Summer Blooms!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

I just planted 4 shasta alaska, but I cant see them for the other things Ive OVER planted !!! Ineed to remove some Tithonia mexican sunflowers,was wanting to wait to see how pretty or ugly they are ,They have little orange flowers on big green leafy plants ,an if they are not full of blooms soon Iam pulling them !!!!!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

ive lost the tag,anyone???going to be full of blooms soon,Ill post it again

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by huggergirl
Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Hugger, I hope someone knows the name of that plant - it's gorgeous! Here's an unnamed daylilly -

Thumbnail by sherriseden
Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

More unnamed daylillies ~

Thumbnail by sherriseden
Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

And another one. A couple are unnamed because they were in the bargain bin without tags, the others I just got mixed up as I was moving them around . . . I can't leave my plants alone, I move until I like (and they like) where they are!

Thumbnail by sherriseden
Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Here's yarrow 'Red Velvet' ~

Thumbnail by sherriseden
Madison, WI

That purple dailily looks just like "Prairie Blue Eyes" if the center is yellow.
The red one is very nice too. I have missed the flowers again. Mine seem
to last one day. Is that usual for daylilies?

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

enya ,Hence the name Day lily... LOL you are too sweet...Tamara

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Cute!! : )

Enya, I think you're right about it being Prairie Blue Eyes? Just curious - out of the hundreds of thousands named daylillies out there, how on earth did you guess the name of this one?

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

My daylilies this morning

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

My tree Lilies this morning too.

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Madison, WI

It's such a shame to see those large flowers disappear so quickly.

The only reason I guessed is because I have it and it's in bloom right now and I took pictures, but as usual one or another gadget needed to post them is missing at the moment. I was not into daylillies a couple of years ago. But then I saw how happy they can be in a neglected area and how well they can handle dry spells and my heart changed. Now I am a lily lover too :) I have got a mix of pink ones and will get more color next year hopefully where right now is mostly weeds.

This year I am going to see new oriental lilies bloom, got at the RU the year before. Can't wait for them to open - such a gorgeous fragrance especially at dusk. Have not figured the blooming pattern of them yet, but I'll get there.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

enya ,you are soo right,they dont last long enough,my tiger lilys and orientals are not doing as well this year ,I need to dig and amend the bed,this fall.Tiger lilys are my favs any varitiy or color,Iam not sure that I even have any star gazers left,talk about FRAGRANCE,WOW.Tamara

Waterloo, IA(Zone 4b)

First time this daylily seedling has flowered for me..... it is on it's 4th summer.


Thumbnail by allnitro
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey jeff,Iam looking for On Stage at Ralphs request....I had no idea that even liked hostas,till after he talked to you ....Boy I thought he just tollerated my greenthumb!!!! Nice daylily, patience pays off...

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

cece.I love those tree lilys,as I said before my lilys are kind of sad ,I have good ole orange ,but the others are small,I didnt even take photos of them,dissapointed = { iam reposting this tigereye rudbeckia,it is just soo pretty with the candytuft,and dianthus

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

cleome 1st time Ive ever grown it ,I love it,so abstract...

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

These both were freebies,choc basil,it is soo cool ,and the grass is it Hierba Adagio ???

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

beebalm and liatris

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

my sickly hydrangas,Ive treated them... waiting

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Here this one is again,getting real pretty,maybe I should open a book and look it up !!!

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

bell flower maybe?

Didn't really take to close a look, I may be all wet, Yeah dripping the humidity is horrid.

I love Cleomes and had the darndest time finding some. At the round up Sheri brought two seedlings and I snapped them up then a couple weeks ago we went to Home Depot for something and these 6" patio containers with Cleomes jumped up and bit me on the nose so I brought two of them home and there were 5 plants in one pot and six in the other so I am a happy camper.

Madison, WI

Your plants always seem to hug each other in a nicest way: height and shape coordinated. I am trying for that look very hard. That blue looker is a mistery, but I don't think it's a bell flower somehow. The way the flowers open is different.

This is a stunning daylily seedling! I am especially partial to the two-toned ones. Isn't it incredible that half of the petals get to be one color while the other is completely different?

I did grow some from seeds I got in trade. And although some people said they'd bloom in their 2dd or 3d year I had to wait 4 as well. Nothing as impressive as yours but it's so much fun to see the flowers at last. Here are some of my daililies, they all seem to be in bloom at the same time. Not sure why after 4 years they all seem to be 1-2 eyes. I must be doing something wrong here.

This is my favorite red

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

Even "Frans Hals" is a not increasing... but it blooms and it fun.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

This shade of orange-red looks really nice in the shade, where it grows.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

This is a pretty pink I have.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

This one is of a deeper color. Now I need to figure out how to plant around them. I have put all the daylilies together, which does not look really nice. What do you guys plant next to daylilies?

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

Three seasons in the life of the milkweed flower.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Waterloo, IA(Zone 4b)

hugger girl.................good to hear Ralph has shown an interest in plants from "The Dark Side".
Sounds like you have property that will grow them very well...........I am sure we can find an 'On Stage' for him somewhere. I like to rub, then smell the cleomes.

Ev...............very nice daylily blooms you show. I would like to grow more from seed but I have found out I have too many other seeds growing that I don't have room or time to do so..................................maybe I will switch to them for a winter or too.

This seedling opened on it's 2nd summer.


Thumbnail by allnitro
Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

The daylillies are gorgeous! And, Enya, love the milkweed. But, doesn't it need lots of water? (I say this on a day I am totally sick of dragging my hose around!)

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

I'm learning collages on Picasa. This is what is blooming in my yard now.............

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

I was wondering what i was smelling when i watered ,didnt ck it out now i will.I have some chocolate basil down there too,Iam going to save that for the r-up..Ev your lilies are coming along nicely very pretty,I wish I would have kept some that I had ,dug them up and gave them away,I love them but not in my garden !!!! now Iam thinking maybe ..The reason everythng looks all cozy is because I sooo over planted,things Ive never grown and boy they are a lot bigger than I thought.Jeff I forgot to say that lily is beautiful it has so much texture,very cool.Sherri,Iam dragging the hose around too,I have 3 lines each with 100ft of hose,I keep telling myself,its a good workout ,while Iam *#!*#!.i had a heat induced fit over leaking hose fittings,well the 3 things that were causing me problems are no longer in use or can be used.....LOL I feel better now. cece i love the collage of your beautiful lilies,very very nice

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Madison, WI

I am not sure how much they need water, but I do not water daylilies after they are
planted them and never watered the milkweed. I can only bear to drag those mile-long hoses
to plants like tomatos, alpine strawberries (if you water them, they'll bear berries until frost literally)
and anything I have in the pots.

It must be the rocks that do the spacing then :) I like the look of your beds.

Your lilies are so beautiful! What a strange name tree lilies. I should start doing collages maybe that will
give me some idea of what goes with what.

That last daylily is seriously ruffled. Does the texture show at the distance you see the flower in the garden?
I know that all mine looked much more showy in the pictures than in the garden setting.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

iam just loving this cleome

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

2nd flush of blooms on this peppermint twist phlox,well worth 8.50

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

blackberry lily,1st bloom

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Madison, WI

Oh Tamara, that pepermint is loaded with flowers. What a great find! Does it smell? I remember at my gran's garden ALL flowers smelled, here I have to ask :)

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

It does have fragrance,not like my pink old fashioned does.I am really impressed with it so far ,it was a walmart find !!!!

Albert Lea, MN(Zone 4b)

Beautiful blooms everyone! Thanks for posting! I still have to dust off the old camera, it can be a weekend project :)

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