CLOSED: "The Adventures of Glenda Gardener" Official Game Thread

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

We came from here:


Aryica - DNS -(July 3 - 7, Aug 20 - 22)


1) Pick a player from the list. The more random the choice, the better. Please take into consideration the DNS dates (Do Not Send) people on the list will be out of town. Choose a name and locate them in the DG address exchange.

2) DO NOT announce who you are sending Glenda too. Glenda’s destination should remain secret until her ‘host’ receives her.

3) Once you have received Glenda, let the players know she has arrived by posting in this thread… even better if you post a pic of her arrival. Along with an announcement, post what Glenda brought you in her luggage. Then take Glenda around town and take some pics of her.

4) Repack a small envy (luggage) with seeds for Glenda’s next host. Small gifts are acceptable if you wish, but please, no live plants. Glenda's visit with you should not exceed 3 days total.

5) Post when you have sent Glenda off to continue her adventure along with a short story of her visit to you… what you did, where you went and so on along with any pics you took.

6) The last person on the list to receive Glenda will then pack her up and send her back to me so that I can participate too.

At the end of the game, I will collect all pics and stories to assemble for a small gift for each player. So please.. Lets all follow the rules and give Glenda the Aventure of a Lifetime!

***Please continue to use the previous thread to chat or discuss Glenda.. save this thread only for posting her arrival, departure, stories and pics.. this will make it much easier on me to collect all the info for the gift at the end of the game.

Hope everyone has a great time being creative with Glenda!

Helllloooo all my fellow gardeners! Glenda here! I'm just about ready to set off on my summer adventure - traveling across the USA to visit all of my fellow plant lovers and check out their cities and towns.

I'm so looking forward to meeting each of you and sharing the contents of my luggage! In the meantime, here is a pic of myself so you know who to expect and one of my favorite flowers... a Sunflower.

See You Soon,

- Glenda G.

This message was edited Sep 13, 2010 2:51 PM

This message was edited Oct 13, 2010 7:22 PM

This message was edited Oct 24, 2010 4:21 PM

This message was edited Nov 14, 2010 8:22 PM

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Hellooooo my fellow Gardeners! Glenda here! Just got back from the Plastic Surgeons (yeah.. right) and now have a new shiny coating over me! I'm still feeling a little 'stiff' after the process, but all in all, I feel great!

We, my host and I, decided to take pics of the experience to share with you all!

Here we are on our way to the surgeons office! Not much on the way of scenery here, but, a nice drive none the less.

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

We've arrived at the surgeons office (which looks suspiciously like an office supply store) and my host, Cue has assured me that its a quick and relatively painless procedure. I'm wondering if her definition of 'relatively' and mine are the same.

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Arriving at the counter, I see lots and lots of gadgets and machines. It's a bit nerve racking really. I wonder which one they'll use on me?

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Here we go! The Nurse, Debbie (who didn't want her picture taken.. I think it's because she felt threatened and overwhelmed by my gorgeousness) has assured me that I'll be fine and all will be over with before I know it!.

I'm a bit nervous, but hopefully all will go well and I wont suffer and post op complications!

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Tada!!! The procedure went well, not painful at all! A little uncomfortable, but very quick! Debbie said she noticed the effects right away and Cue said I looked 'Shiny and Radiant' (as if you could improve on such beauty!)

Debbie gave Cue a few post op home care instructions and pronounced me fit for discharge! Wow.. I think it went really well!

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

After coming home, Cue made sure she followed Nurse Debbie's directions by removing all the excess sun-screen! She did a great job and now I feel even more gorgeous then before! Another day or two of rest and relaxation and Debbie says I'll be ready to travel!

In the meantime, Cue is making sure all my bags are packed and ready to go. She's booked my 'ride' and made arrangements to get me to the post office on time so I don't miss my 'flight'.. I sure hope the trip goes well!

Anyway, I'm off for now! Can't wait to start my vacation!

See You Soon,

- Glenda G.

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok kiddies... remember to pick from the available list here...and return to post your pics and stories here as well!!!

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Glenda arrived Friday & spent the weekend here. I drove her to the 'airport' & she left out this afternoon. I'm having computer troubles, so I'll post stories & pics later. Glenda just wanted me to let everyone know that she had a great time & is on her way to her next destination.


Thumbnail by antsinmypants
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

WooHoo! Am really bummed, went to post more pictures, and for some reason one of my film chips isn't working, and I can't get any pix off of it :-( So, will take to store and see if they can help me. Glenda is in the wild flowers!

Thumbnail by skellogg
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow, Glenda just got here, She is complaining about the heat and humidity shes been experiencing on this trip, Boy, I guess I'll have to take her down to the creek and cool her off. We unpacked her luggage first thing and she has some pretty cool presents to share. She said to tell everyone Howdy and that she can't hardly wait to see all ya'all. Talk to youens later. (Thats Glenda trying to talk like a hillbilly!!)


Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, Glenda just left for her next vacation spot!! We had a great time while she was here. Too bad I had to work the weekend but we got out today and did some "Tourist Stuff". She especially liked the Scopes Trial Museum where they fought about teaching Darwinism in the schools back in the olden days.. Dayton, Tenn is called Monkey Town and We went and visited the old Courthouse Downtown.
I took on a nature toor and we saw some awesome flowers and nature.. She was exhausted when she had to leave. Im sure she will enjoy her flight ( just to have a chance to rest and COOL off). Here is a pic of her at my house getting to know the Tenn Walkers and enjoying the garden

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

oops, forgot the pic

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

checking out the crocosimia

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

playing with the horses

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Going down the mountain heading to town, Uh-Oh, those curves made Glenda a bit carsick, BUT she loved it anyways

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Here we are at the Rhea County Courthouse, Dayton, Tenn where they had the Scopes Trial, way back in 1925.(The Scopes Trial—formally known as The State of Tennessee vs. Scopes and informally known as the Scopes Monkey Trial—was an American legal case in 1925 in which high school biology teacher John Scopes was accused of violating the state's Butler Act which made it unlawful to teach evolution),from wikipedia

Thumbnail by sisdj
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

looks like Glenda had a great time! What gifts did she bring you?

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Inside the museum, which is in the basement of the courthouse, Glenda said it felt good in that cool basement.. She just cant handle this humidity and heat!!

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Downtown district (3 city blocks ) Full of antique shops

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Glenda loved the river and the water lilies, and the ducks and geese

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Water lilies in the distance, I have never seen those here before, Must be the humidity and heat

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

close up view

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Flower bed at Bryan College

Thumbnail by sisdj
Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Looking toward town from the college, Glenda said to tell ya'll that she had a great time and is looking forward to bringing more gifts to all ya'll. She left some great seeds,Heres my list
Leather leaf Mahonia,Quatro DiAsti ROssa Pepper,Lavender Columbine, Jap Painted Fern,Lt Pink Columbine,Yellow Spine Prickly Pear, Black cherry Tomato, Rose campion Angels BLush,short pink/white columbine, Lunaria annua purple, Verbena Boneriensis, and the Mammoth Greystripe Sunflower. I cant wait to get started on planting all these wonderful seeds.
Talk to you all later

Thumbnail by sisdj
Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow, you really did a lot in one day. Glenda is going to need a vacation when she gets back from this vacation!!

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

This is all just local stuff!! Just within 10 miles of home.
She was exhausted for sure!!! LoL,, It was a fun day!! Hope you all have as much fun with your visits.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Great visit! loved all the pics. I'm sure Glenda is having a great time with everyone! She's definitely going to need some R&R when she gets back home!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Wow! Great pictures! Looks like you and Glenda had a wonderful time. It was great fun having her visit here, so I am sure that she will be pooped out by the time she gets back home! All the fun places she gets to visit, sure wish I was traveling with her!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Woo hoo! Glenda has traveled to New Braunfels, TX and had a grand welcome last night when I got home from work. Her luggage is unpacked (thanks Donna, what a wonderful and bountiful selection!) and she is resting comfortable from her travel today as I work. I knew she would find work rather boring after her fun escapades this summer, so we will be doing our sightseeing mostly this Saturday. We will also be sitting down together to determine her next stop. I am sure she has some ideas about where to visit next, but I will wear her out here first. BTW, it is definately a good thing she is wearing shorts as it is supposed to hit 100 here for the next few days.

I'll pop back on here tonight and let y'all know what she brought in her luggage! Catch y'all later!


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok.. players list has been updated and those Glenda has visited already have been removed. Hope that makes it easier :)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh my, Miss Glenda and I had a wonderful weekend seeing the sites and chattin' 'bout all things "garden". New Braunfels is blessed to have two rivers running through it. The Comal River actually starts as a freshwater spring right in our own Landa Park. The Guadalupe also travels through and both are quite busy this time of year with all manner of water sports including tubing (floating down river on an inner tube), kayaking and canoeing. Glenda didn't feel up to tubing, but we did stop by the Guadalupe for a view and saw some tubers.

Thumbnail by nbgard
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Right nest door to New Braunfels is a quaint old town called Gruene (pronounced "green") where we spent some time seeing the sights and shopping. It was extablished in 1872 and has since become quite "touristy" (which translates to very crowded), but we still had fun.

Thumbnail by nbgard
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

This was one of Glenda's favorite homes-turned-bed-n-breakfast. She and I both like that Victorian architecture...
I think the pic may be sideways, but I'm not sure how to correct that, so y'all don't get a crick in your neck lookin' at it!

Thumbnail by nbgard
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Glenda found it quite amusing how many whimsical company names came from the "punny" name of the town. Here were just a few.

Thumbnail by nbgard
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Gruene doesn't claim to be the "heart of Texas" as several other Texas towns do, but it's claim to fame is to have the oldest dance hall, which is still in use...

Thumbnail by nbgard
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Of course, Glenda asked for a tour of my garden (isn't that what we gardeners love to do?). There isn't a whole lot blooming in this Texas heat right now, but Glenda found some plants she liked (coral vine, hibiscus, Fannicks phlox and black-eyed-susans). Now she is chillin' with a nice big glass of iced tea, recouperating and preparing for her travel to her next exciting destination!

Thumbnail by nbgard
Belleville, MI(Zone 6a)

Ok, so Glenda flew in today, I imagined her as being a little taller!
My 5 mo old loved and "kissed" her all over, good thing she has the sunscreen on! Will post pictures soon.

Belleville, MI(Zone 6a)

Well, Glenda has been having a great time this week here in Belleville, MI. She was scheduled for a flight on Saturday and missed it! So she flies out today! Here are the pictures. First we visited General George Custer's statue in Monroe, which is where he grew up.

Thumbnail by rustyacres

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