Preferred feet covering

There are a total of 192 votes:

(23 votes, 11%)
Red dot

(27 votes, 14%)
Red dot

(3 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Just socks
(12 votes, 6%)
Red dot

High heels
(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

(17 votes, 8%)
Red dot

(100 votes, 52%)
Red dot

(9 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Love to run around the house in my socks.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Slippers are sufficient for me. Once they had made a survey of the health of feet of various people and they discovered that the farmers who work barefoot were credited with the healthiest feet!

kelso, WA(Zone 8a)

Barefoot is the BEST!!!....Ok, I wear flip-flops in my flower/vegie gardens..Don't like stepping on anything slimy!!...haha...meplant :) :)

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

I agree with meplant, except the sharp stones are my reason for the fliflops! I am the only person I know who never had any trouble with aching feet no matter what and I believe it is because the shoes go off as soon as manners allow!!!!!

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

I like barefoot but heelspurs won't let me.. I seem to be able to get away with slippers though..DH is a barefoot man..

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I just cannot do barefoot! I don't know why but it grosses me out. My favorite foot covering is just socks, but if I go outside, I slip on a pair of tennis shoes or flip flops (over my socks of course!) LOL

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

I voted shoes - sneakers, work shoes, garden clogs. I have very delicate big feet and they don't like being exposed to all of the hazzards a farm presents. I wear boots spring and fall - lots o' mud - and I have a pair of Doc Martin's for winter treks. Always WITH socks. I don't think I even own a pair of heels anymore - I get nose bleeds from excess height!

Raphine, VA(Zone 6b)

Barefoot is the Best!
I wear flip-flops or tennis shoes on hard gardening, my slippers in the winter and sometimes even out to do gardening,lol.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

It really depends on the task at hand and the weather. On warm sunny, summer days I'll wear sandals quite a bit (since I run in and out of the house, they're easy to take off). I even use the weed eater in my sandals (I like to live If I need to do some heavy duty digging, I may put on the also work for winter. If it's early morning with lots of dew, rainy or snow, I wear my water-proof rubber boots. I've only had a few walks around without anything on at all (my feet I mean). I rarely (almost never) wear traditional boots.

Montrose, PA(Zone 5a)

Barefoot for me inside,but tennis shoes outside. I'm getting to old for barefoot outside all those little rocks kill my feet!!!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

barefoot is good-but moccassins are the next best thing! So if I have to wear something its moccassins. If im in the garden digging I have to wear a harder soled shoe so then its sandals.
but im voting for a nice fuzy pair of moccassins!!!

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Slippers are what I love to wear ..I even go outside and wander in the garden wearing my slippers in the morning. But if I am working in the garden I have a good pair of sturdy lace-up walking shoes..comfort is the key!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I'm with Joan, I just can't go barefoot outside. And when I wear shoes, I have to have socks on with them (unless it's sandals and socks look funny with them!!) By the end of summer, I have a tan except where the socks came to.

Burlington, ON(Zone 5B)

Hi all, I'm new around here and you may as well get to know me from the feet up. Shoes and socks make me claustrophobic which may be one reason I'm not a big fan of winter. I voted for sandals, barefoot in the sand is the best, but first you have to get to the sand, so sandals it is, I'm still wearing them and plan to for about another month even tho it's getting just a little cool here in zone 5.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

high heels for me i'm afraid.. i need the extra height! but if i'm gardening my good old doc martens do the trick.


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

being a flybaby (another story) I mostly wear my tennies, but I love running around in my socks. Hottest day of the year and I still have on my socks. Just nothing else:)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I voted for bare feet (although I'm a flybaby, too tiG - sitting her in my Keds.)

For serious yard work, I love my Doc Marten laceup boots - they were a "fashion statement" birthday present from my kids several years ago, and now they're just the most comfortable, durable shoes I've ever owned. They'll probably bury me in my Docs. Or barefoot.

Plain leather tennis shoes are my "goin to town" shoes and the ones I usually slip on to run carpool :)

Sandals all summer;but I find that if I runaround doing housework ,in circles LOL, I am very slow in sandals! Now that's it's cooler,socks it is.Got 'em on right now>>> soooo warmmm.And my shoes ar fitting a bit too snug,ouch!Jane

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I am like notmartha. I would rather be barefoot but moccassins are my favorites after the winter dictates that I must wear something on my feet.

There's nothing like strapping on the copper-tipped boots and heading out on the farm and getting to work!

Additionally, you can drop a 500 pound log on your foot and it won't hurt at all. :-)


Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I wear Tevas...all the time, work and play during warm weather. My feet get cold so it's boots and tennies in the winter. Tevas last forever, can be worn in the water, thru mud and muck AND they wash off in the hose or shower.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

or laugh it off when a 1200 lb. cow steps on you - after you share some well chosen words with her, of course!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Shoes. I work around horses, have stickery things in the grass and garden soil. Leather tennis shoes are my everyday shoes, I use a riding shoe with a 1/2 inch heel and high tops when I go horseback riding, then in the house when I won't be going outside anymore it is warm fuzzy moccasins instead of slippers. I never go barefoot, have had too many accidents. I used to have a pair of low heeled dress shoes, not sure if they are here or went to the Salvation Army. Sure haven't missed them.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Well, I'm sure ya'll know my preference already, and NO it ain't duct tape! Barefeet, for sure! If'n I wear shoes I tend to stumble a lot. (and what w/my fear of height, well, it seems to me most shoes put me too far off the ground!) I do keep some flipflops in the truck for visits into town but have to drive barefooted and put them on when I get there. On the few times in the winter, or when on a particular job where I have to wear boots I have some "bro-gans". They, too, make it hard to drive changes the level of my clutch pedal so it makes me "stumble" when going down the road! Folks point at me and say "he must be wearing shoes today!" as I drive past. Other folks that see me on the street walk right past me ("ohhh...didn't recognize you with shoes on! You feelin' allright?") In the winter tho, I like to wear moccasins, especially the soleless kind. AND the fuzzy ones like dori mentioned. I need to find some for this winter seems RosieJane (puppy) has claimed my other ones. (anyone know a good website for moccasins,eh?)

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Guess I am in good company with boots, huh Dave? John

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

Barefoot in the house, sandals whenever I'm wearing shorts.

Brandon, VT(Zone 4a)

I love to go barefoot BUT there's so many painful hazards I don't do it often. I wear shoes but they have to be slip-ons like Merrells! Softer and more comfortable than a clog but just as easy to step in and out of and no heel to worry about.

Agawam, MA

Barefoot here - except when in the garden, then it's moccasins or garden clogs - something easy to kick off!

Boots for me.

My first farm job insisted on wellies or leather boots at all times and I got so used to wearing them I can't walk in high heels anymore. Wellies are supposed to be back for your joints so I've always padded the foot out with sheepskin or light rubber (for summer). In the summer I have a pair of sneakers I prefer as I can't wear sandals, I seem to target solid objects with my toes.

Indoors its a pair of soft sheepskin boots ... ahhh comfort.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Barefoot, pregnant and in.......well, into almost everything, all the time. Seems to be the way it has been for several years. LOL I do try to force myself to wear shoes to mow or dig, but sometimes I just get froggy and do those things in the bare as well-only the feet mind you. Indoors when it is cold, gotta have socks. But honestly, I don't get cold often. Have all those raging hormones! Most of the time people stop to admire or compliment, but when I mow and weed eat barefoot, I sure get some lip service. :)

Midland, PA

Barefoot - even in the garden. When we still owned the farm --barefoot too! I have the toughest feet (not pretty but definitely tough) around. I put my shoes in the car, drive to work and then put them on get to my desk (high heels) and take them off only put them on if I have to leave my desk or to get back to the car. In the winter I tend to wear fuzzy slippers with a hard sole, so I can wear them outside. When I have to wear shoes/boots, it's a pair of hiking boots with steel toes.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

I grew up barefoot in Hawaii and Taiwan but since we now are in the high desert country we have a plant called goathead that has seeds that have thorns all around it that sticks to shoes and dog feet and comes into the yard and house and when it pokes its ugly spines into you, you scream in pain and then the spots that the thorns went into itch for hours. Since goatheads are not easy to irradicate until you have stayed after the plants seeds for several years I choose to wear slippers now. Shoes are a pain and forget boots or high heels. Leather shoes are a must when you go out to do anything with horses, cows, or even the sheep or goats. They really hurt when they step on you even with leather shoes on. Hazardous life--farming/ranching but rewarding!!!!!!! Lani

I voted for sandals but...........Almost all day I'm in construction work boots. But the minute I come in.........I go as barefoot as I can which is sandals :-) vic

New Paris, OH

I voted barefoot as that is my preference but in the garden I usually wear ll Bean Beanboots or if it is dry and i am just harvesting I'll have my Birkinstocks on. for in town it's usually the birk's in spring/summer/fall and boots in winter.

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Great thread! I must love barefoot. I have been known to leave the theater or restaurant seat, get all the way to the sidewalk and then realize I was barefooted. They come off before I know it, and not as a conscious act. I've grown too old to get away with barefoot, as my feet seem more tender each year, so if I can't attend a function in my tennis shoes, I won't go. Need to find a nice cheap pair of gold ones for Christmas Affair. But I voted for slippers for two reasons: I'm at home most of the time these days, going out only when absolutely necessary. I wear some sandals with velcro straps and they are almost like slippers, no heel strap, to stores and labs and such. As soon as I return, my slippers are back on. I would be foolish to walk around with bare feet in this old rock house, as the scorpions have taken over for the last three years. Sadly, my nice fuzzy pair of leopards with the semi-soft sole are coated with mud because I'm terrible about being in too much of a hurry to get into the garden to put on shoes. I've gone from loving stilletoes to not being able to tolerate even the tiniest heel.

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

I am always barefoot! When I wear shoes they are ONLY berkinstocks. I haven't bought another brand in about 7 years! Even my white work shoes are berkies!!!!!!!!! Try them your feet will thank you! sue

Agawam, MA

Oh, how could I forget to mention my birkenstocks!! Like being barefoot and in comfort all the time!

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

I have to vote for barefoot too. Don't have shoes on unless I have to.But I do have to have socks on if its cold can't stand for my tootsies to get cold.But there is just something about wiggling your toes in the grass or the mud squishing between your

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Barefoot - guess it's the hillbilly in me. LOL

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