Spring Swap at Becky's - Chit Chat

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Figured I could make an attempt at being organized and start this thread for gabbing...

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Good luck! I will to put my side comments here! I have posted to the got plants thread and will be editing so please all look at it more than once.
Bec, would you want some Shastas back? They've done well.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I will be digging up a lot of Shastas too. They are just encroaching on other plants too much.
Already dug off a chunk from one of my two, huge clumps....the second one needs a lot of 'trimming" too.

I grew Shasta "Alaska" from seed--have 4 plants--and have now read that they grow to 3' tall and self-seed like crazy. Also--they sprawl and flop over and require a support or cage...No longer sure I have a place for these....
That is why I am thinking of digging up one entire Shasta daisy clumps.....and planting a couple of the "Alaska" daisies in that spot...

I am off 3 days--gonna try to put a dent in some gardening.....Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

looks like you'll have the great weather to do it in!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Having a for once lazy Friday - nearly done setting up both new laptop and desktop, tons of old info needed to be transferred to the new units and with the exception of some email addys I'm declaring myself done!

Anyway - wanted to ask y'all - who has a pop-up tent they can bring? I can borrow one and some chairs...also need a cooler or two for drinks/ice etc.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Assuming I can make it (will try very hard!), I will check the condition of our popup canopy and see if it's fit to bring. (It was getting wobbly in the wind, so we replaced it with a heavy monstrosity that is definitely not portable... I tucked the old one downstairs in the basement, but I just don't remember if I saved it because it was fine or saved it because "it can be fixed!" LOL)

Cooler -- no problem.

Of course, you realize that the room taken up by cooler, tent, table, etc. means less room to bring plants... good thing I'm a soccer mom with a minivan now! :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Sounds great - lemme know ^_^

I've done a little updating on the threads -food, who's coming and got plants - let me know if I need to add or delete anything ^_^

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


I have a portable canopy. Do you want me to bring it? I'm not very good at putting it up but it's got all the pieces. We use them every year for my dad's birthay BBQ. Let me know:-)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Bring it! I've got one that I think is still functional, and if I can't make it down I'll try to send it along with somebody... I have a folding table, also, that I'll try to bring/send.

The reason why there's an "if" is explained here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1093829/

I'm on the phone now trying to get surgery scheduled for this week so I can start chemo in the next couple of weeks... whether or not I make it to the swap will depend on when I get that first chemo dose and on how my body reacts. I'm hoping Terri or Bobbie or somebody up in this area will bring some plants down from me if I can't be there (they are already potted; I probably won't do much additional digging/dividing for this one).

I don't want to derail this thread, but wanted to post that link as well as to explain why I was being so "iffy" about swap logistics.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter, be sure to make your want list too. I'm sure we can get somebody to bring them to you.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Hart.. but given the number of plants waiting in pots here, I'm trying not to add to what needs planting! That doesn't mean my resistance will be 100% LOL.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

It would be great if you can come, if you feel well enough to drag your body to the swap don't worry about bringing anything else.
Since Ric and I are planning on attending both swaps I thought I would offer to ferry plants between swaps. Since Bec's swap is first you will probably have to come here to get anything you want from the other swap. But we can take anything up to the swap you might want to send.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Bec I also can give you some pink snapdragons from seed, from Jills swap so I don't know nuthin bout it except 'pink snapdragon'

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Sally - those would be great! Thanks - I'll let you chose what Caudi you want :) I have about 8 of them :) Want them all?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hart, I've got you down for 75 plain E-10 markers. I'm pretty sure they're continuing to take orders at this price through the end of the week, so if anybody else wants EON markers, LMK!

(sorry, I think I posted about them on another of the swap threads, but wasn't sure which one.. I think we're all following all the threads, though!)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Are these just permanent markers--OR--are they the kind of markers that do not fade on plant tags?
I do not know what "E-Markers" are.......
I would not mind having a few of the latter.....but only a few...like 6?


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

They are like the zinc garden markers that you see in nurseries... a u-shaped angled wire with a metal plate where you write the name (or use a laser printer with Avery clear laser labels -- my favorite method since Happy told me about it!). Maybe you would call them "plant tags" rather than "garden markers."

EON industries also offers 2 types of permanent marker pens (for use on the labels or elsewhere), and they can also be added to my order.

For more info, here's the EON Industries site: http://www.eonindustries.com/catalog/

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I am still confused---------------

ALL I want is some of the markers that do not fade outside so you can still read what the plant is/was when you planted it. A Marking pen.....

Is this included in the "markers" you are ordering?
By "markers"--by now--I am beginning to realize you do NOT mean "pens".....

I am not interested in the metal markers--like you had in our "goody bags" at the Seed Swap....
Just in pen-markers that do not fade on mini-blind plant markers.....


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Right, "Markers" does not mean "pens," but permanent marking pens are also available. Look at the links I posted, and all will be clear.

Yes, it's the same kind of garden marker I used to label the goodie bags at the seed swap.

I've been having good luck with the "industrial" sharpie marker (not the same as a regular black sharpie) as well as with the silver sharpie marker (good for dark surfaces).

I also wrote a DG article last year on plant labeling methods that might be helpful: http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/2306/

Hope that helps!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey guys, Ric and I will be leaving for Fl. in a few days. Ric's Dad is in the hospital. He had surgery a couple of days ago and is slowly improving. We are trying to get down there about the time he will get out. We are going to drop off our trades at Bec's house on the way down and if we can't get back up for the swap Sally will do our swapping. We really hope to see everyone but really just don't know what all Poppy will need or how long it will take to get him all set up.

Crozet, VA

Have a safe trip Holly. If you can't make it back in time - you will be missed - but we understand about wanting to make sure everything is okay with dad before you return home.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Is NO ONE interested to own my BIG NBC ????? D-mail me if you are.....

I need to give it away......Gita

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Okay, I give up. What's an NBC? LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Night blooming C.......something. LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks, Holly. All I could think of was the television network. LOL

Thanks, Critter. I hope the neighborhood dogs won't be able to stomp through and knock these around like the plastic ones I tried.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've shoved them almost the whole way into the ground (so the label is just above the mulch), and then they're pretty hard to pull up accidentally.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Night Blooming Cereus---aka "Queen of the Night"......It is in the Epi category.
It blooms at night--and the bloom is gone in the morning....
My big one has never bloomed yet...not enough light?..Not enough fertilizing? who knows....I'd rather pass it on....

It is about 4' tall with all the big leaves drooping downward....It is in a 10" pretty pot....

I will have several big, rooted starts of this also....

Here it is--Just took a picture of it.....Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, but this fall it will be my turn to try to pass along a pair of big, potted eips! (I did get mine to bloom, but I kept missing the event, LOL, and I guess I think I've grown them long enough and want the room for something else.) I think Gita's is prettier than mine... I'm guessing mine gets too much sun outside in the summer, so the leaves look a little beat up.

Whether or not I come will depend on when the next surgical procedure (sentinel lymph node) is scheduled... was hoping to do it today and be recovered by then, but doc wanted to wait until we got the biopsy results from yesterday.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Funny, Jill----
I plan to give my Epis a lot more sunshine this Summer--as that's what I thought was missing.....Why they haven't bloomed.....I was keeping them under my patio roof in filtered light.....Not fertilizing enough--or with the right stuff...
Besides--IF i have had to wait 4 or 5 years to see a bloom that only lasts one night--I need to have my head examined! At this point--it is time for "Good Bye!"...............

SO? What did you do to get them to bloom????? Give!

You go ahead and give away yours now--if you want.....I will post mine on Craig's List or put it in out local "Pennysaver"---OR----give it away to anyone that wants it.....

I do not have emotional attachments to most plants.....They are "just" plants.....If they don't perform, I will bide my time--do all I can--keep them healthy and growing--BUT, then comes the time when i say--"I've had it! Hasta la Vista!" Time to go!

That's what I am trying to do now. It is NOT the only plant I have to say "you better! or else!" to. Right now--
the other one is my Camellia.....It is getting cut back to hard wood tomorrow.....in hopes it will regenerate and re-grow to be as beautiful as it used to be....
I have exhausted all help from MikeQ (my cCamellia expert) and he agrees! i have done all I can---and now is the time to cut it back.

SO!!!! Anyone want Camellia "Bob Hope" cuttings????? IF you know how to root them--let me know NOW!
! I will bring them to the Swap. Should be a slew of cuttings.....I am cutting this shrub back to hard wooden stems....
Gonna get rid of all the soil and old mulch below it---spray everything well with Daconil and hope it re-grows for the second time this season....Will use up a lotof the Coffee grinds and pine straw and keep my fingers crossed.....

NOT giving up on this shrub! For this one--I DO have an emotional attachment......more for the person who told me I should buy it about 10 years ago at HD....He said--"This one is perennial--buy it!" I did!
He was a customer--his mane was Bernie--and he died less than a year later.....Same man who gave me my Wintersweet Shrub.....aka--"Bernies Bush".....I owe him.....

See? I lied! I DO get emotional about some plants! Mostly--if they are tied to a person I knew and appreciated....


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, I think mine just finally got old enough to bloom. I also don't think we're going to find homes for our epi's if we keep talking about why we're tired of them, ROFL! They really are interesting plants; I'm just trying to cut down on indoor pots. (Who am I kidding, though.. within a couple of years, the pots I've emptied out and moved to the basement will end up filled with some new wonder-plants and will again be crowding the morning room. LOL)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Gita - I think I can provide an excellent home for it! Got the perfect spot for the summer and a great one for the winter ^_^

Getting exited y'all - picking up a pop-up tent tomorrow, ordering the platters - yay!

No work this weekend so I should have plenty of time to play with plants and get organized, at least the deck ^_^

Gita - not a very good picture and of course not labeled, but here are one of the Estonian Clems

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That is a beautiful clem.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Bec-----You shall become the adoptive Mom of my big N.B.C.
Maybe you can bring it to bloom! Goodness---there are enough old leaves for it to come from!

Love the color of the Clematis.....Mine haven't bloomed yet--but the little "Piilu" has one bud...
The "Lady Betty Balfour" one is just climbing.....I believe the LBB is a category 3 Clematis...
They are mostly trying to take hold on the trellises..

Mission today---try to find fresh Cucumbers among all the Farm Stands here for my pickles....
I don't care for the waxed ones....
One of them (Hubers) is a "pick your own"---gonna, maybe, get some strawberries....about 15 minutes drive away....

Bec--just FYI--there is a slight chance my friend, Maggie, might come. Not holding my breath...
She is the one from WV. She was here yesterday--I gave her your directions...

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Everyone is welcome! Looking at the forecast - looks fantastic!

I just checked Brushwood's site and I think the Clem is a "Reiman" or a "Viola" - I got them 2 years ago, so well established and full of blooms right now - I was just out back and I have a Niobe I planted 3 years ago - it decided to use a Rose of Sharon as it's 'trellis' and full of blooms - 6 feet up!

This message was edited May 22, 2010 2:03 PM

Crozet, VA

Becky - I too in my excitement about the upcoming event invited a friend of mine to ride along also. Toni is a Master Gardener and has recently moved to a new to her home which needs some landscaping help she says. John and I loaded her and her hubby down earlier this week with goodies from our garden until she had to say stop - for now. I suppose we will try to do the same thing when fall gets here.

It sounds as though you are getting excited too Bec. I know we will have a great time. I love the swaps. See you all soon.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Yup - getting exited, I'll even have a comfy chair with your name on it :)

Crozet, VA

Cool Becky - A comfy chair sounds good even though we have on our list to take some chairs. They need to be wiped down from the dust they collected this winter.

John has spent the morning potting up the plants that everyone has requested. I am working on the same project that took up several hours of my time yesterday.....getting my screen porch cleaned and organized in order to have a nice home ready for my houseplants when I take them out later this week or next week.

I am going to take a short breather and then head back out and finish the job. After that I am not sure how I will spend the afternoon. We are missing a family reunion today that is taking place less than a mile from our home. We are really awful about going places. Neither of my sons wanted to go so I was not too interested either.

Anyway....off to check some other threads. I hope that everyone is enjoying their day.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Bad news y'all - Ric and Holly won't be able to make it here, nor will they be able to bring plants here for any swaps - keep them in your T&P's as they head to FL tonite...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ah, nuts, that doesn't sound good. I'm sorry. I'll be keeping them all in my prayers!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm thinking/ hoping they just ran out of time and energy to deal with plants after throwing a big party over the weekend.

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