weekly weakly various teas. Those two will come in again. I do not know how many good seasons I can get out of them. I have back up other plantings to replace them with if need be. When I bring them in I chop the dickens out of them and just step back. They will be in bud when they go back out next spring.

The largest display is a grouping of five or six pots with the support being a concrete block, a few bricks and some pieces of two inch planking. You should see what the chip and dale crew have stored under that display. Earlier I had cukes climbing all over the arbor.

Need I say this is a totally organic production with the exception of a light application of trace minerals? I guess some folks call them organic too.

I never played with annual flowers much until I arrived here in DG's garden and patio displays. Now I am somewhat of a copy cat keeping an eye on any number of our associates and how they build their summer displays.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That's one of the nice things about DG. You expand your interests and get new ideas.


Holly.........................stand by for the viewing of "TWO" fantastic minature banana trees now three feet tall and working on more. LOL I had to bring them in early cause they do not like nights below sixty degrees. They will not display nicely until I get all my hold overs in with cuttings and all in the inside winter display. If we can get our act together next spring you may have one of the pups that are waiting to replace the mother plant after it blooms and gives me a minature banana crop.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Doc, Looking forward to seeing those pics. Sounds like they are doing very well. I definately could use one really looking forward to a spring swap.


They know better than to act up on me. I do not fool around much with occasional plants that for one reason or another are acting sick. I give them a little bit of patience but quite often just put the problem in the compost pile and bring on a new plant.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Doc, my Christmas Cactus and Mint are doing wonderfully, but the Stevia is dying just like it always does when I try to grow it. Any suggestions?

Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED

Mine are still out on the patio doing fine. This weekend will be the third major harvest. It is in the same pot with oregano and spearmint. Drying the leaves will be the act this time I am going to bring them inside and see if I can grow them over or just enjoy another month or so. Mine get fertilized with organic teas weekly weakly and watered daily. If they get stragley inside I will boot them out to deal with the cold.

The catcus is doing fine.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Wanna see your Night Blooming Cereus.....
How is it doing and how big is it now???

make me gasp...... Gita


Gita...........................that is the one I dropped. I used the break offs to start two new pots. The original pot is healed nicely. It is not much bigger than last fall because of it's idiot care taker. It has more branches starting to break out and grow. They will be going inside in a few weeks. I'll try to not drop it again. LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Sometimes dropping something--or having a pot blown over in the wind is a
blessing in disguise...
A few years ago--some strong winds blew over my big Ric Rac HB and broke off about 1/3 of it.
I stuck the whole chunk of it in a fresh HB--and it rooted and grew and the one I now have.
I gave the Mama plant (that this broke off of) to Rawlings Conservatory where it happily
resides on top of a cliff above a good-sized pond in the Mediterranean House.

Last summer--the wind blew over my rather tall Brazilian Plume Flower sitting on a small table
on my patio. Broke off every single stem to the bottom. Nature's pruning--that's what it is!!.

it is now re-growing nicely and is blooming at this time. next year it will be a nicer, fuller plant
because of this accident....
Here it is in bloom....the plant is only about 10" tall , but with multi stems....


Thumbnail by Gitagal

Not only is Mother helping you she is trying to train you too. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

doc got the last word there, ha ha ha!!!

doc your patio plantings are really gorgeous

Gita the plume flower is so very pretty, I think that'll be the next fad you get us all hooked on.

doc, I've been watching my Xmas cactus and not seen any bloom buds yet. Do you have any?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Fad??? I don't even know hot "The Plume" is propagated????
Bought it at Rawlings a few years ago. I seldom go there--
the Mum Show will be starting end of this month--Oct. 30-Nov. 21.

Now--re X-Mas Cactus....Went outside and took some pictures.
This is my biggest one--it is in a 10" HB. Third (4th?) year since I bought it at HD.

This, and 3 other pots, got blown down last week from the top of a tall plant stand
by a wild gust of wind. CRASH!!!!! There were pieces all over the patio floor.
See the hole on the front side? That all broke off....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is the pile of broken off pieces.
They have now been sitting on a table in my shop for days...
Haven't had time to tackle the root-or-not problem.....
Been hauling the last 2 days getting getting all my plants brought in, as they
were predicting possible frost last night...
Glad that is over with.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

The only plants still outside are all my X-Mas cactus....
They need a "nip" to set flower buds....

The big one that fell has buds on all the tips....I guess it is my healthiest
one--all the others are old and semi-dessicated looking.
I should just get rid of them--but--they do bloom.

Here's the buds.....

PS--Today, as time permits, I will be yanking everything out of the beds....
or at least starting to....

Thumbnail by Gitagal

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