New bees chit chat - come on in!! 06/21/2010

Yes, kelly got the first noid, Crocosmia and the next is blackberry lily. I have those.

Here is my newest flower blooming.

Thumbnail by mekos
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hmm, thank you guys. I put that blackberry lily on the Plant ID and no one knew what it was. I don't remember putting that Crocosmia out there but I had to of since I made that bed last year, lol!

Mekos : I have to say that only the birds and the bees know where that precious little flower came from. But we can all guess that we know the cultivar, hence the pink blanket ;-) Hugs

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

OMG mekos - she gets cuter every day!! Is that possible?

Castlewood, SD

oh.. she is precious !!

I been meaning to show Mindy that blanket to see if she wants to make some. It is pink and has a brown bear where she is sitting there so you can't see it. But it is just simple granny squares put together and make the ears and nose stand out. I'll get a picture and show it later. Thanks everyone. She is not fond of the flashes from the camera. She was laughing till it flashed. I've kept her so much for them, she doesn't want to go home, she thinks she is mine. (BIG SMILE!)

Mechelle, I also have candy lilys of those also. They are all colors, like yellow, pink and mixed colors all on the same plants. Look just like that in the plant , just the color is different. When they bloom, maybe next year, I'll send you some seeds. The seed pods look like it is full of blackberry dots. My candy lily hasn't bloomed this year either though so the candy might bloom this year, I'll let you know if you want some.

Booneville, AR

the bottom bloom looks like candy lili. nettie

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

What a cutie! And the flowers are pretty too! Are those candy lilies hardy?

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Mornin' everybody ;-)

Mekos, I would love some of those. So am I correct in saying that the blackberry lilies are also called candy lilies? I'd love to see pics of the others if you have any. Grandbabies are so special! How wonderful that the 2 of you have bonded. Life is good ;-)

Skellogg, I am getting your package together today. Will probably dmail you some questions throughout the day. I don't know a lot about your zone and your weather and yard and what not.

OK, gonna go back outside and do a few things. Have a good day peeps!

Booneville, AR

candy lili picture nettie

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

the picture was from last yrar my lili has not come up don,t know what is going on smothing may have ate them that wouldn,t tell me alot. nettie

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

That one's pretty nettie. I like just about any purple flowers.

NO Mechelle, the blackberry lily is orangeish red with black spots always. The candy lily is different colors. They are 2 different lilies.
As for hardy, they are here in zone 7 so if your zone is different, check to see. They come back each year and make seeds too, so if you don't collect the seeds, you will get bunches. The only pictures I have of mine are of the ones just like yours, the blackberry,I've had them for years, my candylilies, have not bloomed yet. Hope they will soon. I have the stickers that came with them and a picture on them from where I bought them last year. The name on those are something like Pardancanda Dazzler series. I may have misspelled that but there are lots of different colors in those. The blackberry only has one color. I just noticed my blackberry lilies have buds on them right now, won't be long now. Candys dont have one yet.
Can't believe it, we actually got rain today. I caught about 6 inches of water in my rain barrel.

Booneville, AR

mekos did you get your box yet nettie

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Wow! Had the warmest day so far this spring and we must have it 80! It was beautiful! Spent most of the day outside working and got some weeding done and a few things planted. Had to work too, though, so didn't get as much done as I wanted. Taking most of tomorrow off from work tho, just so I can get a few more things done outside in my yard. One of the area nurseries was having a huge sale, so got to pick up some bushes that I have been wanting! Got a purple sand cherry, a rhododendron, 3 dogwoods (2 variegated), a wine and roses weigela, a spreading yew, and a coppertina ninebark, all for $25! WooHoo! More planting to do now, but it will so be worth it someday, lol!

Good morning to all. I got my internet fixed! No more sending stuff to cyber space-Woo-Hoo!
Yes, Nettie, thank you so much. I sent a post the day it came thanking you but it went to cyber space twice and I was so frustrated, I logged off and forgot. (sad face) But the internet people paid for an antenna to help boost my signal for me and I got it installed late saturday and so far it is cruising fine!
I potted it up so I could keep an eye on it till it gets established and will put it in the lasagna garden this late summer/fall. We are having upper90's heat spell for several weeks now and real dry so didn't want to kill it out in the heat without being established. Thank you so much.
Congrats, Skellogg. When they all start blooming, you will be so proud of yourself.
Gotta go get some work done. Have a great day everyone. Hugs.

Booneville, AR

mekos did you take the little ones off the moyher plant they should bloom in the spring. morning sun after noon shade they will grow foot tall folage in spring znd make long bloom spikes. little nettie

Nettie, I left them all together. I just potted it up and watered it and set it to get morning sun and evening shade. Thought around the end of summer, I'd put it out in the garden with my other plants. And you say it blooms in the spring?
The white ones I sent you will bloom in the fall. Wow, just oposite. LOL
Should I seperate the bulbs this fall when I plant them in the garden,or just leave them alone?
Thanks again, I'll show blooms when I get some. BIG SMILE!
Mitts Iris sale is off and running right along and some are sold out already. You guys better hurry if ya want more or they might get gone too. I even picked 3 beauties myself.
Back later. Hugs.

Booneville, AR

mechelle a good way to tell the candy is the bloon bud reminds ne of the top of a ice cream swirls around in a cone shape look at the picture of the puriple one i put on this thread make it go big you can see the bud real good nettie

Booneville, AR

seperate them before you plant them out that way you will have more plants should have done that two or three years ago im gona do the rest of them this fall so i can have more to share with all my and hugs.

Booneville, AR

mekos what kind oe iris are these

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

come on girls someone tell me what kind of iris this isit has lived here longer than i have might get mitt to look at them rj do you think he would look and tell me what they are love nettie.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You have Dmail Nettie

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I dont know what type they are Nettie, but they sure are pretty..Love that lavender color..

Madison, MS

Hi Nettie,

Your Iris are planted around a pine tree and you have pinestraw covering the bed and your iris still bloom. What do you do to them?


Booneville, AR

dau. just put two large containers of red pepper in my flower beds i hope it work ill let you all know how or if it works the dogs don,t like it thats a good thing i don;t like where they take their naps so i told dh to go by dollar general for more pepper. talk later love nettie

Booneville, AR

i don.t do much of anything to them sometimes i toss a little boanmeal on them earley before spring rain sets in thay bed is full of lily bulbs and tulips also and some bell flowers they all do well togeather i tell all my plants there will be peace and harmony in this bed or some of you are out of here. never had to move any thing out yet. i use pine straw on on alot of things my la iris love it the camellia loves them also ythose pine needles are free and they just fall on the bed i don.t have to rake them or spread them out put straw on strawberrys also. im guilty yes i am. love nettie still won,t to know what kind of iris that is.

Hi Nettie, sorry I haven't been on for a few days, haven't felt well.
The Irises are heirloom bearded Iris, I have those also. I'm not sure about the actual name of them though. I have the white ones which are called the trail of tears or something to that effect. Starlight did a story on those a while back and found their original start. I have the darkest black purple, white, and lavender in those. They are as some call"old timey", or "heirloom", sorry I don't know more.
I'll check back in later and see if I can find out more for you on them.

Booneville, AR

mekos thank you ill be wsiting to here back from you. love nettie

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hey RRM - remember the mystery hitchiker that came with my Pitcher Plant? I think I found out what it is...

It's an Asiatic Dayflower/Blue Dayflower Commelina communis

Thumbnail by locakelly
Booneville, AR

loca do we need a new thread this one is getting very long thank you nettie

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here you go peeps...

Happy 4th everyone!

Booneville, AR

mekos my day lilis are all budded up and starting to bloom. wish enid was home so she could see them bloom. hope that boy is takeing care to water her plants or perhaps a friend. hate to see her things burn up. love nettie snd good night to all

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