New bees chit chat - come on in!! 06/21/2010

Booneville, AR

mekos be nice now don.t be mean. we love yoube good love nettie

Booneville, AR

old persian cat little yorki and bridge dog someone dumped him and dh said he would not make it all winter so we have him don.t know what kind he isnamed him shortie.

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

bumer where did the cat and dogs go my puter skils could use alot of work but i don,t have time now it will have to not going to try that again that picture has probly gonr back to photo shop that where thr yellow rose went at least they are not out in space some where love nettie .

Booneville, AR

mekos that picture i posted is some kind of wart can,t remember. nettie

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Netties is Virginia Spiderwort Hmm Mine is Motherwort? No kidding///Yes there is a plant Id forum and I should have expanded my use and used it... your just all so smart and dependable and familiar...I resist . THat is so funny Jan....I Planted Motherwort seeds nothing anywhere where I planted them over a year ago....LoL its growing wild all over the property. Now I have to go research. Thank You Jan. Keep up the computer skills your doing great and on more than one thread at a go girl!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

and look at this little pretty!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

whoops sorry....

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Loca - I planted the sunflowers initially for the wildlife, but the tallest sunflower is now 17 FT and I'd like to save the seeds from that one for planting... just hope I get to them before the birds

Cue, make a baggie out of net- like you use for brides veil, and cover the flower seed part so birds can't pull the seeds out. That way the flower still gets sun and you can still see it and the birds will have to dine elsewhere.

Arejay, I gave up and went to Plant ID forum, I'm not smart enought to remember most plant names.LOL But I figured if we find out it's name this year, best to get help.
What is so weird Arejay, I have those around here growing volunteer everywhere and remembered seeing it, but had no idea what it was. So I wanted to know as well.

Well, Kaylee will be here shortly so got to go clean a little. Nothing gets done after she arrives.
I am working on my computer skills. I see you managed to post the 3 pictures on one post elsewhere !?! LOL
One day I will too. I tried half the night. I can get three boxes to show but no picture in the box. Back to the drawing board.

Booneville, AR

ok this clem is in the end of bog garden

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Very pretty Nettie much bigger than mine!!

Booneville, AR

the last clem picture is a repeat bloomer blooms off and on all season long the color is not bad either. nettie

Nettie those are just beautiful! You really take good care of your gardens and the plants show it. They seem to just show off for you. Thumbs up!!!

Does anyone know the link to go back to where Mitt was showing his Irises and we were planning to go Iris napp some while he was sleeping? I need to go back there and look at something and don't know how to find it.

never mind folks, i found it. thanks anyway.

Booneville, AR

i think it likes water that bed is very moist every thing in that bed does good nettie. have you herd anything from enid.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Nettie, your clems are absolutely goreous! Your gardens are so pretty! You are obviously very good at caring for them! I agree with Mekos, They all look SO happy! Nice job! Well done!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to pop on and share some good news with you.. Today Courtney and I went to a recording studio and recorded a 2 song demo cd! She is sending it to the Carl Perkins Child Abuse Center in Jackson, Tn and if the board likes her, they will ask her to sing for their televised telethon in August! Carl Perkins keyboard player saw her perform at open mic and hooked her up with the people there. She did "I Told You So" and "When Love and Hate Collide" .. It was an amazing afternoon..
Some other awesome news about Courtney.. We just found out that American Idol lowered the age to 15! She turns 15 on July 7th and they are doing the first auditions in Nashville from the 15-17th of July! We already got our room booked and we are going!! I cannot wait! I will keep everyone posted on how everything is going. I have been busy with that and trying to get her videos organized and new ones uploaded to YouTube. I guess I am now her official YouTube manager so she says! I really just wanna be her road groupie mom/hair & makeup stylist! I am really enjoying this, can you tell? ;-)

Sandi, I haven't sent you your prize pot from Silver Bullet & me, but I promise it will be worth the wait.. I will get it out for you this coming Monday. I have a couple of noids that popped up in my yard that I might ask you guys about tomorrow. Til then, goodnight and seeyatamarra!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yeah Mechelle! That is awesome news about Courtney. Tell her I said "you go girl"!!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

WooHoo!!! Congrats Courtney!! We love you!! We all want to be groupies for her, lol! Can't wait to see her on the road touring the whole country, Mechelle! We will all be out listening to her sing in our areas, ;-)
Mechelle, it's good that you haven't sent yet, as it turns out, as I have to be gone alot over the next couple of days, and I wouldn't have a lot of time to tend to them! Timing is much better for next week! Thanks!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

YEAH!!!! Courtney and Mechelle!!!!

YE-HA!!! WAY TO GO !!! Congratulations Mechelle and Courtney. Can't wait to hear her on American Idol. I know she will do good. You tell her, I got faith in her and don't sweat it, It will be fun and GOOD! WOO-HOO!!!!!
On the road again, just can't wait to go on the road again, making music with my friends and then,
touring all the things to see, just can't wait to go on the road with Mechelle and Courtney.
Woo-Hoo!!!!! I'm ready!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hi All.. Nettie your gardens are beautiful.. Mechelle, we are all excited for you and Courtney..Just be sure to keep us informed so we dont miss an episode..Its my DH favorite show.. Would be nice to feel a connection to someone there singing, I sure feel like she could win it..It wont be easy tho and its alot of work and time away from home..All worth it in the end tho even if she ends up in the top 10, they tour and do concerts.. Would be such a nice way to get her start..

The temps are over 100 here and the humidty is high and the soil is dry dust.. You cant water and make a mud hole for over 5 minutes.. The ground just drinks it up..Im having to water daily and for potted plants 2 times daily..

Heres a contest happening in the brug forum.. Guess how many seeds in the pod..

Another contest in brug forum Name the pod parents.. Both contest are for a chance to win seeds..

Enjoy Trish

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Mechelle will remind us when she is going to on tv? Will you ad the you tube link again too???

Hey you guys, Charleen of the RRM and Charley duo, just WON the photo contest at the british gardens forum!
Congratulations to you and Charley. Show us all the winning photo Charleen.
I'm so excited, you'd think I won.
Mojitos and cookies for everyone! Woo-Hoo!!!!!
Congratulations! Lots of good news around today!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Lol way to go RRM and Charley and Mekos!!!! Wohooo

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Good Morning! Thank you guys for all of your support! Even if she doesn't win Amer Idol, I think every bit she does just adds to her experience and confidence. She has come such a long way and I just hope all her dreams come true. Here is the link to a new video I added a couple days ago. One of my favorites.

Congratulations RRM! Mojitos in the morning! Woohoo!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Iris sale is open Dmail me if you have questions

Booneville, AR

huney the temp reached 100 here today but i kept the water going anyway then i came in and crashed on the couch now im nursinh cold coffee and a hot soft drink im not recovered yet but im working on it, dh thinks im nuts but he playsd golf now i think thats crazy.may get some rain soon may not. nettie hang in their girl. nettie

Booneville, AR

another lily it seams everything is needs a drimk the butterfly was sucking it dry

Thumbnail by littlenettie
Booneville, AR

mekos where are the pictures of rrm and charley i don,t see them. nettie

Booneville, AR

friends im going to bed hope its cooler today love xnd hugs to all nettie

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

We're off tripping again, this time driving into the Adirondack mountains to a little cabin in the woods. Wife's last day of school so we're leaving this afternoon, back next Thursday or Friday. Maybe get away from some of this heat and humidity. Garden is growing great though.


Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Have fun n your trip, Al. Lucky you!

Nettie, pretty Lily pics..

I had 3 hibiscus blooms today. Gotta get them sprayed before the bugs completely do them in..

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Like this color a lot

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Caught a little bee poking his head out..

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

This daylily I had marked as "Olive Bailey Langdon" but turns out thats not what it is. I think this one is cool but don't know the cultivar..

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Does anyone know what this is? It has pretty little red flowers but has leaves like La. Iris. It just popped up out of nowhere and I have never seen it. I will put on Plant ID but thought I'd check with you guys first.

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

One more Noid.. Same thing as the last one. has leaves like La. Iris with this flower. Anyone know what it is?

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Last one ;-) My Hollyhock bloomed finally. This is the one I got from the nursery for $1. It's like 5 ft tall already and I don't know if you can tell from the picture but it's a pale yellow color. Gonna go take a nap for a while.. Not feeling good today. See you all later ;-)

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Pretty blooms Mechelle... That red one looks like it might be some kind of Crocosmia? The other one looks like some kind of Lily maybe?

Maybe mekos or RRM will know for sure...

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