Spring Swap at Becky's - got plants?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

And finally - a thread for swapping/asking/begging for plants ^_^

Since I'm the one holding it - I'll list what I have shareable in garden and whomever wants some can dig some up ^_^

Geranium (purple)

Lysimachia - http://www.deerresistantplants.com/Lysimachia_punctata_Alexander.jpg

Violas - white and blue

"Generic" hosta

"Fat-plants" - Caudiciforms - trying to find a home for some caudiciforms if anyone is interested ^_^

Siberian Irises (Jill - tall white ones for you)

Anyone want a planter - just a regular, gray one I used on the deck - if not, in the garbage it goes

ANY annuals - as many as possible!

This message was edited May 22, 2010 4:47 PM

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

my Haves

Recent added Haves at the top

++Kerria japonica- bush with green stems, yellow spring bloom, can get huge and sucker

++Large Prickly Pear, hardy here with big hot pinkish reddish blooms, a pad to be rooted
++red Perilla seedlings- donnerville if interested
++red Amaranth seedlings - donnerville if interested
++ 'blue spruce " creeping sedum cuttings, unlimited LOL
++tiny green hardy Sedum acre or sexangulaire- Jill, two more left in baggies,--a tiny scaleleafed sedum that hugs the ground

++ lemon balm
++Fennel, green Florence though may be crossed with Bronze, or the bronze
++ Purple ninebark Summer Wine cuttings, not sure if they root easily but I am pruning anyway

=chocolate mint-rubyw and
=Penstemon digitalis- got from critter, self sows lightly, attractive rosette of leaves which puts up a spike of white penstemon flowers.
=Comfrey 3- Chantell and
=montauk daisy, a mum relative which has white daisies at mum time
=Iris, three kinds, 2 each, potted them last summer at dividing time so they be good and full this spring, Wabash is 2 or 3 pots, "mom's noid germanica tall bearded, "Lucy's " noid medium bearded,see them in my journal under perennials, all I have can be split except the white or peach
=oxeye daisy, common wild type
=Siberian iris purple, same one I passed around last year
=Lysimachia Firecracker
=Yellow Archangel -aggressive but good for a part shade place will hold soil
=daffodils, various, see journal 'bulbs'
=winter jasmine http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2346/ a well rooted baby ready to take off
=hardy passionflower vines- Crystal, and greenthumb and Froggy- I potted two last year and they have not sprouted yet but should, AND theres should be lots of suckers popping up soon, only hitch might be if they don't pop by Swap

=Naked Ladies, Lycoris http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/517/, (maybe Holly should get some so it'll be official that there's naked ladies in her garden)
=Verbena bonariensis
=grass seed-well, most people got lawns too and sometimes you just need a handful of seed!
=Heritage raspberry from my patch
=Redbud, have a third one not yet claimed, about two feet tall now that it's been growing
Sycamore- baby American planetree
=Osage orange baby trees

=Chantell Comfrey and blue spruce sedum
=coleup ++asparagus seed, half a pack which is about 30 seeds, fresh this year, Mary Washington.

=donnerville, cuttings of purple ninebark, red perilla and red amaranth if interested for red/ purple foliage

=greenthumb redbud trees, two of them, 18 inches tall, and yellow archangel- , white campion
passionflower- greenthumb, evening campion

=Crystal. a passionflower vine- Purple flowers

=for Bec Laurentia and pink snapdragons

=rubyw lysimachia and choc mint

=Catbird passionflower, naked ladies

=Froggy passion vine

=critter- sedum acre, sedum blue spruce (?)

A caudi from Bec- I have a desert rose that seems to like me (thanks jill) and would enjoy a small one of any kind.
Lamium silver or white foliage
Fall color items
Dry shade items
Native plants but not for moist spots, my yard tends too much to dry spells
Succulents, small ones, sorry but I have a ton of Autumn Joy already
A Sprite grape tomato--wonder who...

Offered to me, thank you!
greenthumb- New England Aster, wild ginger
crittero- Sprite grape tomato, lemon / lime basil
hart clustered bellflower

I'm think I'm current on givings- have been editing the haves a little, and won't bring it all unless requested

This message was edited May 27, 2010 7:52 PM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)


We would be interested in the redbuds and some Yellow Archangel. I don't have my Haves list together yet, what types of plants might you be interested in?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This message was edited May 25, 2010 6:44 AM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Can I reserve a Campanula 'Pink Octopus'? Thanks,

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, That leaves one more for the taking.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I am working on my HAVES as we speak and will post in the next couple of days.

Sandyg, if you have the passionflower vine I would love it.

HollyAnnS, if you still have the wisteria I am very interested.



Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly. I would love to have Campanula, Coleus, and Ornamental Sweet Potatoe plants if you still have them. Will post my HAVES later.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I will find it hard to carry over plants I have grown from seed-- to share--as the Swap is still a month away!
Most of my seedlings have already overextended their time to be planted--so I do not know how I could still have them in "swappable" condition by Memorial Day???

Like--I could dig up more Shasta daisies--but in another month--they will be in full bloom-- and then some.
I am struggling right now as it is to keep my seeded plants to a manageable size---the in-and out--many times over--has taken it's toll. My Tomatoes are 14" tall--and cannot be kept out of beds any longer. Planted mine this morning....The extras will go to people at work.....Will try to give all of the extras away to people that I know are serious gardeners--not just some "I want....I want...." people.
NO WAY i could still have them to swap by the time of the "Swap"....

I have oodles of Coleus cuttings---3 times taking cuttings from cuttings from the original cuttings....ALL growing and big! I cannot even imagine the size, or condition, these will be in one more month!!!!

Me thinks Plant Swaps should be by end of April--or no later than Mother's Day.....

I will do the best i can......with whatever i have left that is NOT past their date to be planted.....I would NOT pass up going to Bec's for this....It was so much fun last time!

I will post my "Haves" shortly......Haven't yet gotten my list together.....for all the reasons above.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Crystal, I sure will have passsion vine for ya. Once you have it I think you can never NOT have it. (get it?)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Sallyg....I am sooooo excited for the passionflower vine. What color are the flowers?

HollyAnnS...thank you!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, I've had some seriously tall and rootbound 'mater seedlings (in 2 inch pots) left over for past swaps... earlier is better, but as far as I know these big plants did just fine (told people to bury at least half the stem when planting). Coleus & basil can be pinched repeatedly to keep the size of their tops manageable. Any divisions that get potted up, well, once they're in their pots they'll keep just fine. Of course, what you keep to bring is up to you, but I'm just mentioning what I've done in the past.

I just spotted a couple of volunteers (not sure if they're seedlings or the result of layering) in my front bed, from my Clematis virginiana... http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/87455/ I will try to pot them up! It's fun to look around the garden and see stuff like that. I know if I can pot them sooner, they'll be looking good for the swap, but we'll see what I'm able to get done. ;-)

I'll probably have a few tomato and basil plants available, and you know I'll bring Chocolate Peppermint and my favorite Kentucky Colonel Spearmint! If anybody wants a list of varieties on the tomatoes, I can do that, or just let me know if you're looking for a certain color or type... won't have a lot of any one thing, as I only started 4 or 5 seeds of most varieties, but I started a dozen or so varieties LOL... I have room for 1 flat of plants and ended up with 2 flats, but some of those will go to neighbors. I also have some extra cherry tomatoes (Wild Cherry, Sprite (red grape), Dr. Carolyn (gold), and Cerise Orange).

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have been the recipient of some of those leggy tomatoes from you--and, yes. they did OK. Laid them out in the soil like in a coffin.....
I planted my 5 Tomatoes 2 days ago--as well as my Basils and parsley. These all went into 10" pots--kind of a mass planting....Years before--I grew them in a window box, but I think the roots just need more space.

Today--I delivered ALL the promised plants lovingly cared for and carried in and out in and out, to my Store Manager, Donn., He is off the next two days and will plant everything.....I hope! Left him my phone # in case he needs some reassurance.....When it comes to gardening--I am HIS boss!....:o)

Also gave away the rest of my "extra" tomatoes to some favorite co-workers that I know are gardeners. No more left! Whoopie! Well--I DO have 2 Potato Tops left. I planted one.....Have to give these to very deserving people....

Planted one of my Tomatillos--the TALL ones I showed earlier--and gave the other two to Edgar at work (he's from Venezuela) and he was SO happy that he said it made his day! He cooks all kinds of sauces and salsas.....PERFECT! A match made in heaven!

I will have plenty of plants for the Swap--just haven't taken inventory yet.....Definitely--a LOT of Coleus--as mine have now been through 3 pinchings--and everything is growing....INSANE! THREE trays full!
Glad I have a semi-shaded garden.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Being a new gardener and renter I only have common plants to swap this year. Next year I am sure I will have a much better variety, so sorry if this list is boring...... :-(

P.S...will be closing on new house very soon which means I can collect more exciting varieties! Yeah


(6) English Lavender-rooted cuttings...Critterologist 1
(4) Rosemary-rooted cuttings...Critterologist 1

Shasta Daisy-seedlings
Mammoth Sunflower-seedlings
Forget Me Not-seedlings

This message was edited Apr 24, 2010 10:09 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Welcome, MG, and congratulations on yoru new house... we'll have fun helping you add plants to your garden there! I know your lavender & rosemary cuttings will be popular... in fact, I'd love it if you could please put me down for one of each of those, if you have enough to go around. :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll post a much more extensive list later, but I need to know now if anyone wants pussytoes plants? They're blooming now so it's a lot easier to find them. They're a native plant here but are good for rock gardens or a groundcover in a very dry spot.

I'm not having a lot of luck finding a photo that shows how much the blooms really look like little pussy toes, but this page at least has photos that show the foliage pretty well. The flowers don't look anything like the top photo here but a lot like the pink ones below except they're white. They're a lot fluffier/furry looking than the photos.


If anyone wants some, let me know soon.

Holly, could I possibly get some quince and Virginia blue bells from you?

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I am so excited about the new house! I got a chance yesterday to look closely at all the gardens and they are beautiful. Lilacs, clematis, bleeding heart, virginia blue bells, rhododendron and sooooo much more. There is s strawberry patch that seriously could be a pick your own. We close end of May so I will finally have a place to bring all of my lovely new plants from the swap.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Got ya Hart

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks, Holly.

Well, now we know where we'll be holding the Mid Atlantic Gardening and Gobbling Strawberry Festival next year. ;>) New house sounds terrific. Post pictures please. (Not here. Start a new thread just for us to help you wallow in new house fizzledegibbetry.)

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

We have excess of a number of native plants that will probably not be dug unless there is expressed interest., so please d-mail me well in advance on these items:

Mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum

Virginia Creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Wild Yam Vine, Dioscorea quaternata http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/136738/
This is a short (5’) vine that can be free-standing. It has interesting whorls of heart-shaped leaves that display nicely and it will grow in full shade.

Lyre-leaved Sage, Salvia lyrata http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1003/ , in bloom now, will grow in half shade.

Rattlesnake-Weed, Hieracium venosum http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/80915/ , in bloom now, has strikingly patterned basal leaves through-out the season.

Spotted Wintergreen, Chimaphila maculata http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/561/ , a very attractive, low growing plant for shady locations.

Germander, Wood Sage Teucrium canadense http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/82777/

Also, will bring if asked:
Pachysandra, P. terminalis
Vinca minor

Wormwood, Artemisia absinthium 3
Campanula “Elizabeth “ 4 - Ruby
Campanula “Bellringers” 4 - Ruby
Nodding Onion, Allium cernuum 3
Agastache rupestris 3 - Chantell
Agastache scrophulariifolia (Purple Giant Hyssop) 3
Agastache “Black Adder” 3 - Critter, Chantell
Agastache “Summer Love” 3 - Critter,
Agastache “Honeybee Blue” 4
Monarda unknown fuchsia colored cultivar 3
Monarda “Jacob Cline” - Critter,
Digitalis grandiflora, truly perennial, yellow. 11 - Gita(2), Doris (froggy3125), Donner(2), Devon(2), MGCrystal(2)
Verbascum blattaria f. albiflorum, White Moth Mullien 3-6packs
Calendula officinalis “Erfurter Orangefarbige” 3-6packs
Shasta Daisy 3 - Critter,
New England Aster (for sallyg)
Wild Ginger (for sallyg)
Viola triloba (for sallyg)

Shade or part shade friendly plants, especially woodland natives.
Anyone have Campanula americana?
Allegheny Spurge (Pachysandra procumbens)?

This message was edited May 12, 2010 6:44 PM

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Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've been potting up a few things here and there, will try to get a better list together...

Becky, did your "Aunt Erna" lilac survive the winter?

American Honeysuckle (Lonicera americana, not the invasive Japanese one) -- cuttings, 3 potted starts (Greenthumb, Foxy)

Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens, not the invasive Japanese one) -- cuttings (now in water to root)

English Thyme -- low growing, vigorous, good flavor, great edging plant (4 pots) -- Catbird, Froggy

Rose Petal Thyme -- wonderful scent, slightly silvery (4 pots) -- Greenthumb, Becky

Greek Oregano (1 pot, can probably dig more)

Variegated Ornamental Strawberry (makes runners for ground cover)

Pink-flowered Ornamental Strawberry (makes runners for ground cover)

Clematis virginiana, rooted starts (looks like 2 or 3 will make it)

Clematis montana rubra, rooted starts (2 probably) -- Ruby

Mint 'Crispa' (doublemint flavor, curly leaves, 1 pot, also rooting a few cuttings) --

Spearmint 'Kentucky Colonel' (will dig bag of rooted starts) -- Donnerville

Chocolate Peppermint (will dig bag of rooted starts) -- Donnerville

Mint, 'Hilary's Sweet Lemon' (Jim Westerfield hybrid, 2 pots) -- Donnerville

This message was edited May 23, 2010 9:53 AM

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Critter, may I request one of the English thyme please?

Crozet, VA

These are my HAVES to share:

Rose Campion - Fuschia colored
Jacob Cline Monarda
Sedum Autumn Joy
Sweet Woodruff
Burrows Tail Sedum - I am not postive of this name. It is a low growing sedum, could be used for ground cover. Spreads quickly. The coloring is almost chartreuse (sp?)
Day Lilies - Mary Todd, Happy Returns and Stella D'Oro
Wild Blackberry bushes
Two types of Old Fashioned Purple/Blue two toned Iris
Lambs Ear

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK! This is my FINAL "haves" listing......edited it just now. Deleted some--added some......

--Several, 2yr. old "Night Blooming Cereus" plants.........maybe 6 or so. Tall and healthy!

--Have some Red Epi cuttings rooting...no count yet....maybe 4?

--"zillions" (about 17 pots-full). of 2yr. old, rooted "Spider plants".... Several would make a great HB!--("catbird"--4...)
***REMEMBER!**** Spider plants are sold as "accent plants" in combo planters for good money!....
Then you dig therm up and bring them in as houseplants....

-->b>"Swedish Ivy"-- 2 HB-full...literally! Rarely seen in stores any more.....I keep rooting them....

--Rooted "Beef-Steak Begonia" leaves. Not yet leafing out--but they are all rooted. About 8-- 4" pots-full.

--Will have several potted "Angel-Wing Begonias". (6) Two cuttings in each pot. ...("froggy"-one)

--"Pregnant Onion" plants from last year's divisions---many! In clay pots. Also--lots of "Baby", rooting Pregnant Onions...

--"Wintersweet Shrub" seedlings--(3). One year old--self-seeded--dug up and potted. (Hart--1)

--Have started a bunch of "Canna" starts (10). Dark leaves--orange blooms. Some are already sprouting--others--not
yet. Rest assured--they will! These are "single-eye" divisions that broke off of the bigger divisions. (Ruby-- 3....

--Lots of "Tiger Lily" seedlings. Winter-seeded last year. About 3" tall. No need to reserve!

--Need to dig up a bunch of "Shasta daisies" as they are infringing on other plants. Have plenty of takers at HD---
but--DG gets first dibs! D-mail me if any of you are interested--or post it here, please.
I need to dig these up so i can plant my "Shasta Alaska" daisies I grew from seed....They are getting really big!
Remember? In my garden something old has to go if I want to plant something new.....No spaces otherwise!

--Rooted Coleus...asst colors. ("Grerenthumb" asked for some--getting 8; so did "Froggy"..getting a 6-pack) I am not tagging the rest. There is a full flat left that are not claimed yet. They are in the 2 1/2" peat pots.

--Pinched off tips of all my Chrysanthemum Pacificum and they are now rooted....many 4-packs....See this in PF.

--Have about 6 or 8-- 3" pots of rooted Greek Oregano divisions growing.....Already pinched them back.....
This Oregano DID survive outside in this harsh winter....Just in it's 10" pot, above ground...
Had to dig up the spreading plant-shoots from last year and pot it up.

--A tray-full of "Northern Sea Oats" in 4" pots. Many sprouts in each pot. These self-seed a lot...Do not plant in beds!
That is where I have been digging these up from.
Great by ponds and by the water--or in any out-of-the-way place. Similar to Ornamental Grasses--but makes "oat" seed heads..
Has some desirable Fall color.....Look in PF.

--Two 6 packs of 4' O clocks--"Broken Colors" seedlings....Will cut packs apart into singles. All you need is one or two!

--Some rooted X-Mas cactus. Most likely that hot pink or red.

--Two small, rooted, pink Brugmansia cuttings. NOT the Rose Souvelons I had in years past.

This is all!!! Last "edit" for my "haves"......

My Requests:
"Greenthumb"---a couple of your yellow Digitalis
"hart" or Jill--Two cuttings of Coral Honeysuckle. I will root them!

Besides all the above----
I want to get rid of my many years old--never bloomed-- "Night Blooming Cereus".aka--"Queen of the Night"....
Got it as a cutting from CA in 2006. It is about 4' tall with a lot of foliage and "shoots" that I keep cutting off...
GEEZ! 4-foot shoots???? What for????
Tired of lugging it in and out---in and out.....It is in a 10" decorative pot and is 4yrs old.
First SERIOUS taker gets it! BUT!!! You have to be at Bec's Swap to pick it up!


This message was edited May 20, 2010 7:00 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Scroll down...I duplicated...ugh

This message was edited May 27, 2010 7:51 PM

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita: may I have a few of your spider plants and some coleus, please

SallyG: a hardy passionflower vine if available and naked ladies

Bec-No-Va: a caudiciform please

Holly: Vines please and maybe some Hosta

Thanks All!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gita, could I have one of your wintersweet seedlings?

Chantell, I'd love an agave and some blood maple. Is the jasmine hardy? If so I'd love some of that too.

Crozet, VA

I am going to plan on keeping an eye on this board as people add things here. I am requesting that anyone wanting any of what I am offering to please DMail me. I plan to DMail for the things I want from each person individually also. I believe doing it this way will save me some headaches. I hope that will be okay with you folks.

I also have another plant to offer the group.

Lily of the Valley

I hope that some of you will want some of the things I have because these are all extras. I am getting excited about this!!!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think this must be from Critter's honeysuckle. Is this the one you're talking about, Critter? It's beautiful and blooming its head off right now. The wisteria in there is Amethyst Falls, an American wisteria that isn't as invasive as the Chinese or Japanese and it blooms pretty much from the start.

Thumbnail by hart
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yep, that's the coral honeysuckle, Hart. I traded some peach colored irises for it from a DGer in TX, because I knew you were wanting one. She sent a big division (yours) and a little piece along with it.. that little piece that I kept sure has grown! I need to take some cuttings and see if I can start them rooting in water (I know Greenthumb wants one!).

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


If you can spare some cuttings of the Coral Honeysuckle (for my Manager--not me!) I would love to have one.
I will root it and nurture it for him until it is ready to be planted in his garden. .

Your other H-S is blooming for him for the first time--as I cut it back pretty severely a couple of years ago so I could dig it up and give the whole plant to him.
So--it had to re-grow and is now blooming.....He just LOVES all his plants! I think his whole garden consists of plants i have given him--as well as all his Tomatoes, your Italian Basil and my daturas and 4 O'clocks (his ABSOLUTE love affair with them is inexplicably crazy!) . He now has his whole driveway lined with them.

One day at work he called me from his office----I said "OH! Hi, Donn!" (I can tell where the calls are coming from) and he just said---"Gita! I love you!!!" Of course, I replied--"I love you too!" ( I do!--We all do!)
Then he went on and on how beautiful his garden was and how he loved everything growing......

What an "upper!"....I am sure next year he will be transferred to another HD. How we will all miss him!
Not sure how all this "growing plants for him" will work after that......He lives more than an hour north of here--in Cecil Co.
Thanks, Gita

PS. It just started thundering and pouring rain here....it is 7:15PM.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill--Thinking ahead--could you please take a really nice picture of the Coral H.S. and send it to me? D-mail is OK.

Whenever i give Donn a plant--I like to print out a picture of it so he can see what it looks like....
His mind never stops roaming all over everything he needs to attend to--literally.
We can be in the middle of a conversation and, all of a sudden he will just say--"OH! Gotta go!!! and he is gone!

Most frustrating.......

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, Hart just posted one. And there are probably photos in PF. Sorry, I just have no confidence that I'll remember about the photo this week... too much going on!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You can see mine is doing really well, Critter. It's covered in blooms this year. I love the foliage too. It's kind of neat the way the stem comes up through the middle of the leaves. Here's another photo not so close up.

Thumbnail by hart
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Hart! I just checked my downloads from last week... managed to get a closer look at L. americana but not at the coral honeysuckle...

Here's Lonicera americana... the blooms change color (pink, yellow, cream) as they mature.

Thumbnail by critterologist
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter, would you like some cuttings from that American wisteria to plant with your honeysuckles? You don't need to build an earthquake proof structure to hold it and it does bloom pretty much from the first year.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got Aunt Erna's lilac next to the coral honeysuckle. :-)

I would like to find a spot for a wisteria, though... been thinking about it since my friend Sharron posted photos of the wisteria she's trained into a standard (like a weeping tree-form).

So yes, please, I'd love some cuttings... I'm assuming I should pot them up until they're well rooted and then plant them out this fall or next spring... Thanks!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I don't know if this one would lend itself to being trained as a standard. It's not that big. The plus side is it doesn't require a big, heavy support either and can be tucked in places where the other wisterias wouldn't fit and would take over.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK! I'll find a spot for it. (Actually, I may have a spot on the other trellis in front of the chimney, where I'm removing my thuggish Sweet Autumn clematis.)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Could I please have some of your perennial, yellow Digitalis?
Is this the same as other BIENNIAL Digitalis? I'd like to see a picture, please. Thanks! Is it in PF?

I know i asked Jill, but she has too much going on right now--so---Could I please have a couple cuttings of your Coral Honeysuckle? I will root them for my Manager.....

I would also like to have one or two Giallardia (Blanketflower) plants. Mine from last year died......:o(
Color is irrelevant.....

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