Daily Pix # 323

Marlton, NJ

Nice shots GP!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Great pics!'

I was trying to get a shot of a red-bellied late yesterday when I noticed a bird higher up in the tree. My jaw about hit the floor it so took me by surprise when I saw that yellow tail tip! Not a new bird but it is a new bird to the yard. Hope it was checking out the fruit buffet!

Cedar Waxwing...(not a good shot)

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Nice Woodpecker and others GP, Nan. Congrats on the Cedar Waxwing! Awesome birds!

Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

gardenpom - those Blue Crown Conures sure are pretty. And the close-up of the Red-bellied WP is great.

huggergirl - I love your pics of the babes. How far above your head is the nest?

Lily_love - what a nice silhouette shot of the lady Cardinal.

pelletory - that area sweet shots of a Carolina Wren - you reckon its a juvenile?

ducbucln - I not for sure, but I think that House Finch is a Purple Finch. Anyways, it is a great pic. AND the pic of the male California Quail is good, too.

nanny_56 - good one of the female Cardinal. AND I haven't seen a Cedar Waxwing is a LONG time.

reddirtretiree - Then baby blues are so sweet looking.


This message was edited May 24, 2010 9:01 PM

Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Here are six I took over the last few days.

Resin ID'd this as a juvenile Cowbird.

Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

This American Goldfinch has it colors.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Brown-headed Cowbirds (a male here) are still around. I saw some more juvies yesterday.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

This Brown Thrasher was off a ways from me.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

It has been a little while since I snapped a Carolina Chickadee. I saw a Titmouse, too, but it I didn't have the camera at the time.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Last one for now, a male Cardinal. I've been seeing a LOT of male Cardinals in bright red plumage. I wonder if some of them could be juvies?


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Marlton, NJ

Nice shots nanny and Hack!

South Hamilton, MA

I think that house finches were native to the west coast & were let loose on Long Island by people who kept them as pets. My Long island native DH told me that one. Anyway they are mixed up here as a result.

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Well, I finally caught up with all of the threads. Fantastic pictures. I really love seeing the babies! Darned outside work interferes with my thread watching! LOL

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I fell a bit behind too, Granny!

Had this Red-eyed Vireo hanging out on the honeysuckle. Hope it was eating some aphids. Odd thing is that the first sighting I had of these was May 24 of last year. I guess right on schedule!

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Marlton, NJ

Great one to have Mrs Ed!

I was just taking pics of this little immature Robin but didn't see the one in the background till I uploaded the shots.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)


Mine have fledged too. They are in the area but I haven't seen them So cute.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Nanny, your little cardinal female is a cute one. You're lucky to be seeing the waxwings.

Red, great shot of the turkey and the bbs are adorable. Thanks for protecting them.

GP, beautiful closeup of your red-bellied!!

Hack, congrats on the cowbird baby!! I enjoyed seeing all your birds. According to my Sibley Guide to Birds, the juvenile cardinals are a brownish color with black bills that gradually change to orange.

Mrs Ed, it's amazing so many birds are arriving about the same date as previous years and yet everyone is saying the hummingbirds are late. Love that vireo.

Pelle, lucky you with two baby robins!! More pictures for us to enjoy that way!

We haven't seen but a handful of Starlings, but all of a sudden this one showed up with a juvenile that had a hard time trying balance itself on the branch. I just got one picture before they flew off.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

I was standing just a few feet away from this Calif. Thrasher as it grabbed some nuts. I'm thinking this is a very young one since they normally fly off when they see me so close.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

I haven't seen our Bewick's Wrens for about a week and now they seem to be everywhere.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

This Calif. Towhee enjoyed a bath in a tray of water.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Had to show you this guy that came for a handout of hollyhock leaves. Normally at this time of year our Black-tailed bucks disappear into the higher mountains, but it's still quite cold and the only good thing about that is that I get to enjoy my guys. This one showed up with three other bucks and was probably born in this neighborhood because I could get pretty close to him.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Marlton, NJ

OMG, that deer is adorable!!!!! That precious look on his face is priceless.
Great shots duc! I love the close up of the young Thrasher!

Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Mrs_Ed - that's a nice shady shot of the Red-eyed Vireo.

pelletory - nice shot of the baby Robins. I'd think with all the Robins I saw earlier, I'd have a few babies, too. Maybe I've just overlooked them.

ducbucln - Quote - "Hack, congrats on the cowbird baby!! I enjoyed seeing all your birds. According to my Sibley Guide to Birds, the juvenile cardinals are a brownish color with black bills that gradually change to orange." That's what I read, too, I was wondering when the males take on their pretty red color. AND i've had lots of Starlings and their juvies. I'll post some pics later. AND that's nice deer in velvet.

I've discovered that White-tailed deer have been hitting my feeders, two have been broken (their perches). I wondered what was knocking them to the ground during the night - I should have known. I was up at 3 AM the other night to get a sip of water, looked out the window, and saw three deer, several of my feeders were swinging. I observed one deer use her tongue to get some seed. Yesterday evening I sprinkled Cayenne pepper into the "hoppers" of my feeders. This morning all of my feeders are still full. The birds, however, are still chowing down. I read that birds don't have taste buds, deer do.

I wish I could have seen the look of those deers' faces. I've got to do it a few my times to make sure "the word gets out". Looks like I may have solved my deer-breaking-my-feeders-eating-my seed problem.


This message was edited May 25, 2010 8:33 PM

Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Here's a parent Starling and juvies.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Juvie #1


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Juvie #2


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Juvie #3


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Juvie #4


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

My last one for now, Juvie #5


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Oh Hack, your starling babies are just adorable. I really hope my one baby returns for pictures like yours. Great job! Congrats on solving your problem with the deer. Funny thing is my bucks were about 4 ft. away from my feeder outside my fence, but they and the others have never touched it. If they do, at least I'll know how to solve that problem-thanks to you!!

Marlton, NJ

Nice ones of the Starlings Hack!

Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

It was hilarious watching the juvie Starlings looking for food in the grass. They'd poke around for just a little while and then assume this pose. Oh course, the parents totally ignored them. They'd poke some more and then assume the pose again. And oh course, the parents totally ignored them, again. They cracked me up.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Another youngster being ignored.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

And another.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

The baby Cowbird just sat on a limb.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Those juvies are too adorable, great pics. Hack. I spotted the Great Blue Heron rough 100 feet away....

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Zooming in a little ...

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

...then the GBH spotted me!

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

I think I'm a bit behind here. Looks like everyone is seeing fledglings and juvies. They are just starting here. This is Robin's eggs, in my Blue Spruce.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Here is the little lady sitting on the eggs.

Thumbnail by burn_2007

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